:!»££'.:.- r v< -i^N? tU*0c . IBISlPSTANDARI}: SATURDAY/ tTUNE 4. .<*>. MORGANATIC MARRIAGES. FISH THAT CAN FIGHT. MORTGAGE SALE- Default having been made in the conditions (rineei sad Princesses Who Have Married How the Swordfish Looks, Acts and Ap­ of a certain mortgage made and dated tbe 1st Persons of Lower Rank. peases Its Hunger. day of April, 1887, by William Campbell and Rochal Campbell, his wife, mortgagors, of the In connection with the sad death of In point of size the swordfish has few city of Minneapolis, Hennepin county, state of Archduke Henry of Austria and his rivals among fish. The average length Minnesota, toMichael Bvan. mortgagee, of tfie same place, which mortgage was duly recorded morganatic wife, the Paris Figaro gives of specimens taken on the Atlantic in tbe office of Register of Deeds of Hennepin a long list of the members of reigning coast is eleven or twelve feet, including county, state or Minnesota, on the 2d day of April,'1887, at 11 o'clock a. m., in bookk 189 of houses wko during the present century the sword, which is three or four feet mortgages, on page 438, which mortgage was have made mesall*xnces and married long. The maximum length known to iven to .secure tbe payment of twenty-seven have been attained has been about six­ gundred dollars ($2,700), doe three years after "below their, station. Grand Duke Con- date, with interest on said sum at the lateo Btantine, who gave up his right to teen feet, although specimens so large seven per cent (7) per annum, internet payable Walls drilled for public buildings the" throne in favor of his brother are quite rare and are seldom seen. The semi annually, by which mortgage said mort­ gagors conveyed and mortgaged to tne said factories and stock farms, good com Nicholas I., of Russia, married, says weight of a fish eleven feet long is be­ Michael fiyan the following described premises, petent mnn and machines sent the Figaro, a Polish woman named tween three and four hundred pounds, to-wit: All thoee tracts, pieces or parcels of land lying and being in the county of Hennepin and UNDERTAKERS, place iu the United States. Mile. Grudzenka; the Czar Alexander while a sixteen-foot monster would turn State of Minnesota described ae follows, to-wit: II., took for his second wife the Princess the scales at seven hundred or eight That piece or parcel of land lying and being in FUNERAL DIRECTORS, hundred pounds. the northeast quarter of section four {4),township Dolgoruki, and King Victor Emmanuel twenty-nine (29), range twenty-four (21 , begin­ 209 CENTRAL AVE. married as his second wife Rosa Vercel- About the first of June swordfish ning at the southeast corner on tbe east line of EWBAIWERS. lana, later Countess di Mirafiori. make their appearance in large, scat­ said section of the lot of land heretofore con­ tered schools off the southern part of veyed by John C. Bohanan and wife to David We carry a complete line of caskets, coffins, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. "Don Ferdinand of Portugal," adds the Morgan, which deed is recorded in book "K" of shrouds, robes, etc. Open day and night. journal, "married the actress, Elisa the New England coast, being attract­ deeds, page 196, and running west on tbe south line of said Morgan's lot 26^. rods to the south­ Telephone, 1444-2. Ellsler. Prince Alexander, of Batten- ed, like bluefish, horse mackerel, sharks west corner of the said Morgan lot; thence due burg, fonnerly prince of Bulgaria, now and other predaceous species, by the south 124-13 rode; thence east to said section 223 CENTRAL AVENUE, Count Qartenan, married che Darmstadt presence of weaker fish, upon which line '26% rods; thence north along said section line 12 *-13 rods to the place of beginning, and MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. singer, Fraulein Loisim?er.' The duke they subsist, notably menhaden, mack­ also commencing at a point in section line be­ of Leuchtenberg took the sister of Gen. erel and herring. During the summer tween sections three (3) and four (4), town Northwestern Marble & Granite Works. fcwenty-nine (29), range twenty-four (24), 1,398.54 Skobelelf to wife; Duke Nicholas, *>f months they range over a wide area feet ST uth of the northeast corner ol said sec­ Oldenburg, a Mile. Boulatrel, and- the extending from Block island to Nova tion four (4); thence at right angles west 437.25 feet; thence at right angles n< rth 130feet; thence duke's brother Constantine a Countess Scotia, and, exceptionally, Newfound­ northwesterly 28142 feet at an angle of 1118, 15', Zaverkan. Prince Charles, of Baden, land, says a writer in Frank Leslie's with the last preceding line; thence south, par­ allel with tbe east line of the northeast quarter married Baroness Rosalie Beust, and Monthly. Toward the end of October ot said sec.ion four (4) 330.24 feet: thence at Duke Louis in Bavaria Baroness Wal- they begin to move off our shores, right angles southeast 706 feet to the east line of CASH CAPITAL $100,000.00. ; dersec. The count of Bari, brother and by the advent of cold weather they the nortneast quarter of eaid section t'onr (4); thence north on said section liue 115.7 feet to lt of King Francis II., of Naples, chose have all disappeared. The fishery the place of beginning, excepting and reserving Mile, de Mareoley as a wife. The wife terminates some time before the fish the following piece or parcel of land commenc­ OFFICERS. ing at a point on the east line of tbe northeast of the prince of Nassau is a daughter withdraw from the coast, as the low­ quarter of said section four (4)1 503.7 feet south A. C. Haugau President of the poet Pushkin, and the wife of ered temperature and boisterous ele­ of the northeast corner of section four (4); A. E. Johnson ...Vice-President I ments cause them to seek more con­ thence west 463.4 feet; thence at right angles :. I is? * Vs I^rince George, of Anhalt, is Coun­ north 94 feet; thence at right angles east 468.4 Jno. H. Field Cashier tess Rena. Prince Erich, of Waldeck, genial haunts at greater depths, where feet, thence at right angles soutn 94 feet to the O. E. Brecke ....Asst. Cashier is married to Baroness Falkner, and it is impossible to capture them. place of beginning. And whereas, default has been made in the Prince Henry, of Hesse, to Baroness As a rule the swordfish leads a lazy, payment of said sum of twenty-seven hundred Nidda. The duke of Cambridge's'wife peaceful life near or at the surface, and dollars ($2,700). and ninety-six and 10-100 dol­ YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. lars ($96.10) interest due on said sum, which was Miss Farebrother, and Prince Oscar, is seldom observed except under fair sums, principal and interest, are past due and of Sweden, married Mile. Ebba Munk, skies and on calm seas, when it may be payable under and by virtue of the terms of said being now known as Prince Bernadotte. seen gliding leisurely through the mortgage and the note accompanying the same; Passage tickets to and from all parts and whereas, the power of sale contained in of the world. Farm lands for sale in al­ But princesses of the blood royal," water, apparently without the slightest stiid mortgage and recorded therewith, has be­ exertion, with the long caudal and come operative. most every county of the Northwest. M. DONLIN & continues the journal, "have also nd there is now due on said mortgage and chosen husbands from other classes. dorsal fins projecting above the surface note under the conditions of the same the Bum Princess Louise, daughter of Queen in a way that is sufficiently character­ of two thousand seven hundred and ninety-six SUCCESSORS TO EDWARD DONLIN. Victoria, is married to the marquis of istic to distinguish the fish even at long dol ars and 10-100 ($2 796.10) principal and inter­ Land and Emigration Dep't Open Evenings. est, no part of which sums have been paid. "*• Lome; a daughter of the prince of distances. In the midst of such a state t'hat there has been no proceeding in law or we may often see a sudden change in equity instituted to seenre the payment of said Manufacturers of and dealers in MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUM1NTS, GRAVE Wales to the duke of Fife. Princess sums or anv part thereof. <sT NES. CE-VtEFERIT POSTS, Etc. Estimates, Samples and Photographs sent by ma lonar- Frederika, of Hanover, chose as her hus­ the nature of the movements; restless Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that by plication, to persons outside the city. All correspondence will receive prompt attention. Woi k band Baron Pauell-Rammingen, and activity takes the place of listless wan­ virtue of the power of sale contained in said 200 Washington Aye. S. delivered promptly to any part of the Northwest. A large number of the latest and most artist ie mortgage and recorded therewith, and in pur­ designs always on hand at the works. theiwidowed duchess of Genoa is mar­ dering; the water is all in commotion suance of the statute, said mortgage will be ried to Marquis Rapallo." as the fish darts here and there with foreclosed bj a sale of said mortgaged premises MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. at public auction, by the sheriff of said connty, apparent rage, jumping half out of the at the front door of tbe court house, in the city FILIAL DEVOTION.
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