Mt WEDDING GOLD WATCH PRESENTS. BRACELETS NEWEST AND BEST. Real Gold Self-fitting Bracelet* with Jewelled Lever Watches LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. FROM 6 0 /- XACH. _______ GUARANTEED. Wm. Broford Son, & Wm.Bruford &Son, Goldsmiths awl Silversmit)u, FASHIONABLE VISITORS’ RECORD AND GUIDE 100, Terminus-rd., Sastbourne Eastbourne and Exeter. EASTBOURNE, SATUfffiAY, OCTOBER W, 1914 E s t a b l is h e d 1856, T e l e p h o n e : 2 2 a?, E a s t b o u r n e . PRICE ONE PENNY h e LADIES’ COLLEGE, SC H O O L 0 F MAlTY H. COOLER, A rtistic Court D ressmaker. President t T GKA88INGTON ROAD, EASTBOURNE. THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. A Day School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. xx. Principals: nSSJ?ffi®i?S5 Latest Creations in FETE and EVENING GOWNS at Moderate Prices Head Master/ CHEAPER LIGHT MISS HITCHCOCK and MISS CRAKE • ' 1 ' i t ■ • : ■' ■ 1 ' The BBV. F. 8. WILLIAMS, MA (Successors lo Miss lies Ruelles), only are EMPLOYED. ORIGINAL AND EXCLUSIVE DEBIGNS. ' Owing to the War, Gas Mantles may become Assisted by a large Staff of Resident and Vial ting dearer Masters and Ml-treeaee. ^Individual Tuition. , Telephone 7SS, The School U a FIRST41RADE SCHOOL for the 8ons Pupils prepared, ii desired, for the Preliminary, Junior. of Gentlemen. Senior and Higher Cambridge Local Examinations, also ROAD, EASTBOURNE. Boys are prepared for tha Universities, the Army, Navy for Matriculation, London Univorsity, for the Society LL SIDE. ST. AN N E’S ROAD, LISMORB The Gas Qompany J. of French Professors in London and for the Examination ✓ BABTBOl and Civil Services,-Professions and Commercial Life. by the Associate! Board of the Royal Academy of Moslo Preparatory School for Boys, There are.special Abmt and Navy Classes. ’ therefore offer to upkeep Customers’ Mantles VHtJONKS, M.A., For Proepeotns and Information as to reoent Bn coatees, (by regular and systematic attention). rnnel College, application should be mads to the Head Mabteb. PubUo Schools and & (X). K. A^^LOOOMBE), Physical Drill Is oompulsory for the whole School. W ithout Charge for Labour, tSION MERCHANTS & GROCERS, LOVELLY-KEPPLESTONE Supplying and fixing'Mantles, where obviously BOBOUG H 80H001 •TOWV MALL, XA8TSOTTBNB. CSTAVELKY ROAD, MBAD8, EASTBOURNE. damaged, or as may bo desired by Customers, UPPER AVENUE, EASTBOURNE. Telephone No. 118. this held In January of every year. ITor Prospectus, further Particulars, &©., apply to bha ------- r s AND MINERAL WATERS, School for GirlI (Preparatory and Finishing). At 4/6 per dozen. Principals, The Ladies’ College. N.B.-Miss Hitchcock and Miss Private School far Boys, jr lwtflA. TiaK.01d Tawgpy Po& 36/- k 42/- per dozen x ra . v. h . ■ " r U A REENCR OFT-ELLESMERE, TlLBPHOm M . CHEAPER LIGHT! G 1, SPENCER ROAD „ lustre. BOTTLED FRUITS, ike. •| (Late of 32, The Avenue). iT. GEORGE’S, SCHOOL (DPPBRTON), Home School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. H ISS LLOYDS has removed to more oommodiooa premises and Is prepared to receive an Increased FOR BOYS INTENDED FOR BUSINESS LIFE. number of DAILY PUPILS. The SuhJeote of Instruction Include those taught a t all PubUo Secondary Schools and In addition, special A SMALL CLASS FOR THE CHILDREN attention la. paid to Commercial SubJeota and Modern ACHINE MADE BREAD OF GKNTLEPKOPLE ONLY MARSHALL & DUNBAR, Is held at 8, GRANGE ROAD. Pupils can be prepared for i lie Cambridge Preliminary RANVILLE HOUSE, GAUDICK ROAD, Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Tailors. Examination. u n i c i p a l s c h o o l o f a r t ].! PEE 2-LB* DOAF. G MEADS, KASTBOURNE. Beginners are reoeived. (TacHKiCAi. Institute, Grove-bo ad). ' ' J J| . R esidential, Preparatory and Finishing References from Parents of Pupils. M Girls' School NEW SEASONS MATERIALS AND DESIGNS NOW READY. DAY »nd EVENING CLASSES a n held in all ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN DAILY. Apply, Miss E. Cleatheb. Branehes of Art, including Classes In Metal Work, Principals—MRS. C. H. dx la MOTHE and Wood Carving ana Leather Work. MRS. NELSON FOLEY. B.8c (Lond.) late CLERICAL, NAVAL AND Mil. IT ARY TAILOES. Visitors can Join for short 'periods. 19 and 91, Olm rch-street ^15, Pevensey-road and 176, Seaside of the Ladles’ College, Cheltenham. IGREST CLASSICAL HONOUR8MAN Assisted by a well-qualified Staft AND EXPERIENCED TEACHER MUNICIPAL SECONDARY DAY SCHOOL House beautifully situated In its own Grounds. Good Laa aevetal hours Vacant. FOR GIRLS Tennis Courts and Playing Field. Recreation and Service Jackets . from £2.17s. 6d. talking Breeches. from £1.11s. 6d. Gymnasium Room (60 ft. long). ( Ufpebton-boad ), „ Overcoat.. „ £4. 4s. Od. Riding Breeches .%• £2. 2s. Od. i , Special Advantages for MUslo and Modern Languages. Recent Suocess Mr. Lynton Hudson honours In MUNICIPAL SECONDARY DAY SCHOOL Flannels Washed in Sain Water, for the storage of which large underground Oonorete Tanks have been constructed. Prospectus and references, on application. Oilskin Coats for rough work, 25/- j fc’westers, 3/6. Latin, Greek, French and English, at London University FOR BOYS Intermediate Exams., B. A. (Technical I nstitute, Grove-road). EASTBOURNE /^R A N V IL L E OREST, 8T. JOHN’S ROAD, R A I N C O A T S a n d WATERPlJtOOES f r o m £2. 2s. Od. Great experience of the Continent and the Teaching • Prospectus and fuUpartioulars of these Schools can U EASTBOURNE, ----------------------------------------- of Foreigners. to obtained from THE SECRETARY, Education Com- Dr COWNIE, L i m i ^ e i J School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. SOLE ADDRESS: ' ; Telephone No. 996. ■rtttee. Town Hall, Eastbourne. i : ■'________ SANITARY STEAM LAUNDRY CO., 11, Co r n f ie l d T e r r a c e . niorough Modern Education with special facilltlee for 1 1 3 , SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE. m H E MODERN SCHOOL of LANGUAGES, 1 LATIMEE ROAD, EASTBOURNE. Muslo awl Languages. in & PREPAID HATES Oran Scholarships obtained bt Pupils. -*■ A* Bobby <fr Co.’s Arcade. 40, Terminus-road. Every convenience is provided for ensuring the Highest Class of Work for Families, Lodging Individual supervision and training. Happy homo life OF ALL KINDS, FRENCH, GERMAN, ITALIAN, SPANISH, Houses, or Hotels. with healthy School discipline. JVl DUE. EMtiMU RETRiflLLI, R.A.M, Extensive premises in own grounds. Playing field. ENGLISH, RUSSIAN, CLASSICS, HEBREW, SPACIOUS OPEN. DRYING GROUND. f Jf Telephone He. 886. '*■. (Of London) ILRS FOB SALS, Ac. Large hall, well-lighted and ventilated, for gymnastics, (Late pupil of Signor Randegger) Letters should be addressed Hill, Sanitary Steam Laundry, Zatimer-road, Eastbourne." (landing and Indoor recreation. Prima Donna Opera and Principal London Concerts, ED or HTUATIOM RIQUIMD. T m s Moderate. Native Teachers. Trial Lssson Tree. Prospectus and List of Suooessesin Public Examinations APARTMENTS TO L IT , ! Principal—L. de LAVALLAZ. Dr. Lltt during past year on application to Thb Principal. Bnllder Contractor and Sanitary Plumbe RECEIVES PUPILS FOR LESSONS IN 8INGINC ■Used in ths Whole at AND .VOICE CULTURE (Italian Method) T. CELINE’S Home School for GIRLS At Messrs. Clift's, Gildredge-road, and 9, Duke’s l West End Building Works, Meads. Residence: 1, Matlock-road, s (Ltd.) Sussex Newspapers S (Bexhill) Re-Opened S e p t e m b e r 28t h in One Charge, vie. i ^ _ _ t New Premises at ESTIMATES GIVEN TOE GENERAL H)U8E REPAIRS. 9, UPPERTON ROAD, EASTBOURNE SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO DRAINAGE AND HOUSE SANITATION. Day-Boarders will be reoeived and.Students for Private Lessons or Classes. Children unable to return to ' ELOCUTION. Continental Sohools-recelved temporarily. J IN ORDER TO LESSEN UNEMPLOYMENT UTISS HILDA FLANAGAN Lecture Nixt Saturday, 16th, at 81x p.m., X L i (Late pupil of Mrs. Hasluok), [ ' C O U R T ROAD, LONDON, W ’’The Girl Guides." Lantern Views. DURING THE WAR ; Gold Medalist and A.L.A.M. Elocution, I B S V , MORGAN, L .R .A .M LONDON." Telephone:MUSEUM "ONE.’ Last Week's Leotnre. ” Joan of Arp,” kindly delivered GIVES LESSONS in RECITING, PUBLIC Silver Medallist '.{ $ SPEAKING, PURE VOICE TONE, &c. (Pupil of Ctear Thomson, Brussels), MARK MARTIN & SONS {Address: LAN3DOWNE HOTEL, Eastbourne. GIVES VIOLIN LESSONS. SAVIOUR’S CHOIR SCHOOL, Schools Visited. Are hoping to retain theip present staff of Employes Pupils prepared for Examinations S• SOUTH STREET. hnd trust to receive YOUR co-operation and support. DANCING AND DEPORTMENT. GRANVILLE CREST. EASTBOURNE. • BOYS ABE TAKEN FROM THE AGE OF EIGHT. I LUCY WAY begs to announoe that AND POST FREE, Fees SB pks Annum. , All orders will be promptly, carefully and economically er CLASSES will be RESUMED In the , Many Choral Scholarships, some of which cover INS ROOM8,.on SATURDAY, Octobkb 3rd. * the whole amfljpt of the Fees. V Training forytuslneee Life. ■tee a eomUaed Sale saessdtag R . FRANCIS J: FOOTE For Prospectus and after Information apply , M (Aseodate of the Royal Academy of Muste), l £ 5 PREPAID ORDERS CARRIAGE PAID TO ANY PIES WEEKLY Conductor of the Eastbourne, Heuthfleld and Tunbridge MILLER & SELMES, Wells Choral Sooletles and Eastbourne Orohestral RAILWAY STATION IN ENGLAND OR WALES. IGNORINA VIANELLI Under Royal Patronage. Society, Ac., lers. Decorators. Plan S (Professoreesa dl Lingua Itallana La urea ta ■ , DANCING AND CALISTHENICS. Pupil for many years of Professor Hans Weesely (the nell’ UniverdtA dl Roma) Every description of Building and House Repairs done at Moderate Charges, famous Violinist) and Dr. Theo. Llerhammer (the n___ j _ i _aa_as_a. n __.1__ J et_____/j ___rrr__ t. ISS ELEANOR RATCLIFFS, renowned Llederslnger), GIVES LESSONS Il| ITALIAN M 10 years Assistant to MRS. WORDSWORTH, RECEIVES PUPILS in VIOLIN PLAYING and In Schools and Families. French Lessons also given. Will RESUME her CLASSES at the GRAND HOTEL. For terms, ito., applyJHeaxherdenk, 4, Meads-street, SATURDAY, Oar, 3rd, at 2.16; Juveniles, U o’clock.
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