inc; e to. ftH,cowuule .•. tItu IMt I/,ema-ininc; u.ed«j-e 0' luuna-#' uk?AtIf" (IJ(Ud, 1938) OWEN C. CASH TULSA, OKLAHOMA Founder 1961 INTERNATIONAL Barbershop Harmony Week ( ) APRIL 8-15 "!l b.eUeu.e in the p-u~d­ 0' OM Societlf fu4.t M much to.dalf M !l did the niyId 6. e. erUlt anJ j JIza-tted OM kitel/, 0' int<da.tioH- to. the So.cietlf'd- /IMt me~di#c; .. ." (4uyudi, 1960) RUPERT I. HALL TULSA, OKLAHOMA Co-Founder and l"irst President ABLE ON DECCA®( Official S.P.E.B.S. Q.S.A. Recordings 1960 International THE TOP TEN BARBERSHOP CHORUS WINNERS BARBERSHOP QUARTETS OF 1960 .( Ol/idal S.P.E.8.S.Q.S.A. Recording Ollieial S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. Recording Keep America Singing' Tears On My Pillow I'd Love To Fall Asleep And Wake Up In My • Rock·A·Bye Your Baby With A Dixie Melody Mammy's Arms' Dear Little Boy Of Mine' • Deep River' Roll On Missouri' (Here Am I) Mississippi Mud • Daddy, You've Been A Broken Hearted' Smile' Last Night Was The Mother To Me • In A Shanty In Old Shanty End Of The World, I Want A Girl (Just Like Town' Ivory Rag' Ain't She Sweet· Roll Out The Girl That Married Dear Old Dad)' "Wanna Of Bed With A Smile • There's Something Go Back Again" Blues· Coney Island Wash· Nice About Everyone But There's Everything board' Battle Hymn Of The Republic Nice About You' Oh How I Miss You Tonight DL 4067 • DL 74067 (S) • Looking At The World Through Rose Colored Glasses If You Were The Only Girl In The World DL 4069 • DL 74069 (5) TEN YEARS OF BRIGHTEN THE CORNER BARBERSHOP CHAMPIONS THE SCHMITT BROTHERS Official S.P.E.8,S.Q.S.A. Recordings Roses Of Picardy • Shine. Toa-Ra·Lao·Ra· BARBERSHOP QUARTET Loo-Ral (That's An Irish lullaby) • When Brighten The Corner Where You Are • The Morning Glories Wake Up In The Saviour, Again To Thy Dear Name. Bring· MornIng (Then I'll Kiss Your Two lips ing In The Sheaves. Biess This House. Goodnight) • The Sweetheart Of Sigma Chi Standing On The Promises • Softly And • I Believe. Good·Bye, Dhcle, Good-Bye. Tenderly. Were You There? • Abide With There's A Rose On Your Cheek • Last Me • Nearer To The Heart Of God. lead, Night On The Back Porch (I Loved Her Kindly light. Nearer My God To Thee. Best Of All) • That Tumble Down Shack in Jesus, My lord, My qod, My All • Holy, Athlone • Down By The Old Mill Stream· Holy, Holy. lord God Almighty. May The Hard Hearted Hannah (Tho Vamp Of Good lord Bless And Keep You Savannah) DL 4022 DL 8997 • DL 78997 (S) March-April 1/--/-............"'..-..".---18--IH • Hf-\cf-+--I-.....---..'!#----H ( VOL. XXI 1961 No.2 ~=============t~~-:==-=====---:::--:::~~--~-~-:::-~ International Board of Directors THE HARMONIZER Is the official publication of the Society for the Preserva­ tion Rnd Encouragement of the Barber Shop Quartet Singing In America, Inc. [nterllatiollal Officers rt is published in the montha of Janunry, March, May, July, August, September and November at 100 N, Pine, Seymour, Indiana, Rnd entered 85 second-class Prellident, John n. Cullen, Investment. matter at the post office at Seymour, Indiana, under the Act or March 8, 1879. Building, Wnshington 5, D. C. Editorial lind Advertising offices are at International Headquartera. Notice of Immediate Pn!lt President, Clarence L. change of address ahould be submitted to the editorial offices of THE HAR· Jnlving, 36-38 Enst Eighth Street, MONIZER, 6315 THIRD AVE" KENOSHA, WISCONSIN, at least thirty days Holland, Michilo:flll before the next publlcntlon dat~, Subscription price is $2.00 yearly Rnd $.60 1st Vice President, LOllis Laurd, 4617 an Issue. WRiter Lane, El Paso, Texas 2nd Vice President, John M. Ward, 343 Dniley Avenue, Pittsburgh 11. Pennsyl· vllnin Vice President, Rudy Hart., 1112 Ohio Street, l\1ichignn City. Indiana Features Vice President, S. Wayne Foor, 166 De1­ mende Rond, Hochester 17, New York Milwaukee Mid-lj'lillfer Recttp .... ,. •. .....•..... 2 Treasurer, George H. Chamblin, 208 South High Street, Columbus 15, Ohio First District President's Fomm ,."., ..•.. ,.................. 6 Executive Director, Robert G. Hafer, 6315 Third Avenue. Kenoshn, Wisconsin Barbershop Harmony ltyeek PI,ms .........•......• , .. , ..•.. , ,. 7 Philadelpbjrl Awaits 1"011 .•• , •.•.•.••. , •• , ••• ,••• •• 8 Dis/rict RepresCltta/i'lles CO/wen/ion Keynoter Joe Scbmiu .. , .. ,,' •.•........•.... ,.. 11 Cenlral States, C. Herbert Wall, P. O. Box 1416, SSS, Springfield, Missouri A1J1l1ut! Achicllement Awards . .,,.............•.•.. 12 Dixie, John Dawl)on, 238 Hl\wthc.rne Road, N. W., Winston·Salem, North Carolina Neill/e,. Takes a BolV 11t Pbill)' ....•......•........•........ 30 E\'ergreen, Frank Graham, Jasper, Oregon Far Western, George Dohn, 3620 Domlch \Vay, Sacramento, California Departments Illinois, Chnrlell Snyder, 438 Crescent Boulevard, Lombnrd, illinois Btll'bershopper's ClrlJJroom ., ....•.•... , ....•.. , .....•.. '"." 5 IndiAna-Kentucky, Leslie Emmerson, 3206 PRrnell Avenue, Fort \Vayne, Indiana Sharps ami Flats ..........•..•.•.............. 10 Johnny A})]lleseed, ChArles W. Linker, 7300 Timberland Drive, Cincinnati 43, The Wa)' I See It ....•.•....•.•........ 14 Ohio Land O'Lnk~, Dan Waselehllk, 1414 Bel­ Barbershop Cl'aft .....•.•......•........•............... 19 llIeret Street, Green Un)', \Vlsconllin Michignn, LOll Harrington, 2361 Firat SllIltlS Qlfoles .. ,.......•.•.•.•.•...•,.,,,,•,... 20 National Building, Detroit 26, Mlchlgll.n Mid-Atlantic, John Nelmcr, P. O. Box 26, Sbare The Wealth .. ...•........•................. 23 Lanca5ter, Pennsylvnnla NOI1.henstern, Charles Rloketts, 2227 Crans­ Confidentially YOIII'S ••.•••••••••.•..•.•.•••.•••••••• 27 tOil Street, Cran5ton 10, Rhode Island Ontario, Hugh Palmer, 46 William Street, Orillia, Ontario, Canadn Seneca Land, James Steedman, 616 Dela­ ware Road, Kenmore 17, New York Miscellaneous Southwestern, Hank Lewis, 4320 Soulh­ W('titern Boulevard, Dallas 26, Texaa We'l'e A Bllnch of AJmical Snobs............................ 13 Sunshine, F. Stirling Wilson, 4808 Broad· brook Driye, Bethesda 14, Maryland Facts Aboilt T,.<wel to Pbiladelphia .......•...•..•.•.•.. 28 Let's Cet H. E. P. ..... ................•........•...... 29 And Pas/ Intematiolla! Open Letter Fl'om EMnJ Qllal'tet .....•......•...•............. 30 Pl'esidellls (wi/bottt -Ilo/e) New Chap/el's ............. ......•.•..........•.•.•..... 31 NotelVorth)' Chapters . .............•.•...................... Execttti1ie Director 31 C01lJing Events ""." .....•.•.•.•. , ..• '.,............. 32 Robert G. Hafer Cenlury Clflb .... , ..•.• '.' •.•... , ..•.•.•.•.... Inside BlfCk COIJeJ' Associate [ntema#o1/al Secretary W. 1. (Bill) 0«0 [11Iema/iollal Office ON OUR COVER 6315 Third Avenue International Barbershop Harmony \'(Ieek will be celebrated this Kenosha, Wisconsin year during the week of April 8-15, The two gentlemen on our Olympic 4·9111 March cover are responsible for the formation and foundation of this great fraternity of song we call Barbershopping. Owen Cash is no Cm/is F. Hockelt, Editor longer with us but his memory lives on through the encouragement and watchful eye of his co-founder Rupert Hall. Their dedication to Cott/ribtt/illg Edi/ors SPEBSQSA would be difficult for us to surpass, bur through our efforts to promote Barbershop Harmony \'(Ieek we can do much to James Ewln Robert G, Hafer insure that future generations will also find a haven from their n. M. Hockenbrough Deac Mal"tin daily cares through the Barbershop chord, On page 7 is a detailed W. L. Otto account of our plans to celebrate our "\'(Ieek". Begin preparations Stafford 'l'aylor F. Stirling Wilson now for a meaningful celebration in your town, It wil1 help you, your chapter and Barbershopping, PHINTED IN U.S,A. Milwaukee Stages Great Mid-Winter Board Reaffirms 25·Member +-----Mi-nimttt:n-R-e(Iui-rement-;-Pledge-­ Increased Officer Training; Sets Up Summer School for Members This is a brief summary of official anions taken b}' the Incernarional Board of Direccors at their ~rid'\'{'jnrer meeting held Janllar}' 19rh and 20rh, 1961. The firsr session of the 1961 l"fid·\X/jnrer Board meeting was held at International Head· quarcers in Harmony Hall, Kenosha, \Visconsin, Thursday eve­ ning, January L9th following two full days of orientation sessions of the International Board Assembly. Meetings were chen held all day Friday in connection with the Society'S Mid­ WI inter Convention. Various subjects in this brief summary will be reponed in detail in bulletins to District and Chapter Officers. By.Law Changes The following changes in the International By-Laws, many of them required to conform to changes made last year by the International House of Delegates in regard to organization and SOBER AS A JUDGE? YOII Ill;ty not bC!li~ve this but the seedy fUllctioning of the International Board of Directors and the new ch;tracter above is a judge of Society contests. Even this guy's quarterly anniversary membership reporting procedure, were be.st friends don't recognize him (or at least they WOll't admit it) adopted by the International Board of Directors: when he exchang(!s his championship quart(!t medal for his judging clothes. The cont(!st h~ judged was the Comedy \'Voodshed at INTERNATIONAL BY·LAWS Milwaukee. Have wo given you enough clue's to recognize Jaclt Under Article IV, "BOARD OF DIRECTORS", change Evans, bass of our 1960 International Champions Evans Quartet? By the way, he W:\S beautiful in living color. Seccion 4.03 tided "Ducies" to read: "The Doard of Direccors shall be responsible for the furtherance of the purposes of the Society and the auailllnenr of its objects, as well as the preser­ "Standing
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