University of Missouri, St. Louis IRL @ UMSL Current (1970s) Student Newspapers 5-7-1970 Current, May 07, 1970 University of Missouri-St. Louis Follow this and additional works at: https://irl.umsl.edu/current1970s Recommended Citation University of Missouri-St. Louis, "Current, May 07, 1970" (1970). Current (1970s). 13. https://irl.umsl.edu/current1970s/13 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at IRL @ UMSL. It has been accepted for inclusion in Current (1970s) by an authorized administrator of IRL @ UMSL. For more information, please contact [email protected]. University of Missouri-St. LouIs. Volume 4, Number 25 May 7.1970 StrikeThe university student strike protest literature to motHalts 0 r is t s Miss Heithaus. who is the Central Classes yesterday resulted in more than prepared the previous night. Auto­ Council secretary grabbed a tear a SO per cetn drop in normal mobile passengers were urged to gas cartridge from her purse and class attendance, according to es­ leave the campus in sympathy. sprayed it at the group. Costello. timates by student strike leaders. However, students desiring to the nearest. evidently incurred Several class cancellations were attend class. faculty. and staff slight facial burns. also announced by faculty mem­ members were allowed to pass. Other protestors . said that they bers. increasing the nu m ber of The blockade maneuver was used would try to persuade Costello to students out of class. to halt vehicles without parking drop the charge against Miss Hei­ Several other classes were turn­ stickers. thaus. She was not detained pending ed into discussions of the four The technique was partially suc­ the filing of an official report on goals of the strike rs: an expres­ cessful as some motorists and the incident through the security sion of sorrow for the six slain service trucks honored the strike. department. Kent State students; to show op­ Other drivers sped through the Wednesday's activities cam e poSition to the Indochinese war picket lines at the entrances, caus­ after an announcement by Chancel­ expansion onlered by P resident ing several near-miss accidents lor Glen R. Driscoll that universi­ Richard Nixon; to speak against the that became an increaSing cause ty president john C. Weaver had political repression of black and of concern for the strike leaders ordered that no classes were to be white radicals; and to demonstrate as the demonstration continued. cancelled for the strike on a uni­ a belief in the right of peaceful Additional strikers s t·a t ion e d versity-wide basis. dissent. themselves at all buildings to dis­ Several complaints had bee n tribute protest materials and black The strike was preceded by a filed with administrative officials armbands to students going to memorial convocation Tuesday at by late Wednesday afternoon ex­ class. noon on the hill for the students pressing anger over the actions of Petitions were circulated during killed in the recent troubles at individual strikers or over the the day asking that Congress re­ Kent State University in Ohio. class cancellations. No estimate peal the Gulf of Tonkin Resolu­ P ra yers, not political speeches, of the number of complaints was tion and vote for the curtailment predominated in the h 0 u r-l 0 n g given. of any appropriations for military ceremony. which attracted a re­ Many of the complaints regard­ operations in Indochina. The form­ cord crowd with various estimates ing student strikers c e n t ere d er has been employed by past Ad­ from 1200 to just below 2000. The around the human blockade techni­ ministrations as a blank check ceremony was concluded by the ques used to prevent the entrance approval of any and all presidential lowering of the flag to half-mast of non- campus personnel at the actions in Indochina. in mourning. Two incidents marred the day four campus driveways. Warned Black armabands were given out besides the controversy over the by the security officials that the to symbolize the concern for the technique was illegal. leaders of vehicle blockades. David Kravitz, six deaths. the strike repeatedly advised those a junior. suffered a small gash at the entrances that such tactics on the scalp and a concussion after In a statement issued late yes­ should be avoided. falling from a car that he, with terday. after the strike ended about However. many ·students ignored others. was attemptip.g to stop from 4 p.m .. the student leaders of the the instructions, acting on their entering campus. strike praised the general conduct An elderly partIcIpant in the memorial service for the slain Kent stu­ own. No arrests were made for Kravitz was thrown from the of the strikers and expressed hope hood of the car when the driver. that "these events indicate the dents, Tuesday, shows his support by the black armband on his arm. the violations as the campus se­ Photo by Ken EaJy curity force adopted a tolerant but a woman, stopped suddenly, scat­ birth of political awareness here." firm attitude on obstructing the tering the strikers on the car. passage of traffic. Apparently failing to see the prone The strike, coordinated by the Kravitz. on the ground immediate­ United Students party. emphasized ly ahead she continued on, bump­ Overflow Audience non-violent demonstrations in sup­ ing him on the head with the car's port of the announced aims. bottom and dragging him for a few Organized as part ofthe national inches. student campaign protesting the After being treated at the stu­ ~Stay in the System,' expansion of the Indochinese war, dent health service, Kravitz was the two strike leaders. Pet e r kept under observation for four Muckerman and john Oleski mo­ hours before being released. bilized approximately 200 student An assault warrant is being Jackson Urges Students workers within 36 hours to par­ sought by another striker. Brian Reverend Jessie L. Jackson told to downtown St. Louis and "chal­ ticipate in the strike. starting Costello. against another student, positive action to achieve social UMSL students Tuesday that they lenge the silent majority" to re­ early Wednesday. jean Heitha:us. Apparently upset reforms. He stated that the only should march from the university form American s ociety. Strikers manning the entrances · when a group of six protestors re­ way "to change the government Jackson, national director of is to seize the levers of control." lined traffic lanes. passing out fused to move from around her car, - "Operation Breadbasket" of the He urged stUdents to use their Southern Christian Leadership " bodies" rather than weapons. Conference, spoke to an overflow Jackson claimed that this is the Spontaneity Marks crowd of more than 600 people in most crucial period of American room 105, Benton Hall. About 80 history. He said it was very clear per cent of the audience was black. that the greatest threat to Ameri­ National Strike Effort Jackson, dressed in jeans, a ca is not communism or socialism by Rich Dagger ington University in Washington vania, and the University of Mary­ bright print shirt, and a vest, but "the present form of govern­ CUrrent News Editor Monday night to organize a National land--were either already striking raised his right arm in the black ment we call 'democracy'." WASHINGTON, D.C. Spontaneity Strike Committee. The students or planning to s trike. The spon­ power clenched fist salute when Jackson argued that the nation's outdistanced organization here present, however, could agree only taneity of the demonstrations com­ entering and leaving the audito­ troubles have resulted from ty­ Monday and Tuesday as attempts on a course of action--strike--and bined with a desire for local con­ rium. His speech was frequently ranny on the part of its leaders. to coordinate a national s tudent four objectives: end repression of trol to frustrate efforts to create · interrupted by applause and shouts Whites as well as blacks are the strike were lost in the s nowballing black people, particularly the Black a National Strike Committee with of approval. victims of this tyranny, he stated. series of campus demonstrations Panthers; withdraw U.S. troops policy-making powers. Jackson said the only way to "Any young white that would touched off by the killing of four from Southeast Asia; end the uni­ There are presently strike coor­ change American society was to dare express a democratic ideal Kent State Univers ity students in a vers ities "complic ity" in the war dinating committees at Yale, be "in the s ystem but not of the is in as much danger as I am," clash with the Ohio National Guard effort (ROTC, government re­ Pennsylvania and George Washing­ system." He urged young people he said. "The tyrant turns against Monday afternoon. s earch, etc.); and seek the support ton, to stay in the country since they his own son and daughter. He drives Student representatives from of the labor movement. Distrust of national direction -­ cannot change society ''by going youth.from the country." more than 30 colleges and univer­ Most of the schools repres ented whether from the National Student to Moscow or Peking." Jackson turned his attack spe­ s ities, mos t of them Easte rn --among them Yale, Princeton, Association, the New Mobilization Although Jackson repeatedly de­ c ifically to President Ric hard schools , gathe r ed at George Wash- Rutgers, Univers ity of P ennsyl- (Continued on Page 6) nounced violence, he called for (Continued on Page 7) Page 2 UMSL CURRENT' May 7, 1970 Two Charge Political Repression Lecture on In Ban on' Sale of Newspaper Urban Politics Professor Charles V, Hamilton Two instructors have charged of Dean of Student Affairs David tion of University pres ident John professor of urban studies at Co~ that the ban here on the sale of Ganz.
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