University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1953 The aiD ly Lobo 1951 - 1960 12-3-1953 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 056, No 31, 12/3/ 1953 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1953 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 056, No 31, 12/3/1953." 56, 31 (1953). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ daily_lobo_1953/78 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1951 - 1960 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1953 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .-.- .... ,,,. - ... --". _.- _... _----., .. _-"--_._-_ .. - FiJ:estone in cl)al'gEl, .'1,~nd f> p.m. ill Ily,c~ape~ons,.'· . ..~,i ; M).V. iI.oe •. nUfl'~~fin ,. !lhli~ger$l"to 12 911l!t~J;'bur;y JJlub.. meetinf,l', .Dr>, Room 101, Mitchell lJ;an. .' (\ Kappa alpha Theta Wlntel' F01'­ ~'ClQQk 'at theEI rid(lLI{Qtel .baH­ F'l'ed M.IChreist in charge, 10 a.m., Delta Sigma Pi Initiation Dinner­ mal, Miss Shirley Wall in charge, room. Lt. and 'M;l'$i)' F. Mder and a,tSt.l.\:I~t:I{~S Orurch, 43.9, D~rt-' "':'Weekty .,'; 9. to '12 o'clock 'at the Fi',anciscan mouth 'Dr.,' NE. ' . Dance, Mr. ,Earle Paxton ~n. ~harge, Hotel bp,llroom. Mr. and Ml'S. John +ur.and 1\l:rs.J q'l1~ .. tje'a;l,';' ~hl\per6ns. 7 to 12 o'clpck, at ' the, Alvarado :Qul'r)e. jI.nd Mr. and Mrs., M;i19 :< Sigma Chi Black aliil',WhltEf For~ CHRISTM'AS, VES:PER' SElW­ ;Room Alvarado Hotllb Mr. and Mrs. WiIfs', cnaperons. ,"" ICE' sPQns'ored ~by Sigma A,lpnl\ oday Is' Betty Hall· Memorial' Da ).\ir .• r mll.I, Bam~iUYthe. i~{~rargel ~;' ·,'Progrom Ralph L. Edgel and Mr. and Mrs. ,Phi Delta Theta Blue and. White 9 to III o'j:lQc~atthe'S)ltma Chl MaJ Mrs; ~ll'll)11a .Moclt in' chargfi, V. 1;, Aul9. chaperons. J)'ormal, :(\1:1;" lIerbel·t BrUnllelr in ~.!luse.Mr.ap.,d '.M.. 1's: .W.. Uli. ~.Iw, .. ·.'H.,.ub!lr 4p.)11" in the Student Union ball. Cosmopolitan, Club· danC(;l Mrs. charge, 9.: to 12 o'clock. a~ ,.'the and LODR and' .MI,'$,. Cllarles L. room. I ~ .1· " NoYem])er.30 to Geroge CaS,amiPl'a in charge 8 to 12 Knights ,of .Columbus Hall. Mr, •. and PUncan, chaperQils<' ,. ,,;'; ! D~ceii1bet ~6 Marron. 'HaIl Open House, Miss o'cl,ock in Bldg. T-lOO lounge. Mr. Mrs. ,Pat ,Julio ~nd Mr. ,a.nd MJ.'s. $UJldfl;Y • ,. Watch for Clyde Today, a penny saved is .' ,> ThursdaY'·' ano:! lI'lrs. WilHam E. Hall and Mr. D~ A. l\1cK')llzie, cha!Pl·ons.·, '. " Mal'gaTetFal'l'ia in charge, 5tci 9 ridiculous.-Clyde. Home Economics Club meeting, and Mrs. J. C. Russell chaperons. : Service$ iI\ ch.uJC~Elsthl·oughout p.m.' at Manon Hall. Mrs. Alice . Pi Beta Phi Formal, MissVaIq,l'ie the city, ., Davidlion, chaperon. EW Miss Norene Miller in charge, 4 Ernest in charge, 9 to 12 o'clock at EXICoLoBO Kappa Alpha Winter FOl'mal, I "The Voice of a Great Southwestern University" p.m. in Sarlr:Ray.nolds Hall.. Mr. J~oger C, Green in charge, 9 to the Chapter House, Mr. and ·Mrs. JUllior aJa~ Officers. ilteeting of 12 o'clock at. the. Heights Commu­ Jo'\!n :PoOre and lI'lr. ani). Mrs. M.· W; Vol. LVI ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3t 1953 Song F.est Song Leaders, .Mr;Pal:t­ nity Center'. Lt. ami Mrs. L. G. Fleck, chaperons. '., ., NO. 31 erMathiesin charge, 4 p.lll.inthe Y(;lich and lI'lr. and ).\irs. Craig Blak_ Pi Kappa Alpha "Hi-Jirix" dallce, , '/ Stud!lnt Union Grill lounge.'!' , LOUIE.' ." . Mortar. Board meeting, 1I1iss.Julie Carter in charge, 4 p.lll. in ;Room 7, • • Studelit Vnion Bldg. '.... , ·~THE LOBC>:;'l' '~'. ,".:. ~ , • 'W~.O~e¢ting, Miss Jle.~ty,J.ajie , Com!ln'chal'ge, 4 p.m. In Room 14, . , Gym.' '. • • • WONDERS f, u Phi Gamma Nu active meeting, Insteln o ay 'onl9 Miss Jeannette Swillum in charge, t 4:30 p.m. at the Alpha Chi Omega ('Witlt House. USCF Thursday Supper Forum, Mr. Stephen ReVeal in charge, 5;30 to "7:15 p.m. in Bldg. T-20. Urge All Students Piano Concert to Be Given UNM Dames Club meeting, Mrs. R. A. Harris in charge, 7:30 p.m. in ~1T~1-~ tltis KiNg') Bldg. T-20. hOOSey" § Alpha 'Phi Omega active meet­ To Contribute To In University Gymnasium ing, Mr. Jim Ferguson in charge, l 7:45 p.m . .in Room 107, Mitchell World renowned pianist, Arthur Rubinstein, will perform on Hall. The pledge meeting, Mr. t~e campus this evening in Carlisle Gym at 8 :15. Rubinstein Brooks Ambos in charge, 7:45 p.m. • • . The most eloquent ex­ WIll. appear he~e under the auspices .~f the Community Concert in Room 109, Mitchell Hall. B t H II A d pression of love . bridal about your Cards? e ty a war SerIes, and WIll present the followmg program to tonight's Vigilante meeting, Mr. SylChum­ Chri~nf~ Albuquerque audience: ley in charge, 8 p.m. in the Student. duetles of carefully selected §.#' Today is Betty Hall Memorial Union Grill lounge. Day here on the UNM campus. Sonata in C Major, Opus 53 ("Waldstein") •••••••. Beethoven Friday diamonds set in mountings Campus organizations have planned BaUade in G Minor ................................ Chopin Student Senate meeting, Mr. Bill of precious metals. Brides to collect money in honor of the Two Etudes .................. I ......... ' ............................. ~ ................ Chopin Thompson in charge, 4 p.m. in deceased coed to fulfill the .financial Noctur.ne !n D Flat Major ...••... , ................. Chopin Then see our collection of famous obligations of the newly formed Room 101, Mitchell Hall. and Groollls throughout the Polonaise In A Flat, Opus 53 .....................•.. Chopin TOY DANCE sponsored Alpha Betty Hall Memorial Award. Phi Omega, Mr. Rogert Boe in years have enjoyed the en­ Hallmark Christmas CardSl There is Miss Hall was an active campus Intermission charge, 9 to 12 o'clock in the Stu­ during perfection of dia­ leader here last year. She was killed La Cathedrale engloutie ........................... Debussy dent Union Ballroom. Mr. and 1111'S. in an airplane crash in Alaska this Poissons d' or .- ....................................... to," ......................... Debussy H. V. Mathany and Mr. and Mrs. rI10nds selected here . • . summer. The Student Council has La plus que Lente ..•••....•••••••.....•...•••••.• Debussy Sherman Smith, chaperoI\s. just the right one for every individual voted to inaugurate a Memorial $195°0 where value. quality and Award in her memory, and Mary N a varra ............................... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ;, .. .. .. "... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Albenlz Saturday Ellen Smith, Council Committee The Maiden and the Nightingale (Goyescas) .•..•... Granados UNM Society Movie: "No Rest­ Lovely II Diamond variety are unsurpassed. on your list-and each card has Chairman, picked today as the kick­ ing Place" '(British)', Mr. Melvin. Funerailles .............................................................................. Liszt Bridal Ensemble off for the fund raising activities. Valse-Impromptu ......•.••.•..••.••••••••-. .•••.• : Liszt that. Hallmark on the back to tell One thousand dollars will be col­ Rhapsody No. 10 ................................ , .. Liszt lected to be award in $100 allot­ ments annually to the outstanding Artur Rubinstein was born in 1889 in Warsaw, Poland, the your friends, "You c~red enough to woman member of the Junior class. youngest of seven children by nine years. He was, to quote The award will be presented for him, "the Benjamin of his father," Who owned a hand-loom the first time next spring at the factory, send the very bestl" Honors assembly. It will then be Best Place' of awal'ded annually on the basis of Artur displayed musical tal­ A scholarship, service to the school, ent at the age of three. His All to" and extra-curricular activities. uncle wrote to Joseph Joachim, Complete Supply Betty Hall Memorial tagS will be Fraternity Council . Meet the Gang At Your sold. Any amount of donations will the great Hungarian violinist be gladly accepted, Miss Smith Favors Uniform and friend of Brahms, who ill at LAY AWAY YOUR ASSOCIATED STUDENTS said. Collecting for the fund will pronounced the child's talent be members of the Student Council, extraordinary but warned Alpha Phi Omega service frater­ Membership Rule CHRISTMAS GIFTS NOW BOOKSTORE nity>, and Spurs. The following is an Associated against forcing his develop­ 1720 Central E. 2312 Central SE Phone 3-2446 (In the SUB) All UNM students are urged to Press dispatch Which the IFC ment. 1.. contribute to this memorial fund requested published. Two years later Artur gave ~ ..... ~ in honor of one of UNM's out­ The National Interfraternity a concert for charity in War­ CARLOTTA FULTON is one of the 12 UNM beautitll! featured in the standing students. Council went on recOl:d today as 1954 coed calender wJuch is due oII the press next week! This year the favoring complete autonomy among saw and at eight studied in calender will make its first appearance on the UNM campus. The creators fraternities in adoption of qualifi­ that city with PJ:''of. Rozycki. of the Campus Outie calender hope to make it an annual campus feature. cations fOl' membership. In a few months, however, he Music Frat Plans A resolution adopted at the (Ross Photo) had absorbed all that tutelary council meeting here declared each could provide. member fraternity should have the How Candlelight Service right to adopt qUalifications for At eleven, he made his formal membership in all its chapters debut in Berlin, playing the Mozart Mrs. Thelma Mock will direct the Concerto in.
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