For further information about NASA’s High-End Computing Program, please contact: Dr. Tsengdar Lee Scientific Computing Portfolio Manager NASA Science Mission Directorate NASA Headquarters (202) 358-0860 [email protected] Dr. Rupak Biswas HECC Project Manager NASA Advanced Supercomputing Division NASA Ames Research Center (650) 604-4411 [email protected] www.nas.nasa.gov Dr. W. Phillip Webster NCCS Project Manager Computational and Information Sciences and Technology Office NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (301) 286-9535 [email protected] www.nccs.nasa.gov HIGH-END COMPUTING AT NASA 2006 November 1, 2006 Members of the Scientific Research and Engineering Community: We are extremely pleased to present the inaugural report from NASA’s newly established High-End Com- puting (HEC) Program. This publication captures remarkable science and engineering accomplishments enabled by the HEC Program’s shared high-end computing systems and services. For several decades, high-end computing has played an important role in supporting NASA’s missions, with advancements as broad as preparing the Space Shuttle for Return to Flight, assimilating vast quantities of Earth observational data into climate models, and developing astrophysical calculations that help us better understand the origins of our universe. Today, our Program is committed to maintaining a stable, service- oriented computing environment for all four of the Agency’s mission directorates—Aeronautics Research, Exploration Systems, Science, and Space Operations—as well as NASA’s Engineering and Safety Center, external collaborators, and the nation. In this report, you will read about the technologies that help make NASA’s HEC Program successful. As described in the Program Overview, our user community encompasses more than 1,000 researchers from NASA field centers, government laboratories, academia, and industry across the United States. In partner- ship with them to achieve mission impact, we provide premier computing systems, high-speed networks, a huge data storage capacity, extensive programming and visualization expertise, and responsive user and training services. This increasingly integrated computing environment has fostered significant achievements within each mission directorate. In Science and Engineering Highlights, our principal investigators relate their successes. As NASA embarks on a new era of space exploration, scientific discovery, and aeronautics research, our HEC Program is committed to providing computing resources and services to help achieve NASA’s mission. With renewed emphasis on delivering a stable, service-driven computing environment that maximizes scien- tific discovery and engineering optimization, we will continue enabling NASA to turn today’s far-reaching dreams into tomorrow’s reality. Mary L. Cleave Associate Administrator, Science Mission Directorate Steven C. Miley Director, Shared Capability Assets Program HIGH-END COMPUTING AT NASA 2006 HIGH-END COMPUTING AT NASA 2006 T A B L E O F CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 PROGRAM OVERVIEW 3 Introducton 3 Hgh-End Computng Facltes 4 Hgh-End Computng Servces 5 Future 7 SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING HIGHLIGHTS Aeronautcs Research msson Drectorate CFD Analysis of Advanced Lean Direct Injection Combustion Concepts Using the National Combustion Code 14 Comprehensive Combustion Modeling and Simulation: Emissions Reduction and Performance Improvement 16 Computation of High-Lift Flows Using a Navier-Stokes Unstructured-Grid Method 18 Detonative Combustor Modeling: Towards a High-Efficiency Constant Volume Combustor 20 Post-Flight CFD Analysis of Transonic Drag on the X-43 Hyper-X Launch Vehicle 22 Post-Flight CFD Analysis of X-43A Research Vehicle at Hypersonic Conditions 24 Propulsion Airframe Aeroacoustic Computational Analysis 26 Exploraton Systems msson Drectorate Automated Aero-Database Creation for Launch Vehicles 30 Crew Exploration Vehicle Aerosciences Program 32 High-Fidelity Simulations Supporting Crew Abort Risk 34 Integrated Modeling & Simulation Entry Descent and Landing 36 Scence msson Drectorate Applications, Evaluation, and Improvement of Multi-Scale Modeling Systems 40 Binary Black Hole Merger Dynamics and Waveforms 42 Convection and Magnetic Field Generation in Giant Planets 44 A Cosmology-Based Benchmark for Characterizing System Balance on HEC Systems 46 Experimental High-Resolution Weather/Hurricane Predictions with the NASA fvGCM 48 v HIGH-END COMPUTING AT NASA 2006 T A B L E O F CONTENTS GEOS-5: Global Modeling and Assimilation Development 50 Global Climate Modeling: The Future of Our Planet 52 The Global Modeling Initiative 54 Halloween Storm Simulations with the Space Weather Modeling Framework 56 High-Performance Simulation & Data Assimilation with Land & Atmosphere Models 58 High-Resolution Global-Ocean and Sea-Ice Data Synthesis 60 High-Resolution Simulations of Large-Scale Structure and Galaxy Formation 62 Impact of Extended Ionosphere on Magnetospheric Dynamics 64 Modeling the Explosion of Type la Supernovae 66 Modeling Gamma-Ray Bursts in Massive Stars 68 Salinity Anomaly Pathways in the Pacific Ocean 70 Seasonal-to-Interannual Climate Prediction 72 Simulations of the Sun’s Surface 74 Subseasonal Climate Prediction 76 Understanding Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling 78 Space Operatons msson Drectorate Delta II Heavy Launch Vehicle Investigation 82 A Fluid-Structure Interaction Study of Inflatable Decelerators and Validation of Methodologies Against Wind Tunnel Test Data 84 High-Fidelity Simulations of Unsteady Flow Through Turbopumps and Flowliners 86 MPS Flowliner Crack Investigation 88 Pluto/New Horizons: RP-1 Qualification Tank Failure Analysis 90 Shuttle Reentry Heating Aerodynamics 92 Space Shuttle RTF Ascent Aerodynamics and Debris Transport Analyses 94 SSME High-Pressure Oxidizer Turbopump Knife-Edge Seal Crack Investigation 96 Natonal Leadershp Computng System High-Fidelity Simulations Enabling Clean Combustion Systems 100 INDEX 103 HIGH-END COMPUTING AT NASA 2006 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY NASA’s challenging mission to explore space and to under- Aeronautcs Research stand the universe and the Earth within it increasingly re- • Scientists and engineers are using computational tools, en- quires supercomputing, also known as high-end computing abling NASA to investigate more fuel-efficient, lower-noise, or HEC, as a powerful leading-edge tool. Computing capabil- and reduced-emissions aircraft. ity has advanced exponentially for decades, to the point that computational modeling and simulation has become an equal Exploraton Systems partner to experiment and theory for scientific and engineer- • Engineers are using HEC resources to develop complete ing progress. As a result, HEC is now broadly used in support aerothermodynamics databases across the entire flight en- of NASA’s mission achievements. velope of the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle, dramatically reducing the number of wind tunnel tests needed, thus de- For over 30 years, NASA has invested in a comprehensive, creasing effort, time, and cost. mission-focused set of HEC resources and integrated services that enables the Agency to rapidly address the specific chal- Scence lenges of its computation- and data-intensive science and • Astrophysicists are testing new theories for how large-scale engineering endeavors. Recently, NASA created the HEC structures in the universe formed—against rapidly improv- Program to demonstrate a long-term commitment to funding ing observational evidence. and supporting HEC as an Agency-wide asset. Program fund- • Earth scientists are developing comprehensive models for ing flows through the Shared Capability Assets Program and weather and climate applications, incorporating NASA’s sat- the Science Mission Directorate. ellite observations to advance our understanding of process- es related to climate variability and change, and to improve The HEC Program provides high-level oversight and coordi- our modeling and prediction of the Earth system. nation of NASA’s two HEC projects, ensuring efficient, effec- tive, and reliable service to its users, NASA management, and Space Operatons other stakeholders. These projects are the High-End Comput- • Engineers were able to rapidly validate the redesign of the ing Columbia (HECC) Project operated by the NASA Ad- Space Shuttle’s external fuel tank to aid its return to flight, vanced Supercomputing (NAS) Division at Ames Research increasing overall safety of human spaceflight. Center in Moffett Field, California, and the NASA Center for Computational Sciences (NCCS) Project operated by NCCS This report contains three primary messages for NASA man- at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. agement, NASA’s HEC community, and the public: The NASA HEC Program’s computing resources and inte- • NASA’s supercomputing-enabled projects are addressing the grated services environment enable and enhance progress most daunting science questions and engineering challenges in hundreds of projects supporting all four NASA mission in pursuit of NASA mission success; directorates. NASA’s HEC users number well over 1,000 • NASA’s HEC Program has strong Agency support and a and come from virtually every NASA center, as well as uni- commitment from its own program and project managers versities, industry, and other agencies. This document pres- to serve the needs of its users and stakeholders; and ents 40 user projects, chosen because of their importance • The HEC Program will continue to enhance the perfor- to the Agency, their impact during the
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