AVERAGE DAILT CIRCULATION THE WEATHER for the Month el October, IMS Foreeast of 0 - S. Weather Rartford 6-201 laoreealng elondbieee tsOowed by Member ot the AodH Miow beglnalng late tenlgbt er San- Borean ot CIrealatlaaa day. slag temperatoK. Rblag te MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE ( HARM VOL. LV in „ NO. 48 (Ctaaained Adverttstag on Page 10) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26,1938 (TW ELVE PAGES) PKICB THREE CKNTU Forest Fires Sweep Close to W ill Rogrers Ranch CONDITION OF POPE Hndre FRENCH AUTHORITIES To 1 NOW NEAR NORMAL Utod SAY STRIKES ENDED; AFTER CALM NIGHT Tube WHITE HOUSE HELP RoekvUI Vatican Sources Say Pontiff THANKSOlVmO TODAY BEGIN WORK MONDAY ■ladreda Wsshlngton, Nov. 26 —(AP) ZMlled to Ab||s To Get Up From —^Tbe White House servants had and vleini their Thanksgiving turkey din- Agrees to Tell Disclose AD Occipied F I^ 88ad enm Bed And Receive Pa* ner today.,. SAVAGE WINTER ■tarted. So many were off Thanksgiv- About Holl3n¥Ood tories And Mines E n c i- Tlie pro ing day In the absence of Presi- te*hA in fl dent and Mm. Roosevelt, that the STORM SWEEPS eemmunit) pal Secretary Of State. othem agreed to deter their have bean ated Without Disorder; usual celebration until all were gate healtl back. chairman I Vatican CTty, Nov. 26— (A P )—An CANADA COAST Labor Heads Issue Order tela and t Iclal communique said today that bemmlttee ■pope Plus X I had ’’returned to a Meteair. k Allee P. S To Return To Jobs Pro” "dore or leas normal condition” af- Worst Blizzard In Years Bnrnhelm. ter a heart attack which had cauaM BANK RESERVE pweldint a grave concern. Wrecks Ships, Destroys vided No Penahj Exact- eiatkm whi te F ’The communique aaid: - fhaoteg th "The Holy Father passed a calm EXCESS NOW AT Homes, Blocks Roads In ed By Tbeir Employeri. &Mr’ clcheek night, resting without any disturb- Taylor. ance. The Improvement which waa noted yesterday evening continued, ALL UME HIGH Nova Scotia, P. L Island. Paris, Nov. 26— (A P ) — Govstfff Noi happily, so that this morning His ment authorities, declaring «trllN6 mneis W. 41 88 Lav Holiness has returned to a more or In northern France ’’virtuolty tat* leas normal condition." JjWnUag, I Credit Pool Of 25 Bilfions Halifax, Nov. 26 — (Canadian minated” today dlaclosed 13,0()() Recelvea Papal Secretary This picture, made whtlq a forest fire raged In the region near Santa Monica, Calif., shows how Press)—One death, heavy property close the flames came to the ranch home of the late Will Rogers, and surrounding cottages. Flames, striking miners bod been m obflliM 8”e was Vatican sources said the 81-year- damage and crippled communica- toaiy 28, old pontiff, although still weak, was sweeping out of Topanga ranyon, caused Mrs. Rogers to flee. and that an occupied faetortsa and Seen As Sorphu Holdings tions were counted today In the PhtMk ani able to get up from his bed and re- mines had been evacuated wttboat a I wake of the worat blizzard to sweep ceive Eugenio Cardinal Pacellt, disorder. am nv^ panal secretary of state. Reach 31*2 BOlions; In* Canada's maritime proiMnces In Officials oald military and pofii^ John He first received Cardinal PacelU years. action had reduced to less than 10,* Themaa I in his bedroom, sitting in an arm- diiightars, dnstrial Activity lUses TRANSAMERICA SOLONS WANT STATES Three vessels, one of thepn a Nor- 000 the number of strlken and that chair which made breathing easier. all had been forced to quit thdlr BteUio, ate vegian frolgbter, were known to He then bad himself carried in the h£ve been driven ashore In the 80 plants. gteve. of til chair from his bedroom to the li- children. BANK COMBINE mile gale that raged for about two Apparently accepting tba fk ^ brary on the lower floor o f the pal- Washington. Nov. 26.— (A P )—The T t e fuaei TO TAKE OVER REUEF hours early lost night Another that strikes are not penntttad ace where he continued hla conver- •ay mernte; national banking S3rstem’s potential wallowed in mountainous seas off the government, labor repreaarate aaid't ehun sation with the secretary of state. credit pool has reached an all-time Cape Canso, N. S. Uvea issued orders for mlnen o f l i l QUIZZED BY SEC Oypay Roee L m Bsrnard'a 04 The communique said the Pope's Theodore W. Reid, Saint John, graat Anxln coal basin to ^ XT N o M high. The Federal Reserve Board work Monday as qsuat and (or i chief ph)r8ician. Dr. Amlnta Mi- Group Of Democratic Sena- ISAYS UULm ES N. B.. lumber operator, died of a 11m Comi lan!, "taking into consideration the reported yesterday that on Nov. 23 Cleveland, Nov. 26.— (A P )— An workers to go back to their Jote heart attack Induced by exertions raguter meal state of weakness resulting from member banks had 33,350,000,000 In in trying to extricate a truck from exploratory wing of the Dies Cion- Monday provided no penalUee dite the holiday, Big Giannani Concern Ac- tors Propose AdmiiLstra- exacted by employers. yesterday’s attack adviaed several excess reserves leaving that amount a snow drift in Charlotte county. greaslonal committee resumed aa in- haa been ale days of rest before the august pon- Order rotslgnais-. tea group. available as basis for lending and SOON W H l BE 'Milton Little, Halifax aaleamon, tiff should restune bis customary cused Of False State- vestigation of affatra educational to- SjMcial Instructions . t n m Oh investment. Board experts said this tion Be Turned (her To who drove from Yarmouth to Hali- rhythm of life.” fax during the atorm, said he had day after Oypay Rose Lee of the to valsnclennes authocltlss Tha varioi excess could provide the basis for "Therefore," it added, “His Holi- seen at Shag Harbor three fishing "strip-tease" conditionally accepted "immediate expulsion*’ a t I te tea eontei ness limited himself this morning more than 125,000.000.000 worth of ment; May Be Suspended Bi-Partisan State Boards. LIKE RAILROADS an invitation to testify about Hol- era who engage either In strikes''or te tatlon of credit. boats desperately trying to make to receiving only the cardinal sec- the shelter of a breakwater there. lywood. in agitation. i Itelaoe Thee retary of state.” A t the same Ume, the board an- When he last saw them, they were ’’I’ll bare everything—If the com- Thla would offset r»***"*rH^ terdteg to t Cardinal PacelU'a vlait was for nounced that Industrial production From Stock Exchanges. Washington, Nov. 26 — (A P ) — being blown out to sea. mittee wlU come to Columbus," about 8,000 Polish eool m lnsa qibo m Friday the purposs of getting authorization increased sharply in October and the WiDkie Asserts Administra work In tha region. The g o w i l i. manager of A proposal that administration of From Shelburne to Halifax, 178 roguishly remarked Mias Lee at the tp receive a group of newlyweds flmt three weeks of November. The mtlea, all the tovvna and iffilagea ment order waa daalgnad to prsvsiit praacntatloa pnd a ■ HinMtarian— g lliiflmake to Washington, Nov. 2fi— - U X P ) — relief be turned over to bl-partlsan state capital, where ahe la M>P«6r- hoard eaUmated October production tion Policies Ha?e De- Lhe way were In darkness. Ing at a theater. Jroable from foralgnars who eanhdt ■lag, Decern whleOSe^iJe’W U ^ fctfnSaSted evening thei 8T S6 per cent of the t923-8S aver- Security Commission charges that state boards came from a group of Honses fiwept late Bay Rep. Harold Moaler (D-Oblo), t e mohlUsad Into tba -Army aad an audience. age. compared with 90 In September. afiterliig the Tranaamerica corporation made Democratic senatom today amid A t Shediae, N. B., and Sydney, member of the Oommlttea Investi- thus compelled te w oA . Listens' to Blass. 76 at the recession low In Mav. and aptey. false financial reports brought from reports that. President Roosevelt stroyed Financing, Pre- N. S., abnorroally high tides forced gating un-American activities, had Labor reprepenta'tlvse a|d weric Monalgnor Carlo Confalonlerl cel- 102 In October of last year. Unoffi- five ergs may ask changes in present relief residents to vacate homes. The lit- asked the actress by telephone to bad been etartad by a amall num* cial esUmatee placed the probable company officials today a prediction entered tha machinery. tle seaside lowm o f Shedlao appear- conte to Cleveland by plane for an November index at about 100 that they would be "completely vin- yenting Needed Expansion Oemmuaity Senator Burke (D., Neb.) said ed hardest hit. Mora than 150 per- tnteniejv concerning a movie capl- OoM Beieone dicated." A. P . Olannlnl, founder, "Safety that Senator Bailey (D., N. C.) was sona became homeless when the t..l campaign for funds for the fipan- Part of the increase in bank de- and John M. Grant, president 6 t the entarliig ore corporation, added iu a statement at drafting a bill tp decentralise relief highest tide ever seen there flooded Ish government forces. RockvlfleikvlUe HI posits has resulted from the ad- Washington, Nov. 26.— (A P )— cellars and swept some dwellings in- San Franclseo that they believed and that several Democratic sena- to the bay. " I can’t go— 1 got four shows a eloas, a local mlntstraUon’s diaconttouance ot tors ovho have been critical of ad- Wendell L. WilDcle, prerldent , of the motive behind the SEC com- Three families along the Shore day here,” Miss Lee commented.
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