University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-7-1914 Tucumcari News Times, 05-07-1914 The ucT umcari Print. Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/tucumcari_news Recommended Citation The ucT umcari Print. Co.. "Tucumcari News Times, 05-07-1914." (1914). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/tucumcari_news/268 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Advertisers Know Where quay county m.u Circulation of Any To Piece Their Ads ffhe ffummeari Views faper in Quay County AND TUCUMCARI TIMES Tucumcari, Nqw Mexico, May 7, 1914. Volume 12, No. 32. COUNTY INSTITUTE AN ABUNDANT WATER HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT PANHANDLE COUNTRY JUDGE GUTLIP LINING BEGINS JUNE 15 SUPPLY FOR PROJECT GETS MAMMOTH RAIN UP THEDEMOCRATS WILL BEGIN FRIDAY, MAY 8 Sunt. Pack Makes Appeal to Irrigation Reservoir Could Railroads Badly Damaged Get Eloquent As He Begins Teachers to Attend the Have Been Filled Several Miles of Track and Big to Warm Up and Gives Commencement wook In Tucumcari will begin May tho 8th, with tho Full Time Here Times Last Week pnrcd for tho different programs. There will be exhibitions of High Bridges Washed Out Advice to Voters Commencement oxorcisos nt tho Evans Opera House. A lurjje delegation of teachers from nil pnrts of Quay county is expected and every effort is Within n fow wcoks wo shall bo Tho rains during tho past week prov- boing mndo to mako commencement Week of this year a most Interesting 'flio rains Inst wcok cast of Tucum- Tucumcari News, working togothor to mnko tho Quay ed oncu moro that tho Pnjnritn project and profltablo ono. cari caused thousands of dollars loss to Mr. Editor: Hpcclnl speakers havo been engaged nnd special music is being pro-pare- d County boat could bo will made n tho railroads. Tho T. & M. sufforod An tho Hmc of oloctlon draws near, It Institute tbo in the State. and bo paying fo rlho different programs. Thoro will be exhibitions of high I look forward to Juno 15th, tho dato proposition. Promotor Quin wont cut school work, including Domestic Science and Manual Training and work little, but the Rock Island has boon tiod is very cssontlal that tho Domocrats of of its oponlng, with groat pleasure. and took novornl pictures of tho high dono by students of tho grade and rural schools. With the exception of up ull week, two largo trcssols and sev- Quay county boglu to give somo thought Permit mo to suggost sovornl things waters nnd thoy speak for themselves, tho debnto nnd decinmnlory contest, no admission will bo charged. Tho eral miles of track having been washed to matters which should properly bo con pooplo of Quay county nro cordially Invited Is now, that will mako moot and will bo to nttond. Following tho out northeast of at tho sidered by tho noxt legislature. Hence, it easier to usod to provo tho assertion program for tho cntlro week: Liberal, Kansas, tho requirements of tho dtato Hoard of that plouty of water to fill tho rosorvolr iilg horseshoe bend. Tho Golden Stnto In vlow of tho approach of tho tlmo of Education whon wo moot in Juno. no inuttor how largo it is mndo will High School Building Inter-Sociot- y Debate, Friday, May 8, 7:10 p. m. Limited has been going via Horrington selecting candidates for two places in Klassic Klan vs. Olios Plan now to rnlso tho grndo of your 'bo forthcoming ovory year. Mr. Ham- to El Reno, Okln, thonco over tho T. & tho lcglslnturo from Quay county, I bo-lle- RKSOIA'BI): "Capital Punishment Should bo Abolished" certificate. All third grndo toachcrs ilton, who lives out there nnd is protty Afllrmatlvo: M. to Tucumcari, n distance of sovcrnl nil Democrats, and tho pooplo of should this year bocomo socond grado well acquainted with tho country, says Clinton Wharton, Stella A I ford nud Clyde Jackson, Cllos. hundred miles out of tho way. There tho county regnrdlesi of political affil- teachers; tho ocond grndo tonchcrs thoro was moro wntor In tho crook lost Nogntlvo is a strip of road from Guymon to Lib- iations will sco tho necessities of electing Enrl Ocrhardt, Chnrles (loldeiiberg, Hula Klmis should bncomo first grndo teachers ns week thnn any tlmo within several years Street, Klassic eral which has been without train ser- capablo men to represent ns at Santa Fo During tho evening there will ho music by the (lleo Club and Orches- soon ns nnd of1 or vice since Inst in tho next as in session possible so on till each as long ns any body can remember. tra, and a vocal solo by Miss Minuetto Sandusky. Admission 15c Friday. legislature, this us shall havo n life certificate. This Ho snid if wo bad a dam nut thoro that Tho Canadian brldgo south of Dalhnrt of tho legislature measures of vast im SUNDAY can bo dono with llttlo effort. Tako would Jiavo hold tho wntor this time BACCALAUREATE MAY 10 on tho Denver & Rio Grando was wash- portance to tho now state will bo tho Instltuto Manual tho samo you there would have been enough storod to Opera Houso 11:00 A. M. ed out tho first of tho wcok nnd trains brought up for consideration, nnd no mod Inst yenr Voluntary Orchestra from nnd begin n systematic Irrignto all Quay county. Invocation that road aro now being routed doubt crystnllzcd into law. study of every subject required for tho Tho rains last week in tho district Music Oleo Club ovr the Rock Islnnd from Dalhart to Thcro aro a number of splendid Dem- certificate you sook. If you do not which feeds tho creek woro possibly lnrg Scripture rending Amnrillo via Tucumcari. ocrats in this county who would repre havo a copy of this mnmml, write mo or than usunl, but it is known that this Prnyor , The Dawson lino wns rcoponcd Tues- sent tho pooplo of Quay county in tho Vocal rVolo (Irover Uulllngtnu ' . for It, and I will sno that you got one. gets ( day morning, having bocn out of com- creek its share of wutor ovory year Baccalaureate Sermon Kov.MIcarn ." legislature with dignity, reflecting n Tho Instltuto session la for two weeks It drains sovoinl thousand acres of tho Doxology. mission about four days, on nccount of crodit upon themselves and their con only nnd unloss you master most of tho mountainous country, bus u nntural lo Benediction. V serious washouts and slides caused by stituents, nnd 1 would llko at this time subjects roquired for your certificate cation for u rosorvolr, and thoro is no Rccontounl Orchestra tho recent rains. to urge upon tho people to boo to it that beforo Tuno 15th you will not bo sat- doubt about it being n good paying pro- - PROORAM The reports of the rainfall vary as just such men nro nominated and placod isfied with tho results of the examina- ect. Tucumcari alono would uio thous Tucumcari High School Doclamatory Gontost, Monday Evening May 11 wo hear from tho oast. At Logan thcro upon tho ticket. Men who havo inter tions to be given you on Juno 20 nnd ands of dollars worth of vogetablcs and Admission "10c wns something like six inches, while the ests hero and nro identified with tho Music Orchestra bth. tho quality would bo far superior to that other sido of Dalhart it is said the reg business and social of tho state, Tho Llttlo Shepherd of Kingdom Come.., (Icorgo Elklns welfare I trust every mombor of tho Quay now ister showed all tho way up shipped to our city. J. Cole - Dillon Brown to thirteen who havo lived hero and whom wb know County 1 Instltuto will bo present oarly Wo have four railroads and could Voenl Duet Mlonotte Sandusky and Z i a Whltmore inches, and tho results cortaluly go to not thoso who have nothing to recom- Monday morning Juno 15th ready to find a ready market in nny direction for Lost Word Kula Street provo that thoy have had a plenty. mend thorn to tho pooplo oxcept an in- comply with every requirement outlin- Cazollc and Swan Stolln Alford While the havo our surplus products. Twenty-fiv- e railroads suffered a ordinate ambition to gain prestigo in or Violin nnd Flute Duet It. Perkins nud Chan. Ooldenborg ed in Part T of tho Manual, nnd ready big financial loss the farmers nnd stock, by which moro thousand acres employing ono man Woo "Willie Winkle Gladys Keuler fluence thoy seok to further to do ev- men hard work. It is hoped that to ovory ton acros would mean some Music Oleo Club nre jubilant over the abundant sup- their own selfish Interest without regard ery member will havo a porfoct record thing to our city, and in all irrlgntod Docislon of the Judges ply of water and tho oxcollent prospects to the present or futuro needs of tho for attendance and punctuality on tho for nn abundant crop this season. state. districts five acres in tbo usual GRADUATES DAY evening of Thursday, Juno 25. Tho P Class Bay Exorcises Wednesday, May 13, at 2:00 P. M That New Mexico needs a rigid person that nrrlvcs on Monday noon Vocal A)lo A total of 2102 llccnsos havo beon is- Tho main troublo In getting tho prc-- Mionetto Sandusky change in her present tax laws and the June ISth cannot hnvo sued to that nnd most Class Prophecy Minnie Horn automobile owners in tho state method of placing nil taxable property cct capitalized scorns to Ho with a fow Class Poom likely find it necessary to nttond somo Kula Street of Nov Mexico.
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