Hanan Eshel - List of Publications Books and Monographs 1. With D. Amit. The Bar-Kokhba Refuge Caves. Tel Aviv: Israel Exploration Society, 1998 (Hebrew). 2. The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Hasmonaean State. Jerusalem: Yad Ben-Zvi, 2004 (Hebrew). 3. The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Hasmonean State. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans and Yad Ben-Zvi, 2008. 4. Qumran: Scrolls, Caves and History, A Carta Field Guide, Jerusalem: Carta, 2009. 5. Qumran: Scrolls, Caves and History, A Carta Field Guide, Jerusalem: Carta, 2009 (Hebrew). 6. Masada: An Epic Story, A Carta Field Guide. Jerusalem: Carta, 2009. 7. Masada: An Epic Story, A Carta Field Guide. Jerusalem: Carta, 2009 (Hebrew) 8. Ein Gedi: Oasis and Refuge, A Carta Field Guide. Jerusalem: Carta, 2009. 9. Ein Gedi: Oasis and Refuge, A Carta Field Guide. Jerusalem: Carta, 2009 (Hebrew). 10. With R. Porat. Refuge Caves of the Bar Kokhba Revolt. Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 2009 (Hebrew). 11. Editor with D. Amit. The Hasmonean State. Jerusalem: Yad Ben-Zvi, 1995 (Hebrew). 12. Editor with J. Charlesworth, N. Cohen, H. Cotton, E. Eshel, P. Flint, H. Misgav, M. Morgenstern, K. Murphy, M. Segal, A. Yardeni and B. Zissu, Miscellaneous Texts from the Judaean Desert, DJD 38. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. 13. Editor with B. Zissu. New Studies on the Bar Kokhba Revolt. Proceedings of the 21th Annual Conference of the Department of Land of Israel Studies, Ramat Gan: Department of Land of Israel Studies, 2001 (Hebrew). 14. Editor with E. Stern. The Samaritans. Jerusalem: Yad Ben-Zvi, 2002 (Hebrew). 15. Editor with A.I. Baumgarten, R. Katzoff and S. Tzoref. Halakhah in Light of Epigraphy. Journal of Ancient Judaism Supplement Series 3. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011. Articles and Reviews 1. With Y. Bin-Nun. "The Other Herodion and the Tomb of Herod the Great." Teva va-Aretz 24 (1982): 65-68 (Hebrew). 2. "The Possible Location of Ophra the Town of Gideon." Cathedra 22 (1982): 3-8 (Hebrew). 3. With Y. Bin-Nun. "The Well of Ahab and the Panias Cave." Sinai 93 (1983): 128- 131 (Hebrew). 4. "Isaiah 8:23 - An Historical - Geographical Analogy." Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies 7-8 (1984): 250-253 (Hebrew). 5. "The Late Iron Age Cemetery of Gibeon." Israel Exploration Journal 37 (1987): 1-17. 6. "A Coin of Bar Kokhba from a Cave in Wadi el-Mackuck." Israel Numismatic Journal 9 (1987): 51-52. 7. With H. Misgav. "A Document from the Fourth Century B.C.E. from a Cave in Ketef Jericho." Tarbiz 56 (1987): 461-477 (Hebrew). 8. With H. Misgav. "A Fourth Century B.C.E. Document from Ketef Yeriho." Israel Exploration Journal 38 (1988): 158-176. 9. With Z. Erlich. "The Fortress of 'Aqraba in Kh. Urmeh." Cathedra 47 (1988): 17- 24 (Hebrew). 10. "Finds and Documents from a Cave at Ketef-Yeriho." Qadmoniot 21 (1988): 18- 23 (Hebrew). 11. "Nailed Sandals in Jewish Sources and in the Excavation of a Cave at Ketef Jericho." Zion 53 (1988): 191-198 (Hebrew). 12. "The Mackuk Cave - a Refuge Cave of Bar-Kokhba Rebellion." Niqrot Zurim 14 (1988): 55-64 (Hebrew). 13. With Z.H. Erlich. "Abimelech's First Battle with the Lords of Shechem." Tarbiz 58 (1988): 111-116 (Hebrew). 14. "A LMLK stamp from Beth-El." Israel Exploration Journal 39 (1989): 60-62. 15. "How I Found a Fourth-Century B.C. Papyrus Scroll on My First Time Out!" Biblical Archaeology Review 15/5 (1989): 44-53. 16. "Isaiah VIII:23 - An Historical-Geographical Analogy." Vetus Testamentum 40 (1990): 104-109. 17. With A. Kloner. "A Late Iron Age Tomb between Bet Hanina and Nebi Samwil and the Identification of Hazor in Nehemia 11:13." Eretz-Israel 21 Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies Ruth Amiran Volume (1990): 37-40 (Hebrew). 18. "The Historical Background of 4QTest in the Light of Archaeological Discoveries." Zion 55 (1990): 141-150 (Hebrew). 19. "A Philisto-Arabian Coin from Sha`alabim." Israel Numismatic Journal 11 (1991): 7-8. 20. With D. Amit. "A Tetradrachm of Bar Kokhba from a Cave in Nahal Hever." Israel Numismatic Journal 11 (1991): 33-35. 21. "The Prayer of Joseph from Qumran, a Papyrus from Masada and the Samaritan Temple on APGAPIZIN." Zion 56 (1991): 125-136 (Hebrew). 22. With D. Amit. "The Second Temple Period Water Supply System of Horvat Kefira." Qadmoniot 24 (1991): 56-59 (Hebrew). 23. With E. Eshel, and A. Yardeni. "A Scroll from Qumran which Includes Part of Psalm 154 and a Prayer for King Jonathan and his Kingdom." Tarbiz 55 (1991): 295-324 (Hebrew). 24. "Review of Y. Yadin, The Temple Scroll." Qadmoniot 24 (1991): 64-65 (Hebrew). 25. "A Fragmentary Hebrew Inscription of the Priestly Courses from Nazareth?" Tarbiz 61 (1991): 159-161 (Hebrew). 26. With E. Eshel, and A. Yardeni. "A Qumran Composition Containing Part of Ps. 154 and a Prayer for the Welfare of King Jonathan and his Kingdom." Israel Exploration Journal 42 (1992): 199-229. 27. "The Historical Background of the Pesher Interpreting Joshua's Curse on the Rebuilder of Jericho." Revue de Qumran 15 (1992): 409-420. 28. With E. Eshel. "Fragments of two Aramaic Documents which were Brought to the Abi'or Cave during the Bar-Kokhba Revolt." In Eretz-Israel 23: Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies Aviram Biran Volume, eds. E. Stern and T. Levi, 276-285. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society and Hebrew Union College, 1992 (Hebrew). 29. With E. Eshel. "4Q471 Fragment 1 and Ma`amadot in the War Scroll." In The Madrid Qumran Congress, eds. Trebolle Barrera and L. Vegas Montaner, 611- 620. STDJ 11/2. Leiden: Brill, 1992. 30. "Samaria - From the Destruction of the City of Samaria until the Beginning of the 2nd Temple Period." In Judea and Samaria Research Studies: Proceedings of the First Annual Meeting 1991, eds. Z.H. Erlich and Y. Eshel, 27-35. Kedumim- Ariel: The Research Institute of Judea and Samaria, 1992 (Hebrew). 31. "A la recherche d'un tresor cache." Le Monde Da La Bible 83 (1993): 26. 32. With Z. Greenhut, "Hiam El-Sagha, A Cemetery of the Qumran type, Judaean Desert." Revue Biblique 100 (1993): 252-259. 33. With "The QRHH and the Wall of the Ya`aran in the Mesha Stele." In Eretz-Israel 24, Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies, Avraham Malamat Volume, eds. S. Ahituv and B.A. Levine, 31-33. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1993 (Hebrew). 34. "New Information Regarding the Sects of the Second Temple Period from the Dead Sea Scrolls." In Judea and Samaria Research Studies, Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting, 1993, eds. Z.H. Erlich and Y. Eshel, 147-155. Kedumim- Ariel: The Research Institute, The College of Judea and Samaria, 1994 (Hebrew). 35. With E. Eshel, and A. Yardeni. "Rare DSS Text Mentions King Jonathan." Biblical Archaeology Review 20/1 (1994): 75-78. 36. With E. Eshel. "Review of Maraqten M., Die semitischen Personennamen in den alt- und reichsaramäischen Inschriften aus Vorderasien." Winner Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 84 (1994): 199-201. 37. "The Samaritan Temple on Mt. Gerizim and the Historical Research." Beit Mikra 39 (1994): 141-155 (Hebrew). 38. "A Note on Joshua 15:61-62 and the Identification of the City of Salt." Israel Exploration Journal 45 (1995): 37-40. 39. "Archaeological Research in the Judean Desert between 1967-1992." In Judea and Samaria Research Studies, Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Meeting, 1994, eds. Z.H. Erlich and Y. Eshel, 1103-1120. Ariel: The Research Institute of Judea and Samaria, 1995 (Hebrew). 40. “Kitot, Zeramim u-mokde koah ba-Medinah ha-Hashmona‟it.” In The Hasmonean State, eds. H. Eshel and D. Amit, 171-84. Jerusalem: Yad Ben Zvi, 1995 (Hebrew). 41. "A note on a recently published text: the Joshua Apocryphon." In The Centrality of Jerusalem: Historical Perspectives, eds. M. Poorthuis and Ch. Safrai, 89-93. Kampen: Kok Pharos, 1996. 42. "4QMMT and the History of the Hasmonean Period." In Reading 4QMMT: New Perspectives on Qumran Law and History, eds. J. Kampen and M.S. Bernstein, 53-65. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 1996. 43. "The Policy of Overstriking Roman Coins during the Bar Kokhba Revolt in Light of Finds in Judean Desert." In Judea and Samaria Research Studies: Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting, 1995, ed. Y. Eshel, 173-182. Kedumim-Ariel: The Research Institute, The College of Judea and Samaria, 1996 (Hebrew). 44. "Wadi ed-Daliyeh Papyrus 14 and the Samaritan Temple." Zion 61 (1996): 359- 365 (Hebrew). 45. With D. Avshalom-Gorni. "A Shabbat Lampstand from H. Uza." 'Atiqot 19 (1996): *57-*61 (Hebrew). 46. "Review of B. Nitzan, Qumran Prayer and Religious Poetry, (STDJ 12)." AJS Review 21 (1996): 389-392. 47. With D. Amit. "The Bar-Kokhba Revolt in the Southern Hebron Mountains." In Eretz-Israel 25, Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies Joseph Aviram Volume, eds. A. Biran, A. Ben-Tor, G. Foerster, A. Malamat, D. Ussishkin, 463-470. Jerusalem: The Israel Exploration Society, 1996 (Hebrew). 48. With D. Avsalom-Gorni. "Shedding Light on a Shabbat Mystery." Moment (August 1996): 50-51. 49. "The Contribution of Documents and Other Remains Found in the Judean Desert between 1979 and 1993 to the Understanding of the Bar Kokhba Revolt." Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archeological Society 15 (1997): 108-110. 50. With M. Broshi. "La vie quotidienne à Qumrân." Le Monde de la Bible 107 (1997) : 16-17. 51. "Aelia Capitolina: Jerusalem No More." Biblical Archaeology Review 23/6 (1997): 46-48. 52. With Esther Eshel. “Maamadot be-Megilat ha-Milkhamah u-Mashma’utam le- verur Hashkafot Anshe Qumran be-She’elat Mimun ha-Tamid.” In Hiqre Erets: Iyunim beToldot Eretz- Yisrael mugashim le Professor Yehuda Feliks, eds.
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