ROSSINI, G.: Stabat Mater (1832 version) / Giovanna d’Arco (arr. M. Taralli) 8.573531 www.naxos.com/catalogue/item.asp?item_code=8.573531 Stabat Mater Stabat Mater [1] I. Stabat mater dolorosa The grieving Mother stood Juxta crucem lacrymosa, weeping by the Cross Dum pendebat Filius. where hung her Son. [2] II. Cujus animam gementem, Her spirit groaning, Contristatam et dolentem, saddened and grieving Pertransivit gladius. a sword has pierced. [3] III. O quam tristis et afflicta O how sad and afflicted Fuit illa benedicta was that blessed Mater Unigeniti! Mother of the Only-Begotten! [4] IV. Quae moerebat et dolebat Who mourned and grieved Et tremebat, cum videbat And trembled, when she saw Nati poenas inclyti. The punishment of her glorious son. [5] V. Quis est homo qui non fleret Who is the man that would not weep Christi Matrem si videret if he saw the Mother of Christ In tanto supplicio? in such torment? Quis non posset contristari Who could fail to feel sorrow Piam Matrem contemplari to regard the merciful Mother Dolentem cum Filio? grieving with her son? Pro peccatis suæ gentis For the sins of His people Vidit Jesum in tormentis she saw Jesus in torment Et flagellis subditum. and submitted to the scourge. [6] VI. Vidit suum dulcem natum She saw her sweet offspring Morientem desolatum forlorn in dying Dum emisit spiritum. as He yielded up His spirit. [7] VII. Eia, Mater, fons amoris, Ah, Mother, fountain of love, Me sentire vim doloris to feel the force of grief Fac ut tecum lugeam. grant that I may mourn with you. [8] VIII. Fac ut ardeat cor meum Grant that my heart may burn In amando Christum Deum in loving Christ, God, Ut sibi complaceam. that I may please Him. [9] IX. Sancta Mater, istud agas, Holy Mother, grant me Crucifixi fige plagas, that I fix the wounds of the crucified Cordi meo valide. firmly to my heart. Tui nati vulnerati, Of your wounded son Tam dignati pro me pati, who deigned to suffer for me Poenas mecum divide. let me share the pain. Fac me vere tecum flere, Let me truly weep with you, Crucifixo condolere, grieve over the crucified, Donec ego vixero. as long as I live. Juxta crucem tecum stare, To stand by the cross, Te libenter sociare, willingly to join with you In planctu desidero. in mourning I desire. Virgo virginum præclara, Virgin glorious among virgins, Mihi jam non sis amara, be not now harsh with me, Fac me tecum plangere. make me to weep with you. [10] X. Fac ut portem Christi mortem, Let me bear Christ's death, Passionis fac consortem, let me share his passion Et plagas recolere. And revere his blows. Fac me plagis vulnerari, Let me be wounded by his blows, Cruce hac inebriari, to be drunk with this cross Ob amorem Filii. Out of love for your Son. ⓟ & © 2016 Naxos Rights US, Inc. Page 1 of 3 ROSSINI, G.: Stabat Mater (1832 version) / Giovanna d’Arco (arr. M. Taralli) 8.573531 www.naxos.com/catalogue/item.asp?item_code=8.573531 [11] XI. Inflammatus et accensus So fired and consumed with flames, Per te, Virgo, sim defensus, through you, Virgin, may I be defended, In die judicii. in the day of judgement. Fac me cruce custodiri Let me be guarded by the cross, Morte Christi praemuniri strengthened by the death of Christ Confoveri gratia. cherished by grace. [12] XII. Quando corpus morietur, When the body shall die, Fac ut animæ donetur grant that my soul be given Paradisi gloria. the glory of Paradise. [13] XIII. Amen. Amen. Attributed to Jacopone da Todi English Translation by Keith Anderson Giovanna d’Arco Joan of Arc [14] È notte, e tutto addormentato è il mondo. Night has fallen, all the world’s asleep. Sola io veglio, ed aspetto I alone lie awake, waiting che un destrier passi, che una tromba chiami. for a charger to ride by, a trumpet to sound. Ascolto, e nulla sento I listen, but hear nothing se non l’acque, il mormorar del vento. save the flowing water, the murmuring wind. Muta ogni cosa e afflitta All is sad and silent, come l’ora che segue alla sconfitta. as in the hour that follows a defeat. O patria! O re! novella O my country! My king! A new un’aita verrà. L’onnipossente source of help will come. The Almighty dal gregge suscitò la pastorella. has called the shepherdess from her flock. Vadasi. O dolce mio loco natio, Let her go forth. O beloved place of my birth, dolce famiglia, o campi, o selve addio. my beloved family, o fields and forests, farewell. [15] O mia madre, e tu frattanto Dear mother, when I am gone la tua figlia cercherai, you will search for your daughter, affannata chiamerai anxiously you will call out to her, e nessun risponderà. but there will be no reply. Ma fra poco d’alte imprese Soon, however, your tears will be dried verrà un suon conforto al pianto: by the tidings of great deeds: ogni madre, ogni francese my mother will be the envy la mia madre invidierà. of all mothers, all people of France. O mia madre, se frattanto Dear mother, if when I am gone la tua figlia cercherai, you search for your daughter, se affannata chiamerai, if you anxiously call out to her, questo suon risponderà. the sound of these tidings will be your reply. [16] Eppur piange. Ah! repente And yet she weeps. Ah! what light qual luce balenò nell’oriente, suddenly blazes in the east – non è il sole che s’alza, it is not the rising sun, sei la mia vision, io ti conosco. you are my vision – I know you. Più grande che non suole Larger than usual, empie il ciel fulminando e mi fa segno. it fills the sky, firing bolts of lightning, and gives me a sign. Angiol di morte, tu mi chiami, io vengo. Angel of death, you summon me, I shall come. [17] Ah, la fiamma che t’esce dal guardo Ah, the flame that shoots from your eyes già m’ha tocca, m’investe, già m’arde. touches me now, engulfs me, burns me. Presto un brando, marciamo pugnando. Quick, hand me a sword, let us march and fight. Viva il re, la vittoria è con me. Long live the king, I shall bring him victory. Guida i forti la vergine al campo, The maiden leads the warriors into battle, tra i leoni l’agnello s’avventa, the lamb hurls itself into the lions’ midst, non han scampo, il Signor li spaventa. they cannot escape, the Lord fills them with fear. Viva il re, la vittoria è con me. Long live the king, I shall bring him victory. Corre la gioia Joy is flowing di core in core from heart to heart ma, queta e timida but, as they stand fra lo stupore, in wonder, they will ask ⓟ & © 2016 Naxos Rights US, Inc. Page 2 of 3 ROSSINI, G.: Stabat Mater (1832 version) / Giovanna d’Arco (arr. M. Taralli) 8.573531 www.naxos.com/catalogue/item.asp?item_code=8.573531 chi se’, domandano, the quiet and timid girl, “Who are you, chi il re salvò? you who have saved the king?” Vinse la vergine Victory belongs to the maiden che in Dio sperò. who put her faith in God. Anonymous text English Translation by Susannah Howe ⓟ & © 2016 Naxos Rights US, Inc. Page 3 of 3 .
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