Arkansas State University Volume 3, Issue 3 DELTA STUDIES CENTER December 17, 2001 A Message From the Center Peggy R. Wright This year has been one of Our Accomplishments Delta Regional Authority surprises and sorrows have been numerous this hosted by DSC gave us across our country with year, and we are looking the opportunity to see the September 11th trag- forward to another great how important our infor- edy. We, at the Center, year. mation clearinghouse send out our condo- development is to the communities we serve. lences. Because of the Support Special points of interest: Plans are in place for from the East AR RC&D • East Arkansas RC &D Annual Meeting "Partnershipping two more forums and a Happy Kwanzaa, Hanuk- and the NRCS, we will be in the Delta" regional conference on kah, and Merry Christ- able to continue our Oral • DRA Federal Co-Chair Swearing in Ceremony Tourism in the Spring. mas, and a Happy New History efforts in the • Lakeport Plantation - Preserving the Past year to all of our friends Delta Region. Our appre- across the country. ciation to Representa- The forums and confer- • 1st Arkansas Black Mayors Conference tives Boyd and Dangeau ence are all made pos- • The Delta Regional Authority: Roles in African-American and to Burr Swann for sible through our Ford and Multicultural Tourism Economic Development Forum I would like to take this their lobbying on our be- Foundation funded opportunity to thank all of half for additional fund- grant "Project to Build the friends and support- the Delta Tourism In- ers of the Delta Studies ing. dustry." Center. A recent forum on the Welcome to our Newest DSC Member The Delta Studies Center would like to take this opportunity to welcome our newest member to the DSC family, Mr. Stephen Carroll Mr. Carroll is a long time resident of Malvern, Arkansas who came to ASU to obtain a degree in Journalism from the College of Communications. He will be working closely with the Oral History Staff as a student Assistant/ Oral History Interviewer. Welcome Aboard! Stephen Carroll, Delta Studies Center Oral History Student Assistant Stephen! East AR RC&D Annual Meeting “Partnershipping in the Delta” “Partnershipping in the Delta” was County Fire Department and Charles timely and appropriate as we look at the Gangluff, Arkansas Association of Delta today. Rep. LeRoy Dangeau, RC&D Councils. Council President gave the opening remarks followed by a welcome from Dr. The morning speaker was Bruce Les Wyatt, President, Arkansas State Campbell, Director, Department of University. Rural Services, Little Rock, Arkansas who gave information on programs There were two panel discussions pre- and funds available for communities sented, the first, Partnerships: Local, and how to apply. Congressman State and National with panelists, Bill Marion Berry was the scheduled Rainwater, Arkansas Association of Con- luncheon speaker but due to national servation Districts, Randy Young, Arkan- matters had to return to Washington sas Soil & Water Commission, Peggy and was unable to attend. Jason Wright, ASU-Delta Studies Center and Willett of his Jonesboro office gave Doris Washington, USDA, Natural Re- remarks in his absence on issues sources Conservation Service. The sec- affecting our communities and the Rep. LeRoy Dangeau President of the East AR RC & D ond panel, Projects: Local, Multi County work that the Congressman was & Statewide panelists included: Mayor presently engaged in. He stated that, On Wednesday, October 31, 2001, Mike Wood, Cherry Valley, Arkansas, “If you look around this room you can the Annual Meeting of the East AR Shirley Ball, Cross County Conservation definitely see the advantage of part- RC&D Council was held at the ASU District, Bart Rowe, Western Greene nerships among local, state and Convocation Center. The theme, national governmental agencies that have resulted in a number of projects that benefit rural Arkansas.” [Left to Right] Closing remarks made by Rep. Doris Washington, Dangeau to those in attendance was USDA, NRCS that, “Cooperation is the Key to Part- Asst. State nerships and that “we must pledge to Conservationalist and be faithful to our partnerships.” Ruby Henderson, Sen. Tim Hutchinson’s Office [Left to Right] Willard Ryland, District Conservationalist, Forrest City Field Service Office and Mayor James Brooks, City of Madison Bruce Campbell, Arkansas Department of Rural Services Page 2 Volume 3, Issue 3 DRA Federal Co-Chair Swearing In Ceremony Mr. Pete Johnson was sworn in on It was a very impressive ceremony remedy the severe and chronic Tuesday, October 23, 2001 as the attended by many across the re- economic distress in the commu- Delta Regional Authority Federal gion. We look forward to working nities throughout the region. Co-Chairman. The ceremony was with Mr. Johnson as he begins the held in the Federal Building in task of pulling together represen- Clarksdale, MS. tatives from the eight states to Mr. Pete Johnson with his wife taking oath as the DRA Federal Co-Chair at the Swearing in Ceremony Mr. Pete Johnson delivering his acceptance speech. Lakeport Plantation - Preserving the Past The Lakeport Plantation home, lo- the Angel Family for their cated in Lake Village Arkansas, is one contribution. It is not only of the few remaining remnants of a story of slaves who had antebellum architecture in Southeast no education or formal Arkansas. The Sam Angel family building skills but were Early Stove in deeded it to Arkan- able to build the Lakeport sas State University the magnifi- Home. on October 16, cent home 2001. The home Lake Village, Arkansas, is one that has lasted placed on the of the few remnants of for years, but National Historic antebellum architecture in also of the Register in 1974 Southeast, Arkansas. agricultural will serve as an development educational class- of the region room and labora- and changes Cistern that tory for ASU, as well as museum for witnessed by those who still remains heritage-minded tourists traveling the lived on the plantation. on the Arkansas segment of the Great River For more information con- Lakeport home Road, which traverses the ten states tact: Dr. Ruth Hawkins, grounds. along the Mississippi River. A lunch- Delta Heritages Initiatives eon was held in November to honor at 870-910-8080. Delta Studies Center Page 3 1st Annual Black Mayors Association Conference, Forrest City, Arkansas On November 18, 2001, the 1st Annual Ar- never forget going to Ground Zero and the asset a family will ever own, as well as the kansas Black Mayor’s Conference took place Pentagon, and that he saw the power of hate. basis for wealth creation. Renee’ Wilburn, in Forrest City. The theme of the conference He told the touching story of when he visited from the DRED, also spoke as part of the was: “Mayors Coming Together As One, the mother of a 27-year-old black man from panel. Working For a Better Future For Their Cities.” Pine Bluff who lost his life in the Pentagon that Over 19 Black mayors from all around the day. She said her son’s lifelong dream was to After the Housing Development Panel, T.K area were in attendance. Larry Bryant, Mayor serve in the U.S. Pentagon. He reminded the Roberson and Earl Anthes gave a presentation of Forrest City and President of the Arkansas audience, however, that the war on terrorism to show mayors how to redistrict their cities. Black Mayors Association, hosted the event. doesn’t begin and end in Afghanistan. He The conference featured three main panels: called it “the start of what’s going to be a long Mrs. Peggy Wright, director of the Delta Community Resources, Legislative Issues, struggle against those who would destroy what Studies Center, spoke on behalf of the Delta and Housing Development. we hold dear.” On the issue of economic de- Studies Center Programs. "The Center velopment, he said the Senate needs to get an focuses on projects and initiatives within the Paulette Bailey, the Executive Director of the economic stimulus package bill passed before seven state Delta region utilizing faculty and Louisiana Chapter of National Conference of the end of the session, which is December 14. student resources," she said. She talked Black Mayors, was the first speaker of the He ended his speech by saying, "We want to about the DSC newsletter - mentioning it was day. She stressed how it was important for serve you, we want to work with you, we want sent all across the country, and she called for all black mayors to come together; regardless to help you, God bless you." unity among black office - holders and in the of where they’re from. She said that there black community. "We will never get were 43 African-American mayors in the state Others who spoke on the panel were: Kevin anywhere...until we com together," she said. of Louisiana, and that it was her first time in Dedner, representing the Arkansas Wilbur Hawkins was the featured speaker at the state of Arkansas. Democratic Party; Renee Bullock, Attorney the evening dinner sponsored by the Delta General for Mark Pryor’s office; Lucretia Studies Center. Mr. Hawkins is the former On the Community Resources Panel, Jim Norris, who read a letter from Governor Mike Secretary of Commerce, as well as the former Smith talked about the Federal Surplus Prop- Huckabee office, in which he congratulated Executive Director of the Lower Mississippi erty; Charlie Wood, from the East Arkansas the majors on their historic first meeting; Delta Commission. He is currently with Planning and Development District, talked Representative Steve Jones; and Tommy Greenbelt Development Corporation out of about recycling. He pointed out that one of Davis, representing Congressman Marion Memphis, Tennessee.
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