, 1921. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-.SENATE. 275 age, to receive pension at the rate for such disability; to the By Mr. YOUNG: A bill (H. R. 9519) for the relief of iienry F. Committee on Invalid Pensions. Wooda1·d and Samuel Ross; to the Committee on Claims. By 1\Ir. SINNOTT: A bill (H. R. 9495) for the protection of By Mr. TAYLOR of Tennessee: A bill (H. R. 9520) making timber owned by the United States from :fire, disease, or the appropriation for payment of claims of John Sevier, sr., and ravages Qf beetles or other insects; to the Committee on the John Sevier, jr., in accordance with report and findings of the Public Lands. CoUl't of Claims as reported in House Documents Nos. 1302 By Mr. RYAN: A bill (H. R. 9496) to amend the revenue act and 131, under the provisions of the act approved March t\ of 1918 in relation to the estates of soldiers and sailors who 1883, known as the Bowman Act; to the Committee on Claims. were killed or died in the service; to the Committee on Ways Also, a bill (H. R. 9521) granting a pension to Sarah Crippen; and Means. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Also, a bill (H. R. 9407) to provide revenue by the sales tax By Mr. WEAVER: A bill (H. R. 9522) granting an. increase upon importers, manufacturers, producers, wholesalers, and re­ of pension to :Willard F. Bradford; to the Committee on Pen­ tailers, for the purpose of providing a bonus to those who sions. served in the military and naval forces of the United States Also, a bill (II. R. 9523) granting a pension to Charles L. during the 'Vorld War, and for other purposes; to the Com­ Nix; to the Committee on Pensions. mittee on Ways and Means. Also, a bill (H. n. 9498) to provicle increased postal facili­ ties by the erection of a central distributing and general post­ PETITIONS, ETC. office building upon a it-e to be acquired on West Fifty-seventh Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid Street, between Ninth and Tenth Avenue , New York City; to on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows : the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. 3277. By Mr. BARBOUR: Petition of the Fifty-fourth State By Mr. SMITH of Idaho: A pill (H. R. 9499) to authorize Fruit Growers and Farmers' Convention of California, indorsing the State of Idaho to exchange certain lands heretofore granted House bill 2373 for the protection of cooperative marketing for public-school .purposes for other Government lands; to the associations; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Commlttee on the Public Lands. · 3278. By Mr. FREAR: Resolution of. tile members and friends By Mr. ROGERS (by request) : Resolution (H. lles. 244) of the first Methodist Episcopal Church of Eau Claire, Wis., in behalf of the Armenians ; to the Committee on Foreign indorsing House joint resolution 159; to the Committee on the Affairs. Judiciary. By Mr. COUGHLIN: R~solution (H. Res. 245) calling for an 3279. By Mr. GERNERD: Resolution from the Manufactur­ investigation of the conditions and management of the Govern­ ers' Association of Berks County, Pa., protesting against the ment Vocational School for Disabled Veterans of the World War passage of Senate bill 2267; to the Committee on Coinage, at Pocono Pine, Pa.; to the Collllllittee on Rules. Weights, and Measures. 3280. By Mr. KINDRED: Resolution from the board of di­ rectors of the New York County Lawyers' Association, approv­ PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. ing House bill 7077, relating to conditions in the Patent Office; Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, private bills and resolutions to the Committee on Patents. were introduced and severally referred as follows: 3281. By Mr. KISSEL: Petition of the New York patent bar, By Mr. BIRD: A bill (H. R. 9500) to amend and correct the Duell, Warfield & Duell, Fetherstonhaugh & Co., Fraser, Turk military record of John l\Iartin Van Buren Summers; to the & l\lyers, Ho\\SOn & Howson, Kenyon & Kenyon, Harold S. Committee on Military Affairs. Mac.kaye, Albert E. Parker, Rogers, Kennedy & Campbell, and By Mr. BO,VERS: A bill (H. R. 9501) granting an increase cott & Williams, all of New York City; to the Committee on of pension to James Forsyth Harrison; to the Committee on Patents. Pensions. 3282. By Mr. RAKER: Petition of Piedmont Parlor, 1ro. By Mr. BROWN of Tennessee: A bill (H. R. 9502) granting 120. Order of Native ons of the Golden West. of Oakland, a pension to John A. Brammett; to the Committee on InYalid Calif., relative to the selection of Alameda as the permanent Pensions. naval base of the Pacific Fleet; to the Committee on Naval Also, a bill (H. R. 9503) granting an increase of pension to Affairs. James W. Scott; to the Committee on Pensions. 3283. Also, petition of the teachers' unions of Washington, By l\Jr. CABLE: A bill (H. R. 9504) granting an increase of D. C., protesting against the inclusion of the teachers of the pen ion to \Villiaru Briney ; to the Committee on Pensions. public schools in the act designed to reclassify l~'ederal em­ By Mr. FESS: A bill (H. R. 9505) granting a pension to ployees; to the Committee on Reform in the Civil Service. Mary E. Johnson; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 3284. By l\lr. TEMPLE: Petition of the Charles \V. Ct·e<J.e By Mr. FOSTER : A bill (H. R. 9506) granting a pension to Post, No. 461, Pittsburgh, Pa., in support of adjusted com­ Amy V. Rice ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. pensation bill; to the Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. HUKRIEDE: A bill (H. R. 9507) for the relief of 3285. By Mr. WILLIAMSON: Resolution of the South Dakota George W. :Morgan; to the Committee on Military Affairs. Development .Association, protesting against the passage of the By l\Ir. KIRKPATRICK: A bill (H. R. 9508) granting an Barbour bill, the purpose of which is to create the Roosevelt increase of pension to Elmer E. Frederick; to the Committee National Park; to the Committee on th Public Lands. on Pensions. By Mr. LYON: A bill (H. R. 9509) authorizing the Secretary of War to make a survey of the Cape Fear River above Wil­ mington, N. C.; to the Committee .on Rivers and Harbors. SENATE. Also, a bill (H. R. 9510) authorizing the Secretary of War TuESDAY, Decem,ber 13, 1921. to make a survey of the Cape Fea1· River below Wilmington, N. C.; to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. The Chaplain, Rev. J. J. Muir, D. D., offered the following Also, a bill (H. R. 9511) for the relief of the widow of Hugh prayer: D. Ward; to the Committee on Claims. Also, a bill (H. R. 9512) granting a pension to D. W. Fulcher; Our Father, though clouds and fog may hang about nature, to the Committee on Pensions. we want to see light in Thy light, and so to be led by Tllee that in all the circumstances of life we may recognize Thy goodness ~ 1 o, a bill (H. R. 9513) gr,anting a pension to Crawford W. Watts; to the Committee on Pensions. to us, Thy helpfulness in times of difficulty, and leading us Also, a bill (H. R. 9514) granting a pension to H. E. 0. l\lintz; always into a larger place of fellowship, one with another, in to the Committee on Pensions. the high responsibilities of life and with Thyself. We a.sk in Also, a bill (H. R. 9G15} granting a pension to Oscar Soren­ Christ J e us' name. Amen~ sen ; to the Committee on Pensions. The Assistant Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of By Mr. MICHAELSON: A bill (H. R. 9516) authorizing the yesterday's proceedings, when, on request of Mr. CuRTIS and by Secretary of \Var to donate to Norwood Park, Chicago, Ill., one unanimous consent, the further reading was dispensed with and German cannon or fieldpiece; to the Committee on J.\Hlitary the Journal was approved . .Affairs. PUBLICATIONS OF lNTJ<JRIOB DEPARTMENT. By l\Ir. l\IOORES of Indiana: A bill (H. R. 9517) granting a pension to Georgiana Page; to the Committee on Invalid The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ P®~OO~ . tion from the Acting Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, By l\Ir. RHODES: A bill (H. R. 95i8) :_ ranting an increase pursuant to law, a detailed report giving the aggregate number of pension to Slatha ileard; to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ of various publications issued during the fiscal year 1921, and sions. also the cost of the paper used for such publications, cost of ·276 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD---SENATE. DECEl\IBER 13, printing and of p-reparation of each publication, and tbe number "'The United S.tates of America, the Brittsh Empire~ France, of each which has been distributed, which was referred to the and Japan- Committee on Printing. "' With a view to the preservation of the general peace aod SALES OF CONDEMNED PROPERTY RY SERGEANT AT ARMS. the maintenance of their rights in :relation to their insular pos­ sessions and insular dominions in tbe reO'io~ of the Pacific The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Ocean- - J<.'- ,;;;.:,. ·a-.: tion from the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate, transmitting, "'Have determined to conclude a treaty· to this effect and pursuant to law~ a list of condemned property of the United have appointed as their plenipotentiaries- States sold subsequent to December 6, 192(), togetheP with a list "' The President of the United States of America, • of the proceeds from such sales, which was ordered to lie on " ' His Majesty the King of ilie United Kingdom of Great the table.
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