RUGBY LEAGUE BREAKOUT RLB10 Team Report Season 2 Week 2 22/12/05 Cronulla Sharks (Steve McNair) turn credits = 0.0 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------- Season Stats ------------------------------- Num Posn Name Games Carries Yards Err Kicks Chase Cover Tackles Missed Tries Drops Goals 1 FBK David Peachey 3 10 21 5 -/- -/- -/- 6 - - -/- -/- 2 WNG David Simmons 3 11 87 1 -/- -/- 1/1 8 - 1 -/- -/- 3 CEN Paul Mellor 3 1 4 1 -/- -/- -/- 8 - - -/- -/- 4 CEN Nigel Vagana 3 1 2 - -/- -/- -/- 4 1 - -/- -/- 5 WNG Luke Covell 3 2 11 1 -/- -/- -/- 2 - - -/- -/- 6 SOF Adam Dykes 3 11 81 - 1/1 1/1 -/- 10 1 1 -/- -/- 7 SCR Brett Kimmorley 3 12 45 - -/- -/- -/- 9 1 1 -/- -/- 8 PRP Danny Nutley 3 1 -1 - -/- -/- -/- 3 1 - -/- -/- 9 HKR Matt Hilder 3 7 51 1 -/- -/- -/- 5 1 2 -/- -/- 10 PRP Keith Galloway 3 1 9 - -/- -/- -/- 2 - - -/- -/- 11 SRF Paul Gallen 3 4 43 1 -/- -/- -/- 1 - 1 -/- -/- 12 SRF Phillip Leuluai 3 1 - - -/- -/- -/- 5 - - -/- -/- 13 LSF Phil Bailey 3 3 13 1 -/1 -/1 -/- 6 1 1 -/- 6/10 14 FBK Nathan Merritt - - - - -/- -/- -/- - - - -/- -/- 15 WNG Vince Mellars - - - - -/- -/- -/- - - - -/- -/- 16 CEN Beau Scott - - - - -/- -/- -/- - - - -/- -/- 17 SOF Greg Bird - - - - -/- -/- -/- - - - -/- -/- 18 SCR Ryan McGoldrick - - - - -/- -/- -/- - - - -/- -/- 19 PRP Hutch Maiava - - - - -/- -/- -/- - - - -/- -/- 20 HKR Michael Sullivan - - - - -/- -/- -/- - - - -/- -/- 21 SRF Sam Isemonger - - - - -/- -/- -/- - - - -/- -/- 22 LSF Reece Williams - - - - -/- -/- -/- - - - -/- -/- Squad -------- Skills -------- Total Num Posn Name Age Powr Sped Hand Tack Kick Pot Value 1 FBK David Peachey 24 2 3 4 11 3 2 25 2 WNG David Simmons 23 2 12 10 9 1 2 36 3 CEN Paul Mellor 30 4 4 9 7 8 - 32 4 CEN Nigel Vagana 30 - 6 8 3 1 - 18 5 WNG Luke Covell 23 1 9 6 2 1 - 19 6 SOF Adam Dykes 25 - 4 13 4 5 - 26 7 SCR Brett Kimmorley 24 3 - 8 8 5 1 25 8 PRP Danny Nutley 28 7 - 5 8 1 5 26 9 HKR Matt Hilder 29 13 6 2 9 - - 30 10 PRP Keith Galloway 30 7 4 - 8 1 3 23 11 SRF Paul Gallen 23 11 6 4 6 - - 27 12 SRF Phillip Leuluai 29 6 5 7 10 1 - 29 13 LSF Phil Bailey 23 7 1 6 7 12 - 33 14 FBK Nathan Merritt 22 - - 2 3 3 - 8 15 WNG Vince Mellars 29 - 6 4 5 1 - 16 16 CEN Beau Scott 21 - 8 4 6 2 - 20 17 SOF Greg Bird 21 - 1 5 - 4 - 10 18 SCR Ryan McGoldrick 23 - 3 3 - 5 1 12 19 PRP Hutch Maiava 27 9 - 5 4 11 - 29 20 HKR Michael Sullivan 25 7 8 2 9 - 3 29 21 SRF Sam Isemonger 30 4 5 2 7 - - 18 22 LSF Reece Williams 26 6 4 4 9 1 6 30 Scouting Reports -------- Skills -------- Total Team Num Posn Age Powr Sped Hand Tack Kick Pot Value MEL 14 FBK Brett White 19 4 8 4 2 - - 18 WES 6 SOF Daniel Fitzhenry 30 - - 9 2 - - 11 STG 2 WNG Matt Cooper 24 1 11 5 6 1 - 24 WES 22 LSF Chris Heighington 23 5 - 5 6 - - 16 SYD 1 FBK Anthony Minichiello 0 4 7 4 7 9 - 31 Current Balance: 63 LPs Postal Reports: Yes Email Reports: No Special Actions: 1: SCOUT 14 MEL: OK 2: SCOUT 6 WES: OK 3: SCOUT 2 STG: OK 4: SCOUT 22 WES: OK 5: SCOUT 1 SYD: OK Rename Action: None RUGBY LEAGUE BREAKOUT RLB10 Play-by-Play Season 2 22/12/05 Cup Round 2 ___________________________________________________________________________ Melbourne Storm (Damo ) Cronulla Sharks (Steve McNair) Offside 2 Hardness 2 Effort 2 Key Players: 8 & 7 Offside 2 Hardness 2 Effort 2 Key Players: 9 & 6 ___________________________________________________________________________ Melbourne Storm 5 yards Yds Plays Pick AttSk DefSk Description 5 IH TD Best Sped vs Sped Inside to Halfback 7 Matt Orford, tackle missed by 7 Brett Kimmorley Breakout for gain of 5 yards Try scored, Goal kicked by 6 Cooper Cronk MEL 6-0 -- SW OD Spin Wide -- HG TD Halfback Go -- FO GD Forward Offload -- HO PD Halfback Offload -- BK DD Bomb Cronulla Sharks 5 yards Yds Plays Pick AttSk DefSk Description 5 OL TD Only Powr vs Powr Overlap by 1 David Peachey for loss of 1 yard, tackled by 1 Billy Slater 6 SW HD Best Sped vs Avg Spin Wide to 2 David Simmons for gain of 6 yards Try scored, Goal kicked by 13 Phil Bailey 6-6 -- HG PD Halfback Go -- IH GD Inside to Halfback -- FO GD Forward Offload -- DR GD Run from Dummy Half ___________________________________________________________________________ Melbourne Storm 10 yards Yds Plays Pick AttSk DefSk Description 10 IH TD Rand Sped vs Tack Inside to Halfback 7 Matt Orford for gain of 1 yard, tackled by 7 Brett Kimmorley 9 DR HD Only Powr vs Powr Run from Dummy Half by 9 Cameron Smith for no gain, tackled by 9 Matt Hilder 9 SW LD Best Sped vs Tack Spin Wide to 2 Matt Geyer for gain of 2 yards, tackled by 2 David Simmons 7 UL LD Only Powr vs Avg Underlap by 1 Billy Slater for gain of 2 yards, tackled by 1 David Peachey 5 SW OD Best Sped vs Avg Spin Wide to 2 Matt Geyer for loss of 1 yard, tackled by 2 David Simmons 6 IB WD Rand Sped vs Avg Inside to Back 4 Matt King for loss of 1 yard, tackled by 4 Nigel Vagana Handover 7 yards from goal 6-6 Cronulla Sharks 10 yards Yds Plays Pick AttSk DefSk Description 10 IH BD Rand Sped vs Avg Inside to Halfback 7 Brett Kimmorley for no gain, tackled by 7 Matt Orford 10 HR PD Best Powr vs Avg Halfback Run by 6 Adam Dykes for gain of 1 yard, tackled by 6 Cooper Cronk 9 DR HD Only Powr vs Powr Run from Dummy Half by 9 Matt Hilder, tackle missed by 9 Cameron Smith Breakout for gain of 5 yards, tackled by 8 Antonio Kaufusi 4 FO PD Best Powr vs Avg Forward Offload to 11 Paul Gallen for gain of 4 yards Try scored, Conversion missed by 13 Phil Bailey 6-10 CRO -- BO BD Back Offload -- BO BD Back Offload ___________________________________________________________________________ Melbourne Storm 20 yards Yds Plays Pick AttSk DefSk Description 20 WR TD Best Powr vs Avg Wing Run by 2 Matt Geyer for gain of 1 yard, tackled by 2 David Simmons 19 HO DD Rand Hand vs Tack Halfback Offload to 6 Cooper Cronk for gain of 6 yards, tackled by 6 Adam Dykes 13 CR ID Rand Powr vs Avg Centre Run by 4 Matt King, tackle missed by 4 Nigel Vagana Breakout for gain of 10 yards, tackled by 2 David Simmons 3 IF ID Best Sped vs Tack Inside to Forward 8 Antonio Kaufusi for no gain, tackled by 8 Danny Nutley 3 CR GD Rand Powr vs Powr Centre Run by 3 Steven Bell for no gain, tackled by 3 Paul Mellor 3 IH LD Best Sped vs Avg Inside to Halfback 7 Matt Orford for gain of 3 yards Try scored, Goal kicked by 6 Cooper Cronk MEL 12-10 Cronulla Sharks 20 yards Yds Plays Pick AttSk DefSk Description 20 HG LD Rand Hand vs Avg Halfback Go by 6 Adam Dykes, tackle missed by 6 Cooper Cronk Breakout for gain of 15 yards, tackled by 2 Matt Geyer 5 IH LD Best Sped vs Tack Inside to Halfback 7 Brett Kimmorley for gain of 2 yards, tackled by 7 Matt Orford 3 IB ID Rand Sped vs Sped Inside to Back 1 David Peachey for no gain Lost Possession 3 yards from goal MEL 12-10 -- DR HD Run from Dummy Half -- DR SD Run from Dummy Half -- HH BD Half & Half RUGBY LEAGUE BREAKOUT RLB10 Play-by-Play Season 2 22/12/05 Cup Round 2 ___________________________________________________________________________ Melbourne Storm 40 yards Yds Plays Pick AttSk DefSk Description 40 HG PD Best Hand vs Avg Halfback Go by 6 Cooper Cronk for gain of 2 yards, tackled by 6 Adam Dykes 38 HH HD Rand Hand vs Avg Half & Half by 7 Matt Orford for gain of 5 yards, tackled by 7 Brett Kimmorley 33 IF WD Best Sped vs Avg Inside to Forward 8 Antonio Kaufusi for gain of 11 yards, tackled by 8 Danny Nutley 22 FR LD Rand Powr vs Powr Forward Drive by 12 David Kidwell for gain of 11 yards, tackled by 12 Phillip Leuluai 11 FR SD Rand Powr vs Powr Forward Drive by 13 Glen Turner for gain of 1 yard, tackled by 13 Phil Bailey 10 HG DD Best Hand vs Avg Halfback Go by 6 Cooper Cronk for gain of 3 yards, tackled by 6 Adam Dykes Handover 7 yards from goal MEL 12-10 Cronulla Sharks 40 yards Yds Plays Pick AttSk DefSk Description 40 OL GD Only Powr vs Powr Overlap by 1 David Peachey for no gain Lost Possession 40 yards from goal MEL 12-10 -- FR WD Forward Drive -- CR LD Centre Run -- OL TD Overlap -- HG WD Halfback Go -- HH LD Half & Half ___________________________________________________________________________ Melbourne Storm 60 yards Yds Plays Pick AttSk DefSk Description 60 BO TD Rand Sped vs Sped Back Offload to 5 Josh Graham for gain of 4 yards, tackled by 5 Luke Covell 56 HO HD Best Hand vs Hand Halfback Offload to 6 Cooper Cronk for gain of 5 yards, tackled by 6 Adam Dykes 51 HH SD Best Hand vs Hand Half & Half by 7 Matt Orford for gain of 3 yards, tackled by 7 Brett Kimmorley 48 CR WD Rand Powr vs Powr Centre Run by 3 Steven Bell for gain of 3 yards, tackled by 3 Paul Mellor 45 FO ID Best Powr vs Powr Forward Offload to 8 Antonio Kaufusi, tackle missed by 8 Danny Nutley Breakout for gain of 13 yards, tackled by 9 Matt Hilder 32 UL PD Only Powr vs Avg Underlap by 1 Billy Slater for gain of 10 yards, tackled by 1 David Peachey Penalty Missed by 6 Cooper Cronk MEL 12-10 Cronulla Sharks 60 yards Yds Plays Pick AttSk DefSk Description 60 BO TD Best Sped vs Tack Back Offload to 2 David Simmons, tackle missed by 2 Matt Geyer Breakout for gain of 24 yards, tackled by 5 Josh Graham 36 UL PD Only Powr vs Powr Underlap by 1 David Peachey for gain of 8 yards, tackled by 1 Billy Slater 28 SW SD Rand Sped vs Sped Spin Wide to 4 Nigel Vagana for gain of 2 yards, tackled by 4 Matt King 26 FO PD Rand Powr vs Avg Forward Offload to 11 Paul Gallen for gain of 8 yards, tackled by 11 Ryan Hoffman 18 IF LD Best Sped vs Avg Inside to Forward 9 Matt Hilder for gain of 10 yards, tackled by 9 Cameron Smith 8 GK PD Best KH+S vs H+S Grubber kick and chase by 6 Adam Dykes and recovered for gain of
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