iges INGHAM COUNTY NEWS 10 Pagei; -iji- X. MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1918. NO, 38 TO .M.XlilO C.A.WASS TO ICNTI'MJ OI'-I'MCMliS' TI!A1.\'L\(; 111 I he near fuiure a canvass of llie SCHOOL city i.s to bo made in Ihe interest of FoyRiH Lom mw siis IIH IEETIS Private Homer K. Itoot, wlio has Child wolfai'o. This ci'.nva.-:s will bo been laking siioclal Iraining at the (akoii under Ihe'auspices of tlio W.o- State College of Mines, lloufehtoii, [GISIEiiS 2,838 man's conimiltco Council of National Midi., is one of fonrselocld from tliat Defense, The object of this canvass detaclimont to enter Ihe Ofllcors' is lo iiscorlain the weight and gener­ Training Camp at Augusta, Ga. He WILL ASSIST LV TIIM CASKS OF -ON MiO.N IN MOW DU.AI al development of all eliildren in Ihe I MX) I'I;!'; K.villus I.A STIC AM) "J3onds will buy bayonets! will begin work there this week, His I)IOI''i<;itKKI> CLASSIFICATION ACilO I liM IT city under live yoai's of age. (iKI'lAT I.N TMHI'IST SMOW.V. "There Is no longer r.ooni for the mother, i\lrs. Ida Boot, has returned noutral individual—there must be no to Loveland, Colorado. One, For AsrienUuro—One For Liilwi" i.iiri's Will ill; Mailed Soon .\e\v Features of li"!)!!!'!!! Loan 10.\- neutral money. Be ready, be a vol­ And One Foi- Ollior Oceupalions •\\\y IU';(is(ci'<Ml iMon—Must plained; Ma.son'.s (Juoia Will unteer!" |l< Killed Out. .At Once. I'i'obiiMy l(e .Xcar $50,000. This is the sentiment expressed by Under the rules .of the War Depart­ L V. J. Brown, isales manager for the ment for executing the now draft law, ' 111! reglHlnillon ot the new /• ^ county of Ingham outside the city of special provision is made for inform­ • limits coiiiplolcd, llio local In recognition of tlio glorlouj La'nsing in the on-coming Liberty ing the district boards in regard to I . hegiiii ilH task of llsUiig, E FOOT BULL I part Michigan's men are playing Loaii( campaign. Mr, Brown had farm-labor requirements in order that :^, etc. MOM who rogistcred in tlio great world draiiui now be­ charge of that work in the third loan WAS GREAI SUCCESS necessary food production may be . ,;()oii will receive their ques- AVOID.S CONFLICT AVI'I'H KAIJM ing staged In Europe I.I10 following drive, and supported by the same LAIJOli SITIJATIO.N maintained, says a statement issued , which tlioy are requlrod resolution was adopted at the ro­ corp-s of workers expects to meet with ANNUAL AFFAIK AT TIIK IJAPTI.ST by the Department of Agriculture. nil out witliiii .seven days of dent war conteronce held for south­ the .same success this time". MONDAA: I-;VIONI\(J li'ii'.sl; fiiimo Si;lie<tiili'<l Wl (li Owo.s.so ciiuncH • District boards are charged with lamped on each. I'^alluro to eastern Michigan at Ann Arbor: Walter S. Foster, chairman of the t;ho duty of putting into deferred iiuai.shablo by a fine or im- October 2«»—Ollier.s ro ite "Wo express our pride and joy in li'ourth Liberty Loan coniniitteo for Oluneh Was I'lottily IV'coratod— classes these persons who are more ii for one year and may re- • looked Soon the brilliant record of our Michi­ Ingham county, has announced the li't'aturt' of I'ro^rain, A 'I'ahleau of likely to further the war by remain­ ; of vaUiable rights and iiii- gan b.oys at the front and our un- li'ive War I'ictni'es. At the annual moeling of the Micli- government plan for the purchase of ing in civilian occupations than by ciliiction into tlio milll.ary sliaken cnnlldence that in God's bonds, and other Interesting facts rel­ entering the Army. Accordingly, I'll!' (luustionnaire contains igan Intorschol-r^tic Ass'n. at Ann own time tlio heroism of our 111011 At the Baptist church Monday eve­ Arbor last March, it was decided by ative to thoin. The bonds will be tliree advisors are to be seleulod for ;;eH. will be rewarded: that from ilio dated October 2'l, 10:I8, will draw ning the young people's society eii- each district hoard—one for agrioul- . • ri' many cases where falb- unanimous vote to abolish school sacred .soil of Belgium and l'"'rance teriained the high sciiooi students, baseball for tlie spring of :il)l,S. None' interest payable on April iii and Oct­ Itire—one for labor and one for olhi?r • I came to the registriition will bo removed the last danining, ober ifi of each year. faculty and the Christian lOndeavor occninilioiis. The ngricnltnral advisof •lln-r and registered. jof (lie slate schools at Ihat time plan-j d'oliling I'rus.sian foot; lliat the and Epwnrth League societies. This Mied to have (earns, but by tlu! midille| I illore Tiiiie (ii'aiited ' will ho ajipoinlod by the board upon ;| number of pei'sons be- forces of nnlocracy will be forever is an aninial affair, each socicly en- the recommendation of the Secretary of iMny at least 5t) of ihe scliools bad i deslroyed and Ihe w.tirld will again I More time is granted by the gov- tortainlng in turn. liowovor, no re- ;,,!;.'s of .lf!-.|.''i who ri'Ki.slor- oniment for the pnymoiit of the of Agricullnre, The advii'.cvs are not . iHinij', outside llie eily of 'renlined lludr iiiistaki! and wore play-! become a decent iilace to live in, ceplion was given last year, as it was jinggaiiii's. ilov.'over, only clas.s gainer, |rruirth loiin bonds tlnin .011 prevloufj mom bin's of the board l)Ut may, when and lo (hat end v.-e dedicate our the Baiitist's turn and as tlin churcli invited, attend its meelings. jWOre]ilayed by -Mason lli,';b school. time, our energy, and our Ihnught liHsnes. No casli iiaymeiits will be rc- was being remodi^U'd, iiono was given. ;i()n in ihc varions lown- '(inired in Inghiim Coiinly at the tinu! I In Angus! the rrincipals of Ihi' I so long as llio war shall last." The clinreh was hi-autifnlly decor- The ilnlies of the aiiriciiltiKal ad­ is fdllows: .Aurdius, 1 :;-l; Michigiin High Sclioobi volcil on (be inf tile subscri|ilion by Ihe individual viser will bo lo fiirnlsli to th..' board 11: liunkorliili, 711; Uollii, alod, I ho reception room being made f|ueslion of fuotball and fodlbull wa.s ~ —— ^ jis given. In all eases where Ihe sub- beautiful Willi the national colors. fads relative to fiirm-laiior refmlro- , \i~i; Lansing township, relaiued v.ith only eight dissmiliiig "Jot even a \ank can light long if jscribor chooses to pav according lo iiR'iits, not only of hi.s own di.stricr, IIII; Lansing I wji. lind. L.'irgo lings wero nrraiigod upon the voles and mnsl of llieso f.chools e.\'- his slomach or, his carlridge belt is | llio sovornnieiit plan, ihe lirst 10 per walls, the posts wound willi red, while but .of the whole (:nun;,i'y. lie will ho <}( Locki', 112; J.croy, pocted 1-0 play gaiiies. This vole, so i e.Niieeted lo advise Ihe (iisinol boards 1-, :iJ.S; Meridian, \cr,;\ ''"''^'•^'- jcinit of the total ainnunt subscribed i and blue hunting. From tlio center favorable to high school fool ball, was { "Cash will cut casualties! • (Continued on page 5) light was hung crepe paper in patrio­ as to a shortage of iieee.ssiu'y farm • •, 120; Vevay, :il,S; Wil- flue lo the iinporlanco placed upfin it! workers for any given distvid", as well sii; Whealliold, S"; White tic colors, oxtending to the corners of by I'rosident Wilson, Secretary ofi the room. Baskets and vases of as for tlie entire Nn.tiun. War linker, Genoral I'er.shiiig' and asters wore placed in effoctive places ny rc'gisierod a lolal of :iSO otiier prominent leaders. M the lirst ward and SO in EioeiE SEilOEilS about the room. wai'd. ICast Lansing rog- Koolball lias ahvays been consider­ FAIERS CLUB lEEI Two beauty vases filled with fei'iis mm 10 GIVE 1 men. ed I be ma.ior sport in Mason Tligli were placed in the archway between school and a scliodnlc will be arrang­ Ihe reception and refreshment rooms. ed this year. An effort will bo made 61 Fi IKS ATliPLES The refreshment room was artistical­ M lINTI-iSER SOCIAL to avoid conllieting with tlm labor ly decorated with pink and white. ALL VOUVfi P. MS SPEMS nllnation and probably a part of the IJATTIOIiV 15 AND C I50VS SPKAK I.VTI0R1CSTINT; I'KOtJMA.M WAS From Ihe center of the coiling hung I'lOOl'LIO OI'^ .MASON gaiiios will bo played on week day.s. AT IJA.VI) CONGIHtT. GIVION AT TIIF MFKTJNfi a pretty hanging basket lillod willi A 1:10 l.S'VITIOI). A game has already been scheduled clomatus. Upon the table in tlie cen­ EDENJfAy EVENING with Owosso, here, October 20, and •hi(1v,'e C<>lIin^woo<I <>ives Fntlin.slast Sonic Discussion as to ln.t>'ham C'onnty ter of the room was a huge bonrinol Wednesday evening, September 25, five or six others will soon bo defin­ Talk In Inioresis of the Fourth of pink and white co.Minas, Crepe an Anti-Kaiser social will be given hi IC MICI-:'!' FOI5 CITI/iKXS llavinj' a County li'air—i'lospeets at the Methodist eluircli by the Ep- itely, settled.
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