CLINICAL THEORETICAL INSTITUTES Institute of the History of Medicine and Medical Ethics Chair of the History of Medicine Address matic perspective. Constitutional medicine be- ical professionals, especially regarding the defi- Glückstraße 10 fore, during, and after World War I and the nition of the normal and the pathological and - 91054 Erlangen emergence of statistical methods in medical re- during the 1920s - the limits of metrical Phone: +49 9131 8522308 search is studied in a habilitation project. Other methodologies. Fax: +49 9131 8522852 research is concerned with ancient medicine, www.igem.med.fau.de medicine in pre-modern times and medical his- Medical crime and the social torian museology. practice of terror – SS-physicians in Director concentration camps, 1934–1945 Prof. Dr. med. Karl-Heinz Leven 275 years Faculty of Medicine at FAU PI: Prof. Dr. K.-H. Leven, P. Rauh PI: Prof. Dr. K.-H. Leven, Dr. S. Ude-Koeller, P. Funding: Johannes and Frieda Marohn-Founda- Contact Rauh, A. Thum, Prof. Dr. R. Wittern-Sterzel tion, DFG (2013–2019) Prof. Dr. med. Karl-Heinz Leven Duration: 2016–2018 This project surveys the biographical develop- Phone: +49 9131 8522094 Funding: Faculty of Medicine ment of SS-physicians active in German concen- Fax: +49 9131 8522852 The project studied the chronological and struc- tration camps between 1934 and 1945, focus- [email protected] tural development of the Faculty of Medicine ing on their group-specific characteristics. Con- outlining its protagonists and prevalent interests sisting of two parts, the study aims at outlining Research focus before their scientific, cultural, social, and politic socialization, mentality, and actions, including • 275 years Faculty of Medicine at FAU backgrounds. A special focus rested on the 20th their role in concentration camps on the one • Constitutional medicine and medical theory, and beginning 21st centuries. Contemporary hand and their subsequent careers in both Ger- 1910–1930 history was approached by comprehensive use man states after 1945 on the other hand. In this • Medical crime and the social practice of terror: of oral history during which faculty members second part of the project, a well-defined group SS-physicians in concentration camps, 1934– underwent structured interviews. is employed to methodically analyze – for the 1945 first time – how both German states dealt with • NS-“euthanasia” in Erlangen: “T 4-Aktion” these people and their criminal past. and “B-Kost” • Galen – Compendium and catalogue of NS-“euthanasia” in Erlangen – Galenic writings “T 4-Aktion” and “B-Kost” • Receptions of ancient psychopathology PI: Prof. Dr. K.-H. Leven, Dr. S. Ude-Koeller • The German Society for Gynecology and Ob- The project examined a certain amount of cases stetrics under nazism of forced euthanasia (“T 4-Aktion”) and system- • Health and society in early modern Europe atic starvation to death (“B-Kost”) in Erlangen • Polish-German cooperation in the history of Heil- und Pflegeanstalt (Erlangen mental hospi- medicine • History of hospitals tal) during the Nazi regime from multiple per- • Medical history in objects – objects in the web spectives, both within its clinical context and • The world-wide correspondence of Johann the town of Erlangen. Until now unstudied Lukas Schönlein source material provided the basis for recon- structing both, the (criminal) acts of individuals Structure of the Chair or institutions and the life stories of their victims. Professorship: 1 Galen – Compendium and catalogue Personnel: 8 of Galenic writings • Doctor (of Medicine): 1 PI: Prof. Dr. K.-H. Leven • Scientists: 7 (thereof funded externally: 5) Cover of the Festschrift, published in 2018 The Greek physician Galenus of Pergamum • Graduate students: 8 (129–approximately 210 AD) figures as the Constitutional medicine and most influential medical author of the Roman Special structural feature medical theory, 1910–1930 imperial period. This research project aims at a The Chair of the History of Medicine and the PI: Dr. N. Metzger comprehensive depiction of Galenism both, in Professorship for Medical Ethics constitute the This habilitation project studies the modern its time of emergence and its impact on Institute of the History of Medicine and Medical constitutional medicine emerging since 1911 in medicine in the historical contexts. Furthermore Ethics. German-speaking countries and dominating an annotated catalogue of all remaining Galenic medical research of various disciplines during writings is devised. Research the 1920s. This interdisciplinary research pro- gram broached the issue of individual factors in Receptions of ancient Concerning modern medical history, research emergence and development of diseases in pa- psychopathology focuses on the history of medicine at FAU and tients’ bodies, thus promoting the wider intro- PI: Dr. N. Metzger the region up to the early 21st century. This in- duction of medical statistics into medical re- The look back to ancient medicine and its most cludes medicine in National Socialism which is search. Additionally, constitutional medicine fur- illustrious protagonists has been seminal to studied both from a prosopographical and the- thered discussion on medical theory with med- physicians, their learning and identity for cen- 64 turies. They have drawn onto ancient texts for Polish-German cooperation in the and Molecular Medicine. Each semester and in orientation, legitimation, and distancing, thus history of medicine collaboration with the Chair of Anatomy and using the ancient for their own purposes. Mad- PI: Prof. Dr. F. Dross Cell Biology, the interprofessional seminar ness is intertwined like no other medical con- Since 2005, the imately has been board mem- „Death and Dying in Cultural Perspective“ is cept with its cultural background, therefore re- ber of the German-Polish Association for the held. Furthermore, the wide range of teaching ception of ancient psychopathology is deeply History of Medicine. Main activities are biennial includes excursion seminars preparing field trips affected by new medical outlooks, epistemolog- joint conferences and the publication of the to the Flossenbürg KZ memorial site or the ical developments, and cultural surroundings conference proceedings. Deutsches Medizinhistorisches Museum Ingol- and can be used to line out the changing faces stadt. Regularly, seminars are held in conjunc- of medicine in history. History of hospitals tion with colleagues from the Faculty of Human- This project focuses on reception in Byzantine PI: Prof. Dr. F. Dross ities, Social Sciences, and Theology. late antiquity, early modern times, and the 19th The history of hospitals can be addressed as the We supervise MD theses. century. In all three epochs, fundamental social history of the distribution of medical care via and epistemological changes left their mark on large institutions. They serve as an essential Selected publications how physicians read their ancient counterparts. framework for modern medicine – the endpoint Frobenius W, Thum A, Dross F. Die Deutsche Gesellschaft Case studies include the medical encyclopedia of a long and intricate development since me- für Gynäkologie im Nationalsozialismus. Teile 1-4. in: Der of Paulos Nikaios (approximately 7th/9th AD), the dieval times. The PI is president of the German Frauenarzt 58 (2017), Nr. 2-4 early modern receptions of ancient illnesses Society for the History of Hospitals and editor of Metzger N. Es sind noch große Forschungserträge zu er- hoffen. Entwicklungen der Konstitutionslehre in den contributed by physicians to the contempora- its annual research journal “Historia Hospital- 1920er Jahren. in: Medizinhistorisches Journal 52 (2017): neous witchcraft debate (lycanthropy, incubus), ium”. 270-307 and trauma concepts in Byzantine late antiquity Dross F. Wallensteins Zipperlein. in: B. Emich, D. Niefanger, and 19th century medicine. Medical history in objects – D. Sauerer, G. Seiderer (Hg.), Wallenstein: Mensch - My- Objects in the web thos – Memoria. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot 2018: 253- The German Society for Gynecology PI: Prof. Dr. F. Dross 269 and Obstetrics under Nazism Funding: BMBF (2017–2020) Leven KH. Ethics and Deontology. In: Pormann PE (Hg.): The Cambridge Companion to Hippocrates. Cambridge PI: Prof. Dr. F. Dross, PD Dr. W. Frobenius, A. Funded by the BMBF, the academic collections 2018: 152-179 Thum (2016–2019) of FAU and the Germanische Nationalmuseum Leven KH, Rauh P, Thum A, Ude-Koeller S. Die Medizinische Under Nazism, the German Society for Gyne- Nuremberg joined to develop a shared strategy Fakultät der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürn- cology acted as an agent between the official for making the objects in their collections digi- berg. Kontexte, Köpfe, Kontroversen (1743-2018). Wien, NS race and health policies, the involved gov- tally accessible. The Medical Collection Erlangen Köln, Weimar: Böhlau 2018 ernment authorities and party institutions, and preserves instruments and devices no longer Metzger N. Not a Daimon, but a Severe Illness. Oribasius, Posidonius and Later Ancient perspectives on superhuman their physician members. The society adapted needed in clinical practice, medical research, and agents causing disease. in: Mental Illness in Ancient Medi- to the changed powers and policies early on. education and is one of six university collections cine. From Celsus to Caelius Aurelianus. Singer P, Thumiger Their presidents functioned as communicational C (Hg.). Leiden: Brill 2018 (Studies in Ancient Medicine
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