Eastern Illinois University The Keep August 1986 8-8-1986 Daily Eastern News: August 08, 1986 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1986_aug Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: August 08, 1986" (1986). August. 8. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1986_aug/8 This is brought to you for free and open access by the 1986 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in August by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TheNew Student Edition The Daily frlday,August8, 1986 Eastern News Lights••• action! ThingsInside to do Football will have a new lookt hsi fall From the fine arts to rock music, as the Panthers prepare to play there are many ways for students under the lights of O'Brien Field for spend their leisure time. The Daily the first time. The volleyball and Eastern News looks at some the cross country teams also make offerings on and off campus. recruitingmoves over summer. See Entertainmentsection sees .. 1A New Student Edition Friday. Au�ust 8. 1 986 Coleman plan given o a South Quad site of college annex By BILL DENN,$ Quad, but I think it will in fact enhance editor in chief the quad. I thmk the architects The long-delayed Coleman Hall (Retburg-Grubber of Champam) did a addition took one step closer to good job in presenting the addition as completion this summer as plans for increasing office space without in­ building the College of Business annex terfering with the quad." We reservethe right to llmlt quantities on the South Quad were approved. lvarie !>aid "we went as far north as . The four-floor addition would. be possible because most student activities -' .......-- . built on the north end of the South take place on the southern area of the Col••CoUftfy'• ,• Lowe•t Priced food Center. Quad between Coleman and the quad." He added the area that would Applied Arts and Sciences buildings, be lost is used mostly by pedestrians. with bridges connecting the structures Suzzane Murrie, summer senate with the addition, said Ted lvarie, dean speaker, said the if the project is well of the College of Business. planned, it will be a nice addition to the WELCOME! The preliminary plans for the ad­ business school. dition were unanimously approved by "It seems like a good idea," Murrie the Council on University Planning said. "The business school will reaily SHOPPING AT WALKER'S and Budgeting at on July 21. help the university. Most officials said the addition 'Tm all for it, a!:> long as it is well wou Id not harm the quad aesthetically. thought out and planned," she added. SUPER SAVER IS A MUST "Visuall}, it's not agreat loss," said The addition would provide a CUPB member Robert Whittcnbarger. centralized facility for the college of The money you save on your "Looking north from the South business, aiding its accreditation ef­ Quad, all you could see is Garfield and forts. food shopping is just like a parking lot," Whittenbarger said. lvarie said the "tentative" plans "There was a lot of concern that the would allow all of the classrooms and grassy area would be lost. But it will offices currently in Blair Hall to move getting money from home take up less of the grassy area than to lhe new addition freeing up 14 people thought." classrooms and 35 faculty offices "I'm very pleased" with the CUPB's there. CHECKS ACCEPTED decision, said Eastern President However, little room would open up for amount of purchase Stanley Rives. "I had intitial reser­ in Coleman. vations about building on the South OPEN FOOD STAMPS WlLCOME Pre-teaching 'test started 24 By MICHELLE MUELLER The third portion tests writing skills HOURS Staff writer and consists of two parts, each lasting Beginning in the fall, students will be 30 minutes. The first half has 45 CHAii LESTON required to lake the Pre-Professional multiple choice questions, and the Skills Test before being admitted to second half is an essay question, Eastern's College of Education. Bartling said. The lllinois General Assembly has The PPST will be offered twice each required universities to make sure their semester and once in the summer, said future graduates in education are Shirly Moore, dean of academic proficient in the three R's before they development. Eastern will have no graduate to become teachers. The control over the testing dates, she said, meathod of determinjng this was left because schools must give the test on up to individual school's, said Charles national testing dates set by ETS. Joley, dean of the College of The test costs $39 the first time it is Ecucation. taken, Moore said. Each section of the The test "seemed to us to be a very test costs $10, the company's price of clear-cut way to deal with it," Joley the test-plus a $3 charge from testing said. services that will hip cover the cost of The $39 test, designed by administering the test, Joley said. Educational Testing Services, has three "It is an expensive test," Joley said. parts, said Herb Bartling, director of "That bothers me." Testing Services. All students will pass the first year The first part is a reading test, the test is given, Joley said, because the consisting of 24 multiple choice first scores will be used to set the questions. Students will be given 40 standards for fo11owing years. minutes to complete this section. Eastern is not the only university The second part is a mathematics taking steps to make sure students test, has 45 multiple choice questions entering the teaching profession are up and lasts 50 minutes. to par. if� �lYJ!MlfM'@fi' EasternNews The Dally Eastern News is published daily Monday througt> Friday 1n Charleston llhno1s durmg the !all and spring semesters and twice weekly during the summer term except during school vaca11ons or examinations by the students of Eastern Illinois Un1vers11y Subscr•Pl1on price $15 per semester $5 !or summer only $28 for all year The Dally Eastern News •Sa member ol the Associated Press which is entitled to exclus.ve use ot alt articles appeanng 1n this paper The edotonals on Page 4 represent the ma1ority view of the editorial board all other opinion pieces are signed Phone 581 ·2812 The Daily Eastern News ed1tonaJ and business oll•ce� are located on the North Gym o! the Buzzard Building Eastern tlhnoos University Second class postage paid at Charleston IL 61 920 USPS002250 Printed by Eastern llhno1s University Charleston IL 61920 SUMMER NEWS STAFF Editor 1n chief • . • • . .. Bill Denms Photo editor . Dan Reible News editor . ........... John Stroud Ass't photo editor . ...... Dan Mount City/Ent. editor .. ChrystalPhilpott AdvertiS1ng manager Tim Corry AcUcampus . .. A.L. Landers Student business mgr . Wendy Crickman Admin./govemment Michael Clark Business manager Glenn Robinson Sportsed1tOI' Cindy Beake Ed1tonal adviser . Mike Cordts Art Dtrector......••. .. DaneBuczkowski Publicationsadviser . David Reed NEW STUDENT EDITION STAFF Layout Bill Dennis Sports flditor C1ndyBeake Assistant od1tor . John Stroud Entertainment editor Chrystal Phtlpott Photo editor DanAe1bte Asst cntertamment editor AL Landers Asst photo editor Dan Mount Copy desk M1c%et Clark ' The Dally£utern News Friday, August 8, 1986 New Student Edition 3A Bus, ride service offered Personal advice available By GREG GUERTLER such as friends, parents, ministers MONICA Mc ADAMS cashing desk in the union. writer ' writer Staff resident assistants or hall counselors Staff Amtrak provides service from ' Whatever you need, wherher it's just Director Bud Sanders said. Students in need of tran­ Mattoon to the Chicago area. The a helping hand or a friendly ear to hear But, if this doesn't work, students sportation home can take advantage train stops in Champaign, Rantoul, you, Eastern's Counseling Center is should feel free to come to the center, of five services offered to Eastern. Kanakee, Homewood and down­ there for your use. locatedjust north of Health Service on The Great Lakes Coach bus town Chicago at Union Station. At a 'cost' anybody can afford, Lue Seventh Street, and talk to one of the service, started last year by a The train runs seven days a week, Counseling Center, with its five­ counselors, Lenihan said. University of Illinois graduate but times and prices are subject to member staff, offers free service to The Counseling Center is open from student, will still be in operation to change, especially during holidays. Eastern's entire student population. 8 a.m to noon, and p.m. to 4:30 serve students in the Chicago area. The Greyhound Bus Company l About 10 percent of Eastern p.m., Monday through Friday. The service, which also serves U also provides service to many cities. students used the facility last year, The Counseling Center workshops of I students, won't start until the The bus prices range from $7 .35 counselor Genie Lenihan said. Of this year will to be: "Anxious weekend after Labor Day, said one way to Champaign to $48.85 those students, more than 500 students Eating-What To Do?", "Make A Joann Gossett, union business round trip to Chicago. Match: A Career Choice Workshop" operations manager. Checker Top Cabs of Mattoon requested personal counseling, more and "Dating and Abuse-Women "It will be starting one week later offers transportation to both the than 150 requested career counseling, Against Rape." than last year because that's when bus and train stations. The minimun and more than l ,270 attended the workshops and the outreach programs. This year's study skills workshops the U of l students go back to cost is $10, but for two or more will be "Study Skills Workshop" and school," Gossen said.
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