CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2033 His announcing skills began in New Mexico IN PRAISE OF THE LUTHERAN who is serving his 39th year as the Colonel’s in 1964 with a Spanish radio show on FELLOWSHIP ASSOCIATION OF head coach, leaves Eastern Kentucky Univer- Espa[ntilde]ola’s KDCE Radio, when he was a THE SAGINAW VALLEY sity after establishing one of the most suc- Los Alamos High School Senior. He later cessful college football programs in America. worked for KABQ Radio in Albuquerque, and HON. JAMES A. BARCIA His 39 years of coaching football at his alma KVSF in Santa Fe, before serving in the U.S. OF MICHIGAN mater, Coach Roy Kidd stands as a monu- Navy between 1967 and 1969. In Cleveland, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment to his loyalty and dedication to the Uni- Ohio, he earned a First-Class Federal Com- versity, the game of football and to his stu- munications Commission License in Engineer- Thursday, November 14, 2002 dent-athlete players and has set a high stand- ing. In 1971, he joined Cleveland’s local NBC Mr. BARCIA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ard of excellence and reminded us what is affiliate, WKYC, where he grew in experience honor the Lutheran Fellowship Association of best about college sports. All his victories, for six years. the Saginaw Valley as it celebrates 45 years championships and honors only begin to re- In 1977, NBC Network News employed him of dedicated service. Over the years, mem- flect the impact he has had on Eastern Ken- for three years from the Latin American News bers have made numerous and significant tucky University, the Commonwealth of Ken- Bureau based in Miami. In Florida, he covered contributions to Lutheran families and to the tucky, and beyond. It is his players, and their assignments to India, Belgium, Teheran, as citizens of many communities in Bay County successes, who offer the best testament to well as throughout Latin American countries, and elsewhere. They deserve our gratitude Coach Kidd’s unique ability to help young men including Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, and praise. make the most of their time here, and in their Cuba, Peru, Columbia and many more. In Bay County, the Lutheran Fellowship As- lives beyond EKU’s campus. During his seven years with NBC, Mr. Mar- sociation began when a handful of faithful Kidd has put together a I–AA footfall pro- tinez also worked in the San Francisco and Lutherans with a vision of creating a gathering gram acknowledged throughout the country, Boston NBC bureaus covering news events place for families and friends joined together year in and year out, as one of the nation’s from the Pacific Northwest to Canada. to open a fellowship hall. Since then, the elite. He has a produced 24 straight EKU Mr. Martinez returned to New Mexico in group has grown to include more than 250 teams with winning seasons and 29 consecu- 1985. He began working for the local ABC af- members and their families, serving the needs tive Eastern teams with nonlosing seasons. filiate, KOAT–TV, as a reporter and weekday of thousands of Lutherans and others. There have been only two losing seasons at morning news anchor. In 1987, Mr. Martinez The LFA Hall has been a center of Lutheran EKU in his 39-year tenure. left for a weekend news anchor position with life in our community for generations. Under Along the way, his 38 Eastern Kentucky ABC affiliate WTNB–TV in New Haven, Con- the guidance of President Earl Wegener and teams have won two NCAA I–AA national necticut. One year later he returned to New other leaders past and present, it has contin- championships, two national runners-up titles Mexico to become one of the principal week- ued to fulfill its mission as a venue for individ- and 16 Ohio Valley Conference champion- day anchors on KOAT–TV. The rest, as they uals, families, groups and organizations to ships. He has also directed Eastern Kentucky say, is history. enjoy fraternal, social, educational, rec- to 17, I–AA playoff appearances, the most by Throughout his years with the station, Mr. reational and family events of all kinds at a any school in the nation. Martinez has helped Channel 7 build on its reasonable cost. A native of Corbin, KY where he starred in reputation as a station for credible and inform- It is not a stretch to say that a large per- football, basketball and baseball, Kidd chose ative journalism. He insisted on the highest centage of mid-Michigan’s Lutheran commu- Eastern Kentucky over the University of Ken- standards for the station. I know that he has nity has likely attended one or more events at tucky under Bear Bryant’s tutelage because also taken many younger reporters at the sta- the hall during their lifetime, including wedding EKU would let him play both baseball and tion under his wing and mentored them. He receptions, confirmation celebrations, anniver- football. has offered advice and criticism to these saries and a host of other activities. Many That decision set forth a legacy that is un- KOAT. I know how much his colleagues and marriages have gotten off to a beautiful start matched at all but one I–AA school and just thousands of loyal KOAT viewers who invited with a reception at the LFA Hall and years five other programs in the history of college him into their home daily will miss him. later an untold number of couples have re- football. On a personal note, I was touched by the turned to the hall to commemorate their anni- In 1963, Kidd received the call from Eastern emotion that Mr. Martinez displayed during the versary with family and friends. president, Dr. Robert R. Martin, offering him devastating Cerro Grande fire in 2000. He In addition, LFA members have always put the position as EKU’s head coach. 1964, watched with disbelief as his old stomping a high premium on charitable donations. Last Kidd’s first at the helm of the Eastern Ken- grounds, filled with rich memories, burned to year, they pooled financial resources to make tucky football program, produced just one of the ground. Trees turned to ash and homes a contribution to the victims of the September two losing seasons in the 38 years as follow vanished in the blink of an eye. He even wrote 11, 2001 terrorist attack in New York City. In as the Colonels went 3–5–1. a beautiful poem about the travesty that com- other years, they have provided assistance to It only took Kidd and his staff four seasons forted many of my constituents that had to en- disadvantaged children or those afflicted with to turn that around and produce an Ohio Val- dure the blaze. serious illnesses. ley Conference championship in 1967 that cul- What makes Mr. Martinez unique as a tele- Finally, Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to minated with a 27–13 Grantland Rice Bowl vision journalist is the entertainment career he join me in praising the members of the Lu- victory over Ball State, which gave the Colo- has managed to shepherd on the side. He is theran Fellowship Association for all that they nels the NCAA Mideast Regional Champion- the singer on six mariachi CDs he has com- do to meet the needs of the Lutheran commu- ship. He quickly followed that up the next sea- pleted, and has appeared in some movies. He nity. Fellowship is an integral element in the son with a second OVC title as the Colonels also served as host on a recent documentary Lutheran faith and the LFA has served a use- went 8–2 behind quarterback Jim Guice and exploring churches and missions throughout ful and vital role in fulfilling that need in Bay future American football League Rookie of the the nation. He also intends to work on a book County. I am confident the LFA will continue Year, wide receiver Aaron Marsh. about his memories of growing up in to serve its members, their families, our com- In between 1968 and the formation of Divi- Chimay[oacute] that will offer advice for young munity and our Lord well into the future. sion I–AA by the NCAA in 1978, Eastern’s people at the crossroads of life. As he told a f teams produced winning seasons, collected reporter in July, ‘‘I thought, when I was grow- two more conference crowns (1974 and 1976) ing up, that I was poor. As I look back, I choke HONORING ROY KIDD, LEGENDARY and completed in the NCAA Division II play- up to think how rich I really was.’’ EASTERN KENTUCKY UNIVER- offs in 1976. Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join SITY HEAD FOOTBALL COACH EKU football’s decade of the 80’s arguably me in wishing Nelson and his family luck in all the most prestigious by any I–AA football pro- their future endeavors. His contributions to HON. ERNIE FLETCHER gram ever, produced seven conference cham- New Mexico cannot be understated and I am OF KENTUCKY pionships, three trips to the NCAA title game pleased to have been able to honor him here IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with one remarkable 13–0 season that tended today. While Nelson and his lovely wife, Gina, with the Colonel’s second national title. Two embark on a new chapter in their life, I want Thursday, November 14, 2002 other Colonel teams were eliminated in the them to know that New Mexico is and always Mr.
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