PEOPLE WHO MAKE A DIFFERENCE, PAGE 6A. ~------------------~------------~----------- •!• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 191 0 •!• 84th Year, Issue 27 @ 1994 July 22, 1994 Newark, Del. • 35¢ -------------................... ------------------- Senate salutes TI-llS WEEK Jim Neal in In sports final minutes of his final I SeSSIOn By JENNIFER l. RODGERS NEWARK POST STAFF WAITER FrER A POLITICAL CAREER that has spanned two decades, endured A two budget crises, fi ve tax cut s and count le ss law-m a king dec is io ns, Sta te Senator James P. Neal is retiring from pub­ lic life. Neal' s po litical career began in 1968 whe n he lo bbied Newark 's c it y counc il members for a fa ir housin g law. ''I'm not Jefferson, Washington and I' m NEWARK POST STAFF PHOTO BY JEFF SWINGER no James Madison, but when I looked at Canal 's Jamie Sassaman slides into oth er peopl e on ciry council I reali zed they home in Saturday's 21-3 romp over aren't either," Neal said . "And l said, ' l can Suburban. Story on page 1B. do that'." He became acti ve in Newark's govern ­ ment and went on to become a councilman hi mself in Newark 's Di stri c t I fo r fi ve CANAL MAJOR BOlS ON years. When on the council , Neal sponsored and wrote a city information ordinance. It was then he realized he could make a di ffer­ VERGE OF FIRST-EVER e nce. The o rd inance, w hi c h remains in effect today, requires those buy in g propert y NEWARK POST STAFF PHOTO BY JEFF SWINGER in Newark to read and sign an affidavit say­ State senator James P. Neal begins retirement from public life with a stroll through his Covered Bridge Farms neighborhood with his DISTRICT ing they understand the potentia l land use wife , Nancy, and the family pet. Neal , an engineer by profession, began his civic activism in 1968 when he lobbied the Newark.City for areas surrounding their pu rchase. Council for a fair housing law. After more than a quarter-century in elected and community leadership positions, Neal is not seeking TITLE. lB See NEAL, 4A .... re-election to his 10th District seat in the Delaware State Senate. MAJOR GIRLS NOTCH Amick ready for run to fill Neal's seat a couple mo nths ago, Amick said. "T hings I said I was going to camp type atmo ·phere that will rehabilitate By JENNIFER l. RODGERS Ami k said he is more do someday, I decided to do now." offenders whi le keeping them " very, very ANOTHER NEWARK POST STAFF WA ITER aggressive than ever. T he Repu blican cand idate said he is busy." "Doctors assured me looking forward to campaigning in the 25th " We reall y must in sist on getting vio­ With a new lea ·e on li fe Newark area th e re's no reason I senatorial d istrict because it includes the lence out of sc hool ,"Amick aid . CROWNFOR State Representative Steve Ami ck (R), is shouldn 't l e <~ d a norm al, area where he grew up - Noningham Green. He said he is in favor of providing alter­ lB looking forwa rd to ca mpa ig ning fo r happy li fe,'' Ami ck ''I'm lookin g fo rward to campaigning on native sc hools, or doing "whatever it takes Delaware's Di strict 10 senate seat. sa id. the treets I' m fa mili ar with," Amick said. to get violence out of schools." CANAL. Am i<.: k ann ounced hi s candidacy for the In fact, hi s he art Some of the issues residents might hear A far as the quality of life is concerned, senate seat Ia t fa ll after Senator James P. probl ems were the rea­ Amick talking about this summer in clude Amick said he has been involved with Rep. Nea l (R) sa id he would not run for reelec­ son he got into politics. boot camps fo r fi rs t offenders, violence in M ichael Castle ' s Qua li ty of Life In the news ti o n . He has served e ig ht years in He . aid he learn ed he sc hools, the •·qu ality of life " and conserva­ Legis lati on, whi ch is a package of bill Delaware's I-t o use of Representati ves for wo ul d p robably have ti on of open space. enacted when Castle was Governor, that Di strict 25 and sa id he beli eves he can use some pro ble ms abo ut Amick Amick said the state is at the point where cnsu re. a non-destruc tive developme nt hi s experience in the senate. I 0 years ago. " It was one of the things th at it needs to eith er buil d new prisons or come process. EXPERT USTS IDEAS After undergoin g coronary artery bypass led me to run fo r office in the first place," up wi th alternativ es. He proposes a boot See AMICK, 4A .... FORMAIN In-city model school plan draws school board fire STREET. 4A By TONJA CASTANEDA continuing to attend Newark area schools, she said. member ' reactions show just how sen:irive the de egrega­ Currently, un der the federal court 's de egregation deci­ tion issue is . NEWARK POST STAFF WAITER sion of th e 9-3 pl an since 1978,Wilmington stu de nt s attend Several board members said th ey were concern ed the school for grades 4-6 in th e c ity and are bused to the task force was foc using too specificall y on this one model. The Superintendent 's Community Task Force review of Newark area the oth er nine school year ' . Mett said the task force ha ma ny di fferent ideas floating a model school caused debate at the July Christina School Board Member George Evans asked if th i concept around. NEw McDoNALD's Board meeting. woul d be like having a min i-Christi na School Di strict in According to the superin tende nt , the task force i also School Board members and Christina Superin tendent Iri s W ilmington and said, if it is, he fears th at this coul d lead to looking at the possibility of offering a school for grades Metts disagreed on how detail ed th e task fo rce should be resegregati on. Kinderganen through sixth grades in t.he coun ty. OFFERS NEW when exploring model sc hools. Metts sa id the task fo r e. consisti ng of about 40 Newark Metts added another possibl e ta k fo rce mode l i , Di ssent and concern from board members came when and Wilmington parents and residents wi thou t chi ldren, is because of a natural racial integrati on in part of the county Mett s announced the tas k fo rce is looking into the possibili ­ looking at types of schools wh ich could be viable in the dis­ wi thin the di trict, community schools (th at abide by the THINKING ON ty of providing schooling fo r grades Kindergart en through trict. federal-mandated ratio. of minority students because of that 5A 12 in the City of Wilmington. She said wh en types of model schools arc proposed to integrated populati on) that may be abl e to exist w ithout Metts said thi s would give parents of chil dren li vin g in the . chool boa rd, it will be up to board members to decide busing. DRIVE-THRUS. Wilmington a choice of letting thei r children attend school whi ch recommendations pass or fai l. Other models Mett s said the task force is expl oring in their own community. Thi opti on would only be for a Board Pres ident James Kent said some school board lim ited number of student s, with the remainder of students See TASK FORCE, 4A .... In Lifestyle Building disappears almost THERE'll BE LOVE IN before ink on permit dries By TONJA CASTANEDA "S tructurall y nothing was wrong with the building,'' said Diffley. "But NEWARK POST STAFF WAITER it wasn't hard to take down with the :~ lOA rig ht eq uipme nt. " The part of the Only 15 hour. after the demo liti on building torn down, was a 1927 addi­ pe rmit was issued by the C it y of ti o n to the o ri g in al Presbyterian Index Newark Building Department. the Church built in 1868. The back wing bac k pa rt of Daug hert y Hall came was removed to make way for a new tumbling clown. NEWS 1-14A U nive r ity of De laware Student Newark Building Director Junie Center. POLICE 2A Maley said the demolit ion pem1it was The curre nt student enter, located COMMUNITY 12A issued 10 the Uni versity of Delaware at on Academy Street, was built in 1958 about 4 p.m. July 18 and razin g of the OPINION BA when th ere were about 3,500 under­ building began at 7 a. m. the foll owing g raduate s tude nts attendi ng the LIFESTYLE 10A morning. niversity o f De laware . Thi fall OBITUARIES 11A According to M a ley the permit undergraduate enrollment is e xpected all owed th e demo liti n work to be to be more than 14,600. DIVERSIONS 13A don · within 90 days of the is ue date.
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