Welcome to High Mowing School! 欢迎来到海默茵学校! We educate our students to seek truth and fulfill 我们教育学生寻求真理并发挥最大潜能, their highest potential, to impart meaningful purpose 为他们的生活赋予有意义的目标并勇敢 to their lives and to contribute courageously to the 地为世界的积极发展作出贡献。 positive development of the world. 2 High Mowing School 海默茵学校 East-West International 东西方国际高中文凭课程 High School Diploma 自1942 年开办以来,海默茵学校一直欢迎来自世界各地的 Since it opened its doors in 1942, High Mowing School 学生一目前在校学生来自巴厘岛、巴西、加拿大、中国、法国、 has welcomed students from around the world—most 德国、以色列、韩国、墨西哥、西班牙和瑞士。大约 30% recently from Bali, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, 的学生来自美国以外的地区,在美国新英格兰的中心地区创 Israel, Korea, Mexico, Spain, and Switzerland. About 30% 建了一个国际学习者社区。在海漠茵,国际学生找到一个温 of our students come from outside the United States to 馨、像家一样的学校环境和一个致力于帮助每个学生在学校 create an international community of learners in the heart 和生活中取得成功的教师团体。 海默茵学校是美国唯一一所 of New England, USA. At HMS, international students find 提供寄宿计划的华德福高中。 a welcoming, home-like school environment and a faculty committed to helping each student succeed in school and in 高中文凭课程 life. High Mowing School is the only Waldorf high school 凭借 75 年与国际学生合作的经验,海默茵东西方国际高中 in the United States that offers a boarding program. 文凭课程借鉴美国和中国高中课程的经验,提供结合中美课 High School Diploma Program 程的高中课程。来自中国的学生有机会在美国学习,同时与 Building on 75 years of experience working with 他们的母语和祖国文化保持紧密的联系。 international students, HMS East West International 东西方国际高中文凭课程帮助中国高中生成为具有国际视野 High School Diploma Program draws on the experiences 的跨学科双语学生,为进入美国和国外的科学、艺术和人文 of American and Chinese high school curriculum to offer a 高等教育机构做好充分准备。该计划还使美国学生能够体验 high school program that combines Chinese and American 和了解中国文化、历史、科学、文学、地理和语言。虽然美 courses. Students from China are offered the unique 国的许多高中都欢迎来自中国的学生,但海默茵为他们提供 opportunity to study in the USA while keeping a strong and 了继续探索和理解中国语言和文化的机会。 living connection with their native language and the culture of their home country. 海默茵国际高中文凭课程为6 至 12 年级的学生提供多 The East West International High School Diploma Program 种选择。 prepares Chinese high school students to become inter-disciplinary bilingual students with international perspectives, well-prepared to attend higher education institutions in Sciences, Arts, and Humanities in the USA and abroad. The program also prepares American students to experience and understand Chinese culture, history, Science, literature, geography and language. While many high schools in the USA welcome students from China, HMS offers them the chance to continue their discovery and understanding of the Chinese language and culture. HMS East West International High School Diploma Program offers several options for students in grades 6 through 12. 3 High School Preparation 高中准备 Grades 6–8 Our High School Preparation Program is designed for on our Pine Hill campus, students in grades 6 through students in grades 6 through 8 to improve their English 8 participate in all classes and activities along with their skills in preparation for high school while enjoying a full American peers, and are supported in their acquisition middle school curriculum. of English in ESL (English as a Second Language) classes. They enjoy supervision by the host family while the Grades 6–8 Trimester student is not in school, transportation to and from A twelve-week High School Preparation Program school, and cultural activities. Our year-long high school (‘HSP 6–8’) to prepare for a HMS high school education. preparation program is designed for students to become Immersed in HMS middle school experience, fully fluent in English while enjoying a full Waldorf integrated in the regular classes held on our Pine Hill curriculum. Well-cared for, safe, and ‘at home,’ campus, students in grades 6 through 8 participate in all international students in grades 6 through 8 enjoy the classes and activities along with their American peers, perfect setting to become fluent in English and and are supported in their acquisition of English in ESL succeed in school. Homestay families are carefully (English as a Second Language) classes. They develop a selected and closely connected to our school community, level of English skills and acculturation that prepares them and typically live less than 30 minutes from HMS. well for high school at HMS and for higher education. HSP 6–8 students who attend the HSP 6–8 trimester in Grade 6–8 Summer Camp grades 7 and 8 are offered priority enrollment in the HMS Two weeks of authentic Waldorf summer camp on high school East-West Diploma Program. our nature-filled HMS campus, in the heart of New Grades 6–8 Year-Long Homestay England. Crafts, drawing and painting, traditional games, A full school year (September–June) as a homestay summer activities such as swimming, hiking, day trips student, hosted by families and friends of our school to local towns to discover American life, and lots of who welcome them into their home as new members of singing! A first step onto HMS campus and culture for an their extended family. Immersed in HMS middle school unforgettable, short-term experience of life at High experience, fully integrated in the regular classes held Mowing School! 4 6–8年级 我们的高中预备课程专为 6 至 8 年级的学生设计,旨在提高他 验中,完全融入松山校园的常规课程,6 至 8 年级的学生与美 们的英语技能,为高中学习做好准备,同时享受完整的中学课程。 国同龄人一起参加所有课程和活动,并获得 ESL 英语习得的 支持(英语作为第二语言)课程。当学生不在学校,往返学 6–8 年 级 1/3 学期 校和文化活动时,他们享受寄宿家庭的监督。为期一年的高 为期12 周的高中预备课程(“HSP 6-8”),为海默茵高中教育 中预备课程旨在让学生在享受完整的华德福课程的同时精通 做准备。沉浸在海默茵中学的体验中,完全融入松山校园的常 英语。 6 至 8 年级的国际学生得到良好的照顾,安全和“在 规课程,6 至 8 年级的学生与美国同龄人一起参加所有课程和 家” 享受完美的环境,能够流利地学习英语并在学校取得成功。 活动,并获得 ESL 英语习得的支持(英语作为第二语言的课程)。 寄宿家庭均经过精心挑选,与学校社区紧密相连,通常距离 他们培养了一定程度的英语技能和文化适应能力,为海漠茵高 海默茵不到 30 分钟车程。 中和高等教育做好准备。在 7 年级和 8 年级参加 HSP 1/3 课 程的学生将获得海默茵东西方国际高中文凭课程的优先入学 6–8 年级夏令营 资格。 两周的正宗华德福夏令营位于新英格兰中心的海漠宁校园内。 手工、线画和彩绘、传统游戏、夏季活动、游泳,徒步旅行, 6–8 年级整学年(9–6 月 ) 到当地城镇一日游,探索美国生活,还有很多歌唱!是迈向海 作为寄宿家庭的学生,由我们学校的家庭和朋友主持,欢迎他 漠宁校园和文化的第一步,为学生提供难忘的短期生活体验! 们作为大家庭的新成员进入他们的家。沉浸在海默茵中学的体 Sample Weekly Schedule Grade 6–8 年级课程表 - 样本 MONDAY 星期一 TUESDAY 星期二 WEDNESDAY 星期三 THURSDAY 星期四 FRIDAY 星期五 Morning Lesson 早上的课 Snack and Recess 小吃和休息 Woodwork 木工 English ESL 英语 ESL Math 数学 Eurythmy 音语舞 English ESL 英语 ESL Choir 合唱 Gardening 园艺 English ESL 英语 ESL English ESL 英语 ESL Strings 小提琴/大提琴 Recess and Lunch 休息和午餐 English ESL 英语 ESL English ESL 英语 ESL Strings 小提琴/大提琴 Handwork 手工 English ESL 英语 ESL Movement 体育 Math 数学 Movement 体育 Math 数学 Eurythmy 音语舞 5 Grades 9–12 Trimester A twelve-week High School Preparation Program (‘HSP 9–12’) for students in grades 9 through 12. Students attend twelve weeks—for the fall, winter or the spring trimester—and reside in the HMS high school campus where they enjoy all courses as a boarding student. In addition to participating in our regular high school course of studies, students engage in supplemental courses in English as a Second Language (ESL) for the duration of their stay at HMS. HSP 9–12 students who attend a trimester in the high school are offered priority enrollment in our Grades 9–12 East-West International High School Diploma Program. 9–12 年级1/3学期 为 9 至 12 年级的学生提供为期 12 周的高中预备课程(“HSP 9–12”)。学生参加 12 周 - 秋季、冬季或春季学期 均可 - 并 住在 HMS 高中校园,他们享受所有作为寄宿学生的课程。除 了参加我们的常规高中课程外,学生还可以在海默宁期间参 加英语作为第二语言(ESL)的补充课程。参加高中 1/3 学期 的学生将获得我们 9-12 年级东西方国际高中文凭课程的优先 录取权。 6 High School Diploma 高中毕业证 Grades 9–12 East-West 9–12 东西方国际高中文凭课程 International High School Diploma 海默茵是一所东西方文化真正相遇的学校。我们的东西方国 High Mowing is a school where eastern and western 际高中文凭课程包含广泛的文化基础,并扩展到东方。 cultures truly meet. Our East-West International High School Diploma program encompasses a broad cultural 晨课板块 basis, expanded to the East. 每个高中学生都需要修晨课板块,为青少年发现他们进入世界 的方式提供指导。在 4 个高中阶段的每一个年级都提供九个晨 Morning Lessons Blocks 课板块,总共 36 个板块。为了涵盖东方和西方,我们选择了 Required of each HMS student, morning-lesson blocks 那些通过融入中国元素或通过替代从中国文化中获取灵感的替 offer guidance to adolescents as they discover their 代课程来融入中国文化的课程 :在提供的 9 个晨课板块中,我 own way into the world. Nine morning lesson blocks 们的东西方国际高中文凭,5 个板块完全整合(中英文学生参 are offered in each of the four high school years, for a 加同一班级),两个板块专注于用英语教学的中国文化、艺术、 total of thirty six blocks. To encompass East and West, 地理、文学、科学课程用英文提供,两个专注于中国文化、艺 we have selected those courses that lend themselves 术、地理、文学、科学课程以中文提供。 to embracing Chinese culture either by extension through the incorporation of Chinese elements or through 此外,东西方国际高中文凭课程在每学年包括 10 周( 5 月中旬、 replacement with alternative courses that take their 6 月和 7 月)的研习游学 - 其中包括正常学年的四周(5 月中 inspiration from Chinese culture: Of the nine morning 旬到 6 月中旬)暑假期间 6 周(6 月中旬至 7 月底)。中国和 lesson blocks offered in our HMS East-West International 美国学生参加该计划可获得学分。 High School Diploma program, five blocks are fully integrated (English and Chinese speaking students attend the same class), two blocks focused on Chinese culture/arts/geography/literature/science are delivered in English, and two blocks focused on Chinese culture/arts/ geography/literature/science are delivered in Chinese. In addition, the East-West International High School Diploma Program includes a 10-week research trip in each of the high school grades, (Mid-May, June, and July)— comprised of four weeks of the regular school year (mid- May to mid-June) and six extra weeks during the summer vacation (mid-June to end of July)—for which Chinese and American students enrolled in the program earn credit. 7 Morning Lesson Blocks 晨课板块 GRADE 9 年级 CURRENTLY OFFERED AT HMS 目前在HMS提供 POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVES 可能的选择 Geology 地质学 Plant Chemistry 植物化学 History – Revolutions (Ideals which have driven social change) Expand to include elements of Chinese culture 历史 - 革命(推动社会变革的理想) 扩展到包括中国文化的元素 Alternative focused on history of art in China History through
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