IIIUC"Annub.r·ij'oard .D·EC1J~'1}JSele2ts,29 Seniors ", ~"outstanding ~eniors have been Seniors were selected on" thev' / selected and announced' by the basis of individuality, character, \. and service to the University, .. Editorial Board of the 1961 Gin- The Cincinnatian Board also con- cinnatian, Twenty-nine members of this' year's graduating class sidered 'these senior? to be the --------------------""'~-------:,~--~-------'-,""">--~--~-----have been chosen by' the Board ones who will be remembered in ',. Series BE 13 Z5_52 Cincinnati, ohio" Thursday, De,cember,22, 1960 Vol. XLVI, No. 13 from the nominations' made by the future. -----':-------~~ .....•.••......•-------'-'-------------_-------_---__ the entire senior class;-' 'This year's outstanding seniors are: Mary Ann Alexander, N&H; Rosemary Beiber, Pharrn; Joyce -,:REW' Merits Weighed Clark, AA (Advertising); Mary Eiselein, AA (Advertising); Judy Ebel, ':DC (Secondary Ed.); Joan Freiden, A~S (Theater Arts); Merry .Christtnes and Laura Grafton, N&H. _ During SRC \ Gathering' Gail Linke, AA (Interior De- "On earth-pe!ace,go.odwHl toward men." Echoed , -:~/, sign)'; Sandy Maxwell, A&S (His- I by Bill Strawbridge attention of UC .studenfs- more; it', ip joyous exultation' by "thousands of-voices in-thou- tory); Linda Mansfield, N&H; J: , ,At the meeting' OIf S:tqdent Re- has a bigger impact." sands .of places each year.. these words have trans- Lesleye Osborne, A&S (English), r . Iigious Council last' 'Ilhul'sday the, Discussion then took the path cended all bounds of time. They have held the eternal Patti Patten, ':DC (Elementary future ~ of 'Religious Emphasis olf changing the existing set-up promise' of. abetter 'tomorrow to a world threatened, Ed.); Karen Springrneyer, ~&S Week at the University was dis- but stlll keeping' some of. ,the by darkness and chaos. ' ; (Eeonomics) ; and Kathie W~od-:.- , cussed, in \ detaiL,' 'Before the major activities in a special Each Christmas these words have brought the same ard, N&H. meeting began it was the general week. The suggestion' was put mess~ge of faith, hope' and love that '! tiny infant Jim Arnn, A&S (History); 'consensus of opinion that REW forth that it might be possible to embodied and gave' to the world. .: , Bruce.. Blackburn, AA (Advertis- . was no longer fU'llfilling its pur- ' combine earlier ideas by having It is important for a struggling world 1:Qremem- ing); J ohn Davis, Eng, (Mec'fro pose. a series of events leading up to ber that these' gifts of Christ, have endured other an~eal);' Ric Griffiths, 'Bl1s. Ad. Some students were in favor of the two week and another' series ,,' (General Management) ; non tapering off from it. Instead of days of darkness, other; days of chaos. They can Grinker, A&S (Political Science); doing alway with the week entire- -again 'bring peace to the earth, but only through ly and having scattered programs 'standing alone, :REW would thus Pete Hayden, /A&S (Zoology); throughoua the year. The main serve as a high-point in a 'longer -the 'concerted' action and cooperation of all men. Jerry .Leimenstoll, AA (Archi- events 'of· the week would still be program of varied activities. Christmas, with it'Spromise of universal harmony, teeture.) ; and Tom' Miller, A&S . Included, -but they would be In ~any event, according to , offers a renewed incentive to break down the barriers (Philosophy) . spread out over a longer period Muller, the week will not be that prevent understanding among men of different Jim Stergiopoulos, Eng. (Elee- '()If time. ' , held in November. "When RE'W origins. It is a time for men of all -faiths to pray for trlcal) ; Nick Shafer, ,A,A (Indus- is held in November, it, occurs trial Design); Jack Vedra, AA However, as discussion pre- the' ability to work successfully together so that they _: too near mid-terms and is al- may know true peace on earth. .' (Advertising ) ; Bob Vega, 'AA gressed, several definiteadvant· ways in the same section," he ,-<Indusitri'al Design); Dean, Wind- ages to having, a special week , May the spirit and light Christmas be yours this said. \ ~'In addition, r November of gassen, Bus. Ad. (Accounting}; for rei igious programs, became seems to 'be' one' of the 'busiest joyous, season.-THE EDITORS - Ronald Miller, Bus. Ad, ' (Ac- eY.ident. As Charles Muller, TC months of I the year." ' ~' '~. counting); and Jim Woodard, , '61, president of SRC, 'said, "The 'The problem of when' t<j"'have Bus. Ad. (Marketing). 'advantage of having a single RffiW also came up last year. At week is that it comes' to the the time it was felt that february' might 'be a better month. Dr. Langsam, President of UC, has Y1ull,eSchedule .made t'hesuggesition that, since TC Stud'ents'Y , Have.._ Trouble' , the University may 'be on a com- mon calendar in vh,e pear future, , Of All Campus there should be, increased inte-r- est and participation inthe week. Make,H'oliday Decoratiol1s ", Final action on RE.W was' post- y po'neduntil tHe next regular You think you have troubles? a brahmabult on a-funeral pyre~ much he ha'd .te start all over,"_ How would you like to slip on the B1u'i1ldings,(jiven meeting of Student Council, a Confucian' birthday procession, said ":\rs. ~anker. scheduled for .Ian.: 12, at 7:30p. ice - and break your arm-just a 30 feet square Japanese kite, by'Andy Smith A seven foot- giraffe will be . I m., Hillel Foundation. The coun- when you 'were about to finish and' many other strange sights. - Many UCfaciHties will remain ,munching branches off the tree. cil is made up of representatives your dragon's head?' Students had enough problems open during the Ohristrnas. holi- .The giraffe itself is a problem, from ali of the religiousorganiza- 'This is just one of the prob- doingresoaren for their projects, '~ays for the: benefit' of- the nut- because 'it started as a fallpToj': tions on" campus. Each group is lems that the 103 students of Mrs. but the situation was worsened of-town students who will be stay- ect. -It grew S'O large that it allowed 'one v..ote. The meeting Corrine Banker, lecturer in art by things ~U!C'has the afbremen- ing on campus. I ' could not be finished until De- in January will be open, and all, education, had tbis year in dec- tioned student working on the cemher, • Frrday, Dec. 23, the Great Hall interested students are 'invited ora'ting Annie Laws Drawing head of the 47 inch dragon for . The class wanted to use the: and Grdll of the Union and to attend, Room and Dining Room for the the Confuclan birthday: parade. ' giraffe, a native of Africa en French and Memorial Hall snack annual alumni Christmas -tea. J Tom Sizer, varsity guard for the ~ecorating. But what do th1Y hal's will close alt 1 p.' rn. The Mrs. Banker, responsible for the basketball team, had his own do for celebrations in Africa? Great' Hall will reopen at 4:45 DR. BALlNKIN decorating for, the -reception for problems trying, to makla his After research thet found tb3t p.m., ser,vingdinner until, 5:45 Dr. ---Isay Balinkin, professor several years, decided to have a donkey for a Mexican Christmas many Moslem customs prevailod p. 'In. (, of expe'rimentaliJhysics at the holiday them.;.e .this year instead, custom. Every time he got it on that continent. The GriN will be, open on Sat- University of Cincinnati, has of ()hrristmas. finished "the basketball /team Now next to the giraffe is urday, Dec~ 24, from 8:30-9:30 ,been asked to join ~ panel on I an would run off somewhere else, Afr-ican Scene wi th palm trees a. 'm.'On the following Sunday metrology of the National' Re- IBes.ides the stock (Santa Claus, when he'd :get back the poor and'a candle procession. Under and Monday ali eating places will search Council committee which angels, manger scene,' and tree; thi,ng was, knocked around so the tree rests a dog and a ~kunk: be 'closed, I , is advisory to the Nat~onal B~- th' conservative eighteenth cen- From Tuesday, Dec. '27-:Friday, . reau', of ~tandards,. tury Greek Revival atmosphere \ Dec. 30, the Grill wilt be open of the recms wltl be adorned with )·from 9a~ m.vl p ..m. ,All facilities I • will be dosed from Saturday, Bel], Book, Ane:l T ree ~ Should There Be A Goof Dec. 31-Monday, Jan. 2. ;The ,Grill will be open from 9 a. In.-L'p. m; from Tuesday, Jan. 3-'Fri,day, Jan. 6. On Saturday, It's .ProbabLy Your Fault .",Jan. 7, all eating facilities will be, . by David Kuhn ,/ closed. of the hook. These ads were. 11£ your name or number was 'On the foUowing Sunday the, solicited by the directory's staff ornitted vths new UC Telephone GreatH'all will .open from 12 in cooperation with a represent- Directory, the chances are that noon-I p. m.; and board starts for ative of Institutiona] Directories, those .students on, the meal plan. it's your fautt. Janice Malttie, TiC the publisher. Over 3000 letters '6~; editor, commented that reg- French' Dorm: snack bar will be were mailed to Cincinnati Com- open from 4:30-10 p. in. ( ,istmtion'-<weary students often panies, pointing out the advanrt- fail" to (complete the final IBM ,The 'game room In the Union ages of advertfsing through the card, the one from which the win he open at regular hours all new, more formal Directory, , printer's Iists' are compiled, These through the holidays except from The largest part of the' wor:k, lists are then carefully compared Saturday, Dec.
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