50¢ AFRICA Resources for Education & Action This Third World Resources guide· in­ African Training and Research Centre for Pan-African Social Perspectives Centre, cludes information on organizations whose Women, P.O. Box 3001, Addis Ababa, B.P. 1501 . L'ancien Palais des Gouver­ primary concerns are the nations and peo­ Ethiopia. neurs, Porto-Novo, Benin. ple of the African continent. For information Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organization, Panafricain Women's Organization, 23 on organizations for whom this region is 89 Abdel Aziz AI Saoud St., Mania! EI­ Blvd. Colonel Amirouche, Algiers, Alge­ one among many concerns, see the other resource directories and guides compiled Roda, Cairo, Egypt. Tel : 845-495. ria. and published by Third World Resources. All Africa Conference of Churches, Waiyaki Regional Economic Research and Docu­ This Africa guide is divided into four re­ Way, P.O. Box 14205, Westlands, Nai­ mentation Center, B.P. 7138, Lome, Re­ gional sections: Africa (general), North and robi, Kenya. Tel : 62601. public of Togo. Labor and Development. West Africa, East and Central Africa, and All Africa Press Service, P.O. Box 14205, African Trade Union News. Southern Africa. Organizations in each sec­ Nairobi, Kenya. All Africa Press Service Women in Development Research Unit, tion are grouped according to their location Bulletin. Centre for Inter-Racial Studies, Box M.P. and-in the case of Southern Africa-by Association for the Advancement of Wom­ 167, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zim­ their country focus. en in Africa, c/o Joyce Mapoma, P.O. babwe. The back page of the guide offers infor­ mation on: (1) other directories and guides Box 35500, Kabwe, Zambia. In Europe Association of African Women for Research on Africa; (2) educational centers; (3) peri­ African Books Collective, The Jam Factory, odicals; and (4) films, videos, and other and Development, B.P. 3304, Dakar, 27 Park End St., Oxford OX1 1HU, audiovisual resources. Senegal. Echo; The AAWORD Journal. England. Tel: (0865) 726686. The staff of Third World Resources is Center for Women's Studies, University of Catholic Institute for International Relations willing to respond to requests for recom­ South Africa, 392, Pretoria, 0001, South (CIIR), 22 Coleman Fields, London, N1 mended resources for specific needs. Call: Africa. 7AF England. Tel : (01) 354-0883. CIIR (415) 835-4692, or write: 464 19th Street, Council for the Development of Economic Newsletter. Oakland, CA 94612-9761 USA. E-mail: 'tfen­ and Social Research in Africa (CODES­ ton ' on PeaceNet; 'cdp!tfenton' on Geo2. Ecumenical Documentation and Informa­ RIA) , P.O. Box 3304, rue Leon Damas, tion Centre for Eastern and Southern Af­ Fann-Residence, Dakar, Senegal. Tel : rica, P.O. Box H94, Hatfield, Harare, AFRICA (GENERAL) 23.02.11 . Africa Development. Zimbabwe. Tel : 50311 . EDICESA News. Development Studies and Research Cen­ Foundation for Women's Health Research ter, University of Khartoum, Khartoum, and Development, c/o Africa Centre, 38 In Africa Sudan. African Association for Development, B.P. King St., London WC2E 8JT, England. Environment Uaison Centre, P.O. Box Tel: (01) 379-6889. Sister Links. 1107 CD Annexa, Dakar, Senegal. Fa­ 72461, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel: 24770. £co­ mille at Developpement. Institute for African Alternatives, 23 Seven­ forum. den St., London N1 6BH, England. Tel : African Association for Human and Federation of African Media Women, P.O. People's Rights in Development, c/o (01) 251 1503. Box 50795, Nairobi, Kenya. Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Forum of African Voluntary Organizations Dragarbrunnsgatan 24, Box 1703, S-751 Botswana, P.B. 0022, Gaborone, Bots­ for Development, c/o CONGAD, B.P. wana. 47 Uppsala, Sweden. Tel: (018) 15-54- 4109, Dakar, Senegal. 80. SIAS Newsletter. African Bar Association, P.O. Box 3451, 29 Group for African Study and Thought, c/o La Tebu St., East Cantonments, Accra, Standing Conference on Ubrary Materials CRIDSSH, University of Oran, B.P. 1524, on Africa, c/o Main Ubrary, University of Ghana. El M'Nouer, Oran, Algeria. Tel: 39.70.50. African Centre for Democracy and Human Birmingham, P.O. Box 363, Birmingham International Movement of Catholic Stu­ B15 2TT, England. African Research Rights Studies, c/o Attorney General's dents, Africa Regional Office, P.O. Box Chambers & Ministry of Justice, Marina and Documentation. 62106, Old East Bldg., 4th floor, Tom World Council of Churches, Programme to Parade, Banjul, Gambia. Mboya St., Nairobi, Kenya. Tel : 502743. African Institute for Economic and Social Combat Racism, 150 route de Ferney, Organization of African Unity, African Com­ 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland. Development, Documentation Center, mission on Human and Peoples' Rights, 15, avenue Jean-Mermoz, Cocody, B.P. P.O. Box 3243, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In North America 8, Abidjan, Ivory Coast. Tel: 15-77-0Q. Africa Exchange, 2141 Mission St., Am . African Institute for Economic Development Pan African Women Trade Unionists, P.O. 202, San Francisco, CA 94110. Tel : and Planning, UN Economic Commis­ Box 61068, Nairobi, Kenya. (415) 255-7296. sion for Africa, B.P. 3186, Dakar, Sen­ Pan-African Centre for Research on Peace, Africa Faith and Justice Network, 3700 Oak­ egal. Development and Human Rights, c/o view Terrace, NE, P.O. Box 29378, African Institute of Human Rights, 43 Boul­ Department of Political Science, Univer­ Washington, DC 20017. Tel: (202) 832- evard Pi net Laprade, P.O. Box 1921, sity of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria. Tel: 3412. AFJN Information. Dakar, Senegal. Tel : 21.56.46. (042) 771-920. PACREP Newsletter. Africa Fund, c/o American Committee on This resource guide is published as a centerfold supplement in Third World Resources: A Quarterly Review of Resources from and about the Third World. Bulk copies (50 or more) of this guide are available for 25 cents each, plus 15 percent postage and handling (overseas add 25 percent). Send check/money order payable in U.S. dollars to THIRD WORLD RESOURCES, 464 19th Street, Oakland, CA 94612-9761 U.S.A. We welcome suggestions and additions for future editions of this guide. For additional resources on this region, see Africa: A Directory of Resources, compiled and edited by Thomas P. Fenton and Mary J. Heffron. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1987. 160 pages. $12.95, plus $1.50 postage and handling. o 1990 TWA Africa, 198 Broadway, Suite 401, New P.O. Box 89128, Atlanta, GA 30312. Tel: Eritrean Relief Committee, 475 Riverside York, NY 10038. Tel: (212) 962-1210. (404) 522-1420. Dr., Rm. 251, New York, NY 10115. Tel : Africa Guild, 163 W. 23 St. , New York, NY TransAfrica, 545 Eighth St., SE, Wash­ (212) 870-2727. ERC Newsletter. 10011. Tel: (212) 242-2388. African Jour­ ington, DC 20003. Tel: (202) 547-2550. Maendeleo Ya Wanawake Organisation, nal. ; Africa Guide. TransAfrica Forum Journal.; TransAfrica P.O. Box 44412, Nairobi, Kenya. Africa Network, P.O. Box 5366, Evanston, IL Issue Brief; TransAfrica Newsletter. Mazingira Institute, P.O. Box 14550, Nai­ 60204. Tel : (312) 328-9305. Washington Office on Africa, 110 Maryland robi , Kenya. Africa News Service, P.O. Box 3851, Dur­ Ave., NE, Washington, DC 20002. Tel : National Council of Women of Kenya, c/o ham, NC 27702. Tel: (919) 2~747. (202) 546-7961. Washington Notes on Wangari Maathai, P.O. Box 43741, Nai­ Africa News. Africa. robi , Kenya. Africa People's Socialist Party, P.O. Box National Union of Eritrean Women , Via 27205, Oakland, CA 94605. Gaeta 64/3, Rome, Italy. Africa Resource Center, 464 19th St., Oak­ NORTH & WEST Research and Information Centre on land, CA94612. Tel: (415) 763-8011. AFRICA Eritrea, Via della Dogana Vecchia 5, Africa Watch, 36 W. 44 St. , New York, NY 00186 Rome, Italy. Tel: 794.6137. Eritrea 10036. Tel : (212) 840- 9460. Information. Africa World Press, 15 Industry Court, Tren­ Algerian League for Human Rights, c/o Ali Shoga Women Group, P.O. Box 7393, Dar Yahia Abdennour, 19 rue Abane Ram ­ ton, NJ 08638. Tel: (609) 771-1666. es Salaam, Tanzania. African Arts Fund, 1158 E. 79 St., Apt. 6A, dane, Alger, Algeria. Solwodi, P.O. Box 86823, Mombasa, Ken­ All of Tunis Women for Research and Infor­ New York, NY 10021 . Tel : (212) 879- ya. mation on Women , 7 rue Sinan Pacha, 8428. Somali Studies International Association, African Council on Communication Educa­ Tunis, Tunisia. Secretariat of Research and Documen­ tion , P.O. Box 53398, Temple Heights Arab Organization for Human Rights, 17 tation, c/o Folklore Institute, Indiana Uni­ Midan Aswan , Mohandessin, Giza, Sta., Washington, DC 20009. versity, 506 N. Fess St., Bloomington, IN Egypt. Tel : 3466582. AOHR Newsletter. African Human Rights Research Associa­ 47401-3122. Tel : (812) 335-6734. Association for Constitutional Democracy in tion , 2 Assiniboine Rd ., Suite 810, Sudan Studies Association, c/o Dr. James Uberia, P.O. Box 29085, Washington, Downsview, Ontario M3J 1L1 , Canada. Hudson, Morgan State University, Bal­ Tel : (416) 665-8503. AHRA Working Pa­ DC 20017. Tel : (202) 526-6929. Liberia timore, MD 21239. Tel : (301) 444-3247. pers. Update. U.S.-Congo Friendship Committee, 7 E. 20 African Research and Communications, Association for the Defence of Human St. , 10th floor, New York, NY 10003. Tel : 1710 Connecticut Ave ., NW, Suite 302, Rights and Democratic Uberties in the (212) 505-{)170. Washington, DC 20009. Tel: (202) 265- Arab World , 67 rue de Dunkerque, Uganda Media Women 's Association , P.O. 9826. Frontline Southern Africa. 75009, Paris, France . Tel : (42) 82.07.81. Box 681, Kampala Uganda. African Studies Association , Emory Univer­ Association to Support the Committees for Women in Nigeria, P.O. Box 253, Smaru, sity, Credit Union Bldg., Atlanta, GA the Struggle against Repression in Mor­ Zaria, Nigeria. 30322. Tel : (404) 329-6410. African Stud­ occo, 14 rue Nanteuil, 75015 Paris, Women 's Rehabilitation Centre, c/o Chris­ ies Review; ASA News.
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