Materials with Novel Electronic Properties NATIONAL CENTRE of COMPETENCE in RESEARCH PROGRESS REPORT Year 6 April 1st 2006 - March 31st 2007 2 MaNEP Cover sheet NCCR: 6th Progress Report - Cover Sheet Title of the NCCR Materials with Novel Electronic Properties – MaNEP NCCR Director Professor Øystein FISCHER Name, first name UNIVERSITÉ DE GENÈVE, Faculté des Sciences Institution address Département de Physique de la Matière Condensée 24 quai Ernest-Ansermet, CH-1211 Genève 4 Office phone number 022-379.6270 E-mail [email protected] 1. Executive summary [1] 5 2. Research 7 2.1. Structure of the NCCR and status of integration [2] 7 2.2. Results since the last progress report [3] 11 Project 1 Strong interaction, low-dimensional and quantum fluctuations 11 Project 2 Superconductivity, unconventional mechanisms, novel materials 35 Project 3 Crystal growth 57 Project 4 Novel materials 63 Project 5 Thin films, artificial materials and novel devices 79 Project 6 Industrial applications and pre-application developments 91 3. Knowledge and technology transfer [4] 111 4. Education/training and advancement of women [5] 117 5. Public relations [6] 123 6. Management 127 6.1. Activities [7] 127 6.2. Experiences, recommendations to the SNSF 129 7. Reaction to the recommendations of the review panel 131 8. Lists 133 8.1. Project list [8] 135 8.2. Personnel [9] 139 8.3. Cooperation with third parties [10] 161 8.4. PhD theses and prizes, awards etc. [11] 195 8.5. Publications [12] 241 8.6. Lectures at congresses etc. [13] 263 8.7. Services, patents, licences, start-up companies etc [14] 279 9. Statistical output data [15] 291 10. Finance 295 10.1. Target and actual comparison [16] 297 10.2. Financial overview [16] 300 10.3. Comments and equipment list [17] 307 Appendix A. Milestones of the MaNEP projects 321 3 MaNEP 4 MaNEP 1 Executive summary MaNEP was established in 2001 in order to reinforce research in Switzerland in the field of Materials with Novel Electronic Properties. It brings together the main groups in Switzerland in this field with 30 senior members and about 260 researchers in total. At the beginning of the second phase (which started on July 1, 2005) the research structure was changed to six collaborative projects. During the second year of the second phase MaNEP has continued to implement this new research structure. The integration of efforts between the different MaNEP laboratories develops very well. In January 2007 six one-day meetings, each dedicated to one of the six projects, were held during which the results so far were discussed in detail among the members of the projects. This report contains an overview of these results for each project. Research improved growth and control on different high temperature superconductors as well as Project one is dedicated to the study of one of vanadium chain compounds. the key questions in condensed matter physics: the understanding of materials with Project four represents a special effort to strong spin and charge interactions. A wide stimulate a search for new materials with range of strongly interacting electron materials strongly correlated behaviour and in particular and low-dimensional and quantum fluctuation new superconductors. This research was systems has been investigated. The report established at the beginning of phase II and reflects the richness of this field and covers the this report gives the situation after 1 ½ years of advance of experimental investigations and research. Several different routes towards new new theoretical concepts. Results are reported materials are reported including high pressure in the fields of magnetism, cold atoms in synthesis, a combinatorial approach, thin film optical lattices, interfaces and heterostructures, methods as well as nano structuration and spectroscopies on low dimensional metallic morphology control. chalcogenides and 4f-electron systems, exotic phases and quantum phase transitions in Project five concerns the use of thin epitaxial itinerant electron systems, spectroscopy and films for basic and applied studies. The results transport in elemental bismuth and carbon- in this project cover thin film ferroelectrics, with based systems as well as mesoscopic physics. the study of size effects and screening lengths; polaronic transport in manganite thin films and Project two addresses the fascinating field of the search for polaronic behaviour in thin superconductivity. Here the quest for a strontium titanate films; as well as the use of microscopic understanding of high temperature thin superconducting films for single photon superconductivity (HTS) in the cuprates detectors. remains a key question and several important results contributing towards this goal are Project six concerns applications resulting reported. The study of these materials has from basic research in MaNEP. Our approach stimulated an exceptional development of here is to develop applied research projects of experimental tools world wide, with the result interest to industry based on materials and/or that these materials have been studied to a techniques present in MaNEP. Following this detail that was never achieved on other idea we have established collaborating efforts materials before the HTS. In view of this with 6 companies on specific questions of development it becomes important to revisit interest to these companies. This concerns other superconductors. In the same spirit many 1) applications of superconductivity with new and unusual superconductors have been research on improved wires for high field found recently. Thus “project two” also applications, thin film superconducting fault continued during this year to evolve towards current limiters and a contribution to the the study of such non-cuprate superconductors development of a self screened high field and several novel and surprising results are magnet for neutron scattering studies; reported. 2) sensors, with the search for a material for high precision ESR determination of weak Project three reflects the importance of high magnetic fields and the development of novel quality crystal growth and MaNEP’s dedicated gas sensors; 3) thin film preparation and effort to stimulate and to coordinate crystal applications including the development of growth among its members. During this year superlattices for neutron supermirrors in we can report new results on the crystal growth neutron guides and the preparation and study of several oxides and silicides. We also report of ferroelectric thin films for novel devices. 5 MaNEP Knowledge and Technology Transfer Public relations Efforts to develop KTT were continued both We are continuing our outreach effort to inside MaNEP and towards industry. motivate young people to enter into science. Promotion of inventions, disclosures and This year we have initiated a novel approach patenting were made within the MaNEP to interact with high-school students and network. Two invention disclosures are under teachers. This project which goes under the processing since last year, and a new one was working title “Physics Park” is a joint effort added. In addition, two new patents were between MaNEP and the Physics Department granted during Year-6. Collaborations with of Geneva University. “Physics Park” is a industrial corporations are progressing along communication- and education-tool mainly the lines outlined in the proposal and dedicated to high-school students, but will also discussed in the previous report. This includes be useful in our communication with the public collaborations with ABB, Bruker BioSpin, Swiss at large. Details of the concept, its financing Neutronics, Metrolab, Phasis and Mecsens. and organization were worked out during We have also established several new MaNEP year 6, involving strong collaboration industrial contacts which may lead to new with the secondary schools. We have obtained collaborations. important financial support from private foundations to carry out this project and the Education / training and advancement of construction is to be completed by middle of women Year 7. We have also prepared an open day event “Supra Fête” which shall take place in Education: The second MaNEP summer Geneva on June 8-10. We have furthermore school was organized in the week of 11-16 explored the potential benefits of new web- September, 2006 in Saas-Fee. The topic this based tools. Free broadcasting on YouTube year was “Probing the Physics of Low and a Google exchange group, among others, Dimensional Systems” and 68 PhD students were new actions of communication. The enjoyed a series of high level lectures which design of a new presentation booklet and the resulted in lively discussion sessions. The maintenance of the website are also courses were given by eight lecturers, of which emphasized. half were external to MaNEP. We also organised in January 2007 a one-day training Management course on Superconductivity for Geneva high- schools physics teachers. This course was To reinforce internal evaluation of performance attended by 30 teachers. In order to implement within MaNEP – as suggested by the Review our plans for a MaNEP doctoral school we Panel – two new boards were established. We have appointed a scientist part time to carry have replaced the former “advisory board” by out this project. an Internal Evaluation Board. This board is composed by the scientific committee and a Advancement of women: The MaNEP limited number of senior members of MaNEP. summer internship program for female We have also appointed an Advisory Board students was carried out for the second time with a chair from Switzerland and six during the summer of 2006. This program was distinguished members from outside offered to students from all member institutions Switzerland. This board shall have its first of MaNEP. Seven female students carried out meeting during the upcoming MaNEP meeting interesting projects and expressed high degree in Les Diablerets in the fall of 2007. This board of satisfaction. Following our proposal for will review the activities of MaNEP and give phase II we have searched for and appointed a advice to the director on future activities.
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