Eye on the News [email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:XI Issue No:255 Price: Afs.20 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes TUESDAY . APRIL 18. 2017 -Hamal 29, 1396 HS Dubbed the “Mother Of All they continue this militant ap- Bombs”, the device can devastate proach, this heavy-handed military the area around its landing of a ra- approach in Afghanistan, then of dius of more than one mile (1.6km). course I want them out of the coun- “This was an inhuman act, a try.” The massive bomb was brutal act against an innocent coun- dropped after fighting intensified try, against innocent people, over the past week and US-backed against our land, against our sov- ground forces struggled to advance ereignty, against our soil and against on the area. A US soldier was killed our future,” Karzai said in Kabul. on April 8 in Nangarhar while con- “A bomb of that magnitude has ducting operations against ISIL, consequences for the environment, which stands for Islamic State of for our lives, for our plants, for Iraq and the Levant, and is also our water, for our soil - this is poi- known as ISIS. Karzai said he was son.”At least 90 ISIL fighters were speaking up because many Afghan killed in the attack, according to officials - some of whom were part the US and Afghan armies. For the of his own cabinet - had endorsed most part, Afghan officials wel- the bombing. “I considered it a comed the bombing, saying it was treason and I stood up against a step towards security. They have them, and I will continue,” he said. US protesters have staged a dem- just destroying the lives of indi- also said that there were no civil- “This poison will be there for years onstration in the capital Washing- vidual people, it’s also destroying ian casualties. But Karzai, who and years to come. How can we ton to denounce last week’s use of Afghanistan’s land, which is need- was president from 2004 until allow our country to be used this the largest non-nuclear bomb in ed for livelihood and sustenance,” 2014, said the US should stop us- way and why? How many [ISIL Afghanistan and other US military one speaker said. “So when the ing Afghanistan as a “testing fighters] have they killed, 100, 200, interventions around the world. media continues to say that they KABUL: An attack that saw the try’s sovereignty, Hamid Karzai, was unleashed in combat for the ground” and re-engage with Af- 300? “Why should Afghanistan The crowd gathered in front dropped the bomb in the middle United States drop the largest non- former president, has told Al first time on Thursday, targeting a ghans towards a peaceful solution. suffer in such a massive way with of the White House on Sunday, of nowhere, please make sure you nuclear bomb on Afghanistan was Jazeera. complex of caves and tunnels used If these conditions are met, he a bomb so big, so dangerous that shouting slogans and carrying plac- reject that narrative, it is dehuman- a “brutal act” against Afghan peo- The 9,797kg GBU-43 Mas- by ISIL fighters in Nangarhar prov- said, “they [US] can stay on - if they themselves call it the ‘moth- ards, as well as staging a die-in, to izing.” The rally was the latest in a ple, the environment and the coun- sive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB) ince, according the US army. the Afghan people agree to it. If er of all bombs’. express their anger at the adminis- series of protests since the US tration of President Donald Trump military dropped the GBU-43/B for escalating the already protract- Massive Ordnance Air Blast ed war in Afghanistan.Several Af- (MOAB), dubbed the “mother of Pakistani army ghan Americans also delivered all bombs”, on suspected Daesh short speeches during the rally to (ISIL) hideouts in Afghanistan’s begins fencing warn that US forces are destroy- Nangarhar Province, killing nearly ing Afghanistan and “dehumaniz- a hundred people, whom the US border with ing” its people. “This bomb is not alleges were all militants...P2 Afghanistan Pakistani military has started fenc- “Hideouts of terrorists ing its over 1,600-mile (2,575-ki- lometer) long border with neigh- boring Afghanistan on the pretext are outside” of containing cross border move- ment of terrorists -- a move that National Movement of Afghanistan reacts Kabul has slammed. Addressing a over use of ‘mother of all bombs’ on Achin U.S President Donald Trump’s na- including Afghan-America rela- press conference in the garrison tional security advisor H.R Mc- tions, the fight against terrorism, city of Rawalpindi Monday, mili- AT News Report who has given birth Daesh terror- Master has called on the leaders of regional issues, and the economic tary spokesman Maj. Gen. Asif ists, the statement added. The the National Unity Government and development situation in the Ghafoor said the army was already KABUL: Since the US-led inter- Daesh terrorists in Afghanistan are (NUG) to take firm steps against country. NUG leaders have said engaged in fencing a 100-kilometer national coalition started bombard- not those who are in Syria and Iraq. endemic corruption in the country. that McMaster will brief the White (161-mile) patch of the border be- ment Afghan villages, Afghan na- They are the barbaric soldiers of The U.S expects the NUG to t ke House about the situation in Af- tween northeastern Afghanistan tion has been shouting that the Pakistan’s military and intelligence firm action against corruption, CEO ghanistan on the basis of which the and Pakistan’s Bajur and Khyber roots of al-Qaeda and other terror- that have disguised to destroy and Abdullah Abdullah quoted McMas- US will outline its long term pro- Agency tribal regions. “Pakistan’s ist groups are outside Afghanistan, burn our country and the respon- ter on Monday as saying. “One of gram for Afghanistan. While in [northwestern] Khyber Pakh- but the international troops are not sibility goes to the Daesh terror- the key elements which has weak- Kabul, McMaster also reiterated tunkhawa province shares over 700 listening to the people’s calls. The ists who are based in Iraq and Syr- ened the system and our capacities Washington’s commitment to co- kilometers [435 miles] border with al-Qaeda leader, Osama bin Laden ia, it added. The international com- is unfortunately the issue of cor- operating with Afghanistan. The Afghanistan, which will be fenced was found near Pakistan’s nuclear munity should be wise to find out ruption,” said Abdullah. Mean- other important message conveyed in the first phase. “In the second installations, the National Move- the sources of microbes. Political while, Sayed Ghulam Hussain Fa- by McMaster was that the U.S phase, the border between [south- ment of Afghanistan said in a state- wisdom and basic treatment of war khri, chairman of the High Office of will not allow Afghanistan to be- western] Balochistan province and ment on Monday. The Daesh ter- requires that the mother of bombs Oversight and Anti-Corruption come a safe haven for terrorists. [southern] Afghanistan will be rorist group was born after the al- should be used on Pakistan’s nu- (HOOAC), has said that ongoing “The main point on which the two fenced,” Ghafoor said. Shakib Qaeda with such brutal acts that clear installations and bases of its efforts by government to combat sides agreed was on the resolve of Mustaghni, Afghan Ministry of the world was surprised. Daesh, army and intelligence because they corruption were not enough to com- Afghanistan and the United States Foreign Affairs spokesman, said on al-Qaeda and other enemies of Af- are the main centers of the real and bat the trend in the country. He sug- in their war against terrorism, and Monday Pakistan has no right to ghanistan’s development and civi- fake Daesh terrorists, the statement gested more comprehensive strate- detailed discussions were held in make such unilateral moves, insist- lization were all born and trained added. Such attacks in which five By Farhad Naibkhel gies be forged to tackle the prob- this respect,” said presidential ing that only people living on both in Pakistan and have been sent to or ten Daesh terrorists are killed strike in Achin, a meeting has been lem. “War against corruption must spokesman Shahhussain Murtaza- sides of the line have the right to Afghanistan. Now that the Amer- and more than that our villages are KABUL: Members of the Wolesi set in Moscow over peace process continue consistently and it should wi. Meanwhile, a number of polit- decide their fate. Downplaying icans drop the mother of all bombs damaged is in Pakistan’s favor, Jirga (Lower House) of Parliament in Afghanistan, where USA must be separate from politics,” said Fa- ical experts stressed the need for Kabul’s opposition to the move, on Achin district under the pretext unless the US realizes the facts and on Monday react against US-forc- send a delegation, but USA used khri. McMaster, who arrived in continued financial and military the Pakistani military spokesman of eliminating Daesh, could have carries out these attacks on the es airstrike in Achin district of east- the biggest bomb in Afghanistan, Kabul early Sunday, met with NUG aid to Afghan security forces and said Pakistan was fencing the bor- been a tool to temporarily remove center of corruption (Pakistan). ern Nangarhar province. Gen. John he noted. He urged all parliamen- leaders and high-ranking officials, for the need to hit terrorist hide- der from its own territory, not the Daesh terrorists, but the mother This will give a pretext to Afghan- Nicholson Commander for NATO tarians not to be used as tools and and discussed a number of issues outs and safe havens.
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