SUMI HERALD. •hMf* THIRTIETH YEAR. NO. 11. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 6, 1918. $2.00 PER YEAR. jMm All soldiers and sailors who SCHOOL SESSIONS Bed Cross Appeal, MILITARY HONOR FOR have been discharged from the CONSIDER REQUEST The Hospital Garments and Sup­ BRITAIN'S DAY service are requested to call at the plies department of the American SERGT. ALAN EGGERS Red Cross Office, IB Beeohwood 15 MINUTES LONGER OF ELECTRIC CO. Red Cross issues an earnest ap­ HERE TOMORROW road. The Home Service Section peal for workers. Large orders desires to keep a "Welcome Home have been received for hospital Roll" of all who have returned. garments for the ill and wounded Summit Boy Receives Dis­ School Commissioner Would Common Council Has Several and for garments for ragged and In Mass Meeting Tomorrow tinguished Service Medal Other Matters Before Them starving refugees who are return­ Grant Citizenship Only to ing by thousands to their liberated Night Summit to Join in —Letter Tells oi Those Foreigners Qua!* at Tuesday Night's homes. The workroom is open four THE RED CROSS days weekly, Tuesday, Wednesday, Nation's Tribute to Action on Sept, 29 ifyitig on education Meeting / Thursday and Friday from 9.30 un­ til 6 p. m, at the Y. M. C. A. Our Ally Corporal Alan L, Eggerfl, son o£ Mr, CHRISTMAS ROLL < At a meeting of the Board of Educa­ Councilmen Topping and Maxson Will not Summit women give a To-morrow all jjver the Unltedc and Mrs. John H. Eggers, of Summit tion held on Monday evening, upon were absent when the Council was few hours weekly as a Thankoffer- States Britain's Day will be celebrat­ avenue, has been promoted to Ser­ Urgent Need for Workers on recommendation of Superintendent called to order at 10.20 on Tuesday Ing for their untouched homes? ed. Summit's tribute to Great Bri­ geant and awarded the Distinguished Sprague, fifteen minutes, were added night by City Clerk Fred. C. Kentz and AMERICAN RED CROSS tain for her.^ehievements in the Great SUMMIT CHAPTER. World War will be paid at a mass Service Medal for extraordinary hero­ Hospital Garments and to the school d^y in order to make up Councilman Frlngle was chosen presi­ meeting in the Y. M. C. A gymnasium, ism _4n action, with the Machine Gun the time lost during the influenza dent pro tern. X to-morrow evening at 8,16 p. m. Company, 107th U. S.- Infantry, near Knitted Articles—Will epidemic. This will make the school A communication from.the Common­ An interesting program of speaking; Yendullle, France, September 29, The period five hours a day, while in Mor- wealth Electric Company in reference and music has been arranged. Mayor official citation li as follows: You Help? ristown, Westfield and South Orange to an adjustment of rates including a SEEK FUND FOR Ruford Franklin will preside and; "Corporal Eggers with Sergeant coal clause, was read and referred to make the Introductory laddress, iTho The local Red Cross Chapter is co­ it is ten to fifteen minutes longer. The the Committee on Public Utilities. John C, Latham responded to a call for operating with the National _Move- mid-year and final examinations ware other speakers will be: Dr. Robert M, help from, an American tank which Three appeals from assessment for AMBULANCE McElroy, professor of history and poll- ment for a Red Cross Christmas Roll reduced to tw.o and one-half days taxes for 1918, were received and re­ was disabled In an open field swept by Call, the purpose of which, expressed each, Instead of five days as hereto­ tics at Princeton University and edu­ machine •, gun and shell fire. With ferred to the Committee on Taxation. cational director of the National Se­ In the fewest possible words, is to see fore to help make up lost time which A communication from A. H. Herald Starts Campaign to great gaUantry and disregard for per­ that every man and woman through­ curity League • and Hon. Philip Whit- sonal safety they carried out a wound­ will be devoted to physical training. Hasslnger of Summit avenue com- well Wilson, Special Correspondent ofT out the United States, has the oppor­ plaining of the annoyance from dam­ Provide Very Necessary ed officef and two soldiers to a shell tunity to join the Red Cross or to re­ Mr. Sherwood commented on the the London Daily News In America hole nea^ by, after which they return­ work of the night school, and stated age-by squirrels, and requesting per­ and formerly Member of Parliament, new his or her membership. Nothing mission to shoot the squirrels was re­ Equipment for Overlook ed to the tank, dismounted a Hotch- short of universal membership is the that in his opinion citizenship papers The meeting is held under the" klss machine gun and carried it with should only be granted to foreigners ceived and later granted upon motion auspices of the N. D. O. which in Sum­ goal, A 1919 Red Cross membership of Councilman Murphy. Hospital them to' the shell hole, where they, button is, to be given to1 each person upon certificate showing that they had mit represents the National Security received the necessary instruction A request from Lager & Hurreil for League, The committee in charge Isr kept the «nemy at bay until 'night, enrolling, as well as a Red Cross permission to dump clean ashes upon In co-operation with the B«arBoard of when they returned to* our lines, Service Flag with a cross for each from such a school. As legislation Trustees of the Overlook Hospital As­ Walter G. Libby, chairman; S. M. wounded men upon such matters would be required their Morris , avenue property^ was Cady,' J. W. Clift, D, L. Haigh, and bringing in the three member of the family enrolled. The read and referred to Committee on sociation the HERALD is starting a and the gun." Christmas Roll Call will be in charge by the national government no action campaign for funds to provide the J, S. Wiley. The honorary committee: was suggested, - City Dump, and later granted upon is: A lettey written to his parents dat­ of Miss Frances Fhraner, Secretary of motion of Chairman Houston, hospital with a motor ambulance. ed October 8, describes his activities the local Chapter, and her_assoeiates. Mr, Sprague reported for the United For many years the need of a mo­ Hon. Ruford Franklin, Mayor and; War Work campaign in the public A request from the officers of the very modestly in the battle which re­ Peace does not end-tfie need of Red Free Public Library for the balance of tor ambulance for Overlook Hospital President, National Defense Organiza­ sulted in'so many Summit men ia the Cross relief wprKT On the contrary schools, the total of which for the dis­ has been recognised, but not until the tion of Summit; Hon. Walter S. Top­ trict was over $4,000, of which the the appropriation for the year, 107th raiment making the Supreme the proclaiming of peace opens new amounting to $2,300, was referred to recent epidemic * of influenza was the ping, President of City Council; Mr- Sacrifice: The letter in part follows: fields of-«ervice for the Red Cross and Summit schools subscribed $2,800 the urgent need of such a conveyance James W. Cromwell, President Board first day of the campaign. the Finance Committee and later Now i; will give you a little account new7"""more than ever,* the American granted upon motion of Councilman demonstrated. During that period if of Education; Mr. H, A. Sprague, Su­ of whaij we have been doing since my people will be called upon to obey Mr. Sherwood called attention to it had not been for the assistance ren­ perintendent of Schools; Mr. Burtoit the condition of the flag pole at the Wiley. letter of about September 26th, their generous impulses to bind up County Engineer Bauer in a letter dered by R. M, Collin who voluntarily L, Boyfi, President of Board of Health;, We left the place where we had the world's wounds, High School building and the question provided his service car, it would have Mr. Carroll P. Basaett, Chairman,. of repairs was referred' to, the com­ notified the Coouncll that all restric­ been Ramping about that time on a The Hospital Garments Committee tions in reference to road work had been Impossible to have met the situa­ Summit Chapter, American Red Tuesday morning and hiked about five are greatly in need of workers to en­ mittee with power, -S tion. Cross; Mrs. CarrollP. Basaett, Presi­ Mr. ipeale for the Committee on been abrogated by order of the War mile^ and then entrained, We rode able them to complete a large allot­ Board. Speed and comfort are necessary to dent National Special Aid Society; until about three o'clock Wednesday ment of garments. The workrooms Teachers, presented the resignation of save life, and part of the equipment of Mrs. Lester Bradner, President Sum­ Miss S. W. Daggett of the Domestic A communication from Dr. John moiming, through territory recently are open on Tuesday, Wednesday, Burling in reference to the dangerous every modern hospital is a motor am­ mit Unit, New Jersey Division, Wom­ recaptured from the Germans and the Thursday and Friday, Science Department to take effect De­ bulance. Summit is proud of Over­ an's Committee of the Council of Na­ cember 18, in order to engage in Y. M, condition of Morris avenue from the gr'ound certainly showed the^eftects of The supervisor of knitted articles is Boulevard west, and suggesting that look Hospital, a valuable community tional, Defense; Rev.
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