1.59 CanadianMineralogist Vol.3l, pp. 159-166(1993) THERARE.EARTH.ELEMENT CHEMISTRY OF ALLANITE FROMTHE GRENVILLE PROVINCE RONALD C. PETERSONANDDARRYLB. MacFARLANE* DepartmzntofGeological Sciences, Queen's University, Kingstoa Ontario K7L 3N6 ABSTRACf The resultsof electron-microprobeanalyses of 38 samplesof allanite from granitic rocks and calcite veins in the Grenville provinceof southeastemOntario'and southwestem Quebec are presented. Allanite from granitic rocksshow a w.iderrang e o!ffn contentsthanttrosefromcarbonateveins.Thesamplesofallanitestudiedexhibitthecoupledsolid-solutionCa nZ* + IvP*as well asan omission solid-solution of theform 3Cazn=2REP* +n' Keywords:allanite, epidote group, electron-microprobe analysis, solid solution,Grenville Province,Ontario, Quebec. SoNaMerns Nouspr6sentons les r6sultatsd'analyses i la microsonde6lectronique de trenre-huit 6chantillons d'allanite provenantde r@hes granitiqueset de filoni de calcite dansia provincedu Grenville, dansie sud-estde l'Ontario et le sud-ouestdu Qu6bec.L'allanite desroches granitiques montre une qlus gonde variabilit6 entenews de teres rates(7R) quecelle des de^carbonate' ir6lev6e frloqs = + n, La solutionsolide coupl6e Ca2+ + Al3+ * p"3+-ip3+ + M2' et tn m&anismeimpliquant une lacune,comm e 3Ca'* 2TR3* rendentcompte de la compositiondes &hantillons. (*aduit par la R6daction) Mots-cl€s:allanite, groupede f6pidote, analysesd la microsonde6lectronique, solution solide,province du Grenville' Ontario, Qudbec. INTRODU(NON plex unzonedpegmatites. Although allanite is found in all four types,it is particularlyabundant in simplezoned pegmatitesin the vicinity of Bancroft and Madawaska' Allanite-(Ce), which has, as idealized formula bntarlo. In this area,individual crystalsup to 60 cm in (Ce,Ca"Y)z(Al,Fe3+)3(SiOr3(OH),is the most abundant length and 15 cm in width havebeen reported (Hogarth and widespread rare-earth-element-bearingmineral et aL 1983),Allanite also occurs as an accessorymineral found in the Grenville hovince of the CanadianShield. in someof the calcite veins of the Grenville hovince The allanite,which is commonlymetamict, is an acces- (Hogarthetat.l983). Masson & Gordon(1981) divided sory mineral in many rock types including: granite' the uraniferouscarbonate veins into two typesbased on granitic pegmatite,syenite, syenitic pegmatiteand cal- their mineralogy and internal structure.These are the cite skarnsand veins. Allanite generally is associated fluorite-apatite-rich pink carbonateveins, which Sat- with radioactiveminerals, and its modeof occurrenceis terly (195f referred to as the "fission type", and well documented(Ellsworth 1932, Hewiu 1955,Satterly 'Cardiff or Eagle's Nest type" veins, which contain 1957,Shaw 1958, Rose l960,Langet aL 1962,Masson calcite, fluorite, apatite, biotite, diopside, hornblende & Gordon1981). andscapolite. In the Grenville Province of southernOntario and The purposeof the presentstudy is to investigatethe southwestern aUanitemost commonly occurs Quebec, detailedchemisuy of Grenville allaniteby electron-mi- as an accessorymineral in pegmatites.From $anitic croprobeanalysis and to comparethe compositionsof textural, mineralogicaland structuralfeaturesn Masson allanite from granitic pegmatiteswith those obtained & Gordon(1981) divided thesepegmatites into four from calciteveins. types: 1) simple zonedpegmatites, 2) complex zoned pegmatites,3) simpleunzoned pegmatites, and 4) com- PREVIOUS STUNTTSOT. DTSTRIBUTION OF RARE-EARTH Et-sMEI'l'fs N ALLANTTE * Presentaddress: Grenville Minerals, P.O. Box 453' Kingston, OntarioK7L 4W5. The distribution of the rare-earthelements (REE) in Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/canmin/article-pdf/31/1/159/3435516/159.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 t60 TIIE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST allanite wasfirst describedby Goldschmidt& Thomas- concentratesthe light rare-earthelements (LREE). Se- sen (1924), who noted that allanite" like monazite. menov (1958) attributedthe preferencefor LREE to a TABLE1. LOCATIONAND DESCRIPTIONOF SAMPLESOF ALLANITE SAMPLE DEPOSTTI{AI.IE locATtoN HOST *T* SOIJRCE 80c( R1002 ChalpagneTxp., Que. (Riviere Serpent- GP csc(07974) near outtet of Lac Bois Ir€nc) R1005 Moly. cofp. Cheddar [ 1/Z Lot 11, Conc. 11, Cardiff lxp., GP Sattefty (1957) RoM(24628) Road occur. Ont. (Richardson) R1006 Fission Lots 4-6, Conc. 11, C€diff THp., ont. CV E[[8rcrth (1932),Roxe(1952) ROlr(29754) iline R1008 Lot 7, Conc. 11, Armur Trp., Ont. (North satterty (192l) R0r,r(34034) side of Pickerel ard Jack Lake R@d) Rl010 Cardiff Mine Lot A, conc. 17, c€rdiff TFp., ont. cv s€tterl.y(1957)_-- NMC(42755) R1011 Lot 27, Corc. 15, ctamrgan lxp., Ont. cv xr,!c(42758) R10'12 cote Quarry Lots 14 ard 15, Conc. 4, Murchison Trp., SZGP logarth et at. (1983) NMC(42759) Ont. R1013 Rosenthgt Occur. Lot 34, Conc. 4, Bndenell Trp., Ont. GP fieritt ('1954) xr.lc(42760) R1014 cuts FarmOccur. Lot 34, Conc. 5, Brudenetl Twp., Ont. GP --- N(C<427&) R1015 S 1/2 Lot 26, Corc. 19, RagtanTHp., Ont. SG (1954) prop Heritt NMC(42766) R1018 Giroux (Bear LitchfieId THp., oue. cv --- Nttic(42772, Lake iline) 11019 Five l,til.e Lake iline Lot 17, com. Z, Dickem Trp., Ont. SZGP Ssbina(1971) NMC(43347) R1020 Ust of ttaynmth, approx. 8 k|r from GP --- Nf,rc(43348) Rl9?r*ai$rontr,rine i:l:'i;';:'i:ll'.,li"i!lil"'il;:,T;. SP Etlsrorth (1932) NMC(47504) Uat Gffi.East l]9i1 Quarry Lot 23, Corc. tS, LynAict irp., oirt. CZGP Heritt (1967) NMc(47550) xruz) Jetellviu.e Cuts Lot 25, Conc. 19, RagtanTrp., Ont. SP Heritt (1954) R1026 Madaraska(F€rad€y) Nr.tc(47615) Lots 16 and ll, torcl,tt, rl"iOay rrp.. czeP Satterty (1957),Buttis (1965) NMC(47681) Mine Ont. R1027 Lot i, Corc. 14, Lutterxorth Trp., (ptt GP NilC(48133) 35and 121 *oss) Rlo?8 i?L!| i;:i"l:,H*vs cv R1029 NMC(48186) Lot 6, Conc. Z, Dudtey THp., Ont. (flry 6P ::: NilC(48188) Rlo3oAtr.in-Rurrner l';ri'fl:":,^:*:T:,t:#??|;i:1.,. CZGP Satterty (1957) csc(60956) A[ [anite proD. R1032 Lytton Tup., oue. u R1033 (Centre GSC(60963) Bicfoft Lake) L;ts 27 a;rd'29, Corc. 11, Cardiff Try., CUGP Satterty (1957) GSC(60986) Mine ont. R1014 R6rc E€fth !,tine Sh€ft Lot 20, Conc. g, !,tornbuth lrp., Ont. CUCP satterty (1957) csc(60987) *1 R1035 Lsc a Baude Occuf. Normard Trp., eue. (Eagt short of L€c I STJGP fiarvie (t921) csc(60t4) R1037 r.ratsonfl uine i3fii, a"*. 6, r,tonteasrer*p., ont. GP Hditt (1955) csc(60998) R1038 l,l€cDomtd iline-llorth Lot 1g, Conc. Z, ttontealte Trp., ont. SZGP lerltt (1955),EttsHorth (1932) Gsc(62545) Di ke R1039 Lot 27, conc. tg, BrougharnTHp., ont (Hry cv esc(63009) R1o4o ll;[3il"i.I,]ii,::il3#::1,* OP csc(64446) Rlo41 3i:;ffi"'[::".;]',ill!ii."l^'r*,"1^* GP Sabin€(1971) GSC(64447) Road11.4 kmnorth of Otter Lake R1042 F.y L€keOccur Lot ?1, Conc.B, MonteithTrp., ont. SUEP Ettgrorth (1932) (SegulnFatls) 0w(lt1538) R1043 ilscDon€td - ,l9, iline Lots 18 ard Conc.7, llonteagte frp., SUGP Heritt ('1955),Etl.srorth (1932) outit0,t8617) SouthDike Ont. R1044 Y€tes - iline Hatte Lots 16 ard i7, iange 5, Huddersfietd c1/ tafontaine (1979) 0!0r018618) Zone lrp., Oue. R1045 Parhanoccur. U 1lZ,Lot A, Conc.8, OtdenTrp., Ont. cv sattefly (192) R1046 Univers€t 0r,610't8619) Light Lot 25, cm;. tS, r_ynaoclirp., ont. STJGPilagsor*cordon(1981) aMil(118620) lletats &cur. R1048 l,titler LakeOccur. U 1/Z tot Z, Curc.7, Ot.denlrp., Ont. cv Qfiil(r,t8621) R1052 l'letshFarm Occur. LoTg, Conc10, ltonteagteirp., ont. tlaason& eo"Oon R1054 sundstrm <tCglt or,llt(1,18622) lorth |ltz Lot ta, c6nc. fa,-c".ioir irp. GP tilasson& Gordon(1981) 0!$,r(M863) Notes: n.d. !!not npans detectedtl Host Rock Code6: H2o- ras,catculated on the basis of 1 OHper fonnlta GP - granite pegDatlte F{'/Fe-' cas catculated by nomtizing on f ixed catis Ird anion surs of CV - catcite vein si+M1+u2rtt!:6 (0,0H)=ll, ard respectively. SZGP- sirpl.e zoned granite pegmtlte - granite js SlrcP sinpts rnzoned pegmtito The fotloHing mtation used todescrlbe the source of - - the specimens: SG syenite gneiss cSC Geol.ogicat Survey of C€nsda, Ottars, Ontario - - U unknorn ROM Royat ontario [useun, Ioronto, Ontaiio - - CZGP cqptex zoned grsnlte pegnatite NHC Cansdian Musermof Nature, Otiara, Ontario - - CUGP corptex unzoned granite pegnatite QlilM Queenrs University, Mil.ter liuseun, Kingston, Ontsr.io Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/canmin/article-pdf/31/1/159/3435516/159.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 ALLAMIE FROM THE GRENVILLE PROVINCE 161 settingsfor each crystal-chemicalcontrol. He showedthat mineral struc- ground). More specific instrumental (1987). tures having a cation site with a high coordination elementare given by MacFarlane scansof the REE and number(1G12) are LREE-selective,and thosewith Initial wa:velength-dispersion 20 kV for eight low-coordinatroncationic sites prefer the heavy rare- trace elements were conducted at which elementsare earths.Allanite" which has an ll-fold-coordinated site reDresentativesamples, to determine and (Dollasel97l), would thereforebe expectedto contain piesent and their approximaterelative abundance' positions.As a result" a largeproportionof. I'REE. io selectappropriate background (le Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm and Severalinvestigators have noted that the REE content the concentrationof six REE (Y andTh) werefound of allanitedepends on thebulk chemistryof thehost rock Gd) andtwo othertrace elements superim- (Vainshteinet al. 7956,Murata et al. 1957,Kosterin e/ to be abovebackground. The scanswere then ofWhite al. 1961,Fleischer 1965, 1985). Murata et al. (1957) posedand, with theaid of thewavelengthtables (lg7g), backgroundpositions above and definedI asthe ratio (La+Ce+h)(total REE"),a numeri- b. Johoron peaks were chosen. During the degreeof fractionation of REE in below the various cal index to assess the upper allanite from different sources.They showedthat the quantitativewavelength-dispersion-analysis, countsfor theseelements were relatrve LREE enrichment of allanite increasespro- and lower background the dtfferencewas found to be gressively from granitic pegmatiteto granodiorite to carefully monitored,and seriesof X-ray spiltra yT uled pr iarbonatite to alkaline rocks to alkaline pegmatites. negligible. The K elements,the M seriesfor Th, andthe I series Fleischer(1985) usedtheX value of Murataet al.
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