PHOTO ROUNDS Nataliya Holmes, MD; Jennifer J. Walker, MD, MPH; Newborn with desquamating Will Chapple, MD Hawaii Island Family Health Center, Hilo (Drs. Holmes and rash Walker); Paniolo Family Medicine, Kamuela (Dr. Chapple), Hawaii The patient’s age and the appearance of the lesions [email protected] pointed us to the proper diagnosis in this case. DEPARTMENT EDITOR Richard P. Usatine, MD University of Texas Health at San Antonio a 9-day-old boy was brought to the emergen- (FIGURE) with a small amount of dried sero- The authors reported no potential cy department by his mother. The infant had sanguinous drainage and similar superficial conflict of interest relevant to this article. been doing well until his most recent diaper peeling lesions at the left preauricular area and change when his mother noticed a rash around anterior chest. There was no underlying fluctu- the umbilicus (FIGURE), genitalia, and anus. ance and only minimal surrounding erythema. The infant was born at term via sponta- neous vaginal delivery. The pregnancy was ● WHAT IS YOUR DIAGNOSIS? uncomplicated; the infant’s mother was group B strep negative. Following a routine postpar- ● HOW WOULD YOU TREAT THIS tum course, the infant underwent an elective PATIENT? circumcision before hospital discharge on his second day of life. There were no interval re- ports of irritability, poor feeding, fevers, vomit- ing, or changes in urine or stool output. FIGURE The mother denied any recent unusual exposures, sick contacts, or travel. However, Peeling skin on temple and chest with upon further questioning, the mother not- erythematous rash at umbilical stump and genitalia ed that she herself had several small open wounds on the torso that she attributed to un- treated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). On physical examination, the infant was overall well-appearing and was breastfeeding HOLMES, MD OF: NATALIYA IMAGES COURTESY vigorously without respiratory distress or cya- nosis. He was afebrile with normal vital signs. The majority of the physical examination was normal; however, there was erythematous des- quamation around the umbilical stump and genitalia with no vesicles noted. The umbilical stump had a small amount of purulent drain- age and necrosis centrally. The infant had a 1-cm round, peeling lesion on the left temple MDEDGE.COM/FAMILYMEDICINE VOL 68, NO 3 | APRIL 2019 | THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE 175 PHOTO ROUNDS Diagnosis: Staphylococcal A clinical diagnosis scalded skin syndrome with a large differential Based on the age of the patient, clinical presen- While biopsy rarely is required, it may be help- tation, and suspected maternal MRSA infection ful to distinguish SSSS from other entities in (with possible transmission to the infant), we di- the differential diagnosis (TABLE2,3,7-13). agnosed staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome ❚ Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) is a (SSSS) in this patient. SSSS is rare, with annual rare and life-threatening desquamating dis- incidence of 45 cases per million US infants un- ease nearly always caused by a reaction to der the age of 2.1 Newborns with a generalized medications, including antibiotics. TEN can form of SSSS commonly present with fever, poor occur at any age. Fever, diffuse erythema, and feeding, irritability, and lethargy. This is fol- extensive epidermal involvement (>30% of lowed by a generalized erythematous rash that skin) differentiate TEN from Stevens-Johnson initially may appear on the head and neck and syndrome (SJS), which affects less than 10% of spread to the rest of the body. Large, fragile blis- the epidermis. It is worth mentioning that TEN ters subsequently appear. These blisters rupture and SJS are now considered to be a spectrum on gentle pressure, which is known as a positive of one disease, and an overlap syndrome has Nikolsky sign. Ultimately, large sheets of skin been described with 10% to 30% of skin af- easily slough off, leaving raw, denuded skin.2 fected.8 Diagnosis is made clinically, although S aureus is not part of normal skin flora, skin biopsy routinely is performed.7,9 Staphylococ- yet it is found on the skin and mucous mem- ❚ Congenital syphilis features a red or cal scalded skin branes of 19% to 55% of healthy adults and pink maculopapular rash followed by des- syndrome should children.3 S aureus can cause a wide range of quamation. Lesions are more common on be considered infections ranging from abscesses to cellulitis; the soles.10 Desquamation or ulcerative skin a pediatric SSSS is caused by hematogenous spread of lesions should be examined for spirochetes.11 emergency due S aureus exfoliative toxin. Newborns and im- A quantitative, nontreponemal test such as to potential munocompromised patients are particularly the rapid plasma reagin (RPR) or the Venereal complications susceptible. Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) will be such as sepsis. Neonatal patients with SSSS most com- positive in most infants if exposed through the monly present at 3 to 16 days of age.2 The lack placenta, but antibodies will disappear in un- of antitoxin antibody in neonates allows the infected infants by 6 months of age.8 toxin to reach the epidermis where it acts lo- ❚ Congenital cutaneous candidiasis cally to produce the characteristic fragile skin presents with a generalized eruption of ery- lesions that often rupture prior to clinical pre- thematous macules, papules, and/or pustules sentation.2,4 During progression of the disease, with widespread desquamating and/or ero- flaky skin desquamation will occur as the le- sive dermatitis. Premature neonates with ex- sions heal. tremely low birth weight are at higher risk.13 A retrospective review of 39 cases of SSSS Diagnosis is confirmed on microscopy by identified pneumonia as the most frequent the presence of Candida albicans spores in complication, occurring in 74.4% of the cases.5 skin scrapings.13 The mortality rate of SSSS is up to 5%, and is as- ❚ Neonatal herpes simplex virus (HSV) sociated with sepsis, superinfection, electrolyte symptoms typically appear between 1 and 3 imbalances, and extensive skin involvement.2,6 weeks of life, with 60% to 70% of cases pre- If SSSS is suspected, obtain cultures from senting with classic clustering vesicles on the blood, urine, eyes, nose, throat, and skin an erythematous base.14 Diagnosis is made lesions to identify the primary focus of in- with HSV viral culture or polymerase chain fection.7 However, the retrospective review of reaction (PCR). 39 cases (noted above) found a positive rate of S aureus isolation of only 23.5%.5 Physicians will often have to make a diagnosis based on SSSS should be considered clinical presentation and empirically initiate a pediatric emergency broad-spectrum antibiotics while considering SSSS should be considered a pediatric emer- alternative diagnoses. gency due to potential complications. Core 176 THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE | APRIL 2019 | VOL 68, NO 3 TABLE Differential Dx of desquamating lesions in neonates2,3,7-13 Condition Characteristics Congenital cutaneous candidiasis Generalized eruption of erythematous macules, papules, and/or pustules with widespread desquamating and/or erosive dermatitis Congenital syphilis Red or pink maculopapular rash (more commonly on the soles), followed by desquamation Neonatal HSV infection Clustering vesicles on an erythematous base that subsequently ulcerate SSSS Macular erythema followed by diffuse epidermal exfoliation Toxic epidermal necrolysis Fever, diffuse erythema, extensive epidermal involvement of any part of the skin HSV, herpes simplex virus; SSSS, staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome. measures of SSSS treatment include im- tient fully recovered without any residual mediate administration of intravenous (IV) skin findings after completion of the antibiotic antibiotics. US population studies suggest course. JFP clindamycin and penicillinase-resistant peni- CORRESPONDENCE cillin as empiric therapy.15 However, local Jennifer J. Walker, MD, MPH, Hawaii Island Family Health Center at Hilo Medical Center, 1190 Waianuenue Ave, Hilo, strains and resistance patterns, including the HI 96720; [email protected] prevalence of MRSA, as well as age, comorbid- ities, and severity of illness should influence antibiotic selection. References IV nafcillin or oxacillin may be used with 1. Staiman A, Hsu D, Silverberg JI. Epidemiology of staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome in US children. Br J Dermatol. 2018;178:704- pediatric dosing of 150 mg/kg daily divid- 708. ed every 6 hours for methicillin-sensitive 2. Ladhani S, Joannou CL, Lochrie DP, et al. Clinical, microbial, and biochemical aspects of the exfoliative toxins causing staphylococcal Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA). For suspected scalded-skin syndrome. Clin Microbiol Rev. 1999;12:224-242. MRSA, IV vancomycin should be considered, 3. 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