San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1966 Special Libraries, 1960s 9-1-1966 Special Libraries, September 1966 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1966 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, September 1966" (1966). Special Libraries, 1966. 7. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1966/7 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1960s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1966 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. special libraries September 1966, vol. 57, no. 7 1966 Convention and Annual Reports BOL'SHAIA SOVETSKAIA Announcing a 40(,$;,Discount on the Internationally Renowned Great Soviet Encyclopaedia. 2nd Edition. Offered for the first time with a duplicate Vol. 50 in English Translation (Information U.S.S.R.). This highly acclaimed reference work is written by Russia's fore- nlobt authorities and is the most comprehensive source of con- temporary information available on the Soviet Union, covering such fields as: State structure: Nat~~ralcharacteristics; Popula- tion; Languages of the people: Historical outline: National econ- omy; Trade unions; Sport and physical culture: Public education; Press and broadcasting; Science and scientific institutions; Litera- ture: Art and architecture; Music; Theatre and cinema; Religion and the church; Union republics: Chronological tables: Trade sta- tistics: and many more. THE GREAT SOVIET ENCYCLO- PAEDIA, 2nd Edition is bound in a sturdy library binding and contains some 96.000 expertly written articles, 45,000 illustrations with 3,500 in full color, 622 color maps and 1,740 maps within the body of the text. The list price for this authoritative work is $500.00, but if you place your order now, you may purchase all 50 volumes. plus the English translation of Volume 50, for a total price of only $300.00. Ofjrr e.upirrs October 15, 1966. Take ndvuntage of this suhstar~ticll40% ddic.cout~t.Plncr your order c1.c fol/ows: Bol'shaia Sovetskaia Entsiklopediia 50 vols. & English translation of u Vol. 50 Bound $300.00 MAXWELL SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, INC. 44-01 2 1st Street / Long Island City, New York 11 101 @ The Faraday Press announces 30 major soviet-scientific Journals now available for the first time AUTHORITATIVE COVER-TO-COVER ENGLISH TRANSLATION Cybernetics Mechanics of Solids Kibernetska Mekhanrka Tverdogo Tela B~rnonlhly$1 15/year Bmonthly. $160/year Problems of Information Transmission Soviet Materials Science Problemy Peredacht lnformatsii Flzlko-Khrmcheskaya Mekhanlka Materlalov Quarterly $100/year Bmonthly. $1 15/year Soviet Electrical Engineering Fluid Dynamics Elektrotekhnrka Izv AN SSSR Mekhanrka Zhrd r Gasov Monthly $l60/yea1 B~monthly,$160/year Magnetohydrodynamics Magnrtnaya Gidrodrnamika Soviet Aeronautics Izvestrya VUZ Av~atsronnayaTekhn~ka Quarterly $90/year Quarterly. $125'year Applied Solar Energy Gel~ofekhn~ka Journal of Applied Spectroscopy B~rnonthly$1 lO/year Zhurnal Pr~kladnorSpektroskopr~ Monthly $150/year Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry Teoiericheskaya i Ekspermental naya Khmya Mendeleev Chemistry Journal Bmonthly $120/year Zhurnal Vses Khrm Ob-va rm Mendeleeva Bmonthly, $160/year Polymer Mechanics Mekhanika Polmerov Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves B~monthly$120 year Fwka Gorenrya 1 Vzryva Soviet Applied Mechanics Quarterly. $100/year Prikladnaya Mekhanika Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds Monthly $160, year Khmya Geterols~klichesklkhSoedrnenir Soviet Physics Journal Bmonthly. $l2O/year lzvestiya VUZ Frzrka B~rnonthly$125 year Chemistry of Natural compounds Kh~mryaPr~rodnykh Soedmenrr Astrophysics B~monthly$1 lOIyear Astrohzika Quarterly $90 year Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology Prrkladnaya Brokhmrya I M,krobrologrya Journal of Applied Mechanics B~monthly.$120, year and Technical Physics Zhurnai Prikladno~Mekhan~ki I Tekhntcheskoi Fmkr Moscow University Physics Bulletin B~monthly$150Iyear Vestnrk Moskovskogo Unrvers~tetaFmka Automatic Documentation and B~monthly.$1 lOIyear Mathematical Linguistics Journal of Engineering Physics Selected major art~clesfrom Inzhenerno-Fmcheskrr Zhurnal Nauchno Tekhnrcheskaya lnformatsrya Monthly. $150/year Quarterly $145/year Sovlet Progress in Chemistry Soviet Radiophysics Ukrainskri Khrmcheskli Zhurnal lzveslrya VUZ Radmfrzrka Monthly $150/year Bmonthly. $lZS/year Moscow University Chem~stryBulletin Soviet Radio Engineering Vestn~kMoskovskogo Unrvers~tetaKhrmrya Izvestrya VUZ Radrotekhnrka B~monthly$1 10 001year Bmonthly, $1 l5/year Differential Equations Soviet Genetics Ddferents#alnye Uravnemya Genet~ka Monthly $150/year Monthly. $lSO/year Please add $5.00 tor subscr~pt~onsouts~de U S and Canada Order your subscriptions to these essential Soviet journals from: THE FARADAY PRESS, INC. 84 FIFTH AVENUE. NEW VORK. N V 10011 Don't miss reading DISEASES OF MUSCLE by J. N. Walton, T.D., M.D., F.R.C.P.-July & August, 1966. This outstanding REVIEW ARTICLE by one of the world's leading authorities on the muscular diseases will undoubtedly be hailed as a most important contribu- tion towards the better understanding of the nature and inter-relationship of these baing disorders. Taking each type of myopathy in turn, the author reviews its clinical manifestations, its pathological features, and its genetic background in the light of the most recent research. He concludes with a valuable commentary on differential diagnosis and a comprehensive bibliography containing more than 300 references. The selective abstracting service offered by the journal is already widely known. The institution of the current series of Review Articles has greatly increased its popularity. These articles, like the abstracting service which they are designed to supplement, are directed as much towards the general reader as to the specialist, providing him with authoritative surveys of the growing points of medicine, each complete with an up-to-date bibliography. Some articles that have already ap- peared are: AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE by G.L. Asherson, D.M., M.R.C.P.-May & September, 1965. PROBLEMS OF DRUG RESISTANCE IN PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS by K. Citron, M.D., M.R.C.P.-July, 1965. MALABSORPTION by A. M. Dawson, M.D., F.R.C.P.-December, 1965. DRUGS USED IN THE TREATMENT OF PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS by Linford Rees, M.D., B.Sc., F.R.C.P., D.P.M.-March, 1966. INFECTION LN HOSPITAL by R. A. Shooter, M.D., M.R.C.P., F.C.Path.-May, 1966. Single copies of many of the issues containing these articles are still available at $2.00 a copy. Supplies are limited-copies should therefore be ordered NOW. To save missing future articles in this series subscribe to ABSTRACTS WORLD Annual Subscription $18.00 Subscription orders to: BRITlSH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 80 Brighton Avenue Boston, Mass. 02134 special Zibmaies Special Libraries Association President's Report 1965-66 Alleen Thompson Treasurer's Report 1965-66 Jean E. Flegal 1966-67 SLA Scholarship Winners Annual Meeting, 1966 Phoebe Hayes Advisory Council Report 1965-66 Herbert S. White SLA Membership Statistics Association Awards Executive Director's Report Bill M. Woods Musings on Minneapolis Elin B. Christianson Chapter Relations Committee Report John M. Connor Division Relations Committee Report Robert W. Gibson, Jr. Resolutions of Appreciation Raymond A. Bohling Committee Reports 1965-66 Committee Chairmen Special Representatives' Reports 1965-66 Special Representatives Recommended Practices for the Advertising and Promotion of Books Education Forum Report Wesley Simonton Natural Resources Librarians' Roundtable Theodor B. Yerke SLA Official Directory 1966-67 Extra-Association Relations Policy Emily B. Shoemaker's 22 Years of Service to SLA Features Government and Libraries Robert J. Havlik Engineers, Automation, and the Future Peter Gellatly Have You Heard Letters to the Editor Off the Press Editor: MARYL. ALLISON Assistant Editor: EDYTHE C. PORPA Special Libraries Committee Chairman: HOWARDB. BENTLEY,Time Inc. IRVINGM. KLEMPNER,United Nuclear Corporation ELLISMOUNT, Columbia University Papers published in SPECIAL LIBRARIES exgress the views of the authors and do not represent the opinion or the policy of the editorial sta@ or the publisher. Manuscripts submitted for publication must be tyPed double space on only one sade of Paper and macled to the editor. Reprints may be ordered immediately. before, or after publication. ,O Subscriptions: U. S. 810; foreign, $11; single copies, Sl.50. Annual author-t~tle-sublect cndex publrshed wrth December issue. O 1966 by. Special- Libraries Associarion. INDEXED IN Business Periodicals Index, Public ABairs Information Service, Library Literature Managemmt In- dex, Library Scrence Abstracts, Hospital Literature Index, and Historical ~bstrdcts. SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION President DR. F. E. MCKENNA Information Center, Central Research Laboratories Air Reduction Company, Inc., Murray Hill, New Jersey 07971 President-Elect MRS.ELIZABETH R. USHER Art Reference Library, Metropolitan Museum of Art Fifth Avenue and 82nd Street, New York 10028 Advisory Council Chairman MRS. HELENF. REDMAN LOS Alarnos Scientific Laboratory P. 0. Box 1663, Los Alarnos, New Mexico 87544 Advisory Council Chairman-Elect CHARLESH. STEVENS Project Intrex, Massachusetts
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