annual REpoRt 2016 Dakar Office Regional Bureau United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO ANNUAL REPORT 2016 DAKAR Sidi Yahia Mosque, Timbuktu - © UNESCO Maria Muñoz-Blanco - © UNESCO Timbuktu Mosque, Sidi Yahia BURKINA FASO - CABO VERDE - GAMBIA- GUINEA-BISSAU - MALI - NIGER - SENEGAL 1 /// UNESCO DAKAR ANNUAL REPORT 2016 UNESCO - DakaR annual REpoRt 2016 SUMMARY FOREWORD Foreword ...................................................................................................................................................................................................5 We defend the human Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................................................8 right to peace Quality education and learning for peace and sustainable development .......................................................................15 Science for peace and sustainable development ......................................................................................................................32 Mobilizing humanities and social sciences to foster intercultural dialogue, accelerate positive social transformations, and achieve the goals of the 2030 and 2063 Agendas ..........................................................................38 Building peace and sustainable development through heritage and creativity ...........................................................45 Freedom of Expression and Access to Information for sustaining peace and development ....................................55 Dear colleagues, Friends and Partners, as One” principle is also refected in this 2016 report UNESCO Dakar 2016 Financial report ............................................................................................................................................65 which presents the activities of the whole UNESCO family I am happy to share with you the 2016 annual report in the region, including those of two UNESCO offces as National commissions for UNESCO .................................................................................................................................................66 of UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Offce in Dakar, well as those of UNESCO national commissions of west supported by the national Offce of Bamako. African countries (Sahel). The year 2016 was rich in actions and in experiences, as the I am particularly satisfed with the results obtained and the frst year of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. collaborative spirit which unites us beyond the Regional We developed multisectoral programmes aimed at bringing Offce, with the national commissions for UNESCO, the interdisciplinary responses to the complex problems faced other UNESCO offces and the UN agencies, as well as with by member states. We strengthened innovative actions the other multilateral organizations, the civil society and for the empowerment of populations, specifcally youth the private sector, in supporting our Member states in the and women, while paying close attention to the cultural felds of Education, Sciences, Culture, and Communication contexts and values, and established a multi-agency and Information. coordination mechanism for Education 2030 in West and Central Africa, to name but a few. On behalf of the whole UNESCO team in Dakar and Bamako, I would like to assure you of our commitment to The achievements and the programmes developed in work harder for an even more fruitful collaboration to the the key domains of the Organization were successfully beneft of peoples and countries of the region. completed thanks to the combined efforts of our teams Warm Regards, which constantly looked for the appropriate response to the needs of countries by promoting innovation, Mr. Chang Gwang-Chol Dakar Office interdisciplinarity and partnership within the framework of Regional Bureau the «Delivering as One» Initiative of the United Nations, Interim Director of UNESCO Multisectoral Regional United Nations to consolidate our mission and improve the contribution Offce in Dakar Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization of our Organization to the implementation of the United Nations Integrated Strategy for the Sahel The “Delivering ///4 5 /// UNESCO - DakaR annual REpoRt 2016 ACRONYMS EDUCATION SECTOR ANAQ- SUP Natonal Higher Educaton Quality Assurance Authority/ Senegal ERNWCA Educatonal Research Network for West and Central Africa CAMES African and Malagasy Council for Higher Educaton HRBA Human Rights-Based Approach Cap EFA Capacity Development for Educaton for All IYF Internatonal Youth Foundaton ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States LSDP Leter of Sector Development Policy EFA Educaton for All MJS Ministry of Youth, Employment and Citzen Building EFA GMR Global Educaton Monitoring Report MOST Management of Social Transformatons ESD Educaton for Sustainable Development NYP Natonal Youth Policy GCED Global Citzenship Educaton PG-VGB/DH Programme for Gender-based violence Eradicaton and Human Rights Promoton ICT Informaton and Communicaton Technologies PSE Plan Senegal Emergent IICBA Internatonal Insttute for Capacity building in Africa INEE Inter-Agency Network for Educaton in Emergencies CULTURE SECTOR LEG Local Educaton Groups CERAV Regional Centre for the Living Arts in Africa LMD Bachelor’s-Master’s-Doctorate ICH Intangible Cultural Heritage LNFE Literacy and Non-formal Educaton PSMV Plan for the Safeguarding and Valorization LPYGW Literacy Project for Young Girls and Women WH World Heritage MDG Millennium Development Goals ODL Open and Distance Learning COMMUNICATION SECTOR REESAO Network for Excellence in Higher Educaton in West Africa ABU African Broadcasting Union SDG Sustainable Development Goals AMARC World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters TVET Technical and Vocatonal Educaton and Training HCC High Council for Communication UEMOA West African Economic and Monetary Union HEIC Advanced Studies in Information and Communication WAHO West African Health Organizaton IPDC- UNESCO International Programme for the Development of Communication SMSI World Summit on the Information Society SYNPICS Senegalese National Union of Professionals of Information and Communication NATURAL SCIENCES SECTOR United Nations Agencies CILSS Permanent Inter-state committee for Drought Control in The Sahel OHCHR/WARO Ofce of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights/ West Africa Regional Ofce IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management UNDP United Nations Development Programme STI Science Technology and Innovation UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund SOCIAL AND HUMAN SCIENCES SECTOR UNOWAS United Nations Ofce for West Africa and the Sahel AWORD Associaton of African Women for Research and Development UN WOMEN United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women CNJ Senegal Natonal Youth Council CODESRIA Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa ///6 7 /// UNESCO - DakaR annual REpoRt 2016 Introduction covers and with the UNESCO chairs, UNESCO clubs as UNESCO works towards responsible citizenship through well as associated schools that support the Organization’s its educational programmes on peace, intercultural programmes. dialogue and teaching respect for all. The UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Ofce in Dakar Promoting a culture of peace and non- provides countries with instrument to develop new violence models of living together in peace and prosperity. These include the ECOWAS reference manual on education in citizenship and the culture of peace, and other references Our world undergoes important social transformations such as the teachers’ guide on violent extremism that result in an increase of disparities, extreme poverty, prevention. Moreover, an online self-study course on and exclusion and in the denial of fundamental human peace education is available not only in French, English rights. Young women and men are the most afected and Portuguese but also in ten national languages of the by these changes, which reveal a need for innovative region. The network of UNESCO associated schools stands solutions in support to the universal values of peace, as a platform of innovative experiences and practices for human dignity, gender equality and nonviolence and the promotion of peace education, global citizenship and non-discrimination. sustainable development. © UNESCO UNESCO’s mission is to promote peace and non-violence UNESCO promotes peace and nonviolence by advocacy through education, sciences, culture, communication and through the media, including information and and information. communication technologies (ICTS) and social networks. The Education Sector is expected to put an increasing Furthermore, the organization works to strengthen social emphasis on the importance of learning to live together. cohesion, to promote scientifc and cultural cooperation The Global Education First Initiative launched in 2012 for an optimal management of cross-border natural by the UN Secretary-General includes the promotion of resources, and to empower youth, women and men. global citizenship as one of its three educational priorities. Countries covered by the regional ofce in Dakar UNESCO’s action in this domain is guided from now on by the Education 2030 Framework for action, specifcally Strengthening Education Systems for The UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Ofce UNESCO Dakar has been
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