MEATS. FATS. ,ed l'aIllP" T5 (lo,n,1I Z8 a ... A' Ih,•• ,11 P2 n.w ,.... PROOESSED 1'0008. b' •• BI .. am PI, C~ throuch "2 \laU4. IUOAR, book 'our atarnp ~ valid .or 'Ive pO.Rdl. 8HOE8, b •• k three, Fair Illmp. 1. 2 anel 8 , ••el In.eflnllely. GA80LlNE. 16-A e•• POD. ,00' f.r '0.' ,.11 ••• And 8 .. 0, 8·1, C .. & 6114 0-7 valid fo, flvo ,allon.. FVIlL OIL. porlo' .... IOWA: Fair toUT. cooler tbroll,h 'he eouponl egO', .bo ...t J.,r'. perf •• DAILY IOWAN ba eaa&. tour and (lve 1'004. .,., THE Iowa City's Morning Newspap.r ,FIVE CENTS ~.. "MOU.~'" ..... IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1945 VOLUME XXI NUMBER 169 .. Yanks Advance Reds Advance Moment at Hand for- ,m. Ninth 57 Miles , ha.,. ~ ai .,_ In Vienna Russian--Allied Split of Germany From Berlin leld In By Klrke L_ SimpSon doubt in the south. And it well pre-determined position to the cheek may be the signal for a three west where close tactical as well 1m lip AlIIOClatecl Prell. War Analysi Drive 42 Miles West Hard charging American Ninth power proclamation outlawing as strategic integration of opera­ Longest Single Thrust e teflll tions would be possible. I hOI­ army tanks are on the Elbe river, continued resistance In Germany. Made in Germany; Toward Linz, Munich, . Yet American arrival on the The Elbe In the Madgeburg area er III last water barrier on the road to would seem to fill that geographi­ Opposition Light ICOUca Nazi Radio Reports Berlin a scant 64 miles away. Elbe is only part 01 the fast de­ veloping pattern of an allied cal requirement and, if that is iOlliJ) At Madgeburg, Elbe metropolis, true It will be only hours until the PARIS, Thursday (AP)- LONDON (AP) - Red arm Y General Simpson's leading ele­ assault that is slashing inner Ger­ Armored columns of the United shock troops stormed across the many into mop pin g-up areas. well rested and powerful Russian - ments also are within 115 miles or armies strike out to effect a junc­ States Ninth army swept within Danube canal in Vienna yester­ That Oder-Neisse Russian front less of the nearest Russian armies tion. 57 miles of Berlin and within day, clearing the Germans from poised In mighty strength on the east of Berlin Is the only Inactive Front line a d vis e r s report -Photo by Fred Jlu'dluloD hall of their Island strongholds Oder-Neisse line. The moment 115 miles of the RussiBD front ~RE IS WHAT THE 75 mile-an-hour wind slorm which slruck Iowa City yesterday afternoon did at sector of the whole vast front en­ American engineers with river " between the canal and Danube for combined allied-Russian ac­ circling the dying Nazi Reich. yesterday in a startling advance the munlllipal airport. Three planes in the hangar were wrecked and one on the field destroyed. The bridging equipment moving up al­ of more than 50 miles that car­ freak storm did not as much as touch the lunchroom north of the hangar or the oUlce bulldll1J' of Shaw river and freeing more than nine­ tion to split Germany apart ap­ Even in Italy, the long forgotten ready on the heels of tank spear­ tenths of Vienna on the Danube's pears at hand. tront has flamed to life at both ried to the Elbe river at Mag­ Anna Aircraft company to the south. Damage caused by the storm at the airport Is estimated at nearly $20,000. heads. I south bank. That impending united nations' ends. There is small chance that The Elbe is Germany's last hope deburg. A crossing of this last a local .1(1. "" .. *' * * ••• While a brief communique an­ junction ot lorce~ In the heart of e,ny of the score or more German of any protracted stand to delay water barrier before the Ger­ , were divisions in Italy can escape ex­ man capital was believed im­ Mary'. nounced advances in Vienna in Nazi Germany Is the beginning of physical dismemberment of the which 2,300 prisoners were taken, cept In fragments to Alpine passes :. Carl the end. Coupled with the British Reich and isolat'on of Nazi troops minent. the German radio reported that drive In the northwest aJready or through them. in successive pockets for annihila­ The sensational e as twa I' d the Red army had driven 42 miles knocking at the gates of Bremen There is some indication that tion or forced unconditional sur­ drive, Ion g est 'single day's at Freak Wind Hard west 01 the Austrian capital to­ and Hamburg, It will turn all It thurst yet made on German soil, 807 1 Hits the Russians on the Oder-Neisse render. has been reached by ly suI • • ward Llnz and Munich. north central Germany into an line have been withholding their the Americans under cIrcum­ was accomplished by the Second Marg . Berlin said Marshal Feodor I. heroic scale repetition ot the Unal effort to reach Berlin or stances that make It utterly im­ (Hell on Wheels) armored divi­ Tolbukhln's Third Ukrainian army Ruhr trap and shatter last Nazi outflank it to north and south probable that the foe can muster sion, which by-passed the manu­ rother, ffangar, four Planes facturing city of Brunswick and y, and Okinawa Casualties tank spearheads had lanced to the hopes ot any orderly retreat into either until spring thaws diminish any semblance of formidable or­ British Eighth Danube river between Krems and the prepared Alpine last stand re- or until allied forces reach some ganized resistance even there. roared through the heart of the Reich against practically non­ ceme- Wrecked at Airport Amount to 2,695 Melk, within 116 miles of Ber­ chtesgaden, Adolf Hitler's moun­ existen t opposition. tain retreat. A late front dispatch said the One Man Injured; Army Crosses Army, Marines Meet Americans Strike At a Glance- river could be bridged within a Moscow's war bull e tin an­ House Passes few hours unless unexpected re­ Wind Velocity Heavy Artillery Fire, nounced that the Russians had sistance developed. This wouLd Uall cleared the southeastern half of To Free South Luzon Hits 7S Miles Stiff Resistance set the stage for an early junction Sanferno the seven-mile-long island In with the Red army. Correspon­ If La. Vienna after the free Austria Today's By JOE MATHER 40th Division Moves State Employe dents said the lineup might be radio broadcast an unconfirmed made within a few days. Iowa Daily Iowan Staff Writer ROME (AP)-The B r it ish report tha t the occu pa tlOD of Around Northern End A freak wind storm which hit Eighth army has burst out of its B·29', Raid Tokyo Vienna had been completed. Lleut. Gen. William H. Simp­ ~li nton Iowa City al 12:48 yesterday aft­ WASHINGTON, Thurslday Of Negros 30 Miles son's Ninth army troops. were 57 bridgehead across the Senlo ri vel' UnoCflclal Moscow reports also Iowan Retirement Bill ernoon smashed a hangar at the against stl'ong opposition and (AP)-Tokyo caught it again miles away from the southwestern said that the final escape routes MANILA, Thursday (AP) City- municipal airport, destroyed four reached the Santerno river at yesterday from the Superfor­ .. .. * limits of greater Berlin, which pljlnes and injured one man, tore tresses-perhaps more than 150 for the fanatic Nazi garrison had American forces are moving U. S. Ninth army within 57 DES MOINES (AP)-The hOllse many places, it was announced swiftly to liberate southern Luzon, miles of Bel'tin. includes Potsdam, and the Rus­ Avon, roofing from buildings and up­ last night. of them supported by fighters been severed and the capi~l en­ this afternoon passed, 70 to 36, a sians were 32 miles from the capi­ rooted trees in the city park and of the Seventh airtorce. circled while other Soviet troops 6Jfploding the enemy's disorgan­ senate-approved measure to set up Other troops of the Eighlh army B-29'. l'aid TOkyo. talon the east wi lh the city itself dden- the north and west paris of the The 20lh alrforce announced in Vll d e d Czechoslovakia's war ized s t~te, Gen. Douglas Mac­ a statewide retiremenl system for stretching some 25 miles between have landed on the shOl'e of Lake Arthur announced today. city, Comacchio four mlles behind the the daylight raid (today, Tokyo production c e n t e r of Moravia Iowa public officials and employes. these two pOints. The wind ranged up to 75 miles time) struck Industrial targets within 35 miles of the arsenal city Dismounted troopers of the Russlall5 hold nine-tenths of The measure is expected to affect umon!, German positions in the amphib­ First cavalry division advanced 14 Vienna. Essen and Bochum. great arma­ an hour in velocity. The storm ious leap-frog operation, a special in the Japanese capital and in ot Bruenn. between 40,000 and 60,000 persons miles from Lucban to occupy and cost them and the govern­ ment cities in the Ruhr trap, fell Mason lasted only a few minutes. communique disclosed. the general area, the B29's Berlin acknowledged the fall of to other Ninth army troops, and Weather observers at th e Rir­ operating in very large force. the East Prusslan capital of Sampaloc and sent advance units Freak 75-mile-an-hour win d mental divisions employing them At the same time the American to Mauban on the east coast of hits Iowa City last night the Paris radio sajd ,ldon- part described the storm as a line Fifth army was reported to have Koenigsberg two days after the a total of $5,400,000 a year.
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