î ■"V"' GLENGARRY’S LEADING PAPER. i* VOL. IX. ALEXAOTEIA, OXT., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1900. NO. 37. VANKLEEK HILL Miss Flora Ann Grant left for Montreal Y. BAKER, B.A., MJ>., J. The S S cenveution of the county of Monday last. Prescott meets here on Thursday and Fri- J N McLeod visited the Glen Tuesday Dalhousio Mills, —IS PUBL18HBP— day of this week. A number of delegates last. I CURRENT AND DISTRICT NEWS are expected. WILLIAMSTOWN EVERY FRIDAY MORNXK Q Ontario. J MoInnes, barrister, was married on D K McDonald, M L A, is home for a —AT THE— Hs Ghronicled by our Industrious k Wednesday afternoon to Miss Gertie few days from Sault St Marie. MlSCKLhAHRO US. Staff of eorrespondents . GLENGARRY “NEWS” PRINTING OFFICE Mooney of Bast Hawkesbury. ) Mrs Deyell, of South Monaghan, is visit- MAIN STREET, ALEXANDRIA, ONT- Mr McKinnon, of the High School staff, ing with her brother, John Gattanach. TBBUS OP SUBSCRIPTION—one dollar per vear ONALD J. MACDONELL, has resigned and leaves town very soon. Miss Mable Browh, of Toronto, who has If paid in advance, or within three months from D Two experts from Montreal inspected been visiting with her cousin. Miss Marion beginning of year; $1.25 per year if not so paid LICENSED ADOTIONEEB, LANCASTER MAXVILLE the walls of the new Presbyterian Church McLennan, returned home on Wednesday. ADVERTISING RATES—Transient advertise Bev D Stewart, wife and daughter, of ents, 10 cents per Nonpareil line for first in- Alexandria, Ont. Miss Lizzie Leitch left for Chicago last this week and gave a verbal report at a Miss Mary Agnes Barrett who spent sertion, Scents per line for each subsequent Laguerre, P Q, were the guests of D Fraser nsertion. week. congregational meeting held Tuesday, but part of the summer with her sister here, on Monday. ' CONTRACT RATES—The following table shows >ETEB BOUOIE, Miss Annie Munroe, of Martintown,spent it is not decided as yet what is to be done returned to Chicago last week. our rates for the insertion of advertisements for Miss Julia McMillan, of Alexandria,spent specified periods:— last week visiting friends in town and as to rebuilding the walls. Monday afternoon the household effects a couple of days in town last week thà vicinity. Advertisements^ without specific directions, GLEN ROBERTSON of Mrs Jane McGrner, of Calumet, Mioh, LICENSED ADOTIONEEB, guest of Mrs A B McDonald. Miss Ethel 'Alguire, who has spent the will be inserted till forbid and charged accord' Mrs H McCarthy moved to Alexandria were sold by auction at her former resid- ngly. Transient advertisements must be paid Orton McLaren and Mack Munro left' for sommer visiting at her home here, returned n advance Alexandria, Ont last week. ence, Wm Maepherson acting as auctioneer. Queen’s College, Kingston, Tuesday. to Montreal on Monday morning. Advertisements will be changed twice each J W Hambleton has secured a position George Watson went up to Kingston on month If desired. For changes oftener than ^EOEOE HBABNDEN, Dunbar Harkness, of Montreal, spent Mrs J Kennedy, of Chicago, who has twice a month the composition must be paid for in the CAB shops at Ottawa. Monday to enter on an art’s course; at at regular rates. Sunday at home. spent the last two months visiting friends Changes fdr contract advertisements mast be Alex Eobertson is visiting friends in Queen’s University and on Tuesday Miss IsSHEB OE MABBIAQE LICENSES, J T Schell, Esq, of Alexandria, spent a here, returned to her home last week. n the office by noon on Tuesdays. Calumet this week. Jessie Gattanach, the winner of the Mc- couple of days in town this week. Miss MoNanghton, of Picnic Grove, visit- Miss McIntosh, of Alexandria, was visit- Lennan Scholarship, left to pursue Jier SPACE. lYR. \ 6 MO. 3 MO. IMP. Alexandria, Ontario. The infant son of Mr and Mrs A Sauriol ed friends here last week. I I ing Mrs J McKay over Sunday. studies at the same seat of learning. died on Monday after a brief illness. The Miss Maggie Wightman has returned to 90 inches.. $60.00 $35.00 $20.00 $7.00 Alex Kobertson is home fromMadawaska We have just received the handsome 12.00 ^BTHUB J. BEAL parents have the sympathy of the commu- town after paying an extended visit to her 10 inches., 36.00 20.00 5.00 on a visit to his parents. portrait of Sir Wilfrid Laurier issued by 6 inches 20.00 12.00 7.00 3.00 nity. home at Picnic Grove. 1 inch 6.00 3.60 2.00 l.X BANDMASTEB N Markson is visiting in Hawkesbury the ‘News.’ It is a very fine piece ofwerk J D Boss and his daughter, of Chicago, Kennie W Boss, of Martintown, was A. G. P. MACDONALD, Teacher of : this week. and no one should be without a copy when are visiting bis sister, Mrs E McBae. among the many visitors to our town last Editor and Manager Mrs E Shaughnessy and family, of Blue it can be seoured:;for ts^ cents and a ‘News’ Dr M B Morley, of East Hampton, ,NY, Saturday. PIANO, OKGAN, VIOLIN, Bonnets,are visiting her mother,Mrs D Mc- coupon. ■ is visiting his sister-in-law, Mrs D M Mc- Wesley Dunlop, section foreman of the GOBNET A.ND GUITAK. Donald. The Charlottenbnrgh couneikafter mneh Crimmon. C A B, is visiting friends at Spencerville, ^ustneas fitwctorg. 13-3m Dan McDonald arrived home on Friday urging from press and public,ffiftve at last Mrs Ettershank, who has been on an Ont, and Ogdensbnrg, N Y. from Jersey City.. begun laying sidev/alks on John street. The LIVEBY STABLE. extended visit with her daughter, Mrs Duncan A MoEwen, of Warina, was in LEGAL. B Diotte held a turkey raffle on Tuesday improvement is so marked that all we can Morley, East Hampton, returned home town on Tuesday. Main Street, Alexandria, night which was well attended. say ik, that it is a pity they did not do it last week. Wm A Munroe, cheese manufacturer of Duncan Morrison is visiting in Hawkes- sooner for the street was in a disgracefnl AODONELI, & COSTELLO, (Sonth of the Bridge.) Norman McGillis and wife, of Belleville, the Bussell Combination, Navan, was in M bury this week. condition all summer. BABBISTBBS, JOHN MOMABIIN, Proprietor. are spending a few days in town the guests town on Wednesday. The horse races which were held here on The G E Society gave their annual open- ■ SoiiioiTOBS, NOTABIBS PDBLIO. ETC. of his father, N McGillis, Oak St. Frank H McDougall returned on Tues- . Solicitors for Bank of Ottawa. Good Horses and Bigs. Prices Moderate. Thursday were a decided success. ing reception to the High School pupils on Nt. Alexandria, Qnt. • Bev M Tanner, of Windsor Mills, Que, day morning to resume his studies in Monday evening in St Andrew’s Hall. A J. A. MACDONBLL, Q.O. F. T. OOSTBI,LO. is the guest of his brother, Bev J UTanner, ST. RAPHAELS J^IVBEY STABLE. Queen’s College, Kingston. very enjoyable evening was spent and an Money to loan at lowest rate on mortgage the Manse. F Lafrance spent a couple of days in Miss Agnes Ogilvie and Andrew Ogilvie, opportunity given for new pupils to become Stables—St. Catherine St. East. Mrs D Fraser returned from Toronto on Montreal this week. of Ottawa, sister and brother of Mr Ogilvie, acquainted with their senior schoolmates MUNRO, . , ! Monday. Mr Duggan and his son, Master Fred, of M Bear of Grand Union Hotel. of Klondyke fame, were judges at the Max- and with the members of the society. The Bev James G«ftneron, Toronto, a Toronto, paid our town a call on Monday. .'■gOLIOItOB, ^ ABOH. MCMILLAN, - - - Proprietor. ville Fair. They were the guests of Dr The Sons of Scotland concert which took OOHVEYANCEK, NOTABÏ PCBLIO, *0. retired minister of thePreebyterian chnrch, Misses Mary Delphine Chisholm and McDiarmid while here. place on Friday evening of last week, was, Alexandria, Ont. died on Monday at bis residence, Borden Margaret Ann McDonald left on Monday M F Munroe, of St Elmo, has gone to like all the entertainments undertaken by street, in his fifty-eight year. His remains Kingston, where he will enter Queen’s Col- for Montreal. Money to Loan at Low Kates of Interest. that society, a grand success. The evening J.W.WEE6IIR, MHXVILLE, ONT. were taken to Lancaster, and the funeral lege. He will take the Arts coarse and D B McDonald, M P P, drove through Mortgages Pnrohased. Real Estate, Insurance and Financial was fine and the hall Was filled without took place on Wednesflay from the resi- town on his way home from Glen Nevis Agent. Afterwards the Theological course. His being uncomfortable. *Slisa Minnie Mc- dence of his brother, Wm Cameron, 2nd rnany friends wish him a snccessful career. Tuesday evening. ^DWABD H. TIFFANY, General Conveyancer, Appraiser, &o. Lennan in her violin sffios displayed con- Lancaster, for interment at the 2nd Lan- We regret to announce the death of the Banald Grant, of this place, met with a Commissioner in the High Court of Justice. siderable command of that diffioult instru- MONEY TO LOAN. caster burying grounds. Bev A Graham, very painful accident on Monday morning. infant daughter of Peter H MoEwen, 17th ment. Mias Katherine MePhee, of Alex- BABBISTEB, NOTABT, BTO, assisted by Bev J U Tanner, conducted the He was employed by W O’Daire, of Green iHdian Lands, which occurred on Saturday andria, made her first appearance before a service. The pall-bearers were, Thos Valley, taking down a scaffold used in re- after an illness of only two weeks.
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