PROF. DR. SHAHID JAMIL SAMEENI OFFICE Institute of Geology University of the Punjab, Quaid-I-Azam Campus Lahore-Pakistan Tel. 042-99231267 Ext. 106, Fax: 042-35846501 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Cell# 0300-4506900 HOME House No. 5, 1-Green Ave. Old Muslim Town, Lahore-54600 Res. Ph.No. 042-35861034 PERSONAL: Name: SHAHID JAMIL SAMEENI Father’s Name: ZAFAR JAMIL AHMAD (LATE) Date of Birth 01-11-1959 NIC NO. 35202-2683815-3 Nationality: Pakistani Marital Status: Married EDUCATION: 2003-2004 Post Doctorate (Paleoecology/ Paleobiology) University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A. 1997 Doctor of Philosophy (Biostratigraphy) University of the Punjab, Lahore, in collaboration with Basel University, Switzerland. 1994 Pre-Doc Diploma (COMETT-EUCOR Micropal.) Basel University, Switzerland 1984 Master of Science in Geology (Stratigraphy / Micropaleontology) Institute of Geology University of the Punjab Lahore-Pakistan 1979 Bachelor of Science (Geology) University of Baluchistan, Quetta. WORK EXPERIENCE 01-05-2016-to- DIRECTOR date Institute of Geology University of the Punjab, Lahore-Pakistan 03-02-2019 to Professor date Institute of geology University of the Punjab, Lahore – Pakistan 23-04-2005 – to- Associate Professor 02-02-2019 Institute of geology University of the Punjab, Lahore – Pakistan 01-11-2000-to- Assistant Professor 22-04-2005 Institute of Geology University of the Punjab, Lahore-Pakistan 18-11-1995-to- Lecturer 31-10-2000 Institute of Geology University of the Punjab, Lahore-Pakistan Feb.1992-1995 Registered Ph. D.Research Scholar 1987-1992 Demonstrator Institute of Geology, University of the Punjab, Lahore-Pakistan 1994-1995 Visiting Scholar University of Basel Switzerland Jan. – Dec. 1986 Research Fellow Appointed by UGC at the Institute of Geology University of the Punjab, Lahore New Contribution One new species of Alveolinids Alveolina conradi SAMEENI, 1996 One new subspecies of Alveolinids Alveolina rotundata bhadrarensis (SAMEENI, 1997) 68 Research Publication in local & International Journals List of Publications of Prof. Dr. Shahid Jamil Sameeni (including: Title, Author (s), Journal, (Country where published, Vol. No., Page No., Year) 1. Published in International Journals Sr. Co-Author Yea Title of Paper Name of Vol. Page No r Publishing / . Journal No. 1. Gactani et al. 1994 Geology of the Project CT I 90 ----- 1-94 Karakoram Range 0825, Milano, - Italy. Final Report 2. Butt, A.A. 1995 The Genus Jour. Of Nepal 12 26-27 “Ranikothalia” Geol. Soc. 3. Hottinger L. & 1996 Emendation of Alveolina DELA-Opera SAZU 4 155- Butt A.A. vredenburgi Davies & 4 Spec. Pub. IGCP 163 Pinfold, 1937, from the 286 Surghar Range, Pakistan (Switzerland) 4. Butt, A.A. 1996 Use of Alveolinids for the Postojna Slovenia ---- 73-77 recognition of the (Spec. Pub.) Paleocene-Eocene boundary in the Salt Range, Northern Pakistan 5. Butt, A.A. 1997 Foraminifera from the Jour.of Nepal Geol. 15 9-14 Lower Eocene Sakaser Soc. Limestone of Nammal area, Western Salt Range, Northern Pakistan 6. Kamran, M. 1998 Fusulinids of the Jour. of Nepal 16 56-58 Punjshah Formation of Geol. Soc. Raminji area, upper Hunza, Northern Pakistan 7. Butt, A.A. 2004 Alveolinid Revieu de 23 505- biostartigraphy of the Paleobiolgie (2) 527. Salt Range succession, (Switzerland) Northern Pakistan. 8. Hottinger et al. 2006 “Alveolina conradi, IGCP 286 ---- 15-16 sp.nov.”, A new species Special Report from Lower Eocene Nammal Formation of Salt Range, Pakistan. 9. ------- 2009 The Salt Range: a Carnets de 200 65-73 Unique Geological and Geologie 9/03 Palaeontological site of (France) Pakistan 10. H. Siddiq, Rabia 2013 Biostratigraphy of GSTF Jour. Vol. 46-60 I., Sara S., Ali A. Chorgali Formation, Singapore 2 & Khizer K. Bochal and Pir Makhdum Jahanian area, Salt Range, Northern Pakistan. 11. Zafar Mahmood 2016 Coal potential of Patala Jour. Nepal Geol. Vol. 13-17. Formation of Dandli Soc. 50 area, Kotli District, Kashmir, Pakistan. 12. M.H.Attique, 2017 Role of canal linning on Jour. Applied Vol. 213- M.U. Saleem, Ground Water Sciences 7 232 Ahmad S.R., Fluctuations:A Modeling Ahmad N., Simulation Approach for M.Akram & M. Jaalwala Distributary, Farooq Bahawalnagar. 2. Papers published in National Journals Sr. Co-Author Year Title of Paper Name of Vol. Page No Publishing / . Journal No. 1. ------- 1989 A note on the Bull. Punjab Univ. 24 77-79. stratigraphic distribution of Eoannularia eocenica COLE & BERMUDEZ. 2. Butt, A.A. & 1990 An appraisal of the Geol. Bull. Punjab 25 32-37. Shahid Ghazi geology of the Hazara Univ. Arc, Pakistan. 3. Chaudhary, 1993 Reconnaissance Jour. of 5 53-62. M.N., S. Raja & Microfacies studies of Hydrocarbon (1&2 Ghazanfar, M. Margalla Hill Limestone ) of Jabri area, Southern Hazara, Pakistan. 4. Butt, A.A. 1993 Micropalaeontology of Pak. j. Geol. 2(1) 42-51. upper Paleocene Lockhart Limestone of Nammal area, Salt Range Pakistan 5. Ahsan N., M.N. 1993 Reconnaissance Pak. j. Geol 1(2) 26-41 Ch. & Microfacies studies of &2(1 Ghazanfar, M. Kawagarh Formation of ) Jabri area, Southern Hazara, Pakistan 6. Baloch Z., 1993 Micropalaeontology of Pak. j. Geol. 1(2) 20-25 Ahsan N. Pirkoh Limestone,Ghazi &2(1 Nala, Sulaiman ) Province, Pakistan 7. Baloch Z., 1994 Micropalaeontology of Kashmir J.Geol. 11 137- Ahsan N. Pirkoh Limestone of &12 140. Eocene, Kirthar Formation of Afiband area , Sulaiman Province, Pakistan 8. ----- 1994 Microfaunal studies of Pak.j.Geol. 2(2) 43-50. Lower Eocene Margalla &3(1 Hill Limestone of Bandi ) area, Hazara, Pakistan 9. Ahsan N., M.N. 1993 A preliminary Geol.Bull.Punjab 28 30-40 Ch., Ghazanfar interpretation of Univ. M. icrofacies analysis of Kawagarh Formation at Borian, Abbotabad- Nathiagali road, Hazara, Pakistan 10. Kamran Mirza 2000 Biostratigraphy of the Geol. Bull. Punjab 35 89-94. & Sajid Rashid Patala Formation, Jabri Univ. area, Hazara, Pakistan 11. Hottinger, L. 2003 Elongate and Larger Pakistan J. 3(1) 16-23 Alveolinids from Environ. Sci. Choregali Formation, Bhadrar area, Salt Range, Pakistan. 12. Nazir Ahmad 2004 Age diagnostic Geol. Bull. Punjab 38 65-72 microfauna from Univ. Dungan Formation, Zinda Pir area, eastern Sulaiman Range, Pakistan. 13. --------------- 2004 Discovery of New Pak. Acad. Geol. 2 13-14 species of Alveolinids Sci. Mag. from Salt Range, Pakistan. 14. Nazir Ahmad, 2005 Paleocene-Eocene Sindh University 38 140- M. Anwar boundary within the Research Journal (2a) 149 Qureshi Dungan Formation, / 2 Zindapir and Raghasar area, Suleman Province, Pakistan. 15. Kamran Mirza 2005 Biostratigraphy of the Geol. Bull. Punjab 40- 57-68 & Munir H.M. Middle Eocene Kohat Univ. 41 Formation, Shekhan Nala, Kohat Basin, Northern Pakistan 16. Kamran Mirza, 2007 Planktonic foraminifera Geol. Bull. Punjab 42 81-90 Humaira Naz from Upper Cretaceous Univ. Kawagarh Formation of Jabri area, Hazara, Northern Pakistan 17. Nauman N., 2009 Foraminiferal Geol. Bull. Punjab 44 85-96 Adnan A.K., Biostratigraphy and Univ. Humaira Naz Reconnaissance Microfacies of Paleocene Lockhart Limestone of Jabri area, Hazara, Northern Pakistan. M. Haneef , 2009 Paleogene Geol. Bull. Punjab 44 27-42 18 Obaid-ur- Biostratigraphy of Kohat Univ.. Rehman & Jere area, northern Pakistan. H.Lipps 19 K. Shehzad and 2006 Heavy Metals in Pak. J. of Env. 2 9-13 Samia Nawab Desalination Discharges Science of Talweelah MSF Plants, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E M. Haneef, F. 2007 Microfacies of Paleocene Jour. Himalayan 40 23-29 20 Sabir, M. Lockhart Limestone, Earth Sc., Arshad, S. Changlagali area, Peshawar Univ. Iqbal. T. Khan Nathiagali-Murree Road, & T. H. Ali Hazara, Northern Pakistan. 21 N. Ahmad, 2013 Sedimentology and Sci. Int. (Lahore) 25 521- Ahsan N., Reservoir Potentila of (3) 529 Armaghan F., the Lower Eocene Babar Khan Sakesar Limestone of Dandot area, Eastern Salt Range, Distt. Chakwal, Pakistan. 22 Haneef M., 2013 Biostratigraphic studies Sci. Int. (Lahore) 25 543- Farhan S., of Lockhart Limestone, (3) 550 Ahsan N., N. Changlagali area, Ahmad Nathiagali road, Hazara, Northern Paksiatn. 23 N. Ahmad, 2013 Sedimentology of the Sci. Int. (Lahore) 25 551- Ahsan N., early middle Cambrian (3) 558 Armaghan F., Jutana Formation of Babar Khan Khewra area, eastern Salt Range, Distt. Chakwal, Pakistan. 24 Arsalan A., N. 2013 Biostratigraphy of Sci. Int. (Lahore) 25 567- Ahmad, Ahsan Chorgali Formation, (3) 577 N. Jhalar area, Kalachitta Range, Northern Pakistan. 25 Humaira Naz, 2014 Lutetian Planktonic Sci. Int. (Lahore) 26 293- S. A. Khan Zonation of the Tyon (1) 299 P.A. Usmani Formation around Laki &I. H. Slongi Range, Lower Indus basin, Pakistan 26 Humaira Naz, 2014 Milliolidea of Tyon Sci. Int. (Lahore) 26 605- R. Lashari, P. Formation, Kambu (2) 609 A. Usmani & I. Jabal, Lower Indus H. Solangi Basin, Pakistan 27 Rabia I., Hajra 2014 Biostratigraphy of Patala Sci. Int. (Lahore 26 617- S., M. Haneef Formation, Makerwal (2) 625 & Humaira Naz area, Surghar Range, Northern Pakistan. 28 Ahsan N., 2014 3D Modeling of Jour. of 22 & 25-40 Armghan F., Subsurface Stratigraphy Hydrocarbon 23 mehmood T., and Structural Evolution Iqbal Z. of Balkasar area, Eastern Potowar, Pakistan. 29 K. Mirza, 2014 Nummulites from Kohat Sci. Int. (Lahore) 26 3039- Akram S. Formation, Northern (5) 3043 &Yasin A. Kohat Basin, Himalayan Fold and Thrust Belt, Northern Pakistan. 30 H. M. Munir, K. 2014 The Paleogene Sci. Int. (Lahore) 26 3051- Mirza Biostratigraphy of Azad (5) 3059 Kashmir,North west Himalaya, Northern Pakistan. 31 Ammad S., S. 2014 Lockhart Limestone of Sci. Int. (Lahore) 26 3081- R. Ahmad, K. Hazara Area: A Potential (5) 3085 Mirza & A.A. Source for Aggregate Karim 32 K. Mirza, H. 2014 The Paleocene-Eocene Sci. Int. (Lahore) 26 3087- Naz & A. A. Boundary in the Upper (5) 3094 Karim Indus Basin, Northern Pakistan. 33 S. Rizwan, S. 2016 Application of Sci. Int. (Lahore) 28 323- R. Ahmad & B. Geospatial Technology (1) 335 Anam in the determination of Neotectonics of Chitral Valley, Hindu Kush Area, Northern Pakistan.
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