FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT: FRANK SINATRA Los Angeles le:100-41413 Secti0n:Sub A FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION THE BEST COPY OBTAINABLE IS INCLUDED IN THE REPRODUCTION OF THESE DOCUMENTS. PAGES INCLUDED THAT ARE BLURRED, LIGHT, OR OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO %AD AEE THE RESULT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. NO BETTER COPY CAN BE REPRODUCED. Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts Release of Subject: Frank Sinatra File #: LA 100-41413 Section Sub A v-,p92q_~~7 ,§r¢;¢Ii1;0r"4 13- 4 31&#39; ii ~"1m.W or 1 O §q-"p&#39; Federal Bureauof Investigation 92- ::A92,,..,l:V-- .,,.-: ,___$-.£;=:>§.&#39;.{g: ~13 5K &#39;; -. _. -1 3 _. "".;"5 ~ ____&#39;.. -:1 1 photqatgtic copies of flit &#39;E? -9 Isooklét ém?;11;1e¢1 "Comp1§te /;2?f> if insert for rept on FHA -. YMCA Credit rapt aon FRANK 6. "Peop1es&#39; Vbice", 12/29/Q5; f T. "The Independent", 2/13/Q6 3. Phctostatic copy or Hy D serial 28- H. , 9. HY Jofnal art1c1¬t§su of 92 in.-1!;_ 10. Article from R!UJo}ng1 ll. Signed statement 12. AI&#39;1;1¢I_6 Ir 5/]_$/ 1,. Phot93§at;c popy of §F§1r _ PI-¢g=1a31a="&#39;i*s;a&#39;a1=i1;;h¢*5.5&#39; 5mP92g>t5@>z,»@-Qw» "&#39; r E .. - .»..i&#39; H J _ ¢~92i;?¢ a .§1_ §_=__,;&#39;+~= . .i_¢ _9292 ._ :5 &#39; 5&#39; - .»- ALI. Ii4i&#39;:J/Réaiéé->C:¬COll&#39;TAIliED 2: . .5: » #51?! 1:i:EI2 Y z / ,_ &#39;/: . 1, 1 I. t /ns /4? Y "2, &#39;»::<~ . 2&#39; I ,/ .. - I Ah *4 w ,9 4: A. 4 "1 -92 .7 -.. >-&#39; . /M "S 1/M /I _ 92&#39;J, I _- m l Y 9292|! .4 ""&#39; |92" &#39;..&#39; _.- _.4..92 B 1 § , ,7 J #1.L» - K! __ _/-:..¢-H &#39;6 . - ii /&#39;1/P K 7?-lf&#39;fi--. <92*-"A... -_ , -. -"- I _ -K-92 _ -I -92--__- » , . - ., . ~92...~92 ,-. -~ = . I -. Y"-1.2" " . _- _._.-, 92_ ~ .~ _-_..- . ,!92&#39;92;T:-.- &#39; - _--:__92";- --.11, 1*-~ &#39;- , _;§.,. : 92 &#39; * .. -"--4*. E:- -*&#39;%;:= .; -:&#39;=§";_.__ _., . "W "&#39;2..&#39; "&#39; ,. .92.I- : F" » -. I.-.&#39;~&#39;="..§-&#39; .1 - [email protected] -»- -M -_ . 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ALL &#39;3?/445;INFO]-[KAT HER:-31 1°" °°Pfn1ngn 13 is We SIFI r _,- Z?TE1 Y ./ L =- j..~w:~/¢Z*_:£a;.+:é&#39;=,11=31&#39; &#39; 1- * _ 1*Ya?"-1-1? .92..r92.- 5: "-?~.*.~%%%._, ;_, _ .. -&#39;,_ 92 , _92~.=,,-,1. ~: - .".--&#39;15 -- -_ El &#39; _ 11&#39;.-&#39;»v&#39; 92 .._927|! The Complete Life of -I - I ,&#39;,__{&#39;;r". "5.92._ {I. 1 RANK | _ 92 9 -_ 1 :4.! Produced by THURSTON MOORE -If. 92 . i Art Mlnaier IRVING KRAMER-.. &#39;;"&#39;f"= 92 _ . :-~ W11n. .,r| s°,_ -92 1 ___1 ¢.¢. 92 Copyright 1955 by Pocket Magnsina, Inc. Editorial Oces .1, 1140 Broadway - New York 1, N. Y- H .. Q Printed in u.s.,4. &#39; 4 E Scrapbook No. 1 __ __ . _ , ,. .{,_.:&#39;_..>;;.;q_ IN | ! H;Q P T - _ -, ._-7 TWV F -*.¢. T I , ,4" &#39; ;,l»,&#39;.&#39; .,_»._y,_&#39;--&#39;:_.-_-,1 33¢ . > . ~._ &#39;=-.~.--if~ l §" 1 _TABLEcoNrENisl or me SINATRAsronv 1 &#39; 7 CAPITOL RECORDS 34 FROMHERE TO ETERNITY 46 SUDDENLY 54 YOUNG HEARTAT A sq NOT AsA STRANGER _sa MY DATEwm-| FRANKIE as NOTES T 66-, _ 0». u STARS PICTURED IN THEFRANK SINATRA rn POCKET SCRAPBOOK: 92 4 Les Brown,Tommy Dorsey,Jimmie Durante, -1 Garry Moore, Doris Day,Nat Cole,Rosemary _. _,. Clooney, Christy,June GeorgeMurphy, AlanLadcl, Jules Munshin,Gene Kelly,Ava Gardner,Red &#39;1 Buttons, MiltonBerle, Dave Garroway,Merle "54 Travis, DonnaReed, NancyQates, KimCharney, =7 Robert Mitchum,Olivia deHavilland, LeeM &#39; Broderick Crawford,Ethel Barrymore,Laurenarvm, Bacall. 1 s_ . ,1 *.*_.a &#39; .&#39;:&#39;,;."1?I I F - - -- .. 1 /,> FRANK SINATRA , Francis Albert Sinatra was acclaimed by Down Beat last year as the singer of the yearthe rst time such an accolade had been given him since 1947. The intervening years saw the plaudits and honors-and the moneygo to younger and rela- tively lesser~known young men who sing popular songs for radio, TV and the giant recording indus- try. And hereby hangs a tale. " Until quite recently, it was getting. to be a habit- to refer to some of the oldtimers in the warbling business asYou know, people like Vallee, Cros- by and Sinatra." Of course, Bing is still around, still making with the. pipes in a variety of odd chores in the entertainment world. But his work is accepted and enjoyed, frankly, with a touch of nos- talgia. He is the old master, admittedly great, but no longer the object of mass adulation and the toter-home of honorary gold recordsthose sym- bols of fabulous discs which sell over a million cop- ies. And of course, the Connecticut Yankee, al- though an energetic and competent dabbler in other branches of the arts, no longer keeps ecstatic wo- men glued to the loudspeakers as he did a quarter of a century ago. The days of the neatly-parted curly locks and the megaphone are gone forever. The thing that puts Frank Sinatra in a class by himself these days is that almost unheard-of accom- plishmenta true comeback. Not in the sense that Frankie has recaptured those early war days when 7 A I __ . - .___._c-._1_____H______L_¢;l - V -< .2.--"__._s 4 >&#39;_»» . .- .92--~ r hislsliglit gure before a m someof the world&#39;s strangest icrophone manifestationstouched 01 gone nlassforever. feminine But psychology. what Frankie Those has days, don &#39;too, aro com f &#39;&#39; 1 e, or the second time in his e ls to be thing in showbusiness. career, the hottesl UMETOWN: HUBUKEN Francis Albert Sinatra was born in child1917 in of Hoboken, Anthony New and NatalieJersey. Sinatra,An only tive whoItaly, camelittle to America Frankie from spenttheir his busyna- of andhis combative childhoodbirth. Although his in success the townin business thehighly has competitive always been world a sourceof showof great pride for his parents, it was not only the career son. It theywas had their planned dream for theirthat young Sinatra would grow up to be- haps comethe a famous worldhas civil missed engineer. a beautifulPer- atra,bridge but or it two could without have engineer missedmuchSin- more-the intimate pleasure evoked lions bya of romantic fans. tenor in untold mil- for Singing Frankie. was Although not a life-long he belonged ambitionto Frunk Sinulru oi fh tails, top hot and all.e oge of three Wl|l&#39;l the Glee Club of Demarest High School, andengaged ina protable tral arrangements, which herented to local bands musical sidelineas astudent, his real, and highschool combos.The fee was modest,but I down-to-earth ambitionwas tobecome the contracturalarrangements includedthe serv- a newspaper man. He got a job, after ices ofone FrankSinatra as the featured vocalist school hours,working onthe delivery at another modest fee.Later heexpanded and I truck of the Hudson Observer. He purchaseda public address system,which was l 4l liked the newspaper businessso much rented alongwith arrangementsand hisservices that he later quit school and went to asa singer.
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