Words of the Mother: There is an ascending evolution in nature which g oes fro m the stone to the plant, from t he p lant to t he animal, from th e animal t o man. Because man is , for the moment, t h e la st rung at. the s u m mit of the a scending evolution, he ~ ons iders hi mself as the fin al stage in this ascension and b eli eves t h ere can b e nothin g on e a rth superio r t o hi m . In t h at he is m is t aken. In hi s physical n ature h e is yet a lm ost w h olly a n an imal, a th ink ing and s peaking anim al, but still an anim al in his materia l h abits and in st incts . Undoubted ly, nature cannot be satisfie d w ith such an imperfect re sult; she en d eavours t o b ring out a bein g who w ill be to m an w hat man is t o the an im al , a bein g who will rem ain a m an in it s ext ernal for m , and yet whose co nsciousness w ill rise far above the mental and its sl av ery to ignorance. Sri Aurobindo came upon earth to teach this truth to men. He told the m that m an is only a transitional b e ing living in a mental consciousne ss, but w ith t h e pos s ibili t y o f a c quiring a new co n sciousness,t he Trut h-con sciou s ness, an d capable of living a life perfectly h armon ious, g oo d and beautiful, happy and fully conscious. Dur in g the w hole of hi s life u p on e arth, Sri Au robindo g ave all hi s time to e stablish in hi m self this co nsciousness h e calle d sup ramental, and to help those gath ered around him t o re ali se it . How to Read Sri Aurobindo Iadvisealwaysto read 17 littleat a time, keeping the mind as tranquil as one can, without making 1711 effort to understand, but keeping the headI7S silent as possible,andletting theforcecontained in what one rends enter deep within. Thisforcereceived in the calm and the silence will do its work of light and, ifneeded, willcreatein thebrain thenecessl7 ry cellsfor theunderstanding. Thus, when onere-reads thesamething somemonths later, oneperceives that the thought expressed has become muchmoreclear andclose, andeven sometimesaltogether[amiliar. It is preferable to read regularlu, a little every day, and at afixed hour ifpossible; this [acil iiaies thebrain-receptivity. The Mother Cover Page: Sri Aurobindo (Paiuitng by Priti Gh osh ) 2 Sri Aurobindo's Message Ma tter sha ll revea l th e Spirit's face. - Sr i Arobindo CONT ENTS Words of Sri Au robindo Section I (On Creation) Existence Is No t an Illusion 5 The Miracle of Birth 6 Key-word of the Earth's Ridd le 7 Next Ap proa chi ng Step of the Ear th's Evolu tion 8 Destin y of Our Troubled Human Existence 9 Arise, Tran scend thyself, Become Thyself 11 Section II (On Yoga) The Old Yoga and the New Goa l 13 The Integral Yoga 15 Key-word of the Yoga - Self-Surrend er 16 Divine Moth er and He r Embodiment 17 Section III (On Sociology) Sri Auro bindo on Religion 18 How Society S'i10uld Regard the Individu al 20 Key to Human Uni ty 21 Sri Auro bindos Message to Free Indi a 23 The Renaissan ce in Indi a .26 Sri Aurobindo's Messa ge to Sad haks 29 Section IV (Sri Aurobindo's Message) The Glorious Future 33 The One Thing· Essential 35 3 Existence Is Not an Illusion Exist ence is not a fluke, a rand om crea tion by nobod y, a thing th at un acco un tab ly happen ed to be. It carries in itself the Word of God , it is full of a hid d en Divine Presence. Existenc e is not a blind machine tha t somehow came an d started a se t ign ob le motion 'wi thout objec t or sense or' pur­ pose.Existence is a Tru th of things un foldi ng by a grad ual process of man ifest ati on , an evo lu tion of its ow n inv olved Reality. Existence is not an illusion , a Maya that had no reason , no business to exist, cou ld n o t ex is t, d oes not ex is t b u t only seems to be. A mighty Reality manifests in itself th is ma rvelou s u ni verse. Ma nifest ati on is not an ep isode of the Eternal. It is his face and bod y o f glory that is imperishable, it is the movement of his joy and power. .. Th e Divine that we ad ore is not only a rem ote extra-cosmic Reali ty, but a half-veil ed Ma nif estation p resent and near to us here in the universe. Life is the field of a di vine m anifesta­ tion not yet comp lete: here, in life, on ea rth, in the body, ­ iliaiua,' as th e Upa nis hads ins is t, - we have to u nveil the Go d hea d; here we must mak e its transcend ent greatness, light and sw eetness real to ou r cons ciousness, here possess and, as far as may be, express it. .. man is a d eveloping sp irit trying here to find and fulfil itself in the for ms of m ind, life and bod y .. Sri Aurobi ndo I. 11 <:1"(:itself. The Miracle of Birth I saw m y so ul a traveller th rough Tim e; From life to life the cosmic ways it trod , Obsc ure in the depths and on the heights sublime, Evo lving from the wo rm into the god. A spark of the eternal Fire, it came To build a house in Ma tte r for the Unborn. The inco nscient sunless Ni gh t received the flam e, In the brute seed of things dumb and forl orn Life stirred and Thought outline d a gleaming shape Till on the stark inanima te ear th could move, Born to somnambulist Na ture in her sleep, A thinking creature who can hop e and love. Still by slow steps the mira cle goes on, The Immortal's gradual birth mid mire and stone. o Thou who climb'dsr to mind from the dull stone, Face now the miracled summits still unwon. Sri Aurobindo 6 Key-word of the Earth's Riddle The in volution of a s u perconscien t Spi rit in incon scient Matt er is the secret cau se of this visib le and apparent worl d . The key-w ord of the earth's riddle is the grad ua l evolu tion of a hidden illimitable conscio us ness and power out of the see m ing ly in ert ye t furiousl y d ri v en force of in sen sibl e Nature. Ear th- life is one se lf-chose n habitation of a grea t Divinity and his aeo nic will is to cha nge it from a blind pri son into hi s s p le n d id m ansi on and hi gh h ea v en-reaching temple. Evolution is nothing but the pro gressi ve unf olding of Spirit out of the den sity of material conscio usnes s and the gradual self-revelation of God out of thi s ap parent anima l being. Evolution in its esse nce is not the development of a more and mor e orga nised body or a mo re and more efficien t life ­ th ese ar e only it s m achine ry and ou tward circumstance. Evolution is th e strife of a Conscious ness somnambulised in Matt er to wa ke and be free and find and possess itself and all its possibilit ies to th e very utmost and widest, to th e very last and qigh est. Evolution is the emancipation of a self­ revealing Soul secret in Form and Force, th e slow becoming of a Godhead , the grow th of a Spirit. In this evo lution ment al ma n is not the goa l and end, the comp le ting va lu e, th e h ighest last sign ifica nce ; he is too small and imperfect to be th e crown of all thi s travail of Na ture. Sri Aurobindo 7 Next Approaching Step of the Earth's Evolution The teaching of Sri Aurobindo starts from that of the an cient sages of India that behind the appearan ces of the uni verse there is the Reality of a Being and Consciousness, a Self of all things one and eternal. All beings are united in that One Self and Spirit but divided by a certain separativity of con­ sciousness, an igno rance of their tru e Self and Realit y in the mind, life and bod y. It is possible by a certain psychological d iscipline to rem ove this veil of sepa ra tive consc iousness and beco me aware of the tru e Self, the Divinity within us and all.
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