1. Name : Dr. Vidyadhar Singh Negi 2. Designation : Associate Professor, History 3. Qualification : M.A., Ph.D., PG. Dip. In Arch. 4. Area of Specialization/Research field : Ancient Indian History & Archaeology 5. Award/Recognitions : Soban Singh Jeena Award, 2010 6. Number of Ph. Ds awarded : 04 8. Number of candidates working for Ph. D award : 04 9. Publications : i. Books S.N. Co-author/s Title publisher Year of publicatio n 1 Dr. Neer Prabha Kumaun (Madhya Himalay) Mallika Books, Delhi 2008 Samaj Aivam Sanskriti ISBN- 81-89147-04-8 2 Kumaun ka Samajila aivam Mallika Books, Delhi 2010 Arthik Itihas ISBN- 81-89147-09-9 ii. Research Articles published 1. “Substitute Pottery in Medieval Kumaon” in Himalaya: Past and Present (eds.) M.P. Joshi, Allen C. Fanger, C.W. Brown, Association of studies on Himalayas (A.S.H.)Publication series No. 1: Introductory Volume, Shree Almora Book Depot, Almora, 1990, pp. 387-91. ISBN- 81-900086-2-5 2. “Kaly a andra K At gulī T mrapatra” in Bulletin of Museum and Archaeology No. 45-46, State Museum, Lucknow, 1990, pp. 71-79. 3. “Perspectives on Ro ila Invasion of Kumaon” in Himalaya: Past and Present: Vol. II, 1991-92 (eds.) Joshi et al Shree Almora Book Depot, Almora, 1992, pp. 290-301. ISBN- 81-900209-7-8 4. “ yali opper Plate of King Dipa andra” in Journal of Epigraphical Society of India. Vol. XIV Mysore, 1993, pp. 85-92. 5. “ Was There a Central Pahari? An Appraisal of Grierson’s lassification of t e T ree Pa ari Language Groups,” in Himalaya: Past and Present Vol III (eds.) Joshi et al, Shree Almora Book Depot, Almora, Book Dep9ot, Almora, 1993 pp. 259-279. ISBN-81-8586-52-21. 6. “ andra K līna Kum un Mai B ūmi Vyavast ” in RISHI, Introductory Vol. (eds) Joshi et al. Shree Almora Book Depot , Almora, 1993, pp. 279-292. ISBN- 81-85865-18-3. 7. “ Kum un Kī Janj tiyon Mai Prac lita Viv a Samsk ra” in Journal of the Meerut University History Alumni (MUHA), Vol. II (Joint authorship with Dr. N.Pralha.) A Half yearly Research Journal of History, Edited by Dr. Devesh C.Sharma &et. al Published by MUHA, 2003, (pp. 22-25). 8. “Parampar gata B avana irm na S magrī evm pakara a Vis es Sandarb a Kum un” (in Joint authorship with Dr.S.Tamta.), in Journal of the Meerut University History Alumni (MUHA), Vol. V, in Uttarnachal Special issue editor-in- chief Dr. Devesh C. Sharma ,et al. pub. by MUHA 2005 (pp- 474-481). 9. “ ttaranc al Ka Iti as Pr gaiti sika K la sé Britis Ad igra a a Taka ka Dris ti” in MUHA, Vol V . Uttaranchal special issue . edt. Dr. Dehesh C. Sharma et al., Pub. by MUHA 2005. (pp-40-47). 10. “Trimala andra K Fald kota T mrapatra aveen K oj” in History & Heritage, In honour of Prof. Kiran Kumar Thaplyal, Edts. S.P. Shukla, R.S. Bisht, M.P. Joshi, Prashant Srivastava, Agam Kala Prakashan, Delhi. 2007. (pp.291- 296). ISBN- 81-7320-067-X 11. “Chand kalin Tamra-abhilekhon mai Varnit Kar” in History, Culture & Archaeology of Uttarakhand, Proceedings of Ist Conference (2007), Edt. B.M. Khanduri & S.S. Negi, Uttarakhand History and Culture Association (UHCA), pp. 101-111. 12. "Uttarakhand ka Ávásíya Prasthar Vástushilpa" in B.R. Mani (edited), Late Sri Munish Chandra Joshi Commemoration Volume. Agam Kala Prakashan , New Delhi (with M.P. Joshi, Piyush Bhatt and Suresh Tamta). 2008. ISBN-978-81-7320-070-0 13. "Kumaun Mai Dharmshala Nirman Ki Parampara" in Madhya Himalaya Ki Sanskritik Prathayen, Edit. P.C. Pandey, Asst. Edt. Pramila Joshi & Pragya Joshi, Manish Prakashan, Mall Road, Almora. 2009, pp. 19-39. ISBN- 81-8585-41-8 14. “Kumauni Bhasha Ka Itihas evam Vikas : Puraabhilekhon Ke Alok Mai”, in Journal of the Meerut University History Alumni (MUHA), Vol. - XVI, 2010, pp. 416-420, ISSN- 0973-57 15. “Madhya Himalaya ke Aitihasik Srota : Bahiyan”, in Historiography : Interpreting Various Historical Writtings on Modern India, Published By SHODHAK, Jaipur. Edt. Dr. Ram Pande, 2012. Pp.291-205, ISBN- 978-81-922660-1-5 16. “Dandi Yatri Pt. Jyoti Ram Evam Pt. Bhairav Dutt” in Journal of the Meerut University History Alumni (MUHA), Joint author Dr. Raja H. Andola, Vol. - XX, 2012, (In press) 10. Confrerence/Seminar organized : S.N. Status as organizer Title of the conference/seminar Year and dates 1 Organizing Secretary “ Right To Education”, 26 Dec. 2010 2 Organizing Secretary “Community based Disater 28-30 Dec. 2010 Management” 11. Academic/Administrative positions held : 1 Member Board of studies, History 2011-12 2 Convener/ Member Admission UG/PG Since 2004 3 Convener/ Member Fee concession 2002-2008 4 Programme oficer NSS 2005-11 5 Assistant Proctor Proctorial board 1999-2004 6 Member Library coordination 2000-2003 7 Member/In charge Flying Examination since1993/2010- squade 2012 12. Membership to professional organization/Associations: S.N. Name of the Association/Organizations Status of the membership 1 Indian History Congress Annual member 2 U.P. History Congress Annual member 3 Shodhak Life member 4 The journal of the Meerut Uni. (MUHA) Founder Life member 5 Uttarakhand history & culture association Founder Life member 6 Itihaas drishti member 7 Association of Studies on Himalaya Founder life member 8 Archaeological Society of India Life member 9 Epigraphical Society of India Life member 10 Place Name Society of India Life member 13. Any other information : a. Participated / paper presented: In Seminars/Conferences:/ workshops: 1. “ Substitute Potery” Paper presented in IInd U.P. History Congress, Organized by Dept. of Hist., DSB Campus, K.U. Nainital, 21-22 November, 1986. 2. Participated in Ajanta Seminar, conducted by Project Director American committee For South Asian Art, University of Michigan, (U.S.A.)4th –12th August 1992, Ajanta. 3. “Uttaranchal Mai Purattatva Evm Paryatana: Drishtikona Evm Sambhavanayae” Paper presented in Uttaranchal: Perspectivs & Prospects, Seminar, Organized by Dept. Of History Kumaun University, Campus Almora.27 to 29 November, 1992, 4. “ Rashtrya Svatantrata Sangrama: Kumaun ke Ajyñata Svastantrata Senani Evm Itishasa Lekhan”, Paper presented in National Seminar on “ 1930 and 1942 in Freeedon Struggle” Organized by Deptt. Of History Kumaun University, 23-24 April 1993, Nainital. 5. “Role of Museums in Art Appreciation” Paper Presented in Workshop on Art Appreciation, Organized by State Lalit Kala Academic Uttar Pradesh. Lucknow and Department of Drawing & painting, Kumaun University Campus, Almora, 23-24 March 1994. 6. Participated in Workshop Organized by Takniki Sabdawali Ayoga, New Delhi, & Department of Hindi K.U.S.S.J. Campus, Almora. Held on 16-18 June, 2003. 7. “Kumaun Mai Prast ar B awan St apatya”, Paper Presented in Seminar on Himalayan Architecture: Technology and Traditions, Organized by I.C.H.R., New Delhi & Lok Yigyan Kendra, Almora. (Joint authorship with prof. M.P. Joshi, Dr. Suresh Tamta & Dr. M.M. Joshi), 12-15 March, 2004. 8. Participated in workshop “Uttaranchal Rājya mai Sāksharatā Evm Satat Sikshyā Kāryakram: Dashā Evm Dishā” Organized by Dept. & Education, K.U. Campus Almora, 21-22 July 2004. 9. Participated in workshop on “Rajbhāsha, Prashāsanika Hindi tathā Mānaviki” Organized by Vaigyanika tatha Takniki Shabdavali Ayoga, at K.U.S.S.J Campus Almora, from 25th to 27th Oct. 2004. 10. “Kumauni B s ka db av Evm Vik s a Ek Pur b ilek iya Ad yayan” paper presented in 65th Indian History Congress, Organized by M.J.P.Roilkhand University, Bareilly, 28-30 Dec. 2004. 11. Participated in worshop on “Potable water Problems of Kumaun” Talk on “Water Laws: Modern & Ancient”, Organized by Press Institute of India, New Delhi & Lok Vigyan Kendra, Almora, 9th to 11th June, 2005. Held at Almora. 12. “Pur -s ks yon Ke Ālóka mai Kum unī B s Kī tpatti evm vik s ” paper presented in 16th U.P. Hist. Cong. Organized by Dept. of Hist., DSB Campus, K.U. Nainital, from 27 -29 Nov. 2005. 13. " Ramayan Kalina Tyaga Bhawana : Adhunika Samaya mai Upadeyata", paper presented in National Seminar on Relevance of Indian Stotra Literature, Organized by Department of History, Kumaun University S.S.J. Campus Almora, 09 – 10 Feb. 2007. 14. Participated in Workshop Organized by Takniki Sabdawali Ayoga, New Delhi, & Department of Hindi K.U.S.S.J. Campus, Almora. Held on 25th – 27th June 2007. 15. “Chand kalin Prashasakon Hetu Liye Jane Wale Kar : Pur b ilek o ke Aloka Mai” paper presented in Ist Conference of Uttaranchal History Culture Association (UHCA)., Organised by Dept. of History, Ancient Indian History, Culture & Archaeology and Museum of Himalayan Archaeology & Ethnography, H.N.B. Garhwal University, Srinagar (Garhwal), Uttarakhand. 5th- 6th Oct. 2007. 16. "Dharma Aura Rajneeti : Tab Aura Aba", Paper Presented in National Seminar on Emerging Trends and Present Scenefio of Indian Politics, Organized by Department of Pol. Sc., Kumaun Kesari Pt. B.D. Pande Govt. P.G. College, Bageswar 24&25 March 2008. 17. “G ate Van – Bigarati Paryavaran Das a Evm Dais a” Paper Presented in National Seminar on Emerging Trends and Present Scenefio of Indian Politics, Organized by Department of Pol. Sc., Kumaun Kesari Pt. B.D. Pande Govt. P.G. College, Bageswar 28 & 29 November 2008. 18. “Ucha Sikshya Mai Yuva Shikshakon ki Bhumika ” Paper Presented in Regional Seminar organized by ABRSM, Lucknow, 7& 8 March 2009. 19. “Madhyakalin Kumaun Mai Panchayati Vyavastha”, presented in State Level Workshop on Panchayati Raj in Uttarakhand : Implementation, Challenges & Prospects. Organized by Department of Pol. Sc., Govt. P.G. College, BageswarUttarakhand, 16&17 November 2009. 20. “Dharm Aur rajneeti : Bharatiya Chinintan Aivam Badalate Sopan” Presented in National Seminar on Present Relevance of Indian Culture, Organized by Dept. of History, K.U.
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