58 Research, Surveys and Data Management Ochrana přírody/The Nature Conservation Journal Ochrana přírody/The Nature Conservation Journal Focusing on the Public 59 projects. Of these, 7% have been completed and 41% are in progress. So everything seems Introducing a Transboundary Socio-economic to be fine, or at least on track. Although it has still not been possible to evaluate the change in morphological status due to the lack of Monitoring Scheme in the Šumava and Bavarian data, when you go out and along watercours- es across the cuntry, it is clear that the situati- on is not very optimistic… Forest Mts. National Parks Although the topic of improving the morpho- logical status of watercourses has gradually Pavel Bečka, Martin Starý, Josef Štemberk, Barbora Kučeravá become a common part of strategy papers and policies since the 1990s (including, obvi- ously, the currently applicable second river ba- National parks are large, specially protected areas. They development, national park management authorities ur- sin management plans providing a number of aim to protect natural ecosystems, support undisturbed gently need to ensure long-term monitoring of the fulfilling measures to this end), many of the proposed measures remain just on paper. Despite avai- natural processes, as well as human-determined biodiver- both the conservation goals and the mission. A transbound- lable funds in the Operational Programme En- sity. However, as the national park mission, in addition to ary project of the administrations of the Šumava/Bavarian vironment funded from the EU budget and the the above mentioned, also includes enabling sustainable Forest Mts. has mainly addressed the latter point. landscape management schemes of the Min- istry of the Environment of the Czech Repub- lic, a maximum of twenty km of watercourses are revitalized annually across the Czech Re- The long road to the project public. The reason usually mentioned for that Figure 4: Promoting the restoration of the Morava River near the town of Štěpánov by the removal of historical In 2014, there was a major turning point in co- fact is difficulty in preparation and consultation bank fortification; new elements to divide the channel morphologically and hydraulically were produced from operation between both National Parks. A jo- material from the dismantled fortification. © Jan Koutný measures, particularly in terms of legal owner- int definition of objectives for the direction of ship. Although the improvement of the status both the parks opened up the possibility of of aquatic ecosystems and thus improvement Promotion of restoration projects Conclusion new projects and new cooperation. Joint mo- of the morphological status of watercourses Revitalization of regulated watercourse chan- Are we just trying to achieve the desired in the nitoring of visitors was among the first ideas is the WFD´s primary objective and consid- nels and measures to promote restoration pro- simplest way possible or have we really under- because this type of blanket monitoring activi- erable efforts have been made in this regard, cesses (Fig. 4) are undoubtedly actions improv- stood the meaning of the WFD and try to actu- ty had been missing, although studies did exist any improvement of the morphological status ing the morphological status of watercour- ally improve the status of watercourses through which focussed on specific sub-problems or through restoration projects has been seen ses in line with WFD requirements. However, slow, gradual steps? Any systematic approach to longer-term monitoring of the selected sites. at the minimum percentage of poor-condition due to their complexity, revitalisation projects identifying, in a consistent manner, significant ef- On the Bavarian side of the border, however, watercourses. There is much more improve- cannot “heal” any substantial portion of water- fects across a water body’s catchment area and there had been some experience; more spe- ment (in terms of extent) due to spontaneous courses in the foreseeable future. As nature establishing the ecological status of the water cifically, basic surveys were underway there. restoration processes during succession in has been telling us for some time, a much sim- body (including the relationship between biota The activity was conducted by a research the ecosystems, meaning without human ac- pler tool to improve the morphological status and morphology) has still significantly been lag- team from the University of Natural Resources tions or perhaps despite such efforts. of a considerable length on watercourses is ging behind. The same is true of proposing and, and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU). The aim to encourage spontaneous restoration pro- in particular, implementing measures in the event of the project under preparation was to carry While the implementation of watercourse res- cesses (natural processes gradually removing of a failure to achieve good status. We are at the out a similar basic survey on the Czech side, toration projects has been lagging behind, engineered watercourse channels), or to initi- end of the second planning period and it is clear and to subsequently elaborate the qualitative similarly complex flood-protection projects ate such processes. Combined with ecologi- that the morphological status of watercourses has characteristics of visitor satisfaction and their proposed by municipalities have been doing cally-oriented management and maintenance not improved significantly in the Czech Republic. impact on the functioning of the two protected much better over the long term, while water- of watercourse channels, the potential of such We could say that “perhaps in the next planning areas. Unfortunately, a suitable funding title Conducting the questionnaire survey in the field. © Josef Štemberk course management authorities are often tho- natural processes is considerable – restora- period we will do it”, but I would rather call on all had been awaited from 2015 onward as the se that carry out such measures. The question tion processes are underway gradually but the stakeholders (whether biologists, water engi- then INTERREG scheme supporting cross-bor- try of the Environment of the Czech Republic, hemian Forest Mts./Bohemian Forest Mts. therefore arises as to whether or not a similar constantly throughout the river network and neers, planners, science, research and innovation der cooperation between the Czech Republic the project was supported and subsequently and Bayerischer Wald/Bayerischer Wald/ “design and implement” model could be ap- are not subject to any administrative initiative. foundations, watercourse managers, staff of the and Bavaria was in its final period. Neverthe- recommended for implementation in all the Bavarian Forest Mts. Mts. National Parks” plied in the case of restoration or investment Therefore, identifying stretches of watercour- relevant authorities or the general public, who less, the goal was clear: prepare a project that other National Parks in the Czech Republic. was launched on January 1, 2017 under the measures to promote restoration. However, ses suitable for the restoration process should are not indifferent to the status of watercourses) assesses both the number of visitors and their cross-border cooperation scheme “Czech this issue is strongly linked to the motivation be a priority among the measures to improve to help include the hydromorphological aspect in opinions, wishes, and expectations that they Following a successful application, a pro- Republic – Free State of Bavaria, Goal for watercourse management authorities to the morphological status of watercourses for putting the idea of systematic stewardship and bring with themselves when entering the terri- ject entitled “Transboundary Socio-econom- ETC 2014–2020 (INTERREG V), Priority implement such measures. the third planning period. improvement of watercourses into real life. tory. During the approval process at the Minis- ic Monitoring Scheme in the Šumava/Bo- Axis 2”. The Bayerischer Wald/Bavarian 60 Focusing on the Public Ochrana přírody/The Nature Conservation Journal Ochrana přírody/The Nature Conservation Journal Focusing on the Public 61 Table 1: Comparison of the Šumava/Bohemian Forest Mts. National Park (NP) and the Bayerischer Wald/Bavarian Forest Mts. Forest Mts. Mts. National Park Administra- in National Park´s other parts, visitors concentrat- NP: Questions about National Parks; the sum of the categories “Fully agree” and “Rather agree”; figures in %, *for locals and tion became a lead partner, while the Šu- weekend home/ cottage owners only, N = 230–985. ed on a maximum of half of the road network. mava/Bohemian Forest Mts. National Park Šumava/ Bavarian Administration was a project partner. The The questionnaire used for face-to-face inter- Consent to statements on National Park Bohemian Forest Mts. project´s aim was to establish and imple- Sum of categories: Fully agree & Rather agree Forest Mts. National views included closed and open-ended ques- ment a permanent transboundary scheme National Park Park Difference tions and was available in Czech and German. of visitor monitoring as the main building NP protects rare animal and plant species and their habitats. 96,0 97,8 -1,8 The interviews were conducted by trained block of socio-economic monitoring acti- employees of the Šumava/Bohemian Forest I consider the establishment of the Šumava/Bavarian Forest Mts. NP to make sense. 94,7 95,3 -0,6 vities in both National Parks. Total project Mts. National Park (Czech and, partly, German- duration was 39 months, including a three- I consider it meaningful to set up National Parks. 93,9 94,5 -0,6 -speaking persons), students, guides, and the -month extension. The project budget was Šumava/Bavarian Forest Mts. NP gives me a unique natural experience. 91,3 85,4 +5,9 National Park´s temporary staff. Each visitor € 672,025.00 (Czech portion of the pro- (≥ 14 years old) who passed one of the interview The task of the NP is to preserve / restore the natural landscape in its most 90,3 94,6 -4,3 ject: € 280,000); the rate of funding was original form possible. sites was asked to participate in the survey.
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