Public Document Pack South Hams Council Title: Agenda Date: Thursday, 17th December, 2020 Time: 2.00 pm Venue: Via Teams Full Members: Chairman Cllr Rowe Vice Chairman Cllr Foss Members: Cllr Abbott Cllr Long Cllr Austen Cllr McKay Cllr Baldry Cllr O'Callaghan Cllr Bastone Cllr Pannell Cllr Birch Cllr Pearce Cllr Brazil Cllr Pennington Cllr Brown Cllr Pringle Cllr Chown Cllr Reeve Cllr Hawkins Cllr Rose Cllr Hodgson Cllr Smerdon Cllr Holway Cllr Spencer Cllr Hopwood Cllr Sweett Cllr Jackson Cllr Taylor Cllr Kemp Cllr Thomas Interests – Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any Declaration and disclosable pecuniary interest not entered in the Authority's Restriction on register or local non pecuniary interest which they have in any Participation: item of business on the agenda (subject to the exception for sensitive information) and to leave the meeting prior to discussion and voting on an item in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest. Committee [email protected] administrator: Page No 1. Minutes 1 - 14 to approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 24 September 2020; 2. Urgent Business the Chairman to announce if any item not on the agenda should be considered on the basis that he considers it as a matter of urgency (any such item to be dealt with under ‘Business Brought forward by the Chairman’); 3. Exempt Information to consider whether the consideration of any item of business would be likely to disclose exempt information and if so the category of such exempt information; 4. Declarations of Interest Members are invited to declare any personal; or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting; 5. Business Brought Forward by the Chairman to consider business (if any) brought forward by the Chairman; 6. COVID-19 Recovery and Renewal Plan To follow; 7. Climate Change and Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 15 - 52 Update 8. Planning Delegation Scheme 53 - 62 9. Resource and Waste Management Strategy for Devon and 63 - 160 Torbay 10. Annual Review of Health and Safety Policy Statement 161 - 182 Page No 11. Questions to consider the following question received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 8; a. From Cllr Brazil to Cllr Baldry (lead Executive Member for Environment): ‘How much extra money will be raised by the changes to Parking Permit charges? (Please include the two 20% increases in subsequent years)’ b. From Cllr Brazil to Cllr Pearce (Leader of the Council): ‘How much money, by way of Government Grant, has been given to business rated holiday and second homes as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic?’ c. From Cllr Brazil to Cllr Pearce (Leader of the Council): ‘What is the average total Council Tax (Band D) for local residents in the South Hams including the precepts for the Fire Brigade and Police?’ d. From Cllr Brazil to Cllr Pearce (Leader of the Council): ‘Taking into account Small Business Rate Relief, how much Council Tax or Business Rates do business rated holiday and second homes pay in the South Hams and how long has this been the case?’ 12. Notice of Motion to consider the following motions received (if any) in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10.1 a. From Cllr Hodgson and Cllr Rose ‘With the draft Climate and Biodiversity Action Plans emerging from South Hams District Council Climate, Devon County Council as well as many of our town and parish council’s, we are reaching an important point at which we need to commence implementation. This Council therefore commits to reviewing and aligning all our other plans and policies as well as our practices to ensure we meet our targets on carbon reduction and prioritise proactive protection and conservation Page No of our natural environment and wildlife heritage. By doing so we will ensure a prosperous future for our people, our wildlife and our planet for generations to come.’ b. From Cllr Hodgson and Cllr Rose ‘The new Government planning proposals could strike at the heart of South Hams and undermine the future and quality of our natural and built heritage and outstanding landscape. This Council therefore commits to recruit more Conservation officers into its planning team to enable applications and appraisals for new and extended protective designations of our AONB and Conservation areas to ensure their future protected.’ c. From Cllr Brazil and Cllr Baldry ‘The increase in housing numbers proposed by the Government's planning reforms would be a disaster for the South Hams. Yet more of our countryside would disappear under concrete. This Council will challenge the government by way of Judicial Review if anything but objectively assessed housing numbers are forced upon us. Housing numbers should reflect both local need and type of housing only.' d. From Cllr Abbott and Birch ‘Whilst recognising the valuable work being undertaken by the SHDC Officers in addressing the issues arising out of the Covid-19 pandemic Council resolves to assist those residents and businesses within the District who are affected by the import and/or export problems arising at the end of the Transition Period for leaving the European Union. In identifying such residents and businesses the officers allocated to providing such assistance be supported by Members in locating those in need.’ 13. Reports of Bodies to receive and as may be necessary approve the minutes and recommendations of the under-mentioned Bodies (* Indicates minutes containing recommendations to Council). Page No (a) Development Management Committee - 9 September 2020 183 - 190 (b) Development Management Committee - 7 October 2020 191 - 198 (c) Overview & Scrutiny Panel - 8 October 2020 199 - 204 (d) Salcombe Harbour Board * -19 October 2020 205 - 210 (e) Executive * - 22 October 2020 211 - 220 (f) Development Management Committee - 4 November 2020 221 - 226 (g) Licensing Committee * - 5 November 2020 227 - 230 (h) Executive - 3 December 2020 231 - 242 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 1 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SOUTH HAMS DISTRICT COUNCIL HELD REMOTELY VIA SKYPE ON THURSDAY 24 SEPTEMBER 2020 MEMBERS * Cllr R Rowe – Chairman * Cllr R J Foss – Vice-Chairman * Cllr V Abbott * Cllr D W May * Cllr L Austen * Cllr J McKay * Cllr K J Baldry * Cllr D M O’Callaghan * Cllr H D Bastone * Cllr G Pannell * Cllr J P Birch * Cllr J A Pearce * Cllr J Brazil * Cllr J T Pennington * Cllr D Brown * Cllr K Pringle * Cllr M Chown * Cllr H Reeve * Cllr J D Hawkins * Cllr J Rose * Cllr J M Hodgson * Cllr P C Smerdon * Cllr T R Holway * Cllr B Spencer * Cllr N A Hopwood * Cllr J Sweett * Cllr S Jackson * Cllr B Taylor * Cllr K Kemp * Cllr D Thomas * Cllr M Long * Denotes attendance Ø Denotes apology for absence Officers in attendance and participating: For all items: Chief Executive; Deputy Chief Executive; Director of Governance and Assurance; Section 151 Officer; Director of Place and Enterprise; Deputy Monitoring Officer; and Democratic Services Manager 13/20 MINUTES The minutes of the meetings of the Council held on 16 July 2020 and 30 July 2020 were both approved as a true and correct record. 14/20 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members were invited to declare any interests in the items of business to be considered during the course of the meeting, but there were none made. 15/20 BUSINESS BROUGHT FORWARD BY THE CHAIRMAN The Chairman informed that she had agreed for one item of urgent business to be brought forward to this meeting that read as follows: ‘This Council RESOLVES to delete paragraph 3.3(a) as set out below) from its adopted Remote Meeting Procedure Rules: Page 1 3.3 Business (a) In keeping with the rationale for holding meetings only where they are required, agendas for any such meetings required to be held shall not include any items for Questions or Motions on Notice from Councillors As a result, provision for Questions and Motions on Notice will be reinstated with effect from the next scheduled Council Meeting to be held on 17 December 2020. In proposing the motion, Cllr Pearce advised that the Council had now been successfully operating its formal Member meetings remotely for a number of months. As a result, it was now considered timely to reinstate the ability for Members to be able to submit Questions and Motions on Notice to Council meetings. During the ensuing debate, Members expressed their support for this motion and it was then: RESOLVED This Council RESOLVES to delete paragraph 3.3(a) (as set out below) from its adopted Remote Meeting Procedure Rules: 3.3 Business (a) In keeping with the rationale for holding meetings only where they are required, agendas for any such meetings required to be held shall not include any items for Questions or Motions on Notice from Councillors. As a result, provision for Questions and Motions on Notice will be reinstated with effect from the next scheduled Council Meeting to be held on 17 December 2020. 16/20 AMENDED BUDGET 2020/21 The Council considered a report that presented a draft amended Budget for 2020/21 in light of the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic. In the ensuing debate, particular reference was made to:- (a) the work undertaken by the Section 151 Officer. A number of Members wished to thank the Section 151 Officer and her finance team for their hard work in preparing this draft amended Budget; (b) an amendment to the motion. An amendment was PROPOSED and SECONDED that read as follows: That Part 1 of the recommendation be revised as follows: Page 2 ‘That the first four options as set out in Section 5.2 of the presented agenda report (totalling £433,000) be approved and a sum of £880,000 be taken from the Unearmarked Reserve (making a total of £1,313,000) in order to produce an Amended Revenue Budget for 2020-21.’ In expressing their support for the amendment, some Members were of the view that it would be more appropriate (bearing in mind that the COVID-19 pandemic was considered to be an Emergency) for Unearmarked Reserves to be used in order to balance the Revenue Budget for 2020-21.
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