Section11 Accessories - Light Meters Introduction . 720-721 Gossen . 722-725 Spectra Cine . 725 Minolta . .726-728 Pentax . 729 SourceBook Polaris . 730 Sekonic . .731-734 Novatron . .735 Lighting SP Studio Systems . .735 Wein . .735 The rofessional Photo, Video, Cine & Theatrical Photo, Video, P for LIGHT METERS INTRODUCTION TO LIGHT METERS the same exposure for each Advantages of Incident object, to render a consistent Measurement Incident Measurement exposure. Light meters are Incident meters measure accu- calibrated to assume that all rately and consistently and are subjects are of average 18% not affected by variances in reflectance, or neutral gray. reflectance of the subject or The use of the 18% neutral scene. Because of this, incident gray standard allows a reflect- meters give the most accurate ed light meter to render cor- exposure for the majority of rect readings for “average” situations and subjects. subjects in “average” lighting situations. (The value of 18% Reflected Metering neutral gray is also referred to Reflected metering reads the as Zone V in the Zone System, intensity of light reflecting off an advanced black and white the subject and may vary exposure method.) according to variances in Reflected tonality, color, contrast, back- Incident Metering ground, surface, or shape. The incident meter is aimed Measurement Meters are designed to regard at the light source and meas- all subjects as 18° neutral gray ures the light source falling reflectance. Reflected measure- directly on a scene and is not ment of any single toned area influenced by the reflectance will result in a neutral gray of the subject being pho- rendition. Subjects that appear tographed. For more precise lighter than gray will reflect control of the photograph, more light and result in an incident meters are also used exposure that renders it darker. Choosing Hand Held in even the most advanced to measure various levels of Subjects that are darker than Exposure Meters cameras with built-in meters. light from multiple sources gray will reflect less light and Hand-held exposure meters falling on separate parts of a result in an exposure that ren- measure light falling onto a The 18% Neutral Gray scene. light-sensitive cell and con- Standard ders it lighter. verts it into a reading that Light meters are designed to Using Incident Meters enables the correct shutter measure light in a consistent Incident metering measures Using Reflected speed and or lens aperture way. They cannot see the the intensity of light falling Measurement settings to be made. subject and interpret it as a on the subject and gives Hand-held reflected light Hand-held exposure meters photographer can. For exam- accurate and consistent ren- meters and built-in camera come in many variations, each ple, a light meter cannot dis- dition of the tonality and meters read the intensity of with specific benefits. By tinguish a black cat from a contrast regardless of light reflecting off the subject using the appropriate meter white cat, a red balloon from reflectance, background, and measurements are taken for your specific needs, you a blue balloon, nor textured color, and shape. Subjects that from the camera position. can be assured of consistent powdery white snow from a appear lighter than gray will Generally, reflected measure- professional results. shiny white auto paint finish. appear lighter. Subjects that ment of a wide subject area Given the same lighting situ- are darker than gray will can include many different Incident vs. Reflected ation, each of these objects appear darker. Colors will be reflective surfaces or colors The two distinct techniques of would reflect a different rendered accurately. Highlight that can bias the meter and measuring light, incident and amount of light. and shadow areas will fall result in inconsistent and erro- reflected, each have their own naturally into place. neous readings. Accuracy of a advantages in different situa- Reflected measurements reflected measurement can be tions. Hand held meters can would indicate different expo- NOTE: Most light meters allow improved by reading an 18° give you both capabilities, sures for each object. Incident for both reflected and incident neutral gray test card placed in along with features not found measurements would indicate light readings. front of the subject. 720 www.bhphotovideo.com PHOTO - VIDEO - PRO AUDIO INTRODUCTION LIGHT METERS TO LIGHT METERS Flash Meters on the subject, such as daylight, The flash meter measures the tungsten or other sources. Incident Reflected brilliant and instantaneous If the ambient light originates burst of light produced by elec- from only one source, accurate measurements are easily made. White tronic flash sources and displays the correct aperture settings. However, if lights from multi- Plate Flash meters usually measure ple sources illuminate the sub- the incident light falling on a ject, color measurements are subject, however some meters more complicated. also measure reflected light as • When the light consists of a well. Many flash meters take in single color temperature, the to consideration the effects of meter should generally be held Gray available light. facing the main light source Plate and as close to the source as Color Temperature possible. Meters • When the ambient light A color temperature meter comes from multiple light measures the color quality of sources with different color ambient light, the light from temperatures, each light source Black electronic flash, or a combina- should be measured and the Plate tion of both. appropriate color correction filter sheets used. The meter analyzes the color characteristics of the light • When ambient light and elec- source(s) exposing the subject, tronic flash are used together, and then displays the required the meter should be pointed at Spot Meters in use, the spot-metering filtration to color balance the the flash. The required filtra- The spot meter allows precise angle may be 15° or more. A scene for the film being used, tion that is required will be readings to be made of small hand-held 1° spot meter con- if any, as well as color temper- indicated. areas of the scene. Its narrow sistently allows the most ature in degrees Kelvin. When using shutter speeds field of view measures light selective measurement of dis- that are lower than the flash reflected from as small as a tant subjects as well as small Color temperature meters usu- synchronization setting, the 1-degree circle. Any number areas in the scene. ally include calibrations for meter will show the modified of areas can be measured to daylight and tungsten films. filtration that is needed for create a set of values for a Advantages of Reflected Color temperature meters may proper color balance. particular scene, this enables Spot Measurement not provide accurate readings When light-balancing filtra- the photographer to deter- A spot measurement is ideal for light sources with narrow tion is indicated, it is prefer- mine the most suitable light- for special situations includ- band spikes and depressions in able to use gelatin-type filters ing arrangement and expo- ing measuring distant sub- their light distribution. in front of the light fixture(s), sure settings that will pro- jects, backlight, extreme Sodium vapor, metal-halide, rather than the camera lens. duce the desired result. brightness range, highly and fluorescent lamps are Keeping the optical path free reflective surfaces, or when examples of light sources that of filtration avoids problems In-Camera Spot Meters an incident meter cannot be are difficult to measure. Color- caused by dust, etc. on the fil- Although a number of positioned directly in front bracketed test exposures are ter(s). Also filter factors need advanced SLRs offer spot of the subject. Reflected spot therefore recommended to not be taken into account. metering capability, the measurements of an 18% gray verify that the recommended metering angle is directly midtone, or an average of sig- filtration is correct. related to the focal length of nificant shadow and highlight Illustrations & copy adapted courtesy of Mamiya America Corp. the camera lens in use. Every Color Measurement of measurements, allow the pho- Sekonic Professional Division. time the lens is changed, the tographer to make an expo- Ambient Light Total Exposure Control With effective spot meter angle sure that will record detail, Ambient light refers to a con- Hand-Held Metering changes. With a normal lens tonality and accurate color. tinuous source of light falling Incident vs. Reflected. © 2002 ORDER & INFORMATION (212) 444-6641 • FAX: (212) 239-7770 (800) 947-7008 1-800-947-9941 • www.bhphotovideo.com 721 PHOTO - VIDEO - PRO AUDIO LIGHT METERS GOSSEN DIGISIX, DIGIFLASH, LUNA PRO Digisix Incident and Digiflash Lightmeter (4007) Reflected Lightmeter (4006) Digital exposure meter with analogue settings - for flash The Digisix is an ambient light meter that light & ambient light - maximum features in miminum size. does much more than just determine • Measurement of both flash and ambient light exposure. Small enough to sit comfortably • Incident and reflected measuring modes Digisix on your camera's hot shoe (with optional • Microprocessor controlled (4006) shoe adapter), and sports a digital read- • Digital LCD display in 1/3-stop increments out and analog scale, it also offers a func- • Contrast read-out in 1/3-stop increments tioning clock with alarm, a timer for tim- • Storage of measured values • Analog display of all suitable ing long
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