IT. S.A.I.D./O.M.V.S. INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PROJECT NO. 6M-0621 VOLUME III SECTION 3.3. ANALYSIS OF THE IDP TRAINING COMPONENT USAID/RBDO OCTOBER 1982 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 3.3. ANALYSIS OF THE IDP TRAINING COMPONENT 3.3.1. Objectives ............................ 1 General Objectives ..... ..................I... 1 Specific Objectives ...... .. ................ 2 Long-term Objectives 2.........2 Short-term Objectives .... ......... 2 3.3.2. Perceived Problems ...... .... ..................... 3 Farmer Training ..... .... ................. 3 Common Institutional and Implementation Problems 3 3.3.3. Overview of the Proposed IDP Training Strategies ... ....... 4 Introduction ...... ..... .................. 4 Strategy at the Village Level ..... ........... 6 The Farmers' Associations 6.......6 The Farmers ..... .. .............. 7 Strategy at the RDA Level ...... ............. 8 3.3.4. Organization of Training at the RDA's Level: Training 9 and Monitoring Personnel Training Personnel: Role and Functions of the 9 TA Staff Training of the RDA Extension Personnel ......... 10 Need for Training .......... 10 Personnel: Categories and Type of 11 Training Needed Contents, Methodology and Sources Needed 12 The Mobile Training Unit (fTU) .. .......... ... 16 Organization cf the MTU ........ 16 3.3,4.3.2. Tasks of the fU ........... 16 Summary of the Training Program .. .......... ... 18 3.3.5. Content of the Training Program .... ................... 19 Introduction ...... ....................... 19 Organization of Training at the Village Level 19 Components of Farmers' Training ... .......... 20 Perimeter Development and Manangement 20 Organization and Management of Farmers' 22 Association Credit, Basic Accounting, Inventory 25 Control Repair and Maintenance of Pumps .... 26 Crop Production ........... 27 Animal Traction ..... ........... 28 Animal Traction Equipment Repair and 29 Maintenance Functional Literacy ... ............ 29 Fishfarming ..... ................. 30 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) Page 3.3.6. Implementation Plan ..... .......... .. .... 31 In Kayes, Mali................. 31 Support to OVSTM, ONFLA, ENDA and 31 Local NGO's Training of Extension Agents and 32 Village Technicians In Bakel and Podor, Senegal 34 Perimeter Development and Training 34 Support to SAED ............. 34 Other Activities .. •........ 35 Training of Extension Personnel . 35 At Kaedi and Gouraye, Mauritania ........ 36 Support to SONADER .......... ... 36 Training of Farmers .. ......... ... 37 Training of Extension Personnel • . 38 LIST OF TABLES: Table 3.3.6.A. - Perimeters in the Kayes Sector. " 3.3.6.B. - Kayes Distribution of IDP Activities in Kayes (1985-1989). " 3.3.6.C. - Implementation Schedule for the Training Program in Kayes, Mali. 3.3.6.D. - Summary of IDP Training Programs for Farmers in Kayes. 3.3.6.E. - Summary of IDP Training Program for Extension Personnel in Kayes. " 3.3.6.F. - Existing and New Perimeters in Senegal (Bakel and Podor). " 3.3.6.G. - Bakel: Perimeter Development and Traing Program Results. " 3.3.6.H. - Podor: Perimeter Development and Traing Program Results. " - Implementation Schedule for the Training Program in Bakel. 3.3.6.J. - Implementation Schedule for the Training Program in Podor. 3.3.6.K. - Summary of Training Programin Bakel and Podor. " 3.3.6.L. - Existing and Planned Perimeters in the Kaedi Sector. 3.3.6.L. - Existing and Planned Perimeters in the Gouraye Sector. " 3.3.6.N. - Kaedi: Perimeter Development and Training Program. - Gouraye: Perimeter Development and Training Program. 3.3.6.P. - Summary of Training in Kaedi (for 14 villages). 3.3.6.Q. - Summary of Farmer Training Program in Kaedi and Gouraye. /) GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS USED IN THE TRAINING COMPONENT ANALYSIS OF IDP DNFLA (Mali) - Direction Nationale de l'Alphab~tisation Fonctionnelle et de la Linguistique Appliquge/ National Directorate for Functional Literacy and Applied Linguistics SEMI (Mali) - Service d'Enseignement pour le Machinisme Agricole/Training Service for Agricultural Machinery CEPI (Mali) - Centre d'Etudes pour la Promotion Industrielle/ Center for Research on Industrial Development IER (Mali) - Institut d'Economie Rurale/Rural Economics Institute IPGP (Mali) - Institut de Productivitd et de Gestion Professionnelle/Productivity and Professional Management Institute CMDT (Mali) - Compagnie Malienne de D~veloppement des Textiles/ Textiles Development Company of Mali OVSTM (Mali) - Operation Vallge Fleuve Sdn~gal. Tgrgkold et Magui/Operation Senegal River, Terekole and Magui (RDA in charge of Development in the Kayes Region) CPR (Mali) - Centre de Production Rurale/Rural Production Center (in each perimeter) BNDM - Banque Nationale de D~veloppement du Mali/ Mali National Development Bank BNDA (Mali) - Banque Nationale de D~veloppement Agricole/ National Bank for Agricultural Development SAED (Senegal) - Soci6t6 d'Am~nagement de la Vallde et du Delta du Fleuve S~n~gal et de la riviare Falgm6/ Office for the Development of the Senegal River Basin and the Faleme River CNAPTI (Senegal) - Centre National d'Application et de Perfectionne­ ment aux Techniques d'Irrigation/National Center for Advanced Training in Irrigation Techniques (N'Diaye) i EMR (Senegal) - Ecole des Monitrices Rurales/Training Center for Women Extension Agents SONADER (Mauritania) i - Socidt4 Nationale de D veloppement Rural/ National Office for Rural Development (RDA in charge of Development in the SRB) ENFVA (Mauritania) - Ecole Nationale de Formation et de Vulgarisation Agricole/National School for Agricultural Training and Extension ITA (Senegal) - IngInieur en Techniques Agricoles/Agricultural Technician ATA (Senegal) - Agent Technique Agricole/Agricultural Advisor - Agent de Vulgarisation/Field Extension Agent (FEA) CTA - Canducteur de Travaux Agricoles/Agricultural Works Leader UFM- Uniti de Formation Mobile/Mobile Training Unit (MTU) RIM - Rfpublique Islamique de Mauritauie/Government of Mauritania (GIRM) GS - Gouvernement du Sdnigal/Government of Senegal (GOS) G M - Gouvernement de la Rrpublique du Mali/Government. of Mali (GOM) ii - 1 ­ 3.3. ANALYSIS OF THE IDP TRAINING COMPONENT 3.3.1. Objectives General Objectives A key aim of the IDP training program is to transfer to the farmers an understanding of and ability to use improved production technologies more effectively. General objectives of the project's training program are as follows: 1. Reshape and enhance existing farmer training in the five project zones, 2. support the selection, training, supervision, and evaluation of all field training staff involved in the project, 3. decentralize training to emphasize village and field-level training, 4. develop strong and operationally-functional linkages between the research and extension agencies and farmers in the project zones. The IDP Training Component will develop an educational model that will help extension workers and farmers identify and solve problems, gain confidence in new farming techniques for irrigated agriculture, and improve farm and farmer association management. The most important goal of the training program is to render existing extension services more responsive to farmers' needs. By providing them with more adequate technical know-how, this program will enable farmers to assume greater decision-making respon­ sibility at all levels of their production units. Training should promote constructive exchanges between farmers, extension agents, and researchers. This iterative process should result in an action-oriented and operational management system and will be the primary measure of success of extension services. To accomplish these objectives, the IDP training program will focus as much as possible on developing'local leadership capable of managing farmers' activities and enhancing local group development. It will also establish operational linkages between its training component activities-­ especially extension and production--and the OMVS Agricultural Research II Project. The definition of these linkages should be one of the first tasks of the Training T.A. staff in collaboration with the OMVS Agricultural Research II Project Manager. A protocol agreement similar to the one already signed between SAED and ISRA (Institut Senegalais de la Recherche Agricole) will be used as a model. -2­ Specific Objectives Long-Term Objectives The specific long-term objectives of the training component, consistent with the overall strategy of the IDP, aim at raising the general standards of farmers and extension agents through the following means: 1. Providing farmers with a range of new technologies and farming techniques for irrigated agriculture so as to increase food production and incomes in the SRB; 2. creating operational farmer associations to be managed and developed in accordance with their own criteria and interests; 3. training extension agents and village technicians who, in turn, will train farmers in perimeter construction and management, pump operation and maintenance, new agricultural techniques, bookkeeping and functional literacy. Short-Term Objectives The short-term aim of the training component is to create an immediate nucleus of well-trained extension aents and farmers who will be critical in setting the higher standards needed for the long-term objectives. Short-term objectives include the following: 1. Creating a farmers' training program in perimeter development, 2. defining the roles and responsibilities of the RDA's, the IDP staff, and the farmers with regard to training and extension under the project; 3.
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