RUSSIAN AID CONCERT \ JVovembex 10, 1944 \ \ JSeiyhbolb 0/ XVoodcrafjt \ } cAuditoxium I Presenting HERTA RICHTER WORLD FAMOUS MFZZO SOPRANO DAVID CAMPBELL OUTSTANDING CONCERT PIANIST AND LECTURER H. LYNN GODFREDSON WIDELY KNOWN GOLDEN VOICED TENOR Compliments of: KASCH AUTO & TRUCK Compliments of: SERVICE 424 S.E. Main Street NORTHWEST ELECTRIC & ACETYLENE WELDING MARINE IRON I i WORKS i i i f Compliments of: i i 2516 N. W. 29th AT. 8222 i i Compliments of: i 1 i i MIKE SHIP REPAIR AND CONVERSION WORK I Morris Rogoway I I DeCICCO i ! j i Gillette Tires Bernard's Jewelry i i Store i ! New Retail Store i ( i I 2940 S. W. Gorbett i i Phone AT 9497 \ \ \ i \ ) Compliments of: The Becka-Leah Foundation Compliments of: Its History and Purpose FARNY A new organization of interest to the resi• TRUCK SERVICE \ NIKLAS & SON dents of Portland is the Becka-Leah Philan• thropic Foundation, Inc., founded by a group of Portland's leading business men. Mr. L. Daily Service to St. Helens and i Florists i Albert is president of the organization, Max H. Way Points i i i Packouz vice-president, Jake Shleifer treas• Portland,At.ll64 St.Helens,334 I 1013 S. W. Morrison BR. 1433 j urer, and Sol Sax executive secretary. Their 1419 N. W. OVERTON headquarters at present are located at 1218 S. E. Grand, Becka-Leah is a permanent organization founded on the behalf of all human beings, and for their aid after the war, regardless of race, creed or color. A philanthropic organ• ization which at present has over 100 mem• bers, holding meetings and programs of vital Compliments of: interest in music and fine speakers on various educational topics. SUNSET FUEL The unusual name Becka-Leah was derived from the combination of names of Mr. Al• bert's deceased wife and daughter, and will COMPANY stand as a memorial to them. 5920 S. W. MACADAM AT. 2156 Membership dues and all proceeds go to the benefit of humanity at home as well as coun• tries the world over. Compliments of: SCHOEWE'S SHOES McCABE "Fitted by Ex-Ray" Moving & Storage • "Kali-sten-iks" Co. and "Weather Birds" 3149 N. E. SANDY • 821 S. W. Morrison and 9th GA. 4815 Phone Beacon 4935 WHERE TO GO . WHAT TO DO . In Portland IIERTA RICHTER READ . The dramatic mezzo-soprano of the Metropole, Berlin and Staatstheater, Wiesbaden, was one of the youngest singers scoring in Wagnerian interpretation. Brought to America Goin' Places by Oscar Hammerstein for the opening of the Manhattan Opera House, she has toured extensively in the Americas, THE NORTHWEST'S ONLY "SHOW BUSINESS" PICTURE MAGAZINE being especially acclaimed on the radio and concert stage in Mexico for her rendition of Latin-America songs. She is On the News Stands the First of Every Month now living in Hollywood. It will ease war jitters — boost your morale 10c per copy everywhere MAX H. PACKOUZ «We insure Everything but T^our Conscience" \ \ i i ALL KINDS i Ii of H. LYNN GODFREDSON i I INSURANCE Sensational tenor with a golden voice who sings his way into the heart of his audience. He has been heard in many i j recitals as a concert artist also over radio. Mr. Godfredson has studied with Maestro William F. Grosvenor, interna• I 805 SPALDING BUILDING | tionally known baritone, who predicts a brilliant future for this young artist. ! PORTLAND, OREGON 1 i i f PHONES i AT. 3191 LA. 1705 , ! i ! ] BRUCE BAILEY j Compliments of: \ Compliments of: | and ! BONNIE REPLOGLE Compliments of: Business MAX SAGNER 1 j I Printing and | | Teachers of Piano a Friend j ADVANCED STUDENTS Company Sagner Motor Car Co. j j BEGINNERS 132 N. E. GRAND 3129 N. E. SANDY BLVD. j EA. 6193 GA. 1317 \ 307 Fine Arts BIdg. BR. 0764 I ! i J t. r COURTESY Compliments of: Compliments of: Of LIBERTY SCHERMERHORN Transfer & Storage BROS. CO. Company Pete Phil, Mgr. 24 S. W. 1st LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE SERVICE- PORTLAND'S LEADING CLOTHIER f MERCHANDISE DISTRIRUTION BE. 5149 i S. W. Washington at Sixth i 521 N. W. Sixth Avenue j PORTLAND, OREGON BR. 3315 j I Program a. Lord's Prayer ... Mala lie b. Serenade — from The Student Prince Romberg c. Der Asra Rubinstein d. I Hear You Calling- Me Marshall IT. LYNN GODFREDSON Compliments of: FOR THE REST a. Heldengrab (The Grave of a Hero) Gams b. Etude in D Flat Major Scriabin c. Prelude Opus 32, No. 12 Rachmaninoff d. The City Gates — from Pictures at kn Exposition . Moussorgsky GROCERIES & MEATS DAVID CAMPBELL a. Connais-tu le Pay ? — Aria from Mignon . Thomas Patronize KNIGHT'S b. Der Doppelganger (The Double) , Shubert c. Der Tod und das Madchen (Death a|pd the Maiden) . Shubert d. Gretchen am Spinurade (Margaret ft the Spinning Wheel) . Shubert SHOE e. Heiden-rpslein (Hedge-roses) . 1 Shubert HERTA F.ICHTER Service a. M'appari tutt'amor — from Martha von FlotoiO COMPANY b. La donna e' mobile — from Rigolet'jto Verdi Grocery c. Vesti la giubba — Arioso from Pagliacci Leoncavallo H. LYNN GODFREDSON & Market a. Ballade Opus 23 Chopin 712 S. W. MORRISON b. Two Preludes Opus 28, Nos. 17 and 23 Chopin c. Polonaise Opus 53 ... Chopin 6834 N. E. SANDY DAVID CAMPBELL BE. 6243 a. Ouvre tes yeus^bleus (Open thy blue eyes) . Massenet GArfield 4021 b. Ein Schwan (A Swan) . • ... • Grieg c. Estrellita (Little Star) Ponce HERTA RICHTER Accompanist — Bonnie Replogle. This program under the direction of Maestro William F. Grosvenor STEINWAY PIANO, Courtesy of Sherman, Clay & Co. Compliments of: F.W Baltes & Company Printers DAVID CAMPBELL A versatile and dynamic personality is evidenced to his hearers when David Campbell plays. An artistry that is the result of intensive training in Europe is brought to the audience by his clear and all-encompassing technic, his fine appreciation and understanding of the language of musical expression, and his wealth of rhythmic feeling. The abundance of enthusiastic press comment and the high commendation of eminent critics bear witness to a varied 309 Southwest First and noteworthy career as a concert artist both at home and abroad. AT OAK STREET PORTLAND, OREGON if Compliments of:- •Compliments of: C. B. ROCKSTAD Alexandra Jane ! i j Salon of Beauhj j "ROCKEY" I \ i \ j • 1122 S. W. Alder BE. 4964 j if ( Compliments of: Compliments of: i 1ESTB0 UJILLIflm f. GROSVEHOR \ THE Internationally Known Baritone and Teacher of Famous Singers j BILL'S GARMENT THE OUTSTANDING VOICE TEACHER OF AMERICA I GROCERY PUPILS CAREFULLY PREPARED FOR j j RADIO, OPERA, LIGHT OPERA AND i 808 S. W. Yamhill BE. 2390 \ CONCERT FREE VOICE TESTS i jj 1239 S. W. Morrison AT. 6936 j Compliments of: DIRECTORS Com pi im ents of: FURNITURE ! COMPANY M. H. Rosenkrantz i\ i ( 715 Southwest First Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON I I i \ Compliments of: ! ! j j Compliments of: j j Ever Ready Roofing j j j | I & Painting Company i ALL TYPES OF ROOFING AND PAINTING i I Roberts Motor Co. ! j A. OILMAN, Proprietor ! j j j FEDERAL & KENWORTH MOTOR TRUCKS | i Office, 215 Davis Bldg. j Shop, 2000 S. E. 8th Ave. Portland 14, Oregon ! « ij I 123 N. E. Pacific j Office Phone AT 2404 f ( Residence Phone VE 4448 I EAst3195 i Compliments of: Compliments of: Compliments of: j NATE PACKOUZ CHRISTENSON I ALBERTS The Jewel Box OIL CO. Phil Polsky \ PRODUCTS Diamonds, Watches & Jewelry COMPANY 1846 N. Interstate Avenue j TB 0904 j Manufacturers of 365 S. W. Morrison AT 3820 BEVERAGES OF ALL KINDS Compliments of: I i LA 4161 FISHEL'S Compliments of: 1218 S. E. GRAND AVENUE AWNING SUPPLY CO. PORTLAND, OR FAR >N SOLKO FURS 5 S. E. Union Ave. j 714 S. W. Morrison Street L. ALBERT BE 2433 EA 2159 j MAESTRO WILLIAM F. GROSVENOR CORDIALLY INVITES YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS TO A PROGRAM OF SONGS AND OPERA ARIAS BY HIS ARTIST STUDENTS ALSO- FEATURED WILL BE A MUSICAL ELABORATION OF SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17 AT EIGHT P. M. AT NEIGHBORS OF WOODCRAFT AUDITORIUM 1410 S. W. MORRISON STREET NO ADMISSION CHARGE .
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