S6570 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 11, 2009 SUBCOMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT preamble be agreed to, and the motion A resolution (S. Res. 184) offering deepest MANAGEMENT, THE FEDERAL WORKFORCE, to reconsider be laid upon the table. condolences to the family and friends of Offi- AND THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without cer Stephen T. Johns and calling on the lead- Mr. NELSON of Florida. Mr. Presi- objection, it is so ordered. ers of all Nations to speak out against the dent, I ask unanimous consent that the manifestations of anti-Semitism, bigotry, The resolution (S. Res. 183) was and hatred. Committee on Homeland Security and agreed to. There being no objection, the Senate Governmental Affairs’ Subcommittee The preamble was agreed to. proceeded to consider the resolution. on Oversight of Government Manage- The resolution, with its preamble, Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, today I ment, the Federal Workforce, and the reads as follows: have submitted a resolution con- District of Columbia be authorized to S. RES. 183 meet during the session of the Senate demning yesterday’s heinous, horrific Whereas Millard Fuller was born on Janu- on Thursday, June 11, 2009, at 2:30 p.m. act of violence at the U.S. Holocaust ary 3, 1935, in the small cotton-mill town of Memorial Museum. to conduct a hearing entitled, ‘‘S. 372— Lanett, in Chambers County, Alabama, and The Whistleblower Protection En- would later graduate from Auburn Univer- I want to offer my deepest condo- hancement Act of 2009.’’ sity and the University of Alabama School of lences to the family and friends of Offi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Law; cer Stephen Tyrone Johns. Officer objection, it is so ordered. Whereas Millard Fuller became a self-made Johns, of Temple Hills, in Prince millionaire by the age of 29 and could have George’s County, MD, died in the line f lived out the rest of his life in comfort, but of duty. He ably served as a guard of PRIVILEGES OF THE FLOOR instead he and his wife sold all of their pos- the museum for 6 years. He was just 39 sessions, donated the proceeds to the poor, and leaves behind a grieving family. He Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, I ask and began searching for a new purpose for gave his life to save the lives of numer- unanimous consent that Ryan Douglas, their lives; ous others. We must perpetually honor Christian Fjeld, and Lisa Hone, Con- Whereas Millard Fuller and his wife estab- that ultimate sacrifice. I also want to gressional fellows with the Commerce lished Habitat for Humanity in Americus, commend all the staff of the U.S. Holo- Committee, be allowed floor privileges Georgia, in 1976; Whereas Habitat for Humanity has con- caust Memorial Museum and the au- during the consideration of S. 1023. structed more than 300,000 homes for 1,500,000 thorities who responded to the scene The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without people and has a presence in all 50 States, for their bravery. objection, it is so ordered. the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto I have visited the Holocaust Memo- f Rico, and more than 90 countries around the world; rial Museum many times with my fam- UNANIMOUS CONSENT Whereas Habitat for Humanity’s note- ily and friends. It is clear that the gun- AGREEMENT—S. CON. RES. 26 worthy accomplishments include building man’s despicable rampage was intended 263 houses across the United States in 1 week to frighten and intimidate all people Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent and massive rebuilding efforts in New Orle- who care about equality and liberty. that on Thursday, June 18, following a ans following Hurricane Katrina; I introduced this resolution to affirm period of morning business, the Senate Whereas in 2005, Millard Fuller established my commitment to ending the bigotry proceed to the consideration of S. Con. The Fuller Center for Housing, which works and hatred that led to this heinous act. Res. 26, a concurrent resolution sub- with local organizations to provide support and guidance to repair and build homes for There is no place in our society for in- mitted earlier today, and relating to dividuals who would harm or deny slavery apology; that the concurrent impoverished individuals and is located in 24 States and 15 countries on 5 continents; rights to others, especially based on re- resolution be held at the desk; that Whereas Millard Fuller provided 3 decades ligion, race, gender, or ethnic identity. there be 60 minutes for debate with re- of leadership and service to Habitat for Hu- It is heartening that each and every spect to the concurrent resolution, manity and The Fuller Center for Housing, U.S. Senator has cosponsored this reso- with the time equally divided and con- committing his life to philanthropy and lution. trolled between the two leaders or service to others while raising global con- Let there be no mistake about it, their designees; that no amendments cern for homelessness and poverty; anti-Semitism and other hate crimes Whereas Millard Fuller was honored with be in order to the concurrent resolu- remain a pressing problem in our soci- tion or preamble; that upon the use or over 50 honorary doctorate degrees by col- leges and universities throughout the United ety. Anti-Semitism spawns from cen- yielding back of time, the Senate pro- States and was awarded the Presidential turies of hatred, persecution, and the ceed to vote on adoption of the concur- Medal of Freedom, the Nation’s highest ci- repeated attempts to destroy the Jew- rent resolution; that upon adoption, vilian honor, by President William Jefferson ish people from their early days of the preamble be agreed to; and the mo- Clinton in 1996; and slavery, through the Inquisition to the tions to reconsider be laid upon the Whereas Millard Fuller passed away on Holocaust and beyond. Hate crimes table, en bloc. February 3, 2009, leaving behind a loving send a powerful message because they wife, a proud family, and a legacy that will The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without affect more than the individual vic- objection, it is so ordered. extend far beyond his life: Now, therefore, be it tims; they are meant to intimidate and Mr. REID. Mr. President, we expect Resolved, That the Senate— instill fear in entire groups of people. this resolution to be voted on by voice. (1) celebrates the life and achievements of They create a sense of vulnerability f Millard Fuller; and insecurity in others who may share (2) acknowledges the millions of people he characteristics with the victims. And CELEBRATING THE LIFE AND and his organization have served and the in- that is precisely the intent of those ACHIEVEMENTS OF MILLARD spiration he has given to so many; and who commit these crimes. FULLER (3) encourages all the people of the United States to recognize and pay tribute to Mil- I am privileged to be chairman of the Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent lard Fuller’s life by following the example of Helsinki Commission and a member of that the Senate now proceed to the im- service that he set. the Senate Judiciary Committee. In mediate consideration of S. Res. 183. f those capacities, and as a U.S. Senator The PRESIDING OFFICER. The generally, I am afforded numerous op- clerk will report the resolution by OFFERING CONDOLENCES TO THE portunities to speak out against the title. FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF OFFI- scourge of anti-Semitism, racial big- The assistant legislative clerk read CER STEPHEN T. JOHNS otry, and ethnic hatred worldwide. as follows: Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent Part of the battle is to publicize the in- A resolution (S. Res. 183) celebrating the the Senate now proceed to the imme- tolerance and hateful activity. As Oli- life and achievements of Millard Fuller, the diate consideration of S. Res. 184. ver Wendell Holmes remarked, founder of Habitat for Humanity. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The mind of a bigot is like the pupil of an There being no objection, the Senate clerk will report the resolution by eye. The more light you shine on it, the proceeded to consider the resolution. title. more it will contract. Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent The assistant legislative clerk read This resolution is meant to be such a that the resolution be agreed to, the as follows: light and I am grateful that each and VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:16 Jun 12, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00090 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11JN6.083 S11JNPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with SENATE June 11, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6571 seum has welcomed nearly 30,000,000 visitors, COMMISSION FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE TERM EXPIR- every other Senator has seen fit to co- ING JUNE 30, 2012, VICE JOSEPH TIMOTHY KELLIHER, RE- sponsor it. We truly speak as one in including more than 8,000,000 school children SIGNED. and 85 heads of state; our anguish at the tragic event yester- DEPARTMENT OF STATE day and in our determination to root Whereas, on June 10, 2009, in an assault at the entrance of the United States Holocaust MICHAEL ANTHONY BATTLE, SR., OF GEORGIA, TO BE out its causes so that it will not be re- REPRESENTATIVE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Memorial Museum, Officer Stephen T. Johns TO THE AFRICAN UNION, WITH THE RANK AND STATUS peated. of Temple Hills, Maryland, was fatally OF AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND PLENI- Mr. BURRIS. Mr. President, it is POTENTIARY. wounded and died heroically in the line of DONALD STERNOFF BEYER, JR., OF VIRGINIA, TO BE with deep sadness that I rise to mark duty; AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY the death of security guard Stephen Whereas, in the wake of this heinous act of OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO SWITZERLAND, AND TO SERVE CONCURRENTLY AND WITHOUT ADDI- Tyrone Johns, whose senseless murder violence, the people of the United States TIONAL COMPENSATION AS AMBASSADOR EXTRAOR- yesterday afternoon at the U.S.
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