A GOLDEN PATH TO MENTAL HEALTH !! Dr. Shobha. G. Hiremath Retired Professor, Govt. Ayurveda College, Bangalore-9 Gold – a yellow coloured pure and precious noble metal known to mankind since ages. It is not only used to make idols of different Gods, ornaments, coins etc. but used to prevent and cure different diseases. The knowledge of therapeutic utility of gold is known to Indians from Vedic period. Administration of purified and processed gold to children is unique practice described in Ayurveda as ‘Swarna Prashana’ by Acharya Kashyapa. Thousands of years before only he has explained swarna prashana for children to improve their intellect, digestion and metabolism, physical strength, immunity, complexion and lifespan (Medha, Agni, Bala, & Ayurvardhana) Apart from Kashyapa, many other Acharyas have described various formulations of gold, formulated with different herbs (Shankha Pushpi, Kushta, Vacha etc) having Nootropic action. In Ayurveda ‘Swarna Prashana’ for children is specifically described in two contexts viz., 1. Lehana (Supplementary feeds) and 2. Jatakarma Samskara (New born care) Kashyapa further connotes that swarna prashana is the paste of purified gold or gold bhasma, prepared by rubbing gold or mixing gold bhasma with mother’s milk, pure honey and cow’s ghee. Kashyapa admires swarna prashana and says that, if it is administered for 1 month continuously, the baby will become ‘Parama Medhavi’ (Highly Intelligent) and ‘Vyadhibhir na cha drushyate’ (will not be affected by any disease). If it is administered for 6 months continuously, the baby will become ‘Shrutadhara’ (will be able to grasp & remember the subject matter just by hearing). So, Swarna Prashana could be advised from 1 to 6 months to the child continuously. The age limit for swarna prashana is found to be a new born baby to 16 years old child. As per Bhaishajya Ratnavali, the dose of gold is 3-4 mg/day. Many pharmacological activities of gold are screened scientifically at various research and Post Graduate Institutes. Under my guidance at Post Graduate Department of Rasa-Shastra of Government Ayurvedic Medical College, Bengaluru, different pharmaco–therapeutic activities of gold (as swarna prashana) have been evaluated both experimentally and clinically. To mention few among them are: 1. Experimental evaluation of Nootropic activity of ‘Swarna Prashana in Albino rats’ by Dr. Usha in the year 2015. 2. Experimental evaluation of Anti-oxidant property of ‘Swarna Prashana in Stress Induced Albino Rats’ by Dr. Shruthi J in the year 2016. 3. Experimental Evaluation of ‘Immuno –modulatory action of swarna prashana in Wistar Albino Rats’ by Dr. Sridevi S. Gothe in the year 2016. 4. Clinical Evaluation of Medhya Property of ‘Vagbhatokta Swarna Prashana’, by Dr. Shilpa in the year 2016. The 4th study (Evaluation of Medhya Property of Swarna Prashana) emphasizes the effect of swarna prashana on mental faculty. Here, the study was carried out on 30 children (both girls & boys), who never received ‘Swarna Prashana’. They were in the age group of 9 -10 years (Studying at “Government School of Kodamballi” Channapattana District, Ramnagar Taluk) ➢ To all these children, every day in the morning before breakfast, the mixture of 1.95mg of Gold Bhasma with 250mg of Vacha Churna (Acorus Calamus), 10ml of pure honey and 10ml of plain Nandini Ghee was administered, continuously for 30days. ➢ The observations were made on ‘0’day (Before starting the treatment) again on 15th day and once again on 30th day of drug administration. ➢ The parameters followed in the study were: (a) PGI memory scale- constructed and standardized by ‘Dwaraka Prasad & wig in the year 1977. (b) PBCL- Problem Behaviour Checklist developed by Veera Raghavan V. & Dogra A. in the year 2000 – The PGI memory scale consists of 10 subtitles viz: 1. Remote Memory 2. Recent Memory 3. Mental Balance 4. Attention & Concentration 5. Immediate Recall 6. Delayed Recall 7. Retention for Similar Pairs 8. Retention for Dissimilar Pairs 9. Visual Retention 10. Recognition ➢ The Problem Behaviour Check list (PBCL) was characterized in terms of his or her position along with each behavioural dimension as compared to earlier observations. The Problem Behaviour Check list, consisting of 58 items was given to the children in the form of Questionnaire. Based on the answers obtained from them the score was interpreted as: 1. 58-96: Low Problem Behaviour 2. 97-135: Moderate Problem Behaviour 3. 136-174: High Problem Behaviour Both the parameters (PGI memory scale & PBCL) have shown statistically significant results and helped in confirming good Nootropic benefits of Swarna Prashana Probable Mode of action of Swarna Prashana: ✓ Swarna Bhasma: The Swarna Bhasma has been characterized as globular particles of gold with an average size of 20-100nm, which directly enters blood stream and sensory register and triggers the targeted Hippocampus region of the brain (Hippocampus has a major role in learning & memory). According to Ayurvedic perspective, Swarna Bhasma is a Tejo tatwa pradhana dhat having Madhura rasa, Sheetha/ Ushna Veerya , Madhura Vipaka and Tridoshahara properties. It is the best Agni, Bala and Ojo vardhaka dravya. It is having Vrushya Brumhana, Rasayana, Medhya and Smruthi vardhaka properties. It is mainly indicated in all types of Mano vikaras. It could be inferred that the Tejo tatwaa of gold bhasma might increase the stimulating & conductive properties of nerves. By the virtue of its inherent qualities like Medhya & Smruti vardhana, it can act as one of the best Nootropic drug and swing up the memory & intellectual quotient. The other drugs, namely Vacha, Madhu & Ghrita used along with Swarna Bhasma, play a pivotal role in enhancing the Nootropic action of Swarna Bhasma. ✓ Vacha (Acorus Calamus): It is the most repeatedly found dravya among the Swarna Prashana yogas, mentioned by all the Acharyas. According to Ayurvedic texts, Vacha possesses Katu, Tikta Rasa, Laghu, Teekshna and Sara gunas, Ushna veerya and Katu vipaka. It is Kapha-Vata Shamaka and Pitta Vardhaka. It performs the Medhya Karma by its Prabhava. Different studies have reported that, Vacha possesses tranquilizing, anti-stress, anti-microbial, neuro-protective, anti-oxidant, anti- cholinesterase activities. ✓ Madhu (Honey): It is a naturally occurring sweet fluid produced from the honey bees by enzymatic transformation of floral nectar, ingested by them. The pharmaco – therapeutic properties of honey are Madhura rasa, Kashaya anurasa, Sheeta veerya, Katu vipaka, Guru, Picchila, Ruksha and Teekshna. It acts as Tridoshahara, Bhedaka, Hridya, Lekhaniya, Swara vardhaka, Vrishya and Vishghna. The special properties of Madhu explained are: Parama yogavahi ( capacity to carry/ enhance the srotogami (capacity to pass through micro circulation). All these properties are helpful in enhancing the Nootropic action of Swarna Bhasma. ✓ Ghrita (Cow’s Ghee): Ghrita is a drug with Madhura rasa, Guru, Snigdha gunas, Sheeta veerya and Madhura vipaka. It acts as Pitta & Vata hara, Agni deepaka, Balakara as well as Ayushkara. It is also having the credentials like Deepana, Hridya, Kanthiprada, Medhya, Ojo vardhaka & Rasayana. Ghee is a rich abode of Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids, which will nourish the brain cells. Fatty acids of ghee can cross the blood brain barrier. All these unique qualities of ghee will help the Swarna Bhasma to reach the target cells (Brain)and escalate its Nootropic effect. Based upon the findings of this study it could be concluded that ‘Swarna Prashana’ has a potential role in improving Nootropic action. The combination of Swarna Bhasma, Vacha Churna, Madhu and Ghrita will enhance the ‘Learning Capacity & Memory Power’. .
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