Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-62064-2 - David Mamet and American Macho Arthur Holmberg Index More information Index Note: Page numbers for illustrations in italics Adams, Henry (The Education of Henry hierarchy in 151; 173; 183; 188; Adams) 11–12; 57 214–215 Algren, Nelson (Chicago: City on the historical shift in 157–158 Make) 16; 32–33 play in 141; 148; 150 Aristotle 122; 181 peer pressure to conform to gender Austin, J. L. 88 norms in 3; 97; 133–134; 143–144; 146–147; 148; 150–151; 211 Bandura, Albert (social learning theory) repression of capacity to nurture in 134 96–99; 156; 178; 180; 202; 205; Barrie, J. M. (Peter Pan) 18; 90; 109 212–213 Bem, Sandra Lipsitz (gender lenses) revolt against mother in 99–100; 136; 138; 140 102–103; 125; 128–131; 149; 158; Benjamin, Jessica 95 211; 216 Bettelheim, Bruno 72; 109; 213 role in gender socialization 150–151 Bhabha, Homi K. 131 shame in 98–99; 134; 136; 175–176; Bigsby, C. W. E. 20; 25; 159 177 Blankenhorn, David 128; 174–175 sports in 152 Bly, Robert (Iron John) 80 values learned in 148; 156–157; 159; Bowlby, John 129; 131 174; see also fantasies of masculinity boy culture under macho, American anti-intellectual 214–216 Brantley, Ben 10 attitude to girls in 143 Brewer, Gay 16; 30; 33 bullies in 214; 215; 216 Bugs Bunny 145–148 difficult transition to adulthood from Bumppo, Natty 53; 57; 68–71; 78–80; 69; 75–76; 133–134; 162–179; 182; 124; 220–221 210; 211; 223; 227 Burroughs, Edgar Rice (Tarzan of the fighting in 65; 135; 151; 152; Apes) 9; 38 155–156; 161; 167; 190; 204; Butler, Judith 1; 80; 83–84; 131; 147; 157 212–213; 215 gender segregation in142–143 Campbell, Joseph 72; 78 gender stereotypes in 141 capitalism, American 302 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-62064-2 - David Mamet and American Macho Arthur Holmberg Index More information INDEX 303 cowboy as icon of 54; 57–59 ambivalence and conflict in 93–94; crime and theft as metaphors for 127–129; 131; 136 18–23 difficult transition of men to gangster as icon of 23–30; 32–33 parenthood 175–176; 181; 226 Chicago 10–21; 23–25; 28; 31–34; 116; father’s betrayal of son 103; 104; 130; 132; 144–145 126–127; 136; 175 Chodorow, Nancy J. 95–96; 99; role of father in gender socialization 92; 125; 128 97; 102–103; 135–136; 138–139; 141 Coates, Jennifer (men’s stories) 190 son’s idealization of father 68; Connell, R. W. 2; 226 101–103; 110; 123–124; 128; 213 Cooper, James Fenimore 10; 52–53; son’s identification with 46; 66; 90; 92; 69–71; 79 93–95; 99–100; 103; 124–125; 133; cowboy 50–59; 60; 65–68; 73; 84–85; 98; see also Oedipus complex under 158; 163; 169; 178; 198; 206; 225 Freud Crane, Stephen (The Red Badge of Fiedler, Leslie 156; 158 Courage) 43 film noir 10; 27; 31; 40; 67; 147; 160; Cross, Gary 173; 175 228; 233; 235; 236 Fine, Gary Alan 146–148 Daly, Augustin 6 Freud, Anna 121–122 Dana, Richard Henry (Two Years Before Freud, Sigmund 3; 51; 90; 92; 129; 131; the Mast) 168–169 133; 160–161; 172; 176; 225 Dean, Anne 159 Oedipus complex 93–95; 99; 124 Dickens, Charles 131–132; 245–246, n. 22 Totem and Taboo 128 Dickey, James (Deliverance) 76; 80–81 frontier masculinity Dinnerstein, Dorothy 91; 95 Mamet and 60–89; see also frontier divorce under macho, American impact on children of 117; 126 Dreiser, Theodore (The Financier, Sister gangsters see under capitalism Carrie) 17; 25; 33; 246, n. 26 gender Drew, John 6–7 as a social relation 1; 64; 82; 146–147; relativity of cultural norms for 151; 157; 164–165; 226 masculinity and continuum rather than binary Dumas, Didier 149 opposition 136; 157; 158–159; 182 Dyer, Richard 228 distinguished from biological sex 1; 133 Ehrenreich, Barbara 117 language and see genderlects Emerson, Ralph Waldo 64 nature versus nurture as an ill-posed Eliot, T. S. 171 question 1; 136–137 Erikson, Erik H. 104; 157; 167; 172; 176 professions and 219–221 rituals of 40; 45; 70; 75; 76; 77; 79; 80; Faludi, Susan (Stiffed: The Betrayal 82; 84–85; 87; 88; 143; 148; 152; of the American Man) 173–175; 154; 158; 215; 227; see also gender 209–210 displays father-son relationship relativity of norms 2–4; 6–10; 66; 157; absent father 92; 93; 94; 96; 105; 158; see also boy culture; macho, 123–129; 132; 136 American; masculinity © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-62064-2 - David Mamet and American Macho Arthur Holmberg Index More information 304 INDEX gender identity, acquisition of Goodall, Jane 96 advertisements, role in Granville-Barker, Harley (The Voysey In- 141–142 heritance) 21–23; 24; 59 body and 92–93 Greenblatt, Stephen 9 children’s literature and 91–92; 97–99; Greene, Graham 108; 131–132 125 cognitive-developmental theory and Hacker, Helen Mayer 65 134; 140 Harlow, Harry F. 97–98; 110; 113 contingency of 147; 165; 225 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 94; 123 family’s influence on 3; 90; 131; 138; Hemingway, Ernest 10; 25; 31; 39; see also Oedipus complex under 41; 55; 87–88; 99–100; 103; 168; Freud 207; 212 gender conflict 3; 61; 65; 93; 94; 100; Hoffman, Dustin 20; 24 131; 178 Hofstadter, Richard gender confusion 1; 3; 65; 92–93; 139; and status anxiety 209; 271, n. 140 143; 147; 173; 211 Holmes, Janet 189; 192; 202; 206 gender consistency 140 homoeroticism 38; 152–154; 163; gender constancy 139–140 250, n. 80 gender identity 3; 83; 90; 92; 93; 98; homosexual 63; 98; 99; 116; 219; 220; 100; 126; 128–129; 131; 133–137; 249, n. 69 139–140; 143; 147; 172; 225 Horrocks, Roger 90; 100 gender lenses (gender polarization, Huffman, Felicity 4; 105; 111; 116 androcentrism, biological essentialism) 136 Jackson, Andrew 9–10 gender stability 140 James, Henry (The Bostonians) 37 peers and see under boy culture Judaism play and see under boy culture and Mamet 74; 255, n. 36 social construction of 83; 85; 143; 159; 178; 218; 222 Kerouac, Jack (On the Road) 61; 72; 133; social-learning theory and 133–134; 152–153 140–141 Kiley, Dan 162 stereotypes and see under boy culture Kimmel, Michael 173–175; 226 television and 60; 141; 213 Kindlon, Dan 99; 104 trauma of 90; 94; 124–125; 129; 174; kinetic realism in American theatre 225 207–209 toys and gender socialization 139; 141; Kipling, Rudyard 72; 131–132; 158 227 Kohlberg, Lawrence (cognitive- gender rebels 143; 144; 214–223 developmental theory) 139–140 genderlects 182–185; 187–188; 189; Kurosawa, Akira 49 190–191; 192; 193–198; 200–207 consensus and 144; 151; 182–183 Lacan, Jacques 94; 258, n. 12 Genet, Jean 241–242 Lahr, John 12; 110; 120; 130 genteel patriarchs 3; 7; 9–12; 38–39; Lawrence, D. H. 43 50–51; 54; 57; 198; 244, n. 7 Lever, Janet 150 Gilmore, David 175 Leverenz, David 151; 168 Goffman, Erving 2; 82 Levinson, Daniel J. 165; 166; 172; 182 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-62064-2 - David Mamet and American Macho Arthur Holmberg Index More information INDEX 305 Lewis, Sinclair (Babbitt) 81 Macy, William H. 184; 188–189; 192; Lincoln, Abraham 11 194; 195; 196–197; 200; 202–205; London, Jack (The Sea-Wolf ) 38–39; 50; 72 207; 210; 237–238 Looney Tunes 145–146 Mahler, Margaret S. (The Psychological Birth of the Human Infant) 91; 92 Maccoby, Eleanor E. 137; 140–143; Mamet, David 146–148; 151; 152 ambivalence towards American macho macho, American and alternative vision of masculinity aggression and 28; 45; 56; 61; 141; 3; 5; 72–74; 79; 80–82; 88–89; 179; 148; 152; 189 211; 214–218; 224–225; 227; 228; anger and 10; 50; 54; 135; 196; 214 235; 240–242 alcohol (getting drunk) and 39; 50; autobiographical elements in plays 141; 158; 159; 161; 162; 176–178; 108; 110; 114; 121–122 179 director of his plays 102; 104; 106; body as anchor of 37–40; 42; 43; 60; 107; 110; 112–113; 115; 116; 119; 82; 83; 84; 163; 174; 225; 226 181; 184; 189; 202; 208; 210 crime and 11; 156–157; 159; 160; 217; poetic language in 171 see also capitalism and gangsters politics of 248, n. 61 fantasies of masculinity in the con- subtext in 180 struction of 2; 57; 84; 85; 87; 94; works by: 124; 128; 159–161; 211; 212–213; American Buffalo 18; 19; 21; 24; 30; 43; 217; 225; 226 58; 67; 74; 161; 184 frontier’s influence on 3; 7; 9; 11; 23; The Cabin 121–122 25; 42–43; 57; 67; 68; 75; 79–82; The Cryptogram 107; 111; 101–113; 115– 124; 141; 161; 220; 224 121; 122–124; 125–126; 127–132; guns and 58; 66; 68; 70; 99; 163; 213; 260, n. 52 228 The Deerslayer 69–71; 73 hunting and 9; 38; 63; 64; 68; 71; 75; “The Dog” 134–136; 138 80; 81–82; 88; 99; 103; 228 Donny March 108; 127–128; 130–131 individualism and 36; 64 Duck Variations 105 macho scripts and 160–161; 163; The Edge 74–79, 77 176; 207 Faustus 126–127; 128; 132; 181 muscles and 9; 10; 37–40; 141; Glengarry Glen Ross 4; 30; 43; 165; 174; 225 166; 171 mystique of (allure) 3; 37; 44; 58; 61; Heist 30–31; 228–235; 232, 236 80; 179; 241–242 Hoffa 15–17; 30; 59 sex and 51; 53–54; 55; 84–85; 87; 161; “Homespun Fog” 86 169–171; 179 Lakeboat 135; 138; 158–172; 164; 170; sports and 2; 37–38; 135–136; 142; 174; 179; 219; 225–226; 266, n.
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