doa<^ <?.• S ons Book B indery Inc, Sprlnpport, Michigan 4928^ SINGLE COPY30' CHATSWORTH, ILLINOIS (60921). THURSDAY. JULY 26. 1984 One Hundred Tenth Year Copyright. 106« Cornbtll PrtM . Inc A n ticip atio n w arrants a l r e a d y . Lv e School year starts with more red ink Chataworth srhool superintendent Donald Thus, with the existing debt, no income, He went on to state that unless every penny Walker told the school board Thursday night and current bills to pay. the board approved was carefully watched, the board would have Walker said that even though the district that the district must begin the 1964-85 fiscal issuing $100,000 in the education fund and to cash warrants all year and stay afloat only had a fairly high tax rate, it wasn’t enough to year by issuing anticipation warrants. $25,000 in the building fund by using warrants. by issuing working cash bonds. get the schools out ot the hole With pro|H-rt> The district ended the last year on June 30 Walker told the board that warrants "You can legally borrow up to 85 percent of assessments down and the student population with a deficit of over $300,000. With county probably would have to be used all year, the amount in any fund through anticipation low. income just cannot meet expen.se.s. taxes to be received very late this year. .11 because once the district does receive lax warrants," Walker said. "That is, assuming Valker pointed out Walker said that no income from property money, that money will have to be applied to that a bank or banks will take the warrants. And the amount of state aid you get is a taxes could be expected until October. warrants already issued. But you still may not have enough to finish the ilisgrace-vou only get about $.'i.500 a month." Bus contract renewed by JIM MOODY, assistant fire chief; Jerry Ashman, fire chief; Joe Baltz, retiring school board chief Chuck Culkin. trustee: and Jim Rebholz, trustee all gathered at the The Chatsworth school board renewed the Chatsworth fire house for presentation of a plaQue to Baltz in honor of his 32 bus tran.sporlation contract with Lyle Dehm at years as chief of the department. the regular July meeting, with rates to be the Culkin, an original member of the department when it was formed in 1946, 15 same as la.st year except for the daily routes. said that for Baltz to serve as chief from 1952 to 1984 is Quite an achievement. IX'tuii was pre.sent. and slated that the cost of the daily routes should be ini-reased by two [R-rcent. and the iMiaril agreed 10 Regular routes cost the district $2t),098.T5 la.-,t year. .About 130 miles a day are driven on regular routes at a cost of $l .(la per mile. 4-H Ford fair winners listed Reserve grand champion pair of barrows: l hal ter rates will stay the same at $1.’20 by Keith Wilken. reporter I.ara Elliott; IRT mile. The Chatsworth .Junior Farmers won inany Ill other busine.ss. the board: prizes in 4-H classes at the Ford County fair Junior swine showrmanship plaque Mark Elliott; -u.sed .luiie as the date to cancel the last week, with the follow-ing a listing of the :10 Senior swine showmanship plaque: Mike Working cash fund, with the money lot-al awards: transferred to the education fund ■Angus steer: Keith Wilken. A and cham­ Miller; -decided not to piircha.se a computer for pion; John Wilken. A and reserve champion; Wood: Bart Bayston. A; Dan Weber, A; use in the high schiKil office Purebred guilt; .Mike Miller, A and cham­ David lindQuist, B; ' -joined the Kantoul Computer Consortium pion; (Yaig little. A and reserx-e champion; Town garden: David lindquist. A aiKl state the board liad voted to join the Heartland Purebred Litter: Craig iJtllc. A; fair designate: Lisa Gerdes. A: and Chad Consortium in IK-catur. but when the Hantoul Crossbred gilt . i All A’si Dan Weber, Gerdes, B; opjiortiiinty came, the b*>ard decided to go that champion; Mark Elliott, reser\-e cliampion; Family garden: John Wilken, A; Keith Wilken, A; way Mike EllioU, Doug Miller, Malt Miller, l.ara Five vegetables; John Wilken, A; Keith -heard from Walker that registration for Elliott. .Michelle Miller. Tim .Mriircal, Debbie till- 1984-85 school year will lx- Aug 15-1(> Kessinger. Keith Wilken: Wilken, A; .Sti dents entering kindergarten, fifth, and Crossbred litter Mike F.lliott. A and cham­ Drawing or sketching: Chad Gerdes, A: ii; ih grades niu.st have physicals and a pion; Doug Miller. A and reserve champion; Small engines: David Lindquist. A and ^ : Tent completed health card Mark Elliott and liira Elliott, both A’s; state fair designate; -acceptiHl bids for milk and bread Single laarkel barrov» .All .A’s i Brian Riolography 1: Michelle Birkenixii'., C, Haren. Lynne Harm Fn< Haren. Ix'slie Tractor operator's contest I'arl Homs- »“ • Haren: tein. second place; .Single market bariew ami pan of market I,atchhook Michelle Birkenbeil. B; harrows All .A .^ in both (las.-,est Mike Stitcher)-: Sarah Weber. A and superior; Gary Aramini runs Michelle Miller. A: I^eslie Haren. B. Ijsa Miller, Craig Little. Hretl Bayston, Debbie IN THE ALMOST ANYTHING GOES contest at Melvin, Brian Haren, Eric Haren, Dale Miller. Mike Miller. Dan Kessinger, l.ara Elliott. Sarah Weber, Carl Gerdes, B; the Chatsworth team won $50 (or the 4-H club Those on Weber, and Irv Wilken, pictured, with Matt Miller and by Chatsworth July 20 Homstein, Dan Welx-r. .Mike FJliott, Doug You I^eam To Bake: Dan Weber. B; the team included Phil Haren, Gaylen Haren. Agga Haren. Doug Miller absent when the picture was taken Miller, Mark KlliiKt fCiil IkiysUxi. Michelle Microwave I: Michelle Birkenbeil. A: Miller. .Matt Miller , Keith Wilken: Yeast Bread; Michelle Miller, B; in cancer fundraiser Poultry; all John Wilken entries, large ■•7 Grand i-hainpion harrow Uira Elliott: Reserve grand ehamjnon barrow Dan breed egg production pen. B; rest all A s, (iar\ Arammi and hi.s Iwu nimjianion.s. hl,^ |2B Welx-r. leghorn egg production pen; pullet; breeding Chatsworth Junior Farmers win contest cousin. Kav. and a friend. Jolm Thompson, Grand rhaminon jiair of harrows .Mark pen; one dozen eggs; rooster pen; ran thi'tiugh Chal>wnrlh on KouU- 24 on Friday For the second year, the Ford L’ounty 4-H F.lliott; Champion chicken exhibit: John Wilken I k the Pondero.sa 4-H club The Ijist Minute Get receiving the lugnest pids were an morniiii, .itlci sjicniling rhiirsd.iy nighl in Federation sponsored an Almost Anything Togethers received third place. Other teams autographed Family Ties sweat shirt which Forrest (iary i> riiimmg to raise moiu-y for Goes Contest at the Ford County 4-H show. Six participating were the Fagle.s 4-H club. Handy sold for $36.00. an autographed Hill Street cancel research teams battled for the first place prize of $50 by Helpers 4-H club and the Gibson City Music- Blues script which sold for $26.00, and an Miclicllc I filler, (’halsworlh librarian, join participation in such events as the greased Club. Judges for the contest were Gayle Inaugural Book from the National Republican ed (iai \ about two miles west of Meadows on balloon race, the ping pong relay, and the Anderson, Elliott- .loe I)t*w-ey. Paxton; and Committee which sold for $21.00. The auction Thursday a- hi- ran ,uid walkei' towards Fair- Chatsworth animals on block Tarzan obstacle course. Dean Undholm. SibU-> brought in a total of $175.00 which will lx- bury .She found she could nol lake the runn­ First place went to the Chatsworth Jr Also held was a celebrity auction. Guest donated to the Illinois F'our Million for 4 H ing on warm day. so joined him when he Farmers 4-H club with second place going to .1 auctioneer »-as Bill Kruse. Elliott. Items Foundation. walked She said it took about five and a half at Ford fair livestock auction hours to get to F.iirbui y Due to some physical problems, (iary c.innot run all of the time, and .A luimix-r of ChaLsworlh-based animals Bayston, swine, Charlotte Farmers Grain; had Ix'cn runniiu: two lmle^ and walking one were sold at the 4-H bvesUx-k auction dunng Mike Miller, swine, Forrest Bank; Tim Oh, those Alps .. mile the Ford County Fair la.st week McGreal, swme. Deckers Hog Market. Mike The three men keeji a scrapbook and a day FoUowuig IS a iLst of Chatsworth items, with Elliott, swine. Charlotte Farmers Gram; to day account of their activities and to date the name of the entrant, the class, and the Michelle Miller, swine. Forrest Bank, Debbie Livestock team back from Scotland, Europe the biHik IS about tour or five inches thick. name of the buyer: Kessinger, swine. Charlotte Farmers Grain; Gary told Michelle of a man in Colorado John Wilken, poultry . Charlotte Farmers Keith Wilken. swine, Forrest Bank; Carl The national champion Chatsworth FFA structures are maintained for their historical who stoDoed his car and gave flary ten dollars Grain. John Wilken, beef. Russell Lindquist; Homstein. swine. Deckers Hog Market; Brian with lours of towns and chances for shopping Haren, swine, Charlotte Famiers Grain; Eric livestock judging team is back in town and significance After returning to I>ondon for two days of for cancer re.search Ix'cau.se he had just lost Keith Wilken, beef, Charlotte Fanners Gram; Haren.
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