lr ) rl,,l,l tltrl I o o t a II Ar o 2nd March - tgth Marchlgg4 A biennial Festival based at Codsall High representarives of , Pattingham Programme Drice 5Op WELCOME TO OUR gth COMMUNITY ARTS FESTIVAL. We have used We have tried, aS always, to cater for alltastes and to present a wide variety of events' ;;ri;;;;"aiirofessiofiittaLents drawn from the locrlcommunity and afar to produce a programme which we hoie will provide interest and entertainment for everyone' and we we are most gratef ulfor the increasing support an_d interestwe receive from the community tookforwardio seeing you sometime during the 1994 Festival' FESTIVAL PROGRAMME At Codsall High school, Elliotts Lane unless otherwise stated. March weonesoay 2na T oopm pase ;ffi"j;il':,lSll}".+T:;; 2 Fridav 4th to 12.OOpm to Exhibition of Drawings, Prints Saturday 19th 5.3opm Paintin-gs, Medals & Sculpt!-Ie' (excl. Sundays) S' Staffi District Council bffices Pages 4 & 5 Fri, "PYgma!io1" Thurs., Sat 8.OOPm Page 7 3rd, 4rh, Srh Coiriall Village Hall Monday 7th 2.oopm E:;xl"Hfi:lin", pase e Monday 7th 7.3opm E::x1"f,",fjlir pase t t Page l3 Monday 7th 8.OOpm "An Evening with Henry Sandon" Page 15 Tuesday 8th 8.OOpm "Old Codsall Re-visited" Page 17 Wednesday 9th 8.OOpm Zenith Hot Stompers Page 19 Thursday loth 8.O0pm The Sealed Knot Friday 8.oopm 11th ;"_ilt??lirr#ith.wildlire" pase 2t 22 Saturday 12th 7.OOpm Pontarddulais Male Choir Page 25 Monday 14th 7.3Opm Codsall High School Dance Band Page 27 Tuesday 15th 7.OOpm Local Dancing Schools Page 29 Wednesday 16th 8.OOpm Piers Adams,/Howard Beach Pages 28 & rhursday 8 oopm 17th J;lstJ:fryITiiA:,li?Mrritzer" St. Nicholas Church, Codsall Page 3l Friday 18th 8.oopm *,H fl""[r,"i::?" Perton Middle School Page 33 Saturday l eth 7.oopm Gilbert ;.f1.r1,1f;il3t*rtre pases 34 & 35 THE COMMITTEE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO AMEND OR CANCEL ANY OF THE FESTIVAL EVENTS. BOX OFFICE ARRANGEMENTS From Monday 14th FebruarY You may purchase your tickets direct from: BRADSPORTS - girches Bridge, Codsall (Page 8) KALEIDOSCOPE - The Square, Codsall (Page l4) OR by post from The Box Office, Codsall High Sc6dol, Elliotts Lane, Codsall' WV8 1PG Please enclose s.a.e. The Codsall Council of Churches invites you to share in a special Arts Festival Service to be held at Trinity Methodist Church. Histons Hill. Codsall. Wednesd ay, March Znd alT.OOpm ,,A CELEBRATION OF THE ARTS" An ecumenicalact of worship which will include items from many different aspects of the Arts. lndividuals and groups from the community will share in the service. fr@@7A tr@th w,Tb@woTbw . QUALITY DELICATESSEN . WIDE VARIETY OF CHEESES . COOKING INGREDIENTS . WHOLE FOODS & CEREALS . VEGETARIAN FOODS . CAKE TIN HIRE & DECORATIONS . BEER & WINE MAKING EQUIPMENT . SPECIAL ORDERS TAKEN FOOD FORTHOUGHT BIRCHES BRIDGE, 842646 oCODSALL FOOD FOR THOUGHT, FINCHFIELD 2 EXHIBITION OF WORK OF TWO ARTISTS DRAWINGS, PRINTS, PAINTINGS, MEDALS, SCULPTURE at South Staffordshire District Council Offices Friday 4th March to Saturday 19th M.arch 12.OOpm - 5.30pm (excluding Sunday) ll:l ::l! RON DUTTON A distinguished sculptor and one of the f inest medal makers in this countrywith int"inational repiriition, Ron Dutton was born in Cheshire and is a Fine Art "nH;;;;;;;;;;rlt"-6t ring;'coriege, Durham University. He has rived and had his studio in Wolverha;n;i;;l;i;eirly thirty years and rbcently retired as Head of Fine Art at Wolverhahpton Polyte6ftnic.'He is currently an occasional tutor at the Royal College of Art. Ron Dutton has exhibited widely in England and abroad, Budapest, Lisbon, f toren"", Stockholm.totoraao, fielsinkilLondon. His most recent exhibitions nave neeh The Resurgent Art Medal, Penn State University USA. Contemporary British Medals, Britisfr Museum. Articles in Bronze, Wolverhampton Art Gallery. The first medal commissioned by the British Art Medal society was by Ron Dutton and for many years he has been a British representative at every C;;-g;";A EiniUttion dt tt,e Federation lnternationale de Medaille. Ron Dutton's work is very individual, occasionally revealing a quirkyhumour' fh" s"nie"t .att"i ,ities from natural landscape and animal forms to architectural & industiiil through to abstract forms. Landscape especially is an important source of inspiration. 4 PAM SCOTT An eminent painter and printmaker, whose work has been exhibited widely and can be found in museums and private collections in Britain and many parts of the world, Pam Scott was born In London, studied painting with a pupil of Walter Sickert and is a Fine Art honours graduate of Reading-University, completing post graduate studies in Paris. She has worked in America exhibiting In Boston and New York, has travelled to Asia, working on 'JOURNEY' a series of prints in Rawalapindi, Pakistan. Of the many exhibitions of her work in Britain and Europe, the most recent were at: The Malvern Festival La Chatre, France Worcester City Art Gallery The Bruton Street Gallery, London. Consort Gallery, London Some of the public collections which have work by Pam Scott in their permanent collections are: Sheffield cityArt Gallery. wolfson college, oxford. Birmingham !.lniversity. lmperial College, London. University of California. The Australian National Library. The Rijkmuseum, The Hague. The Victoria & Albert Museum, London. The work on show 'An lndian Kaleidoscope' results from her recent journey in lndia. There will be a Previewfor Patrons and by invitation on the evening of Thursday 3rd March, 8.OOpm to 9.3opm. we wish to thank the s.s.D.c. for their help in the use of committee rooms for the exhibition. F ow LE R. ro * o.="nff iif;f8'fi i :8rl3+"{! €"N r R o L LrD. A N D RAINBOW CARDS LTD. 5 * CodroLL Drom@[Fc forerl@UW PYGMALION by GEORGE BERNARD SHAW Thursday, Friday, Saturday March 3rd, 4th, Sth at 8,OOpm at Codsall Village Hall Tickets: f3.50 (students f2.OO, Children f 1 .sO) CAST (in order of appearance) CLARA EYNSFORD-H|LL..........., ... ... .....LUCY O'CONNOR Mrs EYNSFORD-HILL... ... ........... DOREEN BROTHERTON FREDDY EYNSFORD-HILL......., .,.,........ MATTHEW GROOM ELIZA DOOLITTLE ... PROFESSOR HIGGINS ... ......... JOHN ALLAN SARCASTIC BYSTANDER . ..... ... ALAN CROMBLEHOLM ALFRED DOOLITTLE . ... JOHN B. EDWARDS Produced by JOHN EDWARDS ACT 1 Covent Garden, 1 1 .1 5pm on a cold, wet autumn night. ACT 2 Professor Higgins' Living Room, 1 1 .1Sam next day. INTERVAL l5 minutes ACT 3 IVIrs Higgins' Drawing Room, 4.1 Spm some months later ACT 4 Professor Higgins' Living Room, midnight 3 months later ACT 5 Mrs Higgins' Drawing Room, 1 1.OOam next day. First produced in April 1914 with Sir Beerbohm Tree as Higgins and Mrs Patrick Campbell (who confessed to being 25 years too old for the part), Pygmalion wis Shaw's first real popular srciess. His previous two dozen or so plays had pleaied theb-ritics, but failed to attract tf,e puUii6. eyg;aiio; changed all this; people flocked to see the play and shaw at 58 became financially secur'el ln 1938 a highly,successful film was made starring Leslie Howard and Wendy Hiller. ln 1g56, six years after Shaw's death at the age of ni nety four, Leiner and Loewe used the pl6y as the basis of one of the finest musicals ever written My Fair Lady- This starred Rex Harrison and Julie Andrews, with Stanley Holloway as an unforgettable- Doolittie. Generously Sponsored by: GEDDES HEATING ENGINEERS LTD. 7 E BOX OFFICE No' 1 BRADSPORTS, BIRCHES BRIDGE SHOPPING CENTRE for their kindness in The Festival committee wishes to thank BRADSPORTS serving as a Box Office GREAT SAVINGS E' .,ffio AT BRADSPORTS THE CHEAPEST PRICES AROUND Complete range of Top Bl.ql{ Sports and ' Leisure Wear available' 94 BIRCHES BRIDGE, CODSALL. --l- (O902) E@ ea Tel: 846262 The Festival Committee regrets that it has not beenpossibletohavetheweekendExhibitionof Arts and crafts due to the non-availability of the H igh School. THE SHRUBBERY REST HOME 126 Wood Road, Codsall PRIVATE RESIDENCE FOR THE ELDERLY. FAMILY RUN WITH WARM FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE Register ed with Stot'fordshire Sociol Seruices I Props: M. POWELL, S' POWELL, S'R'N' I Tel: CODSALL 844871 8 POETRY WORKSHOP AT PENDRELL HALL Monday March 7th 1994 2.OOpm - 4.3opm. to be conducted by ELEANOR COOKE Biographical note: Eleanor Cooke is a poet and novelist, with many years experience as a Creative tl/fitins Tutor in Cheshire and North Wales. She was born and brought up in Yorkshire and now lives and works near Chester. Her f irst collection - A Kind of Memory - was published by seren Books in 1 988. ln December 1991 Who Killed Prees Heath was published by Bristol Classical Press and Shropshire Wildlife Trust: this unusual poem,/documentary has been widely acclaimed. and was the subject of a Kaleidoscope programme subsequently chosen as the BBC's entry for Prix ltalia. Eleanor Cooke's new collection is to be published this Spring by Jonathon Cape. She is working on a novel and a play - The Gossips' Play - which it is hoped will tour cheshire and the North west during 1994-5. Her work with groups for the Parish Map initiative, and with schools and colleges throughouithe'region is well known. She has worked as an editor brieflyduring 1988 and 1989, and regularly contributes to literary magazines as poet, short story writer and reviewer. Participation is free, only a limited number of places available for the first to apply. For information contact Jesse Bruton, Park House, Codsall Wood. Telephone: 843055. We are gratef ul to Perton Parish Council and Pendrell HallAdult College for their generous sponsorship and support. I POETRY READING AT PENDRELL HALL Monday March 7th 1994 7.30pm - 9.30pm.
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