THB of MN MS AS 0Ol2&G& in Papfci&X

THB of MN MS AS 0Ol2&G& in Papfci&X

THB OF MN MS AS 0ol2&g& in Papfci&X Poa? the By Kox&toth &U3$<&Y B* A. 223548 TABLE m CONTESTS Chapter ?»g» X* IHTRODtrCTION '1 II. TtIS OHIGIS OF THE DOB JUM LEGEM) . • * * . 3 III, TIR30 IB *OLim*S m BURLAPOR DB SEVILLA . * IX IV* THE DOIT imi LEGEND FBQS TIRSO»3 EL BURLAPOR TO MOLIEJ«*S DOM JITAN . ,7 2$ Wm »OLIEHE»S B€S| JUAM 32 VI* SUA DWELL1 S Igg LIBSITOS . US VTI* THE DOS JUAN LSGEKD FBCW SHADVffiLL* S THE LIBSRTI8B TO MOZAHT* S BOf OIOVAHSI . « . 59 VIII* MOZART1 S DQH mmMMWt ^4- 11, CORCLUSIOH 76 BIBLIOGRAPHY 19 as *. 3ab«l tov lU&er&stan* Bt has u# 1### popular m & subjeot f» lit©«y?y anS »mi»aX tra&fesexit* A test a# to tft» ©volution «f Ms fisapMtt*!?#, Swo»l fac- tors add to Ms >m a subject for .«»& tvett* fcay «a^fe 4««IJ®g with lita- pjpafita from Gm mmt- fen MswfiiX not to pm® mm s§n 3hmm m m wmm llb«x*fcin«* s§- is <w»* af eea****. but «f «t wy *» a popt&raSa? soe ioty, a» ®mmm to all *ft&tta*Mji but tb» few Be® at least in. Ms arlgtwal fens, could -set teste other fcti&rj on© of rigid st©p&l regression of tii© «rofci© driveB, sueh. m 1m® exleted i» Europe sine© the dominance of ChrlaK tlaatty* Hie original DOR Juan is * rebel, aaS * retoeX Ml Jmir© sc«a®tfairig to mh®% ag&i&st* 1# lamst not eonfuae DOB Jte ittMi TUT m»t of l&tortiUMi w find is, omek agthelogyv for example# ffe» eC 1 a Boa luiffi are aot really ©©sparable to those ©I 2et»i# b©~ earn®© tit perforating Ms escapades* lens is doing ©»©%% wh&t Is ejected of fclm »» a omk ge&f tti ttaKp* la a» wtval. indignation tnrodtawl awi nothing for hits to rebel ftgRtasfe* , On th* other hand* 2a the original Dm £ua» its#*1# is almys . an stent of pmtmst and rebellion on on® aid©, aadt of di- vlna resentment Hi yaweag* o» t$»» other* Don £wm 1B M®M akin la aattsra tm Prow then® *a& tisnu to 2wia* F©» a true Be® J*uan there is always a oastMMfe with the mmmt der aa& Its thaologieal mqpports* M%» ouftmgns «** not ia» - 4iTt4u*l hat ii»tltiiti#iial* It is this that €istii3^lsM# Mm from &t* amtttmpavt* is ether ©mltwes* This paper la to to© a «tn6y of the «*igl» of the 'Bom J«a legend coi ©f the iBgHtrfeBtt 6mm&I» waste dealiag ifith the 3*gen& tip to ttan Por tfa* present purpo*a €r®sia will I® ia&ei^reted a& ineladiag apera femtiiot baliet* 1fee »|«f enplmsls of thia study *iIX fe®" pJUM**& a®, the development of the legend aad on the eharaetea? isafe 1 cm of Its prinelpal flgttttt* ft la earnm for wwi$im t& pmm owt* ttus aoureea e£ tib* Don Jtea. l*gfmA by saying that tto® Is of Spaatali origin «M that It wag first £©t3Po#w«4 iato llt«**ttape fey ptibliiiMkl In 1630* ftii# is ttM mil gaaaralisation, tat fuptiMnr la^stigati.#!! reveal* that It Is ma ti«a aa<t of doutotfiil exae&iae** Tlx# legeafi. Itself* arising fiwa bfo© rolls*©-oii«lott®»#«p Is soon lost In the «p» aad l*sy remoteness of antiquity* Mfe® moat folk M&evlftl* Its ereatlon is not stti>$eet to €i«* vest »»uaittkttc«u It Is relatively clear, however, that tfe* basis eletaents ©f the Dm Juaa l©gen4 are eocftion to many la It# si shiest arat earliest form, the Don Juan le&end Is sierely the story of a libertis# punished toy swper-mtural ijitorireri ti on* fhls story my b© tato two essential elements* (1) a libertine an& (2) his supernatural paiA» aeolu inNmysp th©3© two elaments are J#imA ~m have m pos- sible nucleus for ths Don Mb &*••* fines# eleiaonts aw a&sost to# giwsi to Wittk* Jwswever* asti «# msfc find stop* la to wm3» mmU prajgppd&p fit tracing the !»$•«£* . CM ©XCMWf* WU*»ilH*ticm, it ©SB fe# ®#®S that tfe* W»1 Bos Juan la litcwfttur* tha dwuaa 1# not just ft® or&laary libertine, but m* «bo i# ebmetert s«d by a ktnA ©f magiit* tote «a «a mtsNna® in Mm Mm of peetp&izit at any Mat# 4s J?**- his puniebstent, it will is# mm. later tbat the tffteal fw® Is d©ath at; taw bend* oaf * statu© of ft person ft# has wronged* thla is »ot invariable, hemweKV aadt in toe* YMtioa* the offeofier la e truck €#*» by lightning* la folk-lore tbeee few eleneate exlafeed ift vftngr different fwis* najiif ©M jmriMttmm e» the wmlmm "mm «M mni jromifele* but »im»% tfowe &m tbe mmm ifeieii, bmmm awl Jut*# eosse to b# eon*14e*<ed typl- ©ftl# at leaet of tbe works praeeding -f&® sl»st««atli mmtmj, it will perhaps b© tsost useful feo tr&ee at well aa possible these foraa of the elements and the conditions neeesaary tm their eosofclimtloa# The lies est aa individual with an tarnsml snetmt mt mmml energy «& prowess Is a eosaron on© In meat jspthology and folk-lore* Sftsaerous ©xanpl©s mm ircaedlateiy recognisable in Greek mythology. There are the various morons op is odes of 2©us and the adventures of Theseus with Hippolyta* Phaedra, Helen, asad Proserpine* In flsf* aiythology, Wodin 1ms a nu»~ fcer of allianees with mortals# as does, to a l©s®ar ©stent, tli© Odin of i»8» aythology* In fb© 3&ousand aad On© | ltbidinou# «£a» quit© ijraralont* E#i*Qes»lfek gp#at sexual ex&loita «f* found In Chlaeaa legends, th» fimdA art Bft»b otha* folk M&arial* 2h» &«•» of &vkpmwmtuml puataimmt is also ©«s«s& in foXfe-Xoya* Alsoat any aooiafcy aufflctautly dmJLopad t» hav« aay torn of Ms tb® inovifcabla oonsaptlea of aoat m© of fcafeaa* grow «j» about the «tana? mi# p®i^»afc# to fcisn forms puniatsaant typiml at the Don Jaan ato^y &«j of g?*&t ms?* feifulty .and jpxwraaanaft* Ttaft 16a* of sup«F]naatu?aX paalaboNn* by X£g£»tx»tag ©j? fiwa ft*« bM*«n is ;M*tlattXai&y' #X«ieiiteX in mtnm.# and Is found in. tha Bible, in $r«ek and Teutonic ethology, and #1mmmrn* fh* thama of pimiafewmt at tfeft hands of a. .statu© axistad iws la fee #»• ArlctotXa mmitimm- tha al&yins of Mi# Aapglip® ifltys % tam afcatua of a. warn ha had killed*1 m@ idea of pxmlehaant by a akulX* at skeleton, or a statu® «hieh hat the powers of apaaoti aM amMttt* «M widaapreaS in European folte-Xora of tha Middle Agaa* Ifeis Xageod wy fa«s0»Xy tocOe Si# few In isfaieh. the oftfaa&ar invito# at*ai& «a ofejaot to dinner ma& fiods Ms invitation ftoeaptodi and his puniafaaanfc «afee4 out* •Jotiberfc aumoarisea one of thes© Xegeaia, is farad la iianeadft* Filial* a aoaanen do £#oa». «s fa&toowt A youtfe want to ahizroh* not to attend ttasa* only fes. look at l»M«» w«»»* Ho mm® & airaXl «h!4h Ha ^Ariatot&a, Pities* IX, 6m 6 tei&m out of the iwltlsg It fN» *Hg»p6##. AimXtiag his &m9k b» a 'immU at" the #»p# Th» •***«»* aoaueni it* Hia# titelfttoa eaters «. sits down*. Tout m* tumm MKt Hi Ar&afc# It isnritfts it* host fe» isppsir at-'aiSJttl|Sbtt ts & abiaratt* yoa&i at the sigist of as «jp#n he ©alls upon 0ed and is thus «m*& f*oi» dtstanoefelos*? such SftgKida# occurring 1» «8sw dlff &«wst font**- war# a®»*- daat iftTcragbwafe Bopogw* They urn*® ma&tlj ®M «wtssattf *ulMt £o» Ineorpdmtioa into the Ban Juan legcmd as it teolc afcspfe# Certain mn&ltlmiB vow* aM&Mavy for t&#8« t®@ ©4#- aants to be mfeiowl «aft to aMnilti in f&* d*f*Xosufti)& «C Boa J^aan a# h& is knowi today# To ppoduoo a reb«l a® he# & society woaM tew to have rlg&ft «mbm2 talwuM Tfi> the fcypiea.1 poo fr&a ©sta#fey#pl»# it would law® to have strong but mtber crude lion# of pkals^ menlm with Ohm app@a4 of Christianity th&so <Mm&itid&8 pre* trailed over a wii# &«*&« lihMt tha i<S»a of tt» indiiriiiml trifeii .grt&i mmmX prowess prdaoatod itself to the ognroloutfMra #e»iditls5j»i by sash social ftad vftUgleuK ideas,' it found itself e^K3®POKfcod with tims# tabua ami Meat olf jwnishsaenfc# S3b» insult was VygtaA* «f $h» Don Mm type* * aort of caanproinis® in which fefct® te# is quit®- ts*i\waph&n% In bis i30xaal exploits but aeets eventual punishment by «#»* fMtuvAl intartraBtian* 9tos eaupjwwi*# wui infinitely •fttltfftateey? %# JftK&Krfe* *©fn Mxt im &fc»3Pfttut!Ni and ffcssle*" Oyn» CWM (#§b*ua*y# 1,935 )f it?* • ™* allowing triaarlotsa wisfa~fulflllraant without violating »0fml prohibifciona* 8\«a£i laganSa mm aactrmmXj dfffieutlt to tfmo® in their early foroa, but t&ay w» quite widespread in the various European felk-lores*3 According to 3* 1* WftjmNt the logami exists In the f#ll&»lore of every people In M®atag» Swaaera stomas that parallels mm to b® fouad in the folk- lore of Portugal, Sloily, Brittany, Oaaoony, Germany, B#wwrMf, and Seandinavia«£ FIfc»m«rie«H£elly states that tha Is found ©was in Xool&nd*^1 As for other influences m tha legend, the histories! theory wuat be aonsidered, Many oritiea state definitely that wm auoh person as Don Joan ever existed* Other* stat# just m dogmatically that fea ms an his tor lea"! figure who perforraad tha actions attributed to him# Th* latter claim that Don Man and one of bis victims, th® cotaa&ndar Ulloa, «r# recorded.

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