I I I l I t.uidoUR Pl I'STOA/ I I'jt j I / / tl, I f j '( C // / t g,] i / '. I I I I I ' ! I,, I i 1 ' 1 I 'I( I ', 1 t I I I I I / ISSN: 0703-1238 Labour History, Vol.'1; No.3/Winter 77/78 ' I I ',;,,; / Cover plicto:, Niners '&cion meeting, Ferguson, B.C.,'. 1Ej00.",; ' t Labour History is a journal of the Labour History Provincial "Speicialists Association of the British Columbia Teachers 'ederation., l,' I I ! ~".~".~l I=I! 5 Executive Report / Anne'Fall I Mailbox I / 're-hi'story,of. B.C. Mining, / Torvald Viland I The Story of,B.C. Mining /.Colleen Bostwick 8 1. 1901 Rossland:.....'.................. 10 2.'1903 The Island '....'................. 13 3. 1912-14 "The Nanaimo Rebellion" 18 Reviewed: 1. The Big Strike / Gary Onstad ...,... 25 '2.„Labour/Le Travaille'ur / Tom Morton . 27 3. Work !!: Wages! / George;,North 28 The Story of Ginger Goodwiri / Patti jWeir 30 "I'm Only a Broken Down Mucker" /-Phil Thomas 32 Bibliography / Denis; Qttewell 35 Research: Colleen Bostwick Editing: Colleen Bostwick i :Layout: Dale Juarez; Colleen Bostwick I ii I A11 photographs used in this issue are courtesy of the Vancouver Public Photos Collection. With Library, Historical the exception of the cover photo and the Nettie Lake Miners, were taken from: Kit 819 - The photos People's Story by D. Adams; Kit i!i22 '- The Nanaimo Rebel. lions: Vo k'ers in Revolt by D. Adams. Special!,Thanks: . Janet Scully, illustrations U.B.C. Arch! ves, Special Collections tance. and the Vancouver Public Library for researchassis- TorvaldiViland, "Pre-history of B;C. Miining" Cartoons "So taken from Long, Partner" by Fred Wright, New York, United Radio 8( Machine. Workers of America. 1975. Electrical, layout by volunteer labour — printed in a union shop 1' EXECUTIVE REPORT ANNE; FALL, VICE-PRESIDENT The September issue of Labour History Workshops carried a projection of our activities and in objectives for the year. We would like in January Denis Ottewell and Frank this issue to bring you up to date on our Fuller gave a workshop on "Labour Studies" progress. at a U.B.C. Faculty of Education corfer- ence. Newsletter The Social Studies P.S.A. have in- We have been able to distribute over '3000 vited us to give four workshops at their copies of the first ( Logging) and April 21/22 annual second conference at U.B.C. (Fishing) issues of the newsletter. Please refer to the notice elsewhere in They have gone to our membership, B.C.T.F. this issue f'r further details. Geographical Representatives and a;number of committees and individuals withi.n the Annual General Meeting B.C". T.F. In addition, we have disitributed newsletters to school district libraries Our Annual General Meeting will be other labour history associations, /university held on Sunday, March 26th, 1:00 PM in the Garibaldi Room teachers and trade unionists. We also gave in the Hotel Vancouver, copies to the Fishermens'nion and to tea- just prior to the B.C.T.F. AGM. Come to chers in Port Alberni, Fender Harbour, and the meeting and see what we'e done!! How Prince Rupert for distribution. Both issues can you help'? We need you if we are to have received an enthusiastic responsei from continue to be effective in pursuing our educators, trade unionists and the'niversity enormous task of bringing an understanding community. of the history of the labour movement to I / the children in our schools. Slide-Tape Shows ! AND... In the same way our two slide-tape presentations, "These Were the Reasons" and In "Strike" February, Frank Fuller was inter- are being widely accepted and used. viewed by reporter Karen Krangle and a The B.C.F.T. staff reports that /the copies story on our association appeared in the we to gave the Resource Centre are booked Vancouver Sun on Feb. 3rd. A week weeks later in advance. '-l Frank was interviewed on the C.B.C.'s Good All the copies that we prodrIced under Morning Show. /our Legal Services grant ( 20 cop:!.es of each) have been sold. A number of school districts resource centres have p~'"chased copies, as ,have the B.C.I.T., Bren .rood College School /(Vancouver Island), Northwest Community /. Coll- ege ( Terrace). .The B.C. Federation of Labour and the C.L.C. Education Department have two copies of each production. We are reproduc- ing ten extra copies of each show and are negotiating for a distribution service with the B.C.T.F. Lesson Aids. I In November "Strike" was shown to 600 delegates at the B.C. Federation of Labour Convention in Penticton. Frank Fuller was asked to introduce the preseniIation and also outlined the work of our P.S.A. to the dele- gates. I "For ./ years Henry had me believing that the I Union contract forbid him to do houaevvor k" / 1 AZZ correspondence to the editor should. be ad dressed tor Labour Histor y, c/o The B.C. Tea- chers'ederation. Letters must b8 signed; however, names are vithheld upon request. As a teacher and a wife of a fishermen I have just, now finished reading the I really appreciated the last issue of the secor&d issue of the Labour History Labour'istoz'y P.S.A. journal. Keep it up! Newsletter, and I would like to offer my congratulations to your committee for an Fran Jovic, informative and inspiring piece, of work. ,Chatalech Senior Although originating from a "union- Secondary School, oriented" home, and having spend manv years ,.'echelt, B.C. in British Columbia, I have only recently become aware of the extensive gaps in my own knowledge of the history of labour in this province. Partly through motivation engend- I am writing to commend all of,you work- ered by the work'f the Labour History P.S. ing to put together the Labour History News- A. I hope now to increase my own knowledge letter. The newsletter is an excellent idea and awareness of labour history and prob- and the materials published thus far are a lems so that I will be better prepared to welcome addition to the resources, on the bring to my students a greater awareness trade union movement, available to educators of the pa"r, and present contributions of in British Columbia. workers to modern society, and to better Your readers may be interested to know understand the problems which touch us all. 'that our Fede'ration provides class sets of a wide range.'f materials, on the labour move- Isabel Saunders ment free of charge. Anyone interested in ob- Port Alberni, B.C. taining sample copies of what is available should cont'act me at the B.C. Federation of Labour, 3110 Boundary Road, Burnaby, V5M 4A2, phone 430-1421 . I have read and thoroughly enjoyed, Ron Johnson both issues of the Labour History jour- Director of Communications nal. What, a need we all have for a his- and Education, tory that has become buried. Keep up the B.C. Federation of Labour good work! Rosemary Brown, MLA Vancouver, B.C. Your newsletter is great and is exactly &what should be going on in other part,s of the "Teachers have formed a Labor History country.... Provincial Specialist, Association under the f Finally, would it be possible to arrange B.C. Teachers Federation and although it, has"./ an exchange of ads with you. I would be de- been in existence for light,ed 'ttle more than a to carry either an ad or at least a year, it, has a good deal to show for its note about your organization to draw it to efforts. the attention of teachers in other parts of In addition to two slide presentations, the country. Equally, I'd be delighted if which are available for showing in schools, you could perhaps insert,the enclosed copy and to interested organizations, has about it is- Labour/Le Travailleur. Let me know sued two numbers of its Labour News- :what History you think. Also could you put me on lett'er., the first on the forest industry and your mailing.,list for future issues? the second on the fishing industry—both, we might, add, most readable." Greg Kealey, Editor Labour/Le Travailleur The Fisherman (UFAWU) December 2, 1977 " Congratugations on i the Labour the publication of HistoryH- Newsletter. I impressed wi'th,the was most e quality and variety of articles.s. I hope sue soon. you have another is- Ilse Link l;.The Labour History Past President, Provincial Specialists!'ssociation North of the B.C. Teachers'eder- Vancouver Teachers'tion Executiv :. Association. President Congratulations .. Frank L. Fuller ions on producing publi.cat- and resoutrce materials that are Box 657 interesting and both Gibsons, useful to teachers pup'1s B.C. VON 1VO parents. This co-operative H: 886-9983 S: 886-2204 providing approach to resources for better teaching will help to make the study of rase-President t Member most interesting. labour history bip E. Anne Fall Ross Regan ¹42 — .2560 Whiteley Court North (Victoria ) Vancouver, B.C.'7J 2R5 H: 987-0020 S: 986-2224, Secretary I am extremely Ivor '. f cellent impressed with the ex- Mills quality of the two newsletters pro- 126 West 59th .Avenue duced to date by the Labour Vancouver, Here History P.S.A, B.C. V5X 1W9 at last, are resources H: the history for teaching 321-3171 S: 273-3148 of the working people of the province. The lesson plan Treasurer organizing and articles about, the fishing industry are especially useful and relevant to Denis W.
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