Checkmate Staying warm Mailing Label Chess aficionados lay out their boards at Hall Winnisquam’s Student Council raised money Memorial. for fuel assistance. See story page A7 See story page A8 Winnisquam Echo THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 2009 SERVING TILTON, NORTHFIELD, BELMONT & SANBORNTON, N.H. FREE Tilton voters Amended fire district budget backtrack on passes muster at annual meeting BY DONNA RHODES [email protected] $2.5 million TILTON — Voters gath- ered for the annual meeting of the Tilton-Northfield Fire building bond District Monday night, ap- proving a $1.3 million budget BY MEGHAN SIEGLER and a new command vehicle [email protected] Ken Randell regarding a let- for the chief, and forming a TILTON — The police de- ter from Attorney Walter committee that will look into partment will still get a new Mitchell. The letter ex- creating district bylaws. home, eventually – the ques- plained Mitchell’s legal The first article on the tions now are where, when, opinion of the validity of warrant to be presented and how much will it cost? the article. called for the appointment of Residents who attended “The authority to issue committee members, two Town Meeting last Saturday bonds cannot be rescinded,” from each town and one from voted almost unanimously, Dawson said. the commission, to look into PHOTOS BY DONNA RHODES LEFT: Newly elected selectman Jamie Knwlton of Northfield holds his card up for a vote at the annual meeting 103-3, in favor of putting the Clark and Davis had creating bylaws for the dis- of the Tilton-Northfield Fire District Tuesday night.RIGHT: Tilton-Northfield Fire Chief Steve Carrier addresses current police building proj- hired their own lawyer, trict. A committee had been the voters at the district’s annual meeting last Tuesday night. ect on hold in order to form Daniel Crean, who advised formed earlier but had not a new committee that will that the warrant article, and had enough time to reach any ensued over whether the dis- mour agreed. “The purpose Kevin Lachappelle asked if study the possibility of the lengthy list of amend- conclusions and the commis- trict should continue to make of that fund was for this kind any large purchases loomed building a life safety build- ments made to it, was valid sion eventually decided to payments or avoid interest of equipment. We should use in the foreseeable future for ing that would include po- and could be voted on. place the idea in the hands of costs by spending the lump it and not rack up more debt.” the department. Carrier said lice and fire services, as well “All we’re doing is asking the voters. Amended to add sum to complete the purchase Scott Davis of Tilton was that they would be looking to as looking at different op- voters to have a second op- that committee members of the equipment. concerned that less money replace an aging aerial ladder tions for just the police sta- portunity to take a look at would be appointed by Mod- “We are paying about $8 would be generated into the truck, noted as being defi- tion. what happened at last year’s erator Kent Finemore, the ar- per day in interest,” Waldron apparatus and equipment ac- cient in the Municipal Re- The vote rescinded town meeting,” Clark said, ticle passed. told the voters. “We have count with the recent pur- sources, Inc. report. The cost $910,000 of the $2.5 million calling the conversation a Kevin Waldron of the Fire $198,890.45 in the Apparatus chase of a second ambulance for the vehicle would be ap- bond that was passed last “tit for tat.” “I would say that Commission amended the and Equipment Fund right by the City of Franklin. The proximately $750,000. “Oppor- year. From that bond, $1.5 what we can do today is lis- next article as well, which now. We have the money and fund is fueled by revenues in tunities do exist, however, to million went toward pur- ten to what we have to say … proposed a pay-off on Engine are paying interest we don’t ambulance service each year. buy a used ladder truck,” he chasing the Business Park if you should vote and ac- 3. Originally worded that the need to pay.” Chief Steve Carrier said he added. Drive building; the rest was cept the argument that amount would be $64,000, Waldron further pointed did not expect a large de- Lachappelle cautioned vot- meant to be used to retrofit we’re making, and it’s legal, Waldron said he spoke to out that in paying off this loan crease in revenue because of ers not to be shortsighted part of the building for the then we should move for- Franklin Savings Bank, who the district would be debt- Franklin’s new ambulance. with a large purchase of that police station. ward with it.” owns the note, earlier in the free. “We generally only do 50- nature coming soon, but did Prior to discussion about The goal of the amended day.The final payment on the “Everything with wheels 100 runs for Franklin. It isn’t agree that not having to pay the petitioned warrant arti- warrant article, Clark said, truck was actually more in will be paid for,” he said. going to make a big differ- interest on the existing loan cle, which was originated by was to form a seven-person the range of $63,000. Debate Treasurer Roland Sey- ence,” he said. SEE AMENDED PAGE A11 Pat Clark and Scott Davis, committee to study the po- Board of Selectmen Chair lice station’s options, in- Katherine Dawson asked for cluding whether the new sta- a response from Moderator SEE BOND PAGE A11 Northfield votes yes on upgrades BY DONNA RHODES maintenance. year designs for the improve- lease/purchase agreement [email protected] Kevin Waldron was the ments would be laid out with and that the price has gone Budget draft looking NORTHFIELD — Voters first to speak out against the construction beginning in the up for a replacement about gathered at the Pines Com- article saying, "If this is a next year. Voters ultimately every 30 days. Originally good for taxpayers munity Center in Northfield state road, I am against it." supported the funding since worded to allow $75,000 this last Saturday to take care of Selectman Steve Bluhm ex- the state will also join in the year with a total price of BY DONNA RHODES "About the only basic dif- business for the upcoming plained that the state would expense. $115,047, the warrant now [email protected] ference right now," noted year, with little conflict. be handing over ownership of Highway Superintendent needed to be capped at SANBORNTON — With Livernois at a recent meet- Capital Reserve funding in the road in the near future Michael Summerset was $120,000 over two years. two months until Town ing, "is about $33,000." the amount of $75,000 for im- and that the town would be asked to explain why an "It could cost up to $132- Meeting, Sanbornton's Bud- That difference just got a provements to Bean Hill Road wise to spend this money now amendment was proposed to 135,000 if we wait to do this get Committee and select- little closer after last week's brought discussion between while the state is willing to as- up the final price to replace a next year," Summerset ex- men are putting the finish- Budget Committee meeting. voters and the two boards. sist in the repairs. Lisa Mar- 1990 International truck for plained. "Added emission ing touches on their budget Chairman Earl Leighton The state currently owns tin further clarified that the his department. Bluhm and controls will be necessary af- proposals for Fiscal Year drew up a budget proposal Bean Hill Road but Northfield state will pay two-thirds of Summerset explained that it ter July 1, which will also 2010. that did not call for a blan- is responsible for winter the costs for the repairs. This would be a two-year drive up the price." Comparing the two budg- ket raise for the police de- When questioned why ets Selectman Andrew Liv- partment, which the Select they sought money to buy a ernois noted that the two Board's did include. That Peterbilt truck instead of re- proposals are quite similar amount was the biggest dif- placing the International in numbers. ference between the two with another of the same budgets. Chairman Earl brand, Summersett said that INDEX Leighton had stated last prices he received were lower ● month that he would not for the Peterbilt. The warrant back the move to divide this was approved as amended. Volume 4 • Number 11 money up among the offi- Police Chief Stephen 20 Pages in 1 Sections cers and remains firm in his Adams was on hand to pres- belief that this is not the ent Articles 4 and 5. His de- Sports......................................A 13-14 time to be spending more partment was requesting money than is necessary.Po- $27,900 to replace a 2002 Ford Local News...................................A2-3 lice Chief Mark Barton Expedition and $25,669 for a would like to use that mon- new police cruiser. Editorial Page ..................................A4 ey to keep officers in the "I was going to present the town by offering salaries warrant to replace the Ford Schools ............................................A8 more comparable to neigh- Explorer last year," the chief boring communities. He has said, "but withdrew it be- Regional ........................................A10 felt for a long time that po- cause of the budget at that lice department salaries time.As a result,the price has Community Commentary.............A5-6 were out of sync with other come down substantially and towns and that, all too often, we can now get an Expedition Culture.............................................A7 his officers moved on for for much less money." better pay in nearby towns.
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