- tibi'ar.f . - 6960: ''-;P:?:--- , onCollegerevenues Cablevision- drops increase $1.3 milliøn $25 installation fee - bySuassQtowlenke - Oakton Community Collegé has The announcement was mude iostallatloù will he available to . to meeteperahagexpssm. - Stsdent Government- Intire at Tuesday night's Niles Cuhle customers On the collected $1385000, more th tax In other money matters, the first pass money this year than in 1q82 amnsntofIl2,i70.24:- TV meeting that Cahievisien has through only. If a resident is con- Board approved-$l,577,a.3.33 for The new student trastee, bettdropped the $25 installation fee -. reported . treasurer David tachai und refuses to sign up for expenditures in March of 1983.Vrahel, took office, haviog they were originally charging.cable TV and then changes his Hilquist at the District 535 BoàrdThe cnteogory with the highest woo - the general election with 318sew customers. Chairman Ang mind at a later date, he Will he Meeting Tsesdayniht. amount of expenditures Is the Marcbeschi told bis heard that votes. Vrabel vowed to "follow in - . Mnñey collected from taxes reqsired to puy the $25 In. Education:Fnnd, totalinghis predeoser's footsteps, Andy customers who had already paid stallatton fee. In addition, if gana into a Working Cash jund$1,184.896. Approved hy the which is ssedthraughoutthe year Ciss" and hopes to "bringa new the fee would receive an adjust- special lustallation is reqsired . Board were axpenditsras for Csetlnaed onPage 3o' ment os their May hills. The free Castinuedun Pare 33 Expect vote - on Goldwater bill- Village of Niles in late May - EditiOn Pending bill tjt . to give FCC 966-3900-1.4 N. SIthKMR, NILES, ILL. 25tpèrcopy. VOL 28 NO 45 THE BUGLE THURSDAY APRIL ¿11983 control of u 1. JFtoththe câble TV -5 - - : .Left hand at Park Bòard meet,nM - - hyDiarieMiller . - - '- - - byBad Besser At Tuesday night's Nues park asother 4 - years. Retisse is A bib iotrodsced- by Senator According to Asg Murcheschi, board meeting, incumhentark - Barryl Goldwater which would óhairman of Niles Cable TV We liad- a very interesting presently the board president sodlake- the.ïegslutory powers for - climmittee, - the peodtng bill Mony mog speag to thecommissioners Walt hausse and:Heinen in tIre vice president. ThiScable televisios away from the Elaine Heninen-were sworuin by will he Beusse'o3rd term iñ office which is scheduled to he voted on Senior Men's Ctub at Trident- ciliés uCd give it lo the gover- io late May wosld affeel only Canter.- The tSt:tiIflÇ - park secretary Grace Johtison und Heinen'osecond. - e speise: Ornent was the subjecl of a - - there, we -Wereves)' iiopressedfor their new 4 year terms of of- The official canvass of the vote consinrísiities which uro is mujer special meeting of the Nues ,telèvioioomarkets,-that in, those witis the andience which filled the -fice ressttin( from theirre- took place April 15 and there ---U - Costinsedonrage33 CobIe TV commiltee Tuesday -which have four Or more major room. We fignrèd the-fnll hesse election April - 12. After the - evening. meant they were anstoije te hearceremony Mrs. Heinen thanked - CsnllnuedosPagesll -thepearls which*e'ddrpat thethe voters for their support-, commended the other candidates meeting. Ten minstes after my Notre Da -e-AthleticAwards::-: - speech began 2 yèarsago. a hell - furtheir candidacies und said she raxg and -90% of the listenershoped she could help the hourd filled ant of the room and went to I maintain its notoires for another four years. Beusse added he - - - a claiswhtóh was schedaled for that boor-We- realised the fall-would give it his best effort for house asdioncè was probably o- - rouoded-sp and herded into the - Firefighter! ball to make a dechot showing. We wore left with ari aodience of Paramedic - - - -Monday- morning, the Men's exám - - Cttihwas probably the best groop The Village of-Niles and Police we've spoken tele some time WeCommission has adnounred that - felt a great rapport with the:there will he un examination fer -fellows -and appreciated theirfirefighter/puramedic for the you.cestd-hear-a-pin'drop" at,Villugé of Niles. The Village is -tention.Dsringthe hat dog lunch,preparing un eligibility list on several of the men otepped by to- firefighter/paramedics und lobe tell us how mnch they enjoyed - eligible, one mml he u United recetviiig The Bugle. It renewedStates citizen, Village of MIes Ourpirit. resident. be between the ages of Covtinaed an Page 33 Foryears we've been diotrihnting papers to senior Daylight savings groups, many hundredsof Cnfflfsued sa Page 33 tine returns Shwoabov theNotr DmeB ktball J kM Qlview Mstlmpo dPlay Award Winoers Row 2(I.to - r.) Collo Quinn, Row 1 (1. to r.) Mike Pariser, NUes,Most Vatdable Sunday Glenview, Robert Peccarro Memorial Award -Daylight savings time returns os Player, Bent Offensive Player;John Mseller, freshmen level; Dun English, Mortos- Grovei - Chicago, Best Free Throw -BUGLE SEEKS ut 2 am. Sunday, April -14, % und Best Defensive Ralph Ringer Aurd on the sophomore Ive); Player; Bob Barrett, Nites,Most Improved - signalling the need for motorists -:' - NEWSBOYS Fran O'Mallöy, Chicago, Best Free Throw W usd Player.Not pIctured in Frits Scheller,Park Ths-Biigl. IsVssakiog dIioory to adjust their meroing und Rev John Coran Aw d as he t team player Ridg nsw snare sr, -afall asss sa evenlugdriving habits, according Leading Rebounder dxli corns wspapars no Thor. to the AAA-Chicago Motor Club. Notre -Dame -Hih School for chided, MostVutuuhle Swimmer aday.- Far ahobpounnisy-is Most Improved Freestyler, Mark - The AAA-CMC also remindsBoys, 7655 Dempster, Niles,and - Most osen entra dallarè;onil: Outstanding -Riedler,MortosGrove;anetMost everyone te mm -their clochsrecently honored all winter F'reeotyler-John Wolski, MortonImproved. Non-Freestyler-Asdy ahead one hour before retiringutidetesat uwurd banquets. - Grove; Most Outstanding Nos-- Gulausisi, Niles. Sutsrduynight, April23. Swimming award whiners In.Froostyler-Andy Riely, Niles; Caetiaaeri os Page 30 Pigez fleBugI, flarld.y, April il, 19S3 Niles-Morton Grove Center: . -.. The Bugle, Tharaday, April 29, 5553 .7 i983 M.mb.r-- of Concern Oacidnnnse,-ediaraP050ahne IllInoIs Press AssocI allan P Em- I Diavs Miber-MaouliogEdilse Rotary Dresents check î' corployment ofcrne for Semor prom neben ecO,,'prnIsr A mtehrelibIe üdividu over SeniorCitizens' G go 55eith fullnd port-time hr.. jobs. E A vorityofpositionoore NEWS AND VIEWS. avoiloble, irreluding Genemi Of- 8746N. Shermer Road 3 flee, Sales, Aeromrtante, Sorority . 60648 -a- u1 t r . Nues, Illinois Positions, Coohiero, Moirrienonee u mrd Homemokoro, oto. Among other programs are News for all Nues Seniors(orge62and over) 'In Inelops.ssrhnr (7,ssesmaesisv .\rssopuprr Eesohfiehrsi sn 19,57 h,fomrotion and Referent, Friend- 'y Visiting and Senior Compro- from tise NÌIeH Senior Center ionship, Telephone Reassurance, 8060Oakton, Nues 67-61OOext.7 Declining enrollmenand excess space present problems Commmdty Outreoch, Corosol- .,Nues Lions kick-off tug, sud "Secretarial Service for Seniors." SENIOR FORUM The Conter of Concernis The Niles Senior Center Forum meets monthly to provide oc- "Blue Boy" project located irr Suite 4 of the 1580 N. livitico input to the center's stoff for progrum scheduling. All consult ant's Northwest huy. bldg. Call 823- ure wvlcome to attend rament meeting os Thurvdny,April 21 at Display 0453 for further information er 1p.m. drop in nod meet our friendly staff und volunteers. FATRERMARTIN'S GUIDELINES The film Father Martin's GuidelInes will be shown ors Fridoy, report onMaine Highs Pack 175 seeks April 22 01 11 orn. The topic of the film is nlcoholism. Peavy Jarchow, caseworher for the Evonotoc V.N.A. will lead o The companion prsblemv of district meet program needs. Rotary President Bill Hughes (left) le shown presenting a chests discussion following the f ihn. declining norohlennut and mcmv The council evaluated upare new scouts requiremnotS based onIhm to Richard Hour, Director of the Nier Tounship Sheltered WOMEN'S CLUB NUes College space in Maioe Township High Workshop.The Nibs-Morton Greve Rotary Clots meets euch Cub Scout Pack 175 of St. John School District 257 mean that the misting edocational program as Monday at 12:15 at the Octoher Five Restuurmst. Breheof PariahinNies,lt. The Nitre Sevior Cester Wemes's CIsh will meet os Mossduy, Concert Board of Education will face wellascalcolatiogspace invitesoIlsoasad,third,mrd April 25 ut 1 p.m. The form of the husiness meetieg will he the some diflicult decisions in the reqoiremestswithcertain outlive of upcoming programs for the 1903-84 term sf-newly iv- fourth goode beys lo offend their For 2e yenes, Nues CoUegr scar future according to Superin- program chovgns.CEFP amo poets meeting on Fridoy, April29 slotted officeru. Cooceet Choir und NOes Sym- tendeet John A. Murphy. In or- esamieed the district's oulslas- ut 7:30 p.m. in Flanagan Halt, phony Orchestra -huyo beds GREAT VALUES THIS WEEK FOR YOU! . der to have the best possible is- ding debt, the cost of operating 8301 Hartem ave., Nitre. The DIET CONTROL hedging flor elasoical music ta formation upen which lo bave two versus three buildings, and QUARTERED puck is hovissg a memhurship Beverly Bowliog from the Millo Foundation will csmpleto the Chicago und thy Northwestern those decisions, Ike board asked compieted as "informal" markel CUT dlive nod would like oIl iotoreoteri third nesvios ofthe those port diet workshop sa Msnduy, April22 sabrnb, oode the superb etere- 98R. ut t p.m. the ConocilofEducational anahysis of each building based FRESH CHICKEN BREAST torysto come Out with their tios of Roe. Stooloy R. Rudehi. Facility Planenrs (CEFP) to help os a general appraisal of the sole REGULAR pescato and oigo up. Their 20th Asoiversany Coocect CUT - LS, the district identify ponsibleand hoase valueof mach A video tepe will he shows of SEPThMBER CERAMICSCLASSES ENROLLMENT will hr held at Qaees nf AS Saints solutions to those problems.
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