E614 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 16, 2019 HONORING DR. STUART DORSEY HONORING OHIO’S LAW ENFORCE- Government agencies and personnel continue MENT AND EFFORTS TO KEEP to rely on local partners to ensure critical mis- THEM SAFE sion capabilities, Afghan and Iraqi partners HON. VICENTE GONZALEZ continue to be threatened, abducted, or assas- sinated for their willingness to assist the OF TEXAS HON. DAVID P. JOYCE OF OHIO United States. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES With broad bipartisan support, Congress created two Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) pro- Thursday, May 16, 2019 Thursday, May 16, 2019 grams to provide pathways to safety for Iraqis Mr. GONZALEZ of Texas. Madam Speaker, Mr. JOYCE of Ohio. Madam Speaker, I rise and Afghans whose work with and allegiance I rise today to honor Dr. Stuart Dorsey, an ed- today to recognize the brave men and women to the U.S. Government has exposed them to ucator, an innovator, and a leader. of Ohio’s law enforcement. As a former pros- direct threats, jeopardizing their safety and ecutor, I know all too well the danger our he- that of their loved ones. Although the Iraqi SIV Dr. Dorsey currently serves as the President roes in blue face every day to protect us and program stopped accepting new applications of Texas Lutheran University in Seguin, our families, and I applaud the efforts made to in 2014, the Afghan SIV program continues Texas. He began his tenure in the summer of ensure their safety. protecting Afghan allies to this day. 2011 and will conclude his work at TLU on Just the other night, in observance of Na- In recent years, the SIV applicant backlog June 30, 2019. tional Police Week, I was proud to vote to re- has continued to grow while Congress has Dr. Dorsey’s story is one that exhibits com- authorize the Bulletproof Vest Partnership struggled to allot enough visas to bring our al- mitment and dedication at every turn. Dr. Dor- Grant Program, which provides critical re- lies to safety in the United States. While the sey earned his bachelor’s degree in econom- sources to state, local and tribal jurisdictions recent Fiscal Year 2019 omnibus spending bill ics from the University of South Dakota. From to purchase bulletproof body armor for law en- authorized 3,500 SIVs, the backlog remains at there, he earned both his Master and doctor of forcement officers. nearly 20,000 Afghans. Worse, the processing philosophy in economics from Washington For 30 years, bullet-resistant body armor times for existing applications has slowed dra- has protected law enforcement officers. Ac- matically, forcing many to wait for years while University in St. Louis, Missouri. He then cording to the Bureau of Justice Assistance, in living in fear of being targeted. Due to these served the public in the U.S. Department of 2012 alone, protective vests were directly at- issues and others facing the program, SIV ar- Labor before joining the U.S. Senate Com- tributable to saving the lives of at least 33 law rivals have fallen by more than half over the mittee on Finance where he was the Commit- enforcement and corrections officers in 20 dif- last fiscal year. tee’s Chief Economist from 1982 to 1984. ferent states. This legislation makes more visas available Dr. Dorsey then began his career in aca- However, much of the body armor used for the thousands of applicants in the pipeline demia as an associate professor of economics today slows down and fatigues our officers and starts the process of improving the pro- at West Virginia University. He went on to due to overbearing weight and discomfort lev- gram so our allies can be brought to safety serve as Dean of the Faculty at Baker Univer- els. As arms and ammunitions continue to be- faster. The safety of these brave men and sity in Kansas and then as Vice President for come more powerful, we must do the nec- women, security of our troops, and our inter- Academic Affairs at the University of Evans- essary research to develop next generation national standing depend on the United States ville in Indiana. Afterward, he served as the body armor that addresses these challenges. be true to our word. We can’t leave anyone President of the University of Redlands in I am proud to say that we have organiza- behind. California until he became the President of tions in Ohio, like ShotStop, that are doing just f Texas Lutheran University. that. Due to their light weight and dynamic material, ShotStop’s bullet-resistant products RECOGNIZING HOWARD BRODSKY Over the past eight years, Dr. Dorsey create a safer environment for the brave men oversaw tremendous change to the univer- and women in blue who put their lives on the HON. CHRIS PAPPAS sity’s campus and culture. Under his leader- line every day to protect our communities. OF NEW HAMPSHIRE ship, the university completed a freshmen resi- Madam Speaker, please join me in applaud- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dence hall, a studio theatre, and a School of ing ShotStop and all other organizations that Thursday, May 16, 2019 Music building. Dr. Dorsey also oversaw the are working to ensure our officers are better completion of Bulldog Stadium, which has al- equipped to return home safely to their loved Mr. PAPPAS. Madam Speaker, I rise today lowed the university to host football games ones at the end of each shift. I am proud to to honor Howard Brodsky, who is receiving the and track and field events on campus for the support Ohio’s law enforcement officers, not Global Leadership Award from the World Af- first time in its history. Through these accom- just during National Police Week, but each fairs Council of New Hampshire on May 19, plishments, Dr. Dorsey has laid a strong foun- and every day, and commend those who are 2019. A Manchester native and a pioneer of dation for the university to continue its suc- doing all they can to protect them. the cooperative business model, Mr. Brodsky cess. f has dedicated his life to helping entrepreneurs and small business compete in the global mar- Furthermore, Dr. Dorsey expanded the uni- INTRODUCTION OF THE AFGHAN ketplace. versity’s academic influence by leading the ALLIES PROTECTION ACT OF 2019 As the Chairman, Co-founder, and Co-Chief creation of several new programs of study, in- Executive Officer of CCA Global Partners, Mr. cluding a popular undergraduate program in HON. EARL BLUMENAUER Brodsky created the second largest private nursing and graduate programs in accounting, OF OREGON company in the state of New Hampshire, com- data analytics, and athletic training. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES prised of 13 affiliated companies with total sales of over $10 billion. Mr. Brodsky has Dr. Dorsey has worked tirelessly to expand Thursday, May 16, 2019 opportunities for the students and community dedicated his career to building a model for of TLU. His unwavering devotion to his stu- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Speaker, today small businesses to succeed in an unpredict- dents’ success is evident and furthered by his I introduced the Afghan Allies Protection Act of able international economy. With a commit- wife Michelle’s equally impressive dedication 2019. This bipartisan legislation would author- ment to global cooperation and a focus on giv- to service. Through their combined efforts, the ize 4,000 Afghan Special Immigrant Visas and ing small businesses the tools and connec- require the State Department to report to Con- tions needed to compete at scale, Mr. Brodsky university was named a Great College to Work gress on the obstacles to protecting Iraqi and and his colleagues at CCA are helping foster for seven years in a row. Afghan allies as well as suggestions for im- a more equal society and economy. Madam Speaker, Dr. Dorsey has worked proving the program. On behalf of my constituents in New Hamp- endlessly to make a difference in the lives of Since 2002, the United States Government shire’s First Congressional District, I want to Central Texans. His efforts have made him a has employed thousands of Afghan and Iraqi congratulate Howard Brodsky on this well-de- pillar of the community and an example to us allies to serve alongside U.S. troops, dip- served award. I also thank the World Affairs all. It is an honor to represent selfless, com- lomats, and other government employees. As Council of New Hampshire for continuing to mitted individuals like him. I wish him and his a result of their service, these allies and their recognize Granite Staters in their work to con- wife Michelle nothing but the best as they families have become the targets of anti- nect the world to New Hampshire and New begin retirement in California. American persecution and violence. As U.S. Hampshire to the world. I thank Mr. Brodsky VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:48 May 17, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16MY8.020 E16MYPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS May 16, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E615 and the World Affairs Council for all that they spired choice. A member of the Vincentian together on May 17 to honor this year’s most do to make the Granite State such a wonder- community, he was appointed the 26th presi- worthy recipients at the Leader of the Year ful place to work, live, and foster global con- dent of Niagara University in 2013. Since be- Awards Ceremony. nections. coming president, Father Maher has focused f on advancing the academic reputation of the f HONORING UNITA ZELMA university, building an international and di- BLACKWELL ACKNOWLEDGING LEADERSHIP NI- verse campus community and shaping the uni- AGARA’S 2019 LEADERS OF THE versity’s commitment to the revitalization of Ni- YEAR AWARD RECIPIENTS agara Falls and Western New York.
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