RETHINKING CANADIAN AID Page left blank intentionally 0051_Shields_Book_revised02.indd 6 14-11-14 6:25 AM RETHINKING CANADIAN AID EDITED BY Stephen Brown, Molly den Heyer and David R. Black University of Ottawa Press 2014 The University of Ottawa Press gratefully acknowledges the support extended to its publishing list by Canadian Heritage through the Canada Book Fund, by the Canada Council for the Arts, by the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences through the Awards to Scholarly Publications Program and by the University of Ottawa. Copy editing: Susan James Proofreading: Joanne Muzak Typesetting: Counterpunch Inc. Cover design: Llama Communications Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Rethinking Canadian aid / edited by Stephen Brown, Molly den Heyer, David R. Black. Includes bibliographical references and index. Issued in print and electronic formats. ISBN 978-0-7766-2211-8 (pbk.). – ISBN 978-0-7766-2174-6 (pdf). – ISBN 978-0-7766-2174-6 (epub) 1. Economic assistance, Canadian. 2. Canada – Economic policy. 3. Canada – Foreign economic relations. I. Brown, Stephen, 1967– , editor II. Den Heyer, Molly, 1972– , editor III. Black, David R. (David Ross), 1960– , editor HC60.R47 2015 338.91′71 C2014-908036-0 C2014-908037-9 ©Stephen Brown, Molly den Heyer, and David R. Black, 2014 under Creative Commons License Attribution—Non Commercial Share Alike 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) Printed in Canada Table of Contents Acknowledgments ............................................................................ vii Abbreviations .................................................................................... ix Introduction: Why Rethink Canadian Aid? Stephen Brown, Molly den Heyer and David R. Black .................. 1 Section I: Foundations of Ethics, Power and Bureaucracy I Humane Internationalism and the Malaise of Canadian Aid Policy David R. Black ........................................................................... 17 II Refashioning Humane Internationalism in Twenty-First-Century Canada Adam Chapnick .......................................................................... 35 III Revisiting the Ethical Foundations of Aid and Development Policy from a Cosmopolitan Perspective John D. Cameron ........................................................................ 51 IV Power and Policy: Lessons from Aid Effectiveness Molly den Heyer......................................................................... 67 V Results, Risk, Rhetoric and Reality: The Need for Common Sense in Canada’s Development Assistance Ian Smillie .................................................................................. 83 Section II: The Canadian Context and Motivations VI Mimicry and Motives: Canadian Aid Allocation in Longitudinal Perspective Liam Swiss ................................................................................. 1 0 1 VII Continental Shift? Rethinking Canadian Aid to the Americas Laura Macdonald and Arne Ruckert .......................................... 125 VIII Preventing, Substituting or Complementing the Use of Force? Development Assistance in Canadian Strategic Culture Justin Massie and Stéphane Roussel ......................................... 143 IX Why Aid? Canadian Perception of the Usefulness of Canadian Aid in an Era of Economic Uncertainty Dominic H. Silvio ....................................................................... 161 X The Management of Canadian Development Assistance: Ideology, Electoral Politics or Public Interest? François Audet and Olga Navarro-Flores .................................. 179 Section III: Canada’s Role in International Development on Key Themes XI Gender Equality and the “Two CIDAs”: Successes and Setbacks, 1976–2013 Rebecca Tiessen .......................................................................... 195 XII From “Children-in-Development” to Social Age Mainstreaming in Canada’s Development Policy and Programming: Practice, Prospects and Proposals Christina Clark-Kazak ................................................................ 211 XIII Canada’s Fragile States Policy: What Have We Accomplished and Where Do We Go from Here? David Carment and Yiagadeesen Samy ...................................... 227 XIV Canada and Development in Other Fragile States: Moving beyond the “Afghanistan Model” Stephen Baranyi and Themrise Khan ......................................... 241 XV Charity Begins at Home: The Extractive Sector as an Illustration of Changes and Continuities in the New De Facto Canadian Aid Policy Gabriel C. Goyette ...................................................................... 259 XVI Undermining Foreign Aid: The Extractive Sector and the Recommercialization of Canadian Development Assistance Stephen Brown ........................................................................... 277 Conclusion: Rethinking Canadian Development Cooperation – Towards Renewed Partnerships? David R. Black, Stephen Brown and Molly den Heyer .............. 297 Contributors ...................................................................................... 313 Index .................................................................................................... 321 Acknowledgments his book would not have been possible without a Connections TGrant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, whose generous support allowed us, among other things, to hold an authors’ workshop at Dalhousie University in September 2013, organized by Dalhousie’s Centre for Foreign Policy Studies and the University of Ottawa’s School of Political Studies, and ably coordinated by David Morgan. We are very grateful to all authors for their exceptional efforts to meet the tight timeframes of this project and to the other participants in the workshop who greatly enhanced the quality of the discussion. We also thank others who contributed to the success of the workshop, especially Jill Campbell-Miller, Mary Ruth Machan and Ben O’Bright. In addition, we would like to thank Taylor & Francis Ltd. for allowing us to publish Chapter 10, which has been adapted from an article that originally appeared in French in the Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, as well as the Canadian International Council for publishing excerpts from some of the conference papers on their OpenCanada.org platform (CIC 2013a) and hosting a live video con- versation on the theme of Rethinking Canadian Aid, moderated by John McArthur (CIC 2013b). We are also grateful to the University of Ottawa Press staff, especially Lara Mainville, Dominike Thomas and Elizabeth Schwaiger, for their support and assistance; to Dana Hayward, for help with the manuscript preparation; to Susan James for copy-editing, Linda Gustafson for typesetting, Joanne Muzak for proofreading and Heather Ebbs for indexing; and to the University of Ottawa for funding that permitted this book to be available via open access. Stephen Brown, Molly den Heyer and David R. Black December 2014 vii References Canadian International Council. 2013a. “Rethinking Canadian Aid,” September 16. Internet, http://opencanada.org/features/rethinking- canadian-aid/. Canadian International Council. 2013b. “Starting a New Canadian Aid Conversation: A Live Discussion,” September 17. Internet, http:// opencanada.org/features/the-think-tank/video/starting-a-new- canadian-aid-conversation-a-live-discussion/. viii Abbreviations AGDM Age, Gender and Diversity Mainstreaming AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome AusAID Australian Agency for International Development BCE Before Common Era CBC Canadian Broadcasting Corporation CCCI Conseil canadien de coopération international CCIC Canadian Council for International Co-operation CDFAI Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women CGD Center for Global Development (United States) CIDA Canadian International Development Agency CIDP Canadian International Development Platform CIFP Country Indicators for Foreign Policy CIGI Centre for International Governance Innovation CIRDIS Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en développement international et société (Interdisciplinary Research Centre in International Development and Society, Université du Québec à Montréal) CORA Canadian Opinion Research Archives CPDF Country Development Programming Framework (CIDA/DFATD) CSO Civil society organization CSR Corporate social responsibility DAC Development Assistance Committee (OECD) DANIDA Danish International Development Agency DFAIT Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade ix DFATD Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development DFID Department for International Development (UK) DND Department of National Defence DPG Development Partners Group (Tanzania) ECLAC Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UN) EITI Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative EU European Union FATDC Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada FCAS Fragile and conflict-affected states FDI Foreign direct investment FEWER Forum on Early Warning and Early Response GAD Gender and development GDP Gross Domestic Product GE Gender equality GHA Global Humanitarian Assistance GNI Gross National Income GOC Government of Canada GPSF Global Peace and Security Fund HI Humane Internationalism HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus ICN Inter-Council Network IDPS International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding IDRC International Development Research Centre IMF International Monetary Fund INCAF International Network on Conflict
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